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Quote:ok, did you follow the whole mish train? The mish start talk to borea, then kill 10 rikti, return to borea then talk to serpnt drummer, then talk to guasusin, then talk to dark watcher then talk to lady grey, they roll over automatically so no returning to lav is needed to get the next mish, check ya mish list to see if you have any of those talkies waiting to be finished. I know this as i got on a LGTF last night and while we were waiting for the last 2 members i noticed i didn't have the badge yet and paniced.... luckily it was an easy mish to complete! :-)So I read that in order to get this Member of Vanguard Badge and begin to earn merits in the Rikti War Zone that you need to complete the first mission Levanter gives you. I did that and didnt get the badge. So, I did the second - nothing, then the third, and I still have not recieved it and Im not getting merits either. Anyone have any ideas what Im apparently doing wrong?
When I began with her she told me a bunch of stuff and the first mission was to help thin out some rikti. Forget how many I had to kill, it wasnt many. After that she just offered me a new mission. That was to kill 20 or so of something else and the 3rd was to kill 50 nemesis. Still nothing.
Thanks in advance for helping me out.
oh, and love the extreme quote name! :-) almost makes me want to see if the name kid ego is taken on uni or defiant! -
Ok, I've just got another negative rep, this time for this very thread, and again because of spelling, like nobody ever makes typos… gah. Even goes as far as demanding that I never post again.... yeah, like that's gonna happen!
Well, whoever you are, give me as much negative rep as you like because I will continue to "hurt your sensibilities".
EDIT- Makes me wonder whether these people realise that they could be dealing with someone with learning difficulties or some sort of mental impairment, however small it may be! -
Quote:I've got two 50 level archers which swear RoA+EA+FoA queued will all impact almost simultaneously and without KB from EA scattering the spawn away from the other AoEs. I might be wrong though, there's a lot of things happening all at the same time when I do.
Yeah, that way round could work, and may do 99% of the time, but that chance of the scatter makes me do it the other way most often. -
Hmmmmmmm, I've just recieved my second rep, this time, a negative one, the contents? Disparaging my grasp of the english language because of some missed capitals and a typo in this post. I re-read the post it was repped for, and it wasn't that bad, my spelling was mostly fine, my grammer may have been lacking greatly, but no worse than a lot of posts I've read on this board. And it read fine, the sentances made sence, and the people who replied to it seemed to understand me fine.
I just hope the pedant has gone through, even just that thread, and neg repped everyone that made a typo. As has been said... oh the things that set some people off to give negative reps!
Oh well, *stuff* happens! -
Quote:Well, my day job version is mostly perma anyway, but yeah, i suppose i can seen doubling it up is good too, especialy once you start doing mishes in founders...I don't think it should. Yes, you can get a version of it - but a temporary version, which the vet reward makes permanent. This fits right in with other temp powers (sands of mu, ghost axe, nem staff and blackwand.)
Besides, it's nice being able to teleport twice as often to a mission. >.>
Oh, and wasn't saying it was a bad idea, just wanted to know peoples opinions on it. -
My main/First 50 in an energy/energy/force blaster and the only yime i've been kicked from a team was after a blind invite, and not for KB, the 3 members in the team views my info, and critiqued my build (bare in mind was only in my teens/early 20's level wise at the time and still working out what worked well and fitted thematically) with comments like why "no BU & Aim?", "Why sprint and hurdle?" and "Why no melee attacks?" The kick when i replied that i was building thematically and hadn't got to fitting those in yet... meh!
Apart from that i've had a few friendly jibes for SG teams that have "Had a plan" and proposed tying me up and leaving me at the mish entrance. KB, i have learnt is a efect that needs a lot of thought, and a KB heavy toon needs to be micromanaged, by the player and not the team that is, so as to make the KB beneficial as much as posible. Yes moving around to position effectively can result in lower DPS , but positioning mean you can make all your damage, and KB, count, I won't go into specifics of how to do that, as it's all been said many times already in this thread. But KB used well can be fun and effective, My SG started up a "Super Storm" Team, and though i didn't get on it, due to some off line time, i hear they had great fun rounding up whole maps and keeping them on thier back while they died... would love to have seen it!
Quote:Yeah, this combo really does do the job, though, I go for FoA>EA as FoA sualy hit's before RoA does, but after aggro has be gained and then EA finishes off any survivors, the other way round and the KB from EA could scatter mobs away from the AoE of RoA or the cone of FoA oh, and if it's an EB/AV mob, add a survailence from the munitions epic on him/her at the start for the nice debuff.Archery: BU+Aim, Rain of Arrows, Exploding Arrow, Fistfull of Arrows (The Prickly Trifecta) -
It is about time this power description was updated, both in game and in guides like the wiki and tomax, Power Boost DOES NOT improve KB i respeced this into my NRG/NRG blaster aand just have not been a**ed to respec it out yet!
Just been chating to a friend who got thier 24 month vet badge last night and decided to check up on what comes with it as it's only a few months off for me now.
Now though i'm looking forward to the vet titals and the fre toon slot (Just in time for GR? I hope so!!) the vet power, Base Teleporter seems a bit redundant to me. Most of my toon now start with being parked at the base portal for the bonus pres for my SG, but once you gain the BP badge and the patrol XP badge you gain the Rapid Response Member Badge/Trouble Maker accolade and along with it charges for day job base teleporter, which works exactly like the vet reward one, but with half the recharge time.
So, is it worth it? Yes, it means you have to earn charges for it, but that takes almost no effort. should it be replaced, and if so, with what? -
Quote:ah, but then, the epic AT's do introduce some new gameplay elements, dorm changes for khelds and splitting carear paths for the SoA's so maybe these tutorials touch on these issues even if the palyers do not actually gain access to those particular features during that time.It would be cool to have a different starting area for epic ATs to reflect their particular unique qualities. But it probably won't happen.
On the list of changes that will make huge impacts on gameplay for the majority of users, creating a whole new tutorial zone for a fraction of the game population who get to 50 and roll up an epic AT and who shoul already know the game to begin with...probably doesn't even make the list. -
Quote:well, yes, i agree, that would be nice, and it would have been better if the word have never been used to discribe a certain sexual orientation in the first place. but it was, and the people who have been on the receiving end of the negative conotations of the word, be it true or not, will unfortunatly find it hard to forget.Y'see I was perfectly happy before gay came to mean homosexual and just referred to being bright/cheerful. As soon as words start being appropriated for slang there's going to be misunderstanding and possible offence caused.
Heck - it's not as if we've run out of possible words that can be reasonably pronounced by a tongue attuned to English.
But there's part of me that see that as inevitable linguistic 'progress' (much as I dislike much of this 'progress' made in recent history).
Hopefully, since the gay as just 'lame' definition isn't going to be lost so quickly, the use of gay as 'lame because it's homosexual' will be forgotten quick enough. Maybe it even lingers longer if people get upset about it's derivation and so keep drawing attention to it.
I just find it hard that people in authority can aprove the use of one word with obvious negative connotations based on sexual persuasion, yet condemn others based on negative racial connotation. Kinda, to me at least, gives out the impression that they don't mind about upsetting the LGBT commuity. -
Quote:Well, there's also the thing where basically everyone in the Zig is a Destined One, hence why Lord Recluse has his men break into prison and rescue half the inmates twice a week.
Soldiers of Arachnos however are... kinda not really Destined Ones, really. I think the idea is that you just got finished with boot camp and you are on guard-duty on Fort Mercy when Alan Desslock lures you into his van with promises of candy.
So why not a new "Boot Camp" Tutorial for Veat's and while they are at it, why not a new one for the Heat's too... yeah, i know they can do the normal one, but hey why not? They arn't "normal" heroes after all, and it would keep some parity too! -
Heya guys, now, i'll start off by making the poin that i am a tanker n00b but i am determined to get one past it's teen (hopefully eventually to 50) and my lastest is a Fire/Fire tank. so i was wondering if you nice people could help me out, maybe even make some build sugestions for me. I'd like to keep the PBAoE's in there, and also have fly (for thematic reasons rather than anything practical) even though i know fly isn't that great for tanks. would prefer it to be more defensive than offensive but still pack a nice punch. I've gone through a few pages here and don't see much about fire tanks so any help is greatly apreciated
Quote:Mine marks threads as read before I've read them, I never had problems with the old forum. Bring back I5
yeah, i'm getting that.. i'll check in the morning, then when i come back later and go to a popular/active thread i'm following and click the goto new post option it takes me several pages past where i left off. at first i though it was 'coz of sometimes checking on my laptop and somtimes on my main pc. but no, it's doing it now i've made an effort to only check on my laptop. is most noticable when i know for a fact the last place i've read up to was a post i had made myself!
the other one i get is, i'll come to the boards and show as logged in, as i've set to "remember me" I'll go into a board showing new posts yet there are no threads marked with new posts inside so return to the main list and suddenly i'm logged out! GGRRR
EDIT - Lord M, i'm using IE 7 on vistahome premium on my lappy and IE7 on XP Pro on my main PC -
unfortunatly it is true mate, the DJ Chris Moyles used the word to describe a mobile phone ring tone, in my opinion, a man of his age should have known better, and after the thousands of complaints the BBC made this ruling that it was ok in the sence that he meant it... this happened shortly after the ross-brand affair so kinda got push down in the news importance stake because of it.
the problem here is the BBC and the rest of the adult community who view the use of the word Gay to mean lame have failed to witness it's evolution to mean such. just because it's it is used by some of the younger generations now who are unaware of it's derivation/evolution and just use it because they are following the words used but their older peers doesn't take away the negative branding of the word. I'm only in my mid 30's yet I remember when the word used in the context of "That's lame" It didn't mean it was just lame, but that it was "Very homosexual like, and therefor lame". No matter how many people forget the usage in the past doesn't negate that past. Hence the continuing rows over what now are only allowed to be called "Golly's" I'm sure plenty of brits remember what they were called, and the rows over non arfo-carribean actors "Blacking up" For stage and screen roles, even though no-one bats an eye when black actors like eddie murphy and the waynes brothers "White up" for roles.
The only time that Gay as a synonym for lame will be accecptable is when it's use as a derogatory term for a member of the homosexual community has been totally and utterly wiped out! -
Quote:Thank you, at least someone see's the point i was making! :-)But I find it interesting as how the debate has been raised that even GLBT can also expect someone to behave a certain way. ie think that someone who is "straight acting" (Id call it being themselves as everyone ought to be) ought to be more camp or whatever and must be trying to fit in.
I've not posted to this thread for a while now, but i have been folowing it and would like to say 2 things.
First, the beginning of this tread seems to be sooo long ago now that all the people who have said "there is no discrimination against LGBT players on the euro servers need to re-read some of those old post... it exists, has been atested to by a fair few people. it may not be frequent, but it does exist.
Second, the whole "stright acting" debate has completely boggled my mind. it is just another example of people reading things into word that simply are not there. Some people, GLBT too it seems, seem to think that all LGBT people act the same, or at least should. not true. they seem to think that if a LGBT person is described in such a way is repressing their natural urges to act in a mostly incorrect stereotypical maner... not true. the perpose as used here, and as i have only ever heard it used, it to mean "Not behaving in a sterotypical maner". so with what has been said by the people who have been opposed to this phase have said then shannon's sentance of...
"I've got friends who are L, G and B in RL and they're all straight acting so that you wouldn't know unless ya ask them."
would have to read...
"I've got friends who are L, G and B in RL and they do not behave in the sterotypical maner that the majority of the population believe all L, G and B people to behave in so that you wouldn't know unless ya ask them."
Rediculous huh? It's like bin men (refuse collector to our US cousins) being called Excess waste managment and disposal agents. using too many words to describe a simple concept that can be done in just a few. And i do say this from a position on the LGBT spectrum, as anyone who have read the earlier posts in this thread will realise. I Act in a way that is concidered the way that only straight people act, because that is who i am, i would act this way wether i was G, B, T or S (not L as i am male). I feel no need to act in a certain way to overtly express my sexual orientation because anyone, no mater what thier sexual orientation is, thinks i should act. I am not repressing anything as i have no desire to act that way. I know people that do, and am fine with it, but that isn't me, and i find it more deflamatory for a G person to put down someone whom people concider as to be "Straight acting" Than anyone one saying a G person is "Straight acting".
So from reading this thread i am now thinking of changing my stance on not wanting to join a LGBT SG, and if anyone decides to form an SG or VG on union (My defiant slot are all fulll right now and can't bring meself to delete any) please let me know as i already have come up with a tank or brute that i could join with! -
Well, i can assure you i'm not a bad empath, i may not be the best one out there and i have never claimed to be. but i made a toon to do a job and so far it is doing that job well, as one of my fellow SG mate has just confirmed for me, refering to the team we were in last night when he went suicidal and pulled the aggro from the ice/fire tank and lost nearly a full hp bar in the blink of an eye, then regained it just as fast!
I also care not a bit for praise, I don't play, ot build characters for that reason either. I prefer to build support characters that do their job well enough that you don't even realise when they have done a job. -
Quote:Vigilance is no good when my end is already low, nearly empty. You seem to constantly miss the fact that i do occasionally attack to make use of my def debuff. I have a kin defender, a dark defenender and a rad rad defender, so i know with apropreate slotting their damage isn't always neglageble, but the synergy between their primary and secondarys help in that reguard and my dark/dark defender can effectively solo on invincible without much problem at all, slowly as you say, but she can do it. but my power choices are not purely based on making a great build, they are also chosen thematically to fit the toon.I dont solo. I run TFs with my friends. Mostly on defenders. I've never felt my damage to be subpar or my buffs to be ineffective. If you believe yours is, then you've obviously slotted wrong, as its been shown empaths are perfectly caoable of soloing invincible missions. Is it fast? not really. is it doable? Yep.
hell, I've ran the STF with no tanks and no defenders or controllers with a heal power and came out with only two deaths for the whole team total. I'm indicting your playstyle not because its a bad thing to heal and support teams, but because You seem caught in a crazy assumption that just because you do less damage than a blaster or scrapper that your damage and the debuffs they usually bring as well are irrelevant.
And if people accidentally pull a second pack, you dont need a bunch of endurance. when HP totals start flatlining, Vigilance kicks in. Thats the whole point of the power. But then again, thats also the fatal flaw in healing. Its reactive, if you cant heal faster than the damage comes in, then you're buggered anyway. Damage, debuffs, and buffs, are far more effective because theyre proactive.
I have toons of most of the AT's, (no veats yet as i have yet to get a 50 red side) but seem to have ended up playing blasters as that is what my 2 50's and soon to be 50 all are. MediBOT is my more sedate toon where i don't have to worry about dealing as much damage as quickly as posible. the concept and bio state he was created to heal, so that is the focus, his rad attack come from discharging from his neuclear power core. I don't concentrate on uber slotting my attacks because that would detract from my main focus, thematically, with this toon. I'm also not fussed about soloing with this toon either, i have plenty of other toons that can solo much better.
That i choose to build a character in any way i feel best suits the concpet of a character gives you no right to declare it as in invalid build becasue you cant see the worth in it. and declairing how i play, and even, in that first post, my attitude to why i built the character in such a fasion and how i talk cannot be further from the truth. I am not some 12 yo child that is trying to impress thier mates. I am a mature player that feels there is more to this game than building every toon with some uber build that they can brag about, and i would thank you for not doing it again in future.
you have a right to not like the build, or even the character if you have had the oportunity to play with it, but to declair it as invalid because of your personal tastes is completely out of order. As is attacking me because what you wrongly percieve to be my play sytle! -
Clawsandeffect, yes, i accept what you are saying, and that you weren't attacking my play style per say, where as Cavatina clearly has twice now, that is what has got me so PO'ed.
Teleport and SS for me are taken purely as filler powers as with 4 pools used already i see no other powers to take to fill what i see as my primary role with this toon.
When i first created it i tried to balence the primary and secondary powers more, and to be honest, could not do it.. the attacks did so little damage that there was no point fireing them off most of the time and my heals and buffs suffered because of it. so i simply decided to stick to my primary role as i saw it with this toon, and that was healing and buffing and to be as good at it as i could be.
And yet again Cavatina is making assumptions based on 0 facts. I never once have said i am too busy spamming heals like mad to make up for a "useless" team. I am buffing, attacking with me def debuff powers occasionally and keeping my end at a respectable level so i have enough if any player gets into a spot of hot water. but no, Cavatina would prefer to pack my build out with much weaker versions of a blasters attacks, drain my end so that when someone accidently pulls another mob ot 2 that start ripping into the team i don't have enough end to cast my significantly weaker and slower to cast heals in order to keep them alive.
But then, Cavatina must be able to solo invincible mishes without taking a single point of damage because they are that much of a better player than i am.
I am sorry... being told my play style with one of my 30 or so toons is invalid without the player ever having seen me play really makes my blood boil! -
I do attack targets, when everyone is buffed up and i feel i won't take aggro for doing so, but that is mainly to apply the def debuff to the higher ranked mobs. but having a low damage rating myself i see my attacks having very little impact on the targets, so i would rather keep my attentions fixed on what i can do. Attacking drains my end, which, as i have already stated, when recov aura isn't in effect my leadership toggles prevent any end gain as i have no room in the build for stamina, so attacking too much mean i won't have the end needed for heals and buff when they are needed. I haven't played my empath for a few months till last night, as a few of my other alts had really captured my imagination, so getting back on it last night i found myself perfoming a real ballencing act, i had fun, the players in my teams had fun and i did my job as effectively as i could, which yes, did mean attacking sometimes, but with lots of stuns and holds flying round meant lots of clear minds as well as the usual buffs.
I found it fun relearning how to use the toon, like turning off sprint when i wasn't moving because it would make my end plumet, and thanx to hero stats keeping a close eye on buff timers to make sure those who needed fort etc never went without it.
I have played some in some teams where i have needed to be sk'ed on some of my toons and have felt like i am doing nothing but soaking up xp, and i didn't like it, so with all my toon, including my empath, i make sure i am contributing somehow all the time.
Oh.... and even if i wasn't doing all that i could still hardly be classed as not contributing... I could turn off all my leadership toggle and see how long you can go without needing my help.... i don't mind, i'd not have to worry about my end so much then. -
Quote:So, because i have 3 travel powers i'm all over the map and thus not effective and a bad empath?If abuse means getting rid of people who think having 3 travel pools and ignoring a rad secondary for MOAR EMPATH POWERZ then I'm all for it.
I want a real empath, not a "pure" empath.
The reason people favor kins over people like you isnt because they favor kins over emps, its because a kin can just take SB and FS and be relatively good at their job, an emp who is all over the map like you isnt likely someone who keeps the whole team constantly RA-ed and keeps a few forts up while blasting when they have spare time.
Very wrong. I stick to the main group, I keep fort on at least 2 players, sometime 3, I gather for my RA's whenevery they are up, and with hasten they recharge quicker, also kepping the whole team clear minded and anyone that still flys through their end gets a nice dose of adreniline boost, and if i was running all over the map what would the point of me running 3 leadership toggles that keep me on the cusp of end drain and end gaain between bouts of recovery aura?
About the only time I'm "All over the map" Is in the situation of a team split, in which case i can get to a toon in trouble quickly save their A** then get to the main group in double quick time.
All in all you have proved my point for me, i tell you my build and you make a snap judegment on how i play. Well, i'll tell you, i played my empath last night for 4 hours straight in 2 different teams, and the only death i had to use resurect on was when a tank lost control of a large mob and i got 2 shotted by a boss... i'm sorry, i can't heal while i'm dead. but i had no complaint from either team about my play style or my ability to keep them alive thank you very much! -
Quote:I really don't see the problem here... I have a emp/rad "Pure empath" defender i rolled many months (16-18) ago who i have been lvling slowly, mainly due to people favouring kins over empaths nowdays, He only has, at lvl36 or 37, can't quite remember, neutrino bolt for an attack, has taken all the heals and buffs, most of which are now 6 slotted, first pool was teleport, for recall friend, second is speed, for hasten, 3rd is leadership, for more buffs and finally the fly pool for thematic reasons... that is 4 pools gone, as a team support toon the only other primary power i'm due to take is cozmic burst for it's -37.5% defence debuff (all) and epic pool psy mastery, for mass hypnosis and woc... so that limits me for any other powers.I may have run into the same player. Took at least 3 powers from each of the Travel Pools and three powers out of the Medicine Pool.
On an Empathy / Energy Blast Defender.
Character only had the one Blast they were required to take at level 1, everything else was support and movement.
As team support that is what i concentrrate on, so calling me a bad player because you view my choice of travel powers (teleport, super speed and fly) as stupid i resent heavily.
I will admit that on a couple of my toons i have been AE PL'ed to some degree, mainly on my Fire/Mind blaster where i used a farm to get from mid 20's to 32 for psychic shockwave, the power that was central to my build and which i was under perfoming without in that range, I also used an SG's PI arc team to get my L4 archery blaster up to 15 so i could start the faultline arcs, but all other lvls on them, and all other toons were worked for, either solo or in proper teams. My first 50 took me 1 day shy of my 12 month vet badge, mainly due to my altism, but now, aproaching my 21 month vet i still only have 2 50's and a 47 and i worked hard on each of them.
I have met players at 40+ or with mulitple 50's that ask very basic questions or make very silly mistakes that anyone that had played the game content outside of an AE PL/farm would know/not make, i don't complain about them, i try to help them. I can see the allure of getting some high lvl characters quickly, to join in with the big contant with other players at higher lvls, if that's what they wantto do, that's fine, but when they do decide to venture out of AE and experience the rest of the game do you REALLY expect them to stick arround, or at the very least leave the safe haven of an AE building if all they get from the vets is abuse reguarding to how they got to where they are? I don't think so. -
Hmmmmmm, i've just thought... will the non server specific boards be merged.. like say, the players guide forum.... if so i have realised my oru badge guide will likely become redundant as there is another guide over there which comes to a lot of the same conclusions though presented in different manners (And no i didn't just blind copy it!!! I did a lot of research work on it in game!)
Also, there are dev posts that were dulicated both here and over there with thier own sets of replies... what'll happen to those?