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  1. Solreyn

    mm primarys

    bots/ff is great for tanking if you go all out for raising defense.
  2. Solreyn

    Kat Vs DB?

    DB looks about 20x cooler tho... and has the combos
  3. Id recomend sticking with Inuv, mine can crash mid fight hit dull pain and start swinging again without much trouble. If its boring try and get a full team (with no other tanks) highest dif and go find some crey, its a blast!
  4. i dont really find stalkers to be a problem in PvP, they dont have the hits to survive long, and its only really energy ones that take you down quick enough, especialy when your a bubbler and by some miricle AS just missed you
  5. well for one elec armour isnt dodging energy is, elec melee is good at tacking down groups but not so much 1 on 1 energy on the other hand is very good at it, one you get the two extream attacks, not so great till then tho. superstrengh is good at low lvls but then slows down a LOT untill rae when it picks up again. invuntability is an ok set, has a bit of everything, slef heal, good res, ok def, and a nice last power. so basicly it depends on what you want to do with your brute, which would help alot with what to get.
  6. Solreyn


    Ive made a corr recently to be part of a regular team, he'll be mainly a suport char. One of the main things will be using tentacles to imob groups to set them up for AoEs then debuffing. Ive done a build and would like any input on what will work and what wont.
    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
    Name: Undying Mortality
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Corruptor
    Primary: Dark Blast
    Secondary: Cold Domination
    01) --> Dark Blast==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(7) Dmg(40)
    01) --> Infrigidate==> Acc(1) Acc(5) Slow(11) Slow(37) Slow(40)
    02) --> Gloom==> Acc(2) Acc(3) Dmg(7) Dmg(40) Dmg(46)
    04) --> Ice Shield==> DefBuf(4) DefBuf(5) DefBuf(13)
    06) --> Swift==> Run(6)
    08) --> Tenebrous Tentacles==> Acc(8) Acc(9) Immob(9) Immob(11) Immob(23) Rechg(31)
    10) --> Glacial Shield==> DefBuf(10) DefBuf(13) DefBuf(23)
    12) --> Combat Jumping==> EndRdx(12)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14) Jump(15) Jump(15)
    16) --> Frostwork==> Heal(16) Heal(17) Heal(17)
    18) --> Health==> Heal(18) Heal(19) Heal(19)
    20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
    22) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(22)
    24) --> Snow Storm==> Slow(24) Slow(25) Slow(25) EndRdx(43) Rechg(46)
    26) --> Moonbeam==> Acc(26) Acc(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(34) IntRdx(34) IntRdx(46)
    28) --> Benumb==> Acc(28) Acc(29) Acc(29) Rechg(37) Rechg(43)
    30) --> Hasten==> Rechg(30) Rechg(31) Rechg(31)
    32) --> Blackstar==> Acc(32) Acc(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(34)
    35) --> Sleet==> Slow(35) Slow(36) Slow(36) Rechg(36) Rechg(37)
    38) --> Heat Loss==> EndMod(38) EndMod(39) Rechg(39) Rechg(39)
    41) --> Soul Drain==> Acc(41) Acc(42) Rechg(42) Rechg(42) TH_Buf(43)
    44) --> Dark Embrace==> EndRdx(44) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(45)
    47) --> Soul Storm==> Acc(47) Acc(48) Hold(48) Hold(48) Hold(50) Rechg(50)
    49) --> Dark Pit==> Acc(49) Acc(50)
    01) --> Power Slide==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Power Surge==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
    01) --> Brawl==>
    01) --> Scourge==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
  7. Would be useful, people can get tactics by then. So fit it in if you can, if not oh well
  8. he could be using combos, such as build up, total focus, and the other one, or a similer combo. Don't supsoe you remember his powersets?
  9. Solreyn

    Build tips

    I've got a stine/energy brute at the moment, lvl 16 his powers are:
    Stone fists, mallet,heavy mallet, kinetic shield, dampening field, entropy shield, swift, health, CJ, SJ

    I was wantint to make something that can dish out lots of pain, and not worry too much about health, mainly PvE, but able to do PvP from time to time. planing to get tremmor and build up for attacks, and all shield powers except conserve energy. So any tips would be helpful

  10. Solreyn

    Brute for PvP?

    Dark melee can be very good in PvP, negative dmg is less resisted, fear is seldom resisted, a heal, the self rez has a good secondary effect, also the -acc would go very well with energy aura to ensure you are seldom hit.

    Edit: Ah yes silly me no rez for dark melee

    Edit: Also it has an end boost power, i nice self buff and an imob for those ones you want to leave till later
  11. Solreyn

    */Axe tanks

    Also is there any Invun powers i should skip, atm i'm planing on all of them and am very restricted on powers.
  12. Solreyn

    */Axe tanks

    I have a Invun/Axe tank and i've seen some higher lvl */axe ppl and i've noticed one thing they all have in common, none have whirling axe, is their any reason for this or is it just personal prefrence?
  13. I would like to point out you wenrt very careful who you were ASing after your incident as i seem to remember you ASing me alot when i had only just arived and hadent interferd in any duel you had, only seeing you while face down on the floor. Alough i have since teamed with you and belive it to be a simple miss-understending. Im all for revenge but make sure its revenge on the right person.
  14. Solreyn


    people have benn complaining about elec armour not having a heal, "how can they survive without a heal!" i hear them cry, well i say to them energy armour has no heal yet they survive, i'm also pritty sure that some scrapper secondarys don't have heals either( though im yet to check)yet they are considerd to be very survivable, i know that most are deffensive secondarys but still i belive my point is valid. If you still disagree and belive that elec brutes will be dieing avery five minutes, well im sure you will never be happy about anything. Also i would like to point out that at low lvls you can get by without shields anyway, i have got a brute to 14 without using any shields or heals so there
  15. Solreyn


    well i dont usualy have mez protection on and do just fine, have you ever tried killin them really quick so they dont mez you or avoiding mez heavy mobs?
  16. Ive decided to go dark after all but thanks for all the advice guys
  17. maybe but id prefer something else other than dark. Im looking a trick arrow and it seems good and ive always liked traps. Its just ive used dark a lot before and want a brake.
    Edit: and i thought i should add im hoping to go for them medicen pool
    Ive norowed it down to dark or arrow
  18. Hi I've decided to make a zombie MM and cant decide what to chose from. Im hopeing to mainly focus on holds imobilizing ect.. and was wondering what to gor for. Im not very keen on dark misma but could be persuaded bu ether traps or trick arrow look promising and was hoping for some advice.Also im more than happy to use any of the extra power pools
  19. Dark does seem the best secondary, but what about the dark imobalize cone(tenabracios tentacles?) would that not be more useful then a single target hold(yes i know the difference between hold and imobalize) or am i compleatly mistaken?
  20. I am wanting to make a new corruptor which has a large emount of controll and would like some advice. From what i can see dark or ice would make the best primary,not too sure about a secondary. So please give me any advice you may have.
  21. the rad/rad is working well, lvl 5 so far, i would contine with my energy if some one could give me some advice on using the siper blast i would be very happy.
  22. thanks for the advice ive decided to go rad/rad.
  23. As ive said earlier ive got a energy corruptor and alough the knock back is usefull most of the time it can get anoying, foes go out of range, pulling is all but impossible. I love sniper atacks, but the energy one has to much knock back, i try to pull the closest minion-he gets knocked back through the entier mob which all comes after me. result more debt. Ive been enjoying rad/rad it seems fairly good loads of AoE and very quick recharge times though the defense debuff doesn't seem to do much and dark/dark seems ok but it leans a bit towards the buff & hold/slow heavy side, but not too much. Any advice on which would be best would be helpful.
  24. yes but i dont like the whole DoT bit. I fire or an attack to finish the thing off but it dies before it gets there of i wait for it to die only i doesn't and kills me instead.
    I know i may seem fussy but i just want a charecter i can enjoy. Also the type ive tried i havent compleatly dismised i would just like to know if there is anything better.
    So to clarify, can some one plz tell me the best power set for damage-not damage over time and not damage per second.