Ahh, the thrills of Warburg.
Ah, sweet revenge!
And proven is again the ubah might of stalkers...
Im happy you did what you did I dont like complainers myself.
The problem i've found in the PvP zones is that people seem to enjoy playing the role of Assassins themselves, but when the shoe is on the other foot they tend to go ballistic. I've met a fair few people in the zones that i've teamed with as Stalkers then came across them playing a different alt spamming broadcast with moans about how unfair stalkers are. Double standards and all that.
I think PvP brings out the best in some people and the worst in others.
For example, I was losing to a villain when some NPCs started attacking, so he suggested I run so I didn't get debt (unfortunately, I was lagging so badly I never made it).
At the same time, someone was broadcasting a message about stalkers not being able to [rude words].
PvP in a nutshell, I'd say.
dark melee/regen scrapper
ALPHA CORTEX, mind/empath controller, lvl 50
I know several people like myself who never get angry with stalkers, we make it our business to find ways to beat them.
I remember having a 1v1 match against a regen scrapper in warburg last week when I spotted a stalker about to AS the scrapper so I switched targets and gave them a TK blast to the face. The stalker stood there in confusion for a few seconds before scarpering and I could get back to my duel .
I don't mind either way. If there's one on ones I'll try to avoid it since I cba with the ensuing chat, and others have offered fair one on one fights to me as well.
If I do get 'ganked' I just hope there's a full inspiration tray of health and break frees and wade in =)
When Is Warburg busiest? I've been in there, but found it deserted, while Siren's Call was pretty active.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
You made me chuckle _Chi_, thanks
Although, I personally will always gripe about stalkers, but never in a nasty manner. Its a frustration venting thing, provided it doesnt turn into much of a spamming contest, i've always preferred it this way. Frustration vented well is personal hostility negated, methinks.
I just find it stupid that people moan about Stalkers...
PvP is like an uber complicated version of Rock Scissors Paper .
Some ATs beat others. There is always a way to get around a Stalker... Blappers, if they spot me with aim, I normally scarper, as they will probably beat me... by detoggling everything. My Stalker can beat some Tanks, Brutes... some of everything. Whenever I make a new character, I always try to balance the powersets with PvE and PvP.
My Defender. He's a Tank in PvE, and a Stalker hunter in PvP. He can't be touched with the big, enormous, laggified hurricane going around him. My new scrapper. A Stalker's worst nightmare. Spines.
My Corruptor. +perc from leadership, Sapper like drains, uber high damage. There is always a way around things, people just haven't found them all yet.
When Is Warburg busiest? I've been in there, but found it deserted, while Siren's Call was pretty active.
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It's never usaully busy unfortunately, although the scope for sg to sg free for alls and what not are bigger, some would prefer the arena. It normally has a few villians or heroes (normally the brute / stalker / scrapper / blaster kind looking for nukes or others running the missions and grinding their way up) in there, but otherwise it's more or less 'can'r wait for I7 and I can use Body Mastery!!111!1w00tw00t!'.
I would like to point out you wenrt very careful who you were ASing after your incident as i seem to remember you ASing me alot when i had only just arived and hadent interferd in any duel you had, only seeing you while face down on the floor. Alough i have since teamed with you and belive it to be a simple miss-understending. Im all for revenge but make sure its revenge on the right person.
I would like to point out you wenrt very careful who you were ASing after your incident as i seem to remember you ASing me alot when i had only just arived and hadent interferd in any duel you had, only seeing you while face down on the floor. Alough i have since teamed with you and belive it to be a simple miss-understending. Im all for revenge but make sure its revenge on the right person.
[/ QUOTE ]
I second you salan^^....btw chi you where [censored] about some people attacking you corruptor so you took out your stalker to kill everyone on the duel roof yourself 2 (while we where waiting and watching) just out of grudge..
I still agree with your starting story tho...but its all kinda hypocrite^^
I was in Warburg with some SG and TSpeak pals, having friendly one on ones with passers by and eachother. Then a proper team war began to occur next to us, so they kindly asked us to go to the Duel Roof (One of the two with Pointy roundy thingies on each end). So we did. Before we even had one fight, we were ambushed by many people, Heroes and Villains.
Now, I have nothing against this. I'm not one to moan or get uptight. PvP Zones are of course free for all, and there are no rules against such 'Ganking'.
However, when we decided to give them some of their own medicine, we changed from our Brutes and Corruptors to our highly skilled group of assassins (Ninja blade-ers). By each picking a target that we could one/two shot, and then going for the Tank or Scrapper etc, we pretty much anihilated the whole 15 or so of them.
Much to my displeasure, the same people that interrupted our One on ones, and told us to go there, gave us much verbal abuse about how we ganked them, and how they were 'Duelling'. I don't know how many times I broadcasted during the attack on my one on one, "Please leave us alone, we're 1 v 1 ing."
I stayed there for about an hour, frankly, killing them all. Sword goes in, sword comes out. Everytime they moaned about the same things. When I ARRANGED a one on one with their Verbal Abuse 'Leader'. The one shot I did was apparently 'Unfair', as he can't go invis, placate, or do a one shot on anyone.
This is where the Stalker moaning comes in. Stalkers are little gankers. Stalkers can't hold their own in a fight' Stalkers always run.
I offered to take on two of them. Empath down in a matter of seconds. Scrapper, runs. So, I go back to the 'Duelling Roof'. And AS people. Again and again and again.
Yes, this may've been annoying, but I made sure I only did it to the people that did it to us.
Sorry for this annoyed post, but the author is annoyed with PvP Society.
Anyone that ganked us there, make sure to look around you before you start your one on one. MUA HA HA AHAAAAAA.