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  1. Goodbye MBM - it was a pleasure to serve by your side! And the immense contribution you made to the Paragon City Protectors will never be forgotten. We should name the base medical ward after you!

    I hope you swing by the PCP forums from time to time and let us know how you are getting on in the world beyond CoH!

    Best wishes,

    Alpha Cortex / Dreamshadow
  2. I'd like to partake of this feast of TF with Dreamshadow (lvl 50 dm/regen scrapper)
  3. Dreamshadow

    Presence Pool!

    [ QUOTE ]
    there is a rest button.

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    I thought we weren't allowed to use it?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    i've never had prpoblems teaming and quite often get teams based on my global rather than my build.

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    I should have pointed out that I was talking about PUGs. I've seen people quit or kick members because someone's build was unconventional. Not all of us have the luxury of an active global friends list.
  5. Funny how any discussion of powers always has to have someone chiming in with a "that power sucks" comment.

    I agree that the game can be played with a minority build, but the problem is finding a team willing to accept a minority build.

    It's usually best to solo or stick to PvP if you have something "not perfect".
  6. Hi,

    Just one thought on the build: I would take Focused Accuracy as early as possible.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Must-Have powers:

    Everything from mind set apart for either levitate or mesmerize. You could also drop telekinesis since it can be hard to control, but if you take the time to learn how to use it, it's a very powerful tool.

    [/ QUOTE ]I'd recommend you take all the powers from the mind set and then do a respec. For example, I used to use Telekinesis but for various reasons from about level 35 I hardly touched the power, so I respec'd it out. At level 50 I still use Mesmerise, Levitate and Domination, so you should try all three and see for yourself whether your playstyle makes use of them.

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    From empathy... Most things, ones you could possibly skip are res, absorb pain, and regen aura.

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    I second this. I'd take Clear Mind earlier, though.

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    Mes is swappable with levitate, hasten and superspeed with some other travelpower, in which case the slots from hasten can go elsewhere.

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    See above for my thoughts on Mesmerise & Levitate. Hasten isn't necessary but if you are going for Super Speed then it's the most appropriate prerequisite to get.

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    Final tip, when in-game, join the 'forumites' global channel, it's a good source of help, and insane banter ^_^

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    Final tip from me, there is no ONE way to play a mind controller and it's worth exploring different ways. You'll learn more about the powersets and your character as a result. For example, my controller's build is more aggressive than MaXimillion's (and was even more so when I had a build that could solo quickly.)
  8. First of all, excellent choice!

    Secondly, there are a variety of ways of playing the character and the best way is really to go through the game seeing what works for you.

    However, some general tips of a random nature:

    If you use Confuse on Tsoo sorcerors, they will heal and buff members of your team. Confused Skyraider Forcefield Generators will place protective bubbles around your team instead of the Skyraiders.

    However, some teams would rather take these out asap and if there are two sorcerors, for example, it can be a bit fiddly keeping them both confused. Your role would therefore be to hold them so they don't teleport and are easier to defeat.

    Mass Hypnosis can be used to keep a 2nd mob from joining in a battle, or you can sleep a mob before a blaster nukes it or to give an advantage to a general attack.

    If foes are being pulled, wait until they are in melee range of the scrappers or tankers before using your mind powers.

    Unless you are using Confuse to change the allegiance of a buffing/debuffing enemy, think of it as a tool to eliminate specific threats.
    Confuse (and Deceive) gets a bit of a bad rap because at low levels it is often used inappropriately. A common scenario is that the controller asks the team to wait, confuses a minion for 5 minutes, then says "Go!" In that time, the team could probably have fought two mobs.

    In battle, you can deal pretty good damage but remember that the holding side of your powers can be put to good use if someone is in trouble.

    For the empathy side of things, have a look through the defenders forum. My experience (I have an empath defender too) is that it's not worth putting too much effort into the empathy powers until you can start using DOs.

    I also recommend you solo a bit (maybe on the test server) to get the hang of the powers. As I've alluded to above, some of the powers can work against a team if you get the timing and/or situation wrong, and some teams might not be too sympathetic if you are practising in a mission.

    A bit chaotic, but that's my 4am advice.

    One last piece - don't worry if a fire blaster keeps waking mobs under Mass Hypnosis. They have to do this or the Sacred Spirit of Fire Blasters gets angry and deletes their accounts.
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    2 The Devs 24 man Hami raid (raid24)
    Ok, hands up, I'll admit I've not seen the original info regarding this...

    However, given the 75 hero in zone server spec, it seems likely that Hami was designed to be beatable with 24. Why?

    The devs knew the ****** in Hamis armour so should have tested taking him down with a minimal team. They know that normal players do not know these ******, and so imagining that normal players will take a up to a 3:1 ratio strikes me as a resonable assumption. the 3:1 ratio would still comfortably fit in the server limits, and so, to the Devs, Hami probably seems a reasonable challenge, doable without uberlag.

    Also 24 fits nicely as 3 full teams... Anyone have any idea what the dev team AT makeup was for the 24-man raid?? btw - I would hope that the makeup included all available ATs... can't see them having designed a challenge with a great reward (the HOs) knowing that a specific AT is almost surplus to requirements and so will never get invited on raids nor get the chance to earn the reward!

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    I recall reading a comment which claimed they used lots of rad defenders but that could well have been hearsay.
    Is there actually a comment from the devs confirming they defeated Hamidon with 24 heroes or is it one of those things that gets repeated so often that nobody questions it?

    I'm inclined to believe it is possible to defeat Hamidon with less than a hundred heroes but I feel that if the devs did do it with twenty-four, it must have been so long ago that with all the changes made to the game since, it is probably irrelevant.
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    Hence why 24 people can defeat him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've read references to this legendary event frequently - when did the devs do this? Would it make any difference whether it was pre- or post-enhancement diversification?
  11. Dreamshadow

    Jum leaving.

    Sorry to see you go! For some reason, Jumanjimon's background is the one I remember most distinctly since I started playing, and now I can't see a reference to the film without thinking about it...

    Jumanjiation's background was cool too!

    Incidentally, I've still got that Arena fight demo with the superspeeder...
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I would take jumping pool everytime - you cant do anything if your lying flat on the floor.

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    a) offer advice
    b) give the team a pep talk
    c) type "Run to the lifts" and watch as the rest of the team calmly disposes of the mob
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    Logged into sirens for about 5 minutes to blow off steam and had a wierd experience. I attack some brute but a mob gets in the killing blow, oh well. He argues that heroes shouldnt do this..blah... only villains, why didnt i kill the NPC. blah blah...he could kill me and he's only lvl yawn! etc.
    Then he invites me to his global friends list :S

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    Sounds like early romantic tension.

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    Yep. It won't be long before you two realise you love each other, but not before many "amusing" events take place, possibly involving "hilarious", eccentric relatives or a ker-razy goofball best friend.
  14. Just want to add that Siphon Life has been useful for me too, and I still use it usefully at level 50.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    dont need stanima

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    You do if you want to be able to just slot your attacks for damage, accuracy and recharge and get the best DPS possible.

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    Presumably, at level 35, he's already discovered he needs/wants Stamina.

    Some scrappers don't need it, but for those who want high DPS + zero downtime the Fitness pool is essential.
  16. I think PvP brings out the best in some people and the worst in others.

    For example, I was losing to a villain when some NPCs started attacking, so he suggested I run so I didn't get debt (unfortunately, I was lagging so badly I never made it).
    At the same time, someone was broadcasting a message about stalkers not being able to [rude words].

    PvP in a nutshell, I'd say.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Okay lvl35 an just skipped revive on my Katana/Regen was thinking is it really worth taking MoG?? I mean is there anything speacial i am missing?? i dont get this power why is it in the Regen set? Im a regen an i cant regen while activated>!?! I think it would be better if it was more like you can heal while activated but after it wears off you drain to 1hp an no stamina then you have to regen

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    It does seem a curious power for a Regen theme. The endurance regeneration makes sense, but preventing health from regenerating doesn't feel "in the spirit" of the power pool.

    I have MoG and it's been very useful in certain situations, and it is definitely a "fun" power. However, like Revive, it's something you can easily justify skipping if you want something else.
  18. I believe I've managed to miss all of those hit level 50... next one, eh? In a fortnight...!

    But big GRATZ again
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    Is dark melee strong vs bosses and luts?

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    I soloed most of the Praetorian Elite Bosses at equal level and +2 and +3, so, yeah, "strong enough".

    I'm pretty sure all the scrapper sets can cope with LTs and Bosses but some would take longer than others.
  20. I can't speak for other scrapper primaries, but what the above posts actually prove with their disagreements/debate is that the DM pool offers a variety playstyle options.

    For example, I use all of the DM powers, depending on my mood and the foe. If I'm in an RP mood, I'll try and deliver the coup de grace with Siphon Life. Other times, I'll use it as part of my attack chain. Touch of Fear is the basis of my playstyle, but I don't always need it and it is certainly possible to dispense with it altogether.

    Probably the best thing to do is to roll two scrappers, DM & BS, see which takes hold first, then run with it.
  21. I can offer the services of
    Alpha Cortex, level 50 mind/empath controller
    Dreamshadow, level 50 dark melee/regeneration scrapper

    Which would be more useful?
  22. As someone mentioned before, it is important to bear in mind whether or not you want a solo build, a team-player, or the middle-ground.

    My mind/empath controller was primarily a soloist, and could solo just about any non-AV mission on Invincible (he reached level 50 before the AV->EB change, so I have yet to test him against EBs, but my guess is that he'll need a team - more so since he's been respec'd more for team support now).

    Bearing in mind the mob size in a solo mission set at Invincible, it was almost always possible to defeat a mob without taking much damage, if at all. I found I could usually 3-shot three minions/LTs before Mass Hypnosis wore off.

    Generally speaking, accuracy is king. Then you need to balance out the hold duration. For teamwork, damage is not really important - there'll be scrappers and blasters for that, so beef up the holds.
  23. Hmm... don't know why I put my name in capitals and bold - must be a 3:42am thing
  24. I'd like to offer my services...

    Dreamshadow, dark melee/regen scrapper.