Kat Vs DB?
I'd go for Katana, less animation time(faster DPS) and it has Divine Avalanche, the nice parry power
k thx
DB looks about 20x cooler tho... and has the combos
for pvp: katana as DB lacks the burst damage, for PvE i'd say DB has more AoE potential so might be better then.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
They're both great sets! I'd be more inclined to say that Katana will have the slight edge over Dual Blades in PvP.
For PvE, the jury's still out!
Never lost a duel to a DB as my kat/regen and have seen some DBers struggle to get enough hard hits in to seriously concern the 2ry shielded ATs (Tanks,Scraps,Brutes,Stalkers)
Gotta admit though im jealous of the serious "omg where did that mob go" effect DB has in PvE
DB looks like a low dancer ballerina, altho it has better aoes than katana. Katana on the other hand has much quicker animations, is much more endurance friendly and better single targets
Its nice to hear someone else mock the poor animations of DB. I have it on a tank and I now would never take it again. I'd rather take something that looked better
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
personally having one of each, I'd say that the Katana scrapper tends to hit slightly less often, but in single chunks of damage, so for single target attacks its awesome. Plus with divine avalanche you can get some great one on one in PvP or PvE.
however its crowd control isn't the best, I tend to find I use the Lotus Drops, followed by Flashing steel, or Energy torrent from the body mastery pool then good old sands of Mu veteran - gives some nice overlapping cone damage.
However the Dual Blades set gets some excellent crowd control, the sweep combination allows you to keep mobs knocked down, or knocked away if they are of low enough level in comparison, allowing the time needed to rebuild a combo to start taking down targets.
Dont be fooled though, blades REQUIRES targets to use buffs, whereas the katana has access to build up for +acc +dam without needing a target. So if you are having trouble hitting your opponents you can get ganked quickly as if you cant hit, you cant get +acc very easily from the combo.
If slotted correctly, blades can be just as effective in PvE as katana, but the combo nessecity for buffs wouldnt prove as effective in PvP as most people dont tend to stand around for long to get the hits in.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
DB/SR is the best Scrapper I've ever played, but that's based on my opinion. It's amazingly quick with Quickness Hasten and the already quick DB powers.
I do love just how quick DB/SR is as well, I'm looking forward to properly slotting my scrapper at level 50

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
I do love just how quick DB/SR is as well, I'm looking forward to properly slotting my scrapper at level 50
[/ QUOTE ]
DB/SR brother <3
DB is good for the buffs/debuffs, but i prefer the point damage and defence debuff of katana.much simpler for me. besides if your using it for PvP, DB is for large mobs of units..in my opinion..
Frostbourne: lvl 50 Scrapper Katana/Regen
Energenica: lvl 50 Tanker Invuln/Energy
Ionised: lvl 50 Defender Empathy/Electrical Blast
Avalonica: lvl 50 Controller Ice/Storm
SunSphere: lvl 50 PeaceBringer
hey guys i was wondering what was the best tot ake db or kat char will be using SR and is for pvp and pve ty. . ..