partner for an elec/elec brute?




I'm looking for a good match for my wife to play with my brute. She doesn't like moving around all that much, and hates superspeed. When she plays her /storm mastermind the knockbacks and repels drive me nuts for gathering things up. We rarely group up besides just the 2 of us. so I'd like to get some good synergy going. Thoughts?



If she doesn't like moving around much, then a Dom may not be the best AT for her. Not sure about everyone else, but I'm constantly moving about during battle on my Doms.

A corruptor that features a powerset lacking knockback would probably be a good choice for her to run with your brute.



other than AoEs centered on self, I'm not sure why she would need to move around a lot?



Several of a dominator's most damaging attacks are melee. Our ranged attacks aren't nearly as good. So she will need to be moving in and out of melee as the situation calls for it. I suppose a Dom could use just the ranged attacks, but such a Dom wouldn't be nearly as effective as they could be, in my opinion.



Doms would not be it. My */Psi dom constantly moves, and she's the least moving one, seeing as most of her attack chain is centered in melee. If she really likes hanging back and staying at range, I'd say something like a Corruptor would be it.



Have you thought about a dark corr or even a MM? I think the primary for dark as a cone immbol and stun if she wants to be able to control things. Then you have the fear and single target hold. I do not think dark has any knockback and the -acc from the attacks could help you along with darkest night.

It has been awhile since I played my dark villians so I may be getting my powers mixed up.



It could work. Plant/Fire, mostly ranged build. Seeds would help clump enemies up for the Brute's AOEs, and the spirit tree would actually be useful, what with the lack of healing in /Elec.



Plant/Fire and Plant/Electric could be great fun with your Brute. However, if she doesn't like moving all that much, I would think a nice /Pain or /Dark Corruptor would be more her cup of tea.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



she made a plant/elec, we're hoping it will work well



She'll have to move around a lot with /elec...



Who plays CoH and doesn't want to move around?



I'm looking for a good match for my wife to play with my brute. She doesn't like moving around all that much, and hates superspeed. When she plays her /storm mastermind the knockbacks and repels drive me nuts for gathering things up. We rarely group up besides just the 2 of us. so I'd like to get some good synergy going. Thoughts?

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for an elec/elec brute, a dom prob isnt the best duo

elec brutes are a little squishy outside of power surge - especially to all that lovely arachnos toxic.

you'd be better off going with a /ff mastermind or any thermal/cold/sonic corruptor



elec/kin sapper corruptor. Gives you amazing damage and heals and she gets a tank. Together everything around will be out of endurance in seconds even AVs will run dry (I think).