1724 -
The only F2P model I ever liked was one created for a game based on a revamp of a game that's been around for several decades...
Everything already in the game at the time of crossover was set for subscribers to have full access to except for a single class and a race that you could either buy access to or earn access to via in-game effort.
The releases since that day and all the events since have been part of the subscription fee and had at least 1 new mission-chain for F2P players to have the option of purchasing, and usually had at least one mission chain which is completely F2P for everyone.
Every month subscribers to that game get "Free" store-money to spend on little things (loot increasing items or basic equipment, cosmetic gear, passes to bring F2P friends on P2P mission chains, extra ammo, etc) or save up as they like. Many have just stayed subscribed long enough to buy up most of the content packs so they can go free to play without losing anything at all.
It's a fairly good system, all things considered. The only caveat I have for it is that one class they put a price tag on, even for P2P players. But it seems like they learned from their mistake.
All in all, however, such systems seem to only increase the profitability of the games which employ them. It gives players the chance to see some of the content and how the game works. It's just enough to get them hooked on it.
-Rachel- -
Any chance of making them free, permanently? It's a marvelous service which fosters altitis, I find.
-Rachel- -
I also do not like the Merit unlocks on a character by character basis.
It's exactly the same as having the things locked up behind a TF or a Badge-hunt: Complete this many hours of work on the character (minimum) and purchase your costume pieces)
It still doesn't allow for the level 1 character to use the pieces without relentless grinding with their XP turned off.
As for the suggestion of 10 Alignment Merits to unlock pieces (or 600 regular merits): Unless you're suggesting 10 alignment merits total for all unlocked costume pieces, you're crazy.
That's putting a 20 day grind minimum on each SET of what should be unlocked automatically.
And if you're suggesting on a piece by piece basis.... Nerts to you.
-Rachel- -
In a game who's most well known feature is character customization so bold and expansive locking players out of costume pieces until the higher levels is ridiculous.
Permanently gating pieces of costuming behind objectives that a player cannot be reasonably expected to complete within hours of character creation is absurd.
A far better solution would be to apply global unlocks at the current requirements to allow players access to the pieces they so desperately want for level 1 characters. It compromises the need to ensure players play the content the pieces are locked behind, and offers them new toys to create new Alts with, thus furthering the cycle which gives Paragon Studios their wealth.
However, it also cuts the runs on unfavored task forces or tasks and allows people to do what they -want- to do, rather than mindlessly grind for a few hours, allowing for better data-mining of player interest, not just activity.
The current system helps to balance power level when the higher level costume pieces affect a character's scores or abilities. The pieces in City do not. And, as completely cosmetic pieces, should be allowable for level 1 characters to use. And even in an upcoming MMO with gated costume piece items with stat boosts they intend to allow the player to unlock the appearance of the gated piece for future use. Even if this doesn't apply to use from character creation, a player can reasonably send themselves costume pieces they've located elsewhere on other characters in order to unlock pieces.
-Rachel- -
Quote:But your statement still works in that case. 'Cause you're here!The thread destroyer needs no tempation. She is already here.
Unless you mean me.
Then.... my bad....
Unless it was me... Because I wasn't here yet....
Well Shoot.
The Praetorian is a great name for him!
-Rachel- -
I definitely think "The Praetorian" fits him well. And kind of leads to an Alexander the Great vibe, which is something he'd -certainly- want to lean toward.
-Rachel- -
I dunno, though. I think Bill has some valid points, too. I'd say turn the HP penalties into Regeneration for both and apply them throughout the duration.
As for Combat sense give it a 20 second duration with mag 3 hold, sleep, and stun protection. It'll get you out of a single control with a mag of 3 or less, but if two people hit you with holds, or you get hit by a high-mag hold, you're still held.
Make Stealth Strike only proc the added damage when you're invisible, instead of "hidden", or within a certain magnitude of stealth.
Kind of agree with the Mock argument, though. Personally I'd like to see it turn into a single target taunt with a 50% chance of a 10 second mag 5 sleep. >.> You say something so (heinous/confusing/shocking/surprising/witty) that they stand and stare.
I'd get rid of the immob protection and make jump mastery into a small +jump speed (not height) bonus and a defense bonus to ranged attacks only. Make Speed Mastery similar, static ranged defense bonus... Flight, too!
And then Teleport Mastery... Gotta agree with the Porkster!
We are talking about making these tier 4 powers in the sets which require you have 3 other powers from the same set.... right?
-Rachel- -
I like them. Though I'd make Forced March into a -25% Regeneration penalty, rather than Health.
-Rachel- -
Quote:Which says VOLUMES about the people of that world... Like the fact that they -don't- value their freedom highly, if at all. And that Wardog is probably a raving lunatic for thinking that people just need to see Cole Bleed before they realize they should be free of him...Not to mention the fact that Praetorian America was likely a bit less anti-Imperialism than Primal Earth. This is an America that elected Joseph McCarthy President, after all.
-Rachel- -
Quote:We could go over a few hundred examples in the history of the world where the new ruler of a nation stepped in, killed the leader and his allies, and became the ruler...Most of the time the new ruler makes a big show out of finding and executing the assassin of the former ruler. (Even if they were the one who sent the assassin the first place. Especially if they were the one who sent the assassin in the first place.) Beyond some fictional gangs and tribes i don't know of any significant groups or nations where killing the old leader automatically makes you the new leader.
Actually there are probably thousands. And more that we don't even know about because they were lost to history.
-Rachel- -
Quote:Works for heroes, but not for villains. A t the minimum a villain has to wait for 20 before they can get the Rularuu stuff.Or, go to the Shadow Shard at lvl 1 (or 2) and have a 50 friend kill Overseers for you.
By the by: I totally agree with the OP. Merit rewards, recipes, XP, and fun teamming with your friends against a difficult challenge should be enough reward for the ITF and such. Meanwhile hunting specific enemies is a chore, not a fun time.
Cryptic isn't running the show, and the days of fed-ex missions and long travel times for the sole purpose of siphoning cash from player pockets is passed. Let us unlock costume pieces globally.
And no. I don't care that my level 1 character hasn't "Earned" the Rularuu weapon. They won't be using it -as- a Rularuu weapon. They'll be using it as their own personal weapon for (insert reason here). I also don't care that my level 1 Noir detective girl has a tommygun from level 1 even though she won't start fighting the family 'til level 15-20ish. Nor do I care that my Steampunk Engineer character is using a Nemesis rifle from level 1 without having capped her XP and stood around while level 50s beat on Nemesis robots.
I think it's absurd that we're still locked into the mindset of letting character concept fall behind the importance of repeating the chore.
-Rachel- -
How about making the "PVP Booster" pack into a donation/fund set up instead?
Have the Devs set out the hat, players buy as many $5 "Packs" as they want, all proceeds go to a PVP retrofit which eats Power and Critter Development for an issue or two of nothing but new content?
-Rachel- -
Quote:One thing! Closed Beta for i19 started the week after NYCC. Closed beta for i20 started the week after PAX.I don't know when they'll release Issue 19, but I can pretty much say the following with certainty:
- It will not be until after the Halloween event ends (October 31).
- It will be before the Winter event begins (December somethingth)
- They have not done any beta testing on the Training Room server for Issue 19. At the bare minimum, give one week for open beta.
- A Rikti Invasion event is on Mod08's calendar, but he wouldn't tell me when it will be. If it happens before January, it will happen in November and will not overlap with Issue 19's release.
- Not until November at the earliest.
- Give one week for Rikti and one week for open beta, that leaves week 3 at the earliest (week of the 15th).
- Give two weeks for the Winter event at the end of the year, and that leaves week 1 of December at the latest (week of the 6th)
- If closed beta occurs on the Training Room server, I'd say the release is likely the week of November 22. Week of the 15th otherwise.
-Rachel- -
Quote:Oh, agreed. But the clause "Such As" creates a nice disconnect, in my opinion. It leaves room for another engine, perhaps one with a fully realized physics engine part of the core material, rather than added on. =-3I don't like the idea of replacing the game engine with Aion's engine. I want to be able to fly for more than 30 seconds
-Rachel- -
Just in case it becomes relevant at some future point, I'd like to stress the following paragraph.
I officially renounce any claim to the various concepts and intellectual properties proposed by myself for legal purposes, and give it freely to Paragon Studios and their parent company NCSoft. I seek no remuneration or compensation for any of the ideas given in this thread of the CoH Forums and willingly sign away any future claim to either the concepts or compensation.
-Rachel Christina Williamson- -
Just in case it becomes relevant at some future point, I'd like to stress the following paragraph.
I officially renounce any claim to the various concepts and intellectual properties proposed by myself for legal purposes, and give it freely to Paragon Studios and their parent company NCSoft. I seek no remuneration or compensation for any of the ideas given in this thread of the CoH Forums and willingly sign away any future claim to either the concepts or compensation.
-Rachel Christina Williamson- -
This is an absolutely fantastic idea. I love it, and say 100% Signed!
Even if we don't get the sound customization attached to it, it would be nice to have.
-Rachel- -
Quote:This ain't D&D for one thing. If it were my half orc barbarian/fighter would squoosh your zombieness. >.>So D&D doesn't give you a whole list of first level spells to chose from but instead, the GM makes you pick one you won't be using after and hour or two?
So the real super heroes that exist can't pick their secondary power from several choices but God gives them one they won't be using against tougher foes? Oh, wait...
Wizards might get a selection of spells, but Paladins, Barbarians, Rogues, Monks, Rangers, and so forth don't get the choices. If we're going to model CoH after D&D then the larger weigh-in says: No to this idea.
And people who don't use the first power from their secondaries are just weird... It's ALWAYS a useful power! Well... Unless your playstyle is just freaking weird...
-Rachel- -
Quote:I like two pretty nicely. But three could be rendered un-needed if all the current variables are still in the new engine.My three guesses what would require a written NDA and much more testing than other Issues:
1. Space and Moon zones. They'd have to revamp their game engine, flight animations, etc. to account for variable gravity. Considering how often Positron has said something like "if we redid all the old zones, we'd never have time to create the Moon zone", this is at least a possibility. However, I doubt this would require a written NDA.
2. Replace the Cryptic-created game engine with something newer, such as the one used by Aion. This might also be coupled with:
3. The "Coming Storm" radically alters reality, bending the laws of physics. This is the rational for revising the entire power-system to fix the "mistakes" that devs like Castle have been complaining about. Everyone gets to rebuild their existing characters from scratch using the new powers, while keeping their current level. Think of it as City of Heroes 2.0 without having to leave your current server.
And from that point -forward- new powers could be created with the engine's new functionality in mind, or aspects added to the original CoH1 powers without removing functionality or breaking the cottage rule.
-Rachel- -
Quote:I kind of am, to... It's just really hard to do something like that with the engine limitations.I like the flight powerset--I'm picturing Jin (Yu Yu Hakusho) and it sounds really neat. I'm somewhat disappointed the teleport set isn't more Nightcrawler-ish, but thats just me.
-Rachel- -
Ohhh... So then you agree that Longbow are one Palette swap away from being imperialist stormtroopers trying to force their ideology and beliefs onto a sovereign nation and it's ruler, recognized as legitimate by the United Nations, with brute force and no real and acceptable reason for being there?
Glad you've finally gotten your head out of your third point of contact! =-3
Thank you, for that. Don't know whether my aunt and uncle just got too caught up in the Funeral, for which they moved her from Georgia to Maryland, to tell this half of the family, or if they did it out of spite, or if they just figured we'd be too broke to attend the funeral and didn't want to deal with the ensuing argument about burying her in freaking Maryland when she spent my whole life in Georgia.
I'll link you to the Obit in a PM. It's actually how we found out. My sister was googling members of our family, yesterday, and BAM! Obituary. Pretty F*$@ed up way to find out...
-Rachel- -
Quote:Oh wow... You're right... geeze...Flurry of Blows is said to "teleport yourself into the midst of your foes for a moment, slamming them with sharp blows, then return to your original location". My issue with that is that it either has your model being obscured during the animation (in which enemies will still attack your position, while you "aren't there"), or you must actually teleport to your target, and back again (something never done before). Regardless, I've made an alteration to the power. Again.
And I've altered the Tier 9s, making them fit the theme of each set more (damage in the Primary, support in the Secondary).
This is the second time I offered up the concept, though the first time I used slightly different (and less balanced and engine-ready) powers. Got the two versions of the power confused. XD
And yeah. That's the better method of the two, which was discussed in the original thread, which was later lost in a forum purge.
I am fail.