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  1. I grew up with you guys. For that I am thankful.
  2. Sonic_Blade

    One more Goodbye

    Get in line and gimme you shoes, Anti.

    You and I were very similar. Not sure if you even remember me, but I'm honored to have called you my bud and will continue doing so.
  3. Sonic_Blade


    Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
    Congrats our Baby Boom here on Triumph the Pantless server continues!
    I'm beginning to see a correlation here.

    Congratulations Obsidius!
  4. Sonic_Blade


    Hey Karl! Your Zombies Like Tequila arc has mentally scared me for life. I tried soloing it with the new option to set it for an eight person team. I kept getting hit for 9999 streaking damage. Do not want!
  5. Sonic_Blade


    slightly quieter noises.

    Stealthy noises.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I need to know what TheOcho's shirt says....NOA!

    "I am the..."


    [/ QUOTE ]

    It says "I am TheOcho", obviously.
  7. I thought threads that had rednames/orangenames post in them don't slide off the boards.
  8. The storyline for me. I like the feeling that my charecter is part of an epic story.
  9. Sonic_Blade


    [ QUOTE ]
    Killer mimes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  10. I would just like to be the first to say:

  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Chat spam limiter: You are now allowed one message per second, You are allowed to break the rule 5 times. Every second you don't chat one rule break is forgotten. If you break the rule more than 5 times you will be banned from chat for 2 minutes. If you continue to try to spam while chat banned, you will continually reset your 2 minute timer.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well shoot. This isn't going to work well for my friend who needs to be spamed to actually load zones.


    What!? It's the truth!

    Edit: *Looks up* Hey, I posted right after Cuppa.

    Whats the occasion for the free costume tokens?
  12. Sonic_Blade

    Villain Emotes

    Dev posts never slide off the forums.
  13. Sonic_Blade

    My new brute

    Wrong section. Try the brute section.
  14. Sonic_Blade

    Villain Emotes

    *Throws a tranquilizing dart at VileTerror*

    Dang necroposting. If its from more than five months ago, just leave it, darnit!



  16. Sonic_Blade

    A fond farewell

    Will a sacrifice make you stay? I say we sacrifice atleast something....
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Are you two moving to Auto Assault or something?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ::Puts on headband.. ::

    ::Picks up her big honkin' gun.::

    Destroy Auto Assault.. they have taken to many of our own..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Grabs a rocket launcher*

    /e militarysalute
  18. Sonic_Blade

    Hero T.V.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Moralon't drink and fly/teleport/run really fast/etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Crashes through the roof*

    Positron: Hey! You! Get on the ground!
    Sonic Blade: It's ok. Jumping wanst on the list.
    Positron: *Checks list* Ok your free to go. Carry on.
  19. Oooooh I've got two.

    1.) There was a team of heroes in Siren's call. Could tell it was an anti-stalker team (although, what kind of team isnt? ) cause of all the PBAoEs on about 3 different people. The blaster was my bounty. They were chatting over broadcast for who knows what reason, and saying things like shes safe as long as she sticks in the PBAoEs. So, I go on top of the building above the team, TP foe the blaster and AS her. There was a lot of cussing on broadcast that day.... although more of "What the <bleep!> just happened???"

    2.) This empathy defender was comming to the oil rig in Siren's Call. Once again, chatting on broadcast.... not sure why. So I over hear them talking about TPing his teammates to the oil rig. He is about to TP the tanker, when I get up right behind him and AS.

    Good times. Gooooooooooood times.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    A weapon of mass destruction with all the self control of a 5 year old... HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did you check when the last post was dated? Compare it to yours.
  21. Sonic_Blade

    Toga toga toga!

    Togas make me feel pretty.