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  1. Since no one specifically addressed which procs you'll want I'll try to, but this is mostly from memory. My trapper is shelved indefinitely.

    Acid Mortar has the best options. You can put in the chance for -res proc from the def debuff set, for even more resistance debuffing goodness. You can also slot the chance for hold from the ranged attack set. The chance for hold may be especially nice because AM causes a crazy strong flee reaction in the mobs hit by it. Make sure you have some way of keeping them around.

    If Mid's is right you can slot two damage procs in Caltrops if that interests you. One from Posi's Blast and another from the slow set.

    I saw one report that the Panacea unique in Triage Beacon will have a chance to give a small heal and +end to anyone in the beacon's AoE. That's a very expensive IO, but FYI anyway.

    Poison Trap isn't really worth proccing anymore IMO. Going from memory here but I think there were reports that frankenslotting hold IOs with accuracy improves the accuracy on the initial hold component, which is about the only part that's worthwhile anymore, control-wise.

    I think that's about it. If I missed anything hopefully someone will fill in the blanks and/or correct me.
  2. Dark/Dark is an extremely strong combo, yet we seem to get posts here from DDCs who are having trouble soloing, etc. semi-regularly. I don't understand it. I don't think it's particularly complicated. ;shrug
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Also; holy crap I undervalued this baby.. I didn't realize it granted end in PvE as well!

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    Unless my maths are off it's the weakest of the uniques that give +end or +recovery. If you figure the recovery equivalent of the +end proc averaged over time it's rather poor. It only gets worse as you get +end accolades and/or set bonuses. IMO you slot this thing primarily for the +heal, not for the +end. Not that the end isn't nice, but if that's what you need any of the other uniques can do you better, and cheaper too.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    I must admit that I always assumed if the attack didn't go off by the time the Build Up ended, it was lost. I'll have to try this.

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    The damage is resolved upon clicking the power: hit/miss, target susceptibility, caster strength.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If by susceptibility you mean defense I agree. If you also include resistance I don't. I've had Sands of Mu damage ticks lower halfway through the animation when a -res effect dropped off the target. Resistance seems to check when the damage is applied, not when the power is activated.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    He standardized lift, jeez what more could you want?

    *more or less just bumping this, as I'd also like to know if he intends to look at making the primaries better, or at least more intuitive.

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    If I could add one thing to the Dom revamp it would be a standardization of the cast time on the holds. Maybe the ST immobs too. When I say standardization I mean towards the low end of current cast times, not all Doms having a 2+ second hold cast time. I doubt that's an option though since the would be animation work instead of just tweaking values in spreadsheets.
  6. Supernumiphone


    Yes they will stack but the long cast on Siren's Song means you'll probably be eating a partial alpha in the process. There will be better options for opening available.

    Edit: Though Shockwave->Siren's Song->Mass Hypnosis would probably work, but it's rare for a Sonic/ to take Shockwave in my experience.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    It's not something they can necessarily keep/remove, it's a quirk of the engine

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    Well they could enforce the maximum range on the cones instead of expanding them to whatever the distance is between the attacker and target. How exactly that would be implemented I'm not sure. If the cone was anchored on the player presumably it wouldn't even reach the target so that wouldn't work. If it was constrained to the target though I think it would behave more or less as expected without being extendable.

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    You're missing the point. The CAUSE of this was a patch that was added because back in ye olden days, playing a melee character and trying to hit a moving target was impossible.

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    I was unclear. What I meant is that they could allow the initial range/tohit check work as it currently does, allowing you to hit running foes, but change the way the second check is handled. This is based on my presumptions of how things are being handled. I don't know how the change to melee powers was implemented that made it easier to hit a moving target. It could have been an extension of melee range based on the speed of the player and/or target, or something completely different.

    My guess is that the way this is happening is that you fire off the power while you're moving. The server checks when you fire the power to ensure you're in range. If you are it lets the power activate. Then it seems to process the actual damage/effects of the power a bit later, possibly on the next server tick. This is what allows you to fire the power while one location, but get the power to hit mobs based on your location a moment later.

    If so, my "fix" would be to allow the first check to proceed as it currently does. This would allow you to hit moving foes just as you can currently. What would change is that when the power effects are processed the size of the cone would be constrained to its maximum size, preventing you from stretching it out.

    I don't know if that's the way it actually works, but even if not some variant would possibly work.
  8. My first impressions. First of all I'm disappointed at the similarity between sets now. Especially /Elec being brought in line with all the other sets. The longer recharge, harder hitting Blaster versions of the attacks were what was asked for when the set was made. We got it and there was much rejoicing. Why do they need to be lowered now? Surely not because those versions are OP if Blasters still get them.

    Combustion was nerfed hard. Was it OP before? If so I never heard of it. This one baffles me.

    The changes to Psi are no surprise. Castle did make at least a small token nod to trying to keep the flavor of the set so I'll give him credit for that.

    Most of the changes look good. Leave Elec's melee attacks as they were and un-nerf Combustion and I can get on board with the rest of it.
  9. Looks like I probably won't be able to make it. I'll be there if I can, but don't wait or hold a spot for me.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    It's not something they can necessarily keep/remove, it's a quirk of the engine

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well they could enforce the maximum range on the cones instead of expanding them to whatever the distance is between the attacker and target. How exactly that would be implemented I'm not sure. If the cone was anchored on the player presumably it wouldn't even reach the target so that wouldn't work. If it was constrained to the target though I think it would behave more or less as expected without being extendable.

    Doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I've never had it happen to such an extent that I really noticed it before, but thinking back it makes a lot of sense. There have been a lot of times I hit things with melee cones that seemed to be too far away. I thought my ability to judge distances was really unreliable. Turns out it's Hurdle+CJ that's responsible.
  11. The reason for the huge gap between defense and resistance bonuses baffles me as well.

    The damage thing makes more sense though. You can't really compare it to accuracy. People usually slot enough accuracy to hit reliably. Any more above that is wasted in typical scenarios. So sure having a bunch of accuracy bonuses can allow someone to be more flexible with their slotting, but it's unlikely to allow them to hit more often.

    Damage bonuses allow you to do more damage, which unlike more accuracy, is always a good thing and not wasted at all unless you're capped. So damage bonuses allow you to exceed the ED cap, which can be quite valuable, especially on ATs with high base damage. Damage bonuses have more value than accuracy bonuses, so naturally they will be smaller.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    If anything I would say the set is too squishy, mainly because the HP cap is so low. I still say the Stalker HP cap ought to be raised to aroud 1900 or 2000. The Defense sets are definitely tougher.

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    I 100% agree. The difference really shows when fighting EBs for me. Many of them do so much DPS that without inspirations I just have no chance. It seems to me that allowing DP to actually do its job, giving more of a damage buffer and increasing regen, would be just the ticket, a solution to high burst when MoG isn't recharged. I think that would be the last piece of the puzzle, really making Regen competitive.

    As it is I see it as a weaker set in many situations, but I'm ok with that. It's a lot of fun, a real thinking person's set. I prefer that over a "toggle and forget" set.
  13. I'm a bit surprised that you haven't felt the need for Recon by level 26. On my Regen Stalker around that level, fighting on the middle difficulty, there were too many bosses that could greatly outpace my regen without Recon, and many that could two or three shot me in short order without a reactive heal.

    As to how to build a Regen Stalker, no doubt there will be some disagreement on that. If you can squeeze in Tough and Resilience, that will help a lot with burst damage. If you prefer to stick to the tools in the set I'd say you will want almost all of them. There's too much burst damage to not have a heal. In the later game, in my experience, you really need DP for a second heal as well. Even as just a heal, DP is huge. It's almost a full heal. Compare that to Recon which is only a 50% heal fully slotted.

    My feeling is that the various tools in the set work very well together and you really need them all aside from Resilience to get the most from it. The new MoG is very nice and works so well with the rest of the set, Castle did an awesome job with it. Before I got MoG often times I'd spend Recon and DP in the first few seconds of a boss fight absorbing the boss's alpha. Then all I had left was my regen to cope with his damage until Recon recharged. Using MoG before opening, the boss wastes its full alpha whiffing, then when MoG wears off I still have my reactive powers available.

    There are a lot of different ways to play it, different ways of approaching each situation. Your options will depend on your build.

    For my current Regen Stalker project my main build is focused on recharge which helps with survivability a lot. I'm also planning a second build which uses Tough and Resilience. In some situations it's possible to take so much damage so fast there's nothing you can do, you can go from full health to eating floor in a second. Seems to happen the most on the ITF for me. For those situations where I'm facing high burst damage and there are no defensive buffs available, I'll switch to that build.
  14. Part of the "aggressive" tag, at least to me, refers to the fact that I didn't see anything in the thread that needed modding. Sure we got a little off topic, but other threads go much further afield and don't get touched. So it wasn't just the fact that a big chunk of posts disappeared, but the fact that the thread was modded at all when it didn't seem to require it.

    On further reflection though that's not on Mod 8 or whoever it was that nuked the thread. Most likely someone reported the thread and that's why it got modded. So I'm left wondering what it was that got someone's panties in such a bunch. ;shrug

    Edit: I have been informed of the gist of what I missed and yeah it needed to be deleted. Nothing to see here, move along.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    man, how aggressively are these boards moderated

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    No kidding, we lost a big chunk of posts. Makes me wish I'd checked in sooner to see what I missed.

    Used to be people complained the mods were too lazy. Now it seems to have swung in the other direction. Someone needs to put Mod 8 on a caffeine-free diet.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    If you are referring to the Crab Spider Longfang Gladiator, it is supposed to be awarded for ANY of the 4 Patron arcs, not just GW. Is it bugged?

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    You're probably right on that. I was going off of the paragon wiki, which only listed the gladiator for Ghost Widow and not the others. Probably just an omission there.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    There is no benefit from running any particular arc besides a slightly different story, and a different badge at the end.

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    That's why I picked Ghost Widow. You get two badges. There's a gladiator you get along with the regular badge. I couldn't decide so I figured that was as good a reason as any.
  18. I need to check in here more often. This is some silly [censored].
  19. Supernumiphone


    If you can't react quickly due to lag I'd say that rules Regen right out. Between the remaining two options I'd say if you are running SOs pick Energy Aura, if you can pick up a -KB IO or two pick Nin.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    For some time now (a year? something like that), anyone purchasing JUST CoH or JUST CoV still got access to both sides of the game. So even if GR was a standalone product, granting access to both sides wouldn't be any different from the CoH, CoH:CE, CoV, CoV:CE, GvE, CoHMSE, or CoH:AE versions of the game available now, as far as access to the game goes.

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    If that's true I must have missed the announcement. I remember being told that anyone who had heroes or villains would be granted access to both sides, but it was stated that it was a one time grant and not an ongoing policy. Last I heard anyone buying heroes or villains only was still stuck with access to just the side they purchased. If that's changed I'd like to know about it. Not that it would affect me either way but I am curious.
  21. I just have the travel power hotkeyed so I can turn it on and off with a single tap. It's become habit to toggle it off when I enter combat and turn it back on after.

    For Super Jumpers I have a macro that switches between Combat Jumping and Super Jump with a single click.
  22. It's a fun set but it's only middling on damage, and a bit low on mitigation compared to many of the other sets in my experience. Mine is stalled at...34 I think. It's fun except when I struggle with encounters I know my other Corruptors could handle with much less difficulty, and that happens a lot. Still if you're enjoying it that's all that matters.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Is Rad/ not that well liked with /kin or something

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    Well Rad/ isn't all that popular in general from what I've seen. Kinetics usually gets paired with high damage blast sets with fast activations, and Rad/ isn't one of them. Then there's the fact that the secondary effect is worthless in most situations. There's not a great deal of synergy between the sets.

    It's a nice combo for a team-focused build, but it's rare to see anyone running one of those red-side.
  24. I've done it many times red-side. I'm not sure I'd try it on heroes because some of the zones are so large with things really spaced out. Nerva is the only red-side zone where you might have problems finding a mob to siphon at times.

    Nowadays I'd be inclined to use the dual-builds feature. Take a travel power for convenience on the way up, then switch to the other build for IR once you hit 28.

    It's a bit easier to pull off red-side for another reason, there you get infinitely renewable raptor packs available at any level. So worst case if you miss with SS you can toggle on your flight pack and go. BTW if you have the GvE Jump Pack power it gives you capped flight speed, so it's like a 30 second turbo boost to the Raptor Pack.

    I wouldn't want to rely on the Raptor Pack for travel all the time but it makes a decent backup to Siphon Speed.