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  1. I would love to see your build (unless you keep them as your secret =], then in that case its all good). I have been looking for a good defense/hp/regen build for a kat/wp, and boy do you have a good one!
  2. Okay, so this was first noticed running a MoSTF (Master of the Statesman Task Force) the team did well to make it all the way to the 4 towers that buff Lord Recluse. While taking down the towers the Repairmen would spawn and heal the tower even after being defeated they would get off the heal. it took a really long time to eventually take all the Towers and it enabled the flier to respawn multiple times eventually killing us.

    After that i refused to run another STF, i have not seen any posts about it so i figured it was time to see if any others noticed this or /bug it.

    Since then i have noticed for player characters too, say if i were playing a blaster for example and jumped in to a group to Nova/Inferno I would start the animation and be defeated and the Nova/Inferno would still activate dealing the damage to the mobs.
    Also NPC's have this too, if they are defeated at the beginning of an animation the damage still comes through.

    Previously none of the moves by Player or NPC would have affects after being defeated, I'm not sure when the bug crept up but it was most noticeable and detrimental on the STF by the repairmen.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    Yup, but the requirements still exist on the Hamidon zones and the PVP zones.
    Holy crap! I just read past what posi posted on the second page... does this mean level 1's will have access to zones such as RWZ and Cimerora, technically they arent PvP zones, just co-op zones.

    EDIT: nvm lol shoulda looked at the next page XD
  4. So I came up with a really cool conept for a Martial Arts character, and remembered the i16 mentioned alternate animations for that and Super Strength. My question is what do you guys think it will be changed to? More punchy animations? Or just different kicks?

    Personally, I think the Punches for Martial Arts would be a really cool Street Brawling look. If anything has been confirmed, it would be cool to know =]

    Cool to hear all your opinions, later!
  5. Hey all, after a ton of playing (over four years) I am starting to close in on my first 50 villain and really want to roll a widow. I was wondering if it is uheard of to go with the fortunata path but take a few claw attacks too. Personally, a mix of melee and ranged with a helluva lot of defense looks really cool to me. Seems to be pretty effective too. Can anyone share and opinion if they dont mind =]. Thanks a ton guys!
  6. Sorry for posting twice consecutively but the put a version of Dual Pistols on Mids? Or did you make your own version Jacobi?
  7. This is purely a thought but, I am thinking that Dual Pistols will be very much like a ranged version of claws. Fast Animations, low recharge, not the best damage but still good. I personally think the blaster version of this set will be very good. Not to say the Corrupter version won't be good, I just mean the overall damage scale for Blasters will make Dual Pistols shine IMO.
  8. This sounds sooo cool. I'm waiting for Billzbubba to post something lol.
  9. I am salivating over the thought of Lighting Rod doing criticals... wowowowow
  10. Sole_Savior


    This sounds actually really cool to me. I have had a lot of concepts for Broadsword stalkers.
  11. Sole_Savior

    I16 and MA

    I just saw the elec/ announcement for scrappers... They still keep adding to my Scrapper addiction...

    Oh who the heck am I kidding THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!
  12. Fire/SR was a blast on scrappers, and from what I have heard, on Brutes, it does more damage and The ability to build up his defense is the exact same. So I would put a vote down for Fire/Sr.

    Yet if you really don't care or have any concept towards it, SS/WP seems to level really fast.
  13. Sole_Savior

    Soloing n such

    My signature says it all. Fire/SR is arguably the funnest scrapper I have played. Let me tell you, I am a scrapper addict lol. So much offensive potential and great slotting can do you amazing things.
  14. Well anytime you can solo an AV (which is meant to be Un-Solo able) I think if you complete it, it would be very cool

    Edit: I completely agree with Firespray, if a shivan is used or heavy I would say it isnt really solo. Any who... if you are able to do so I think you are worth boasting
  15. I think he means more along the lines of S.C.O.R.P.I.O no? I'm not a member but certainly would love to be. They are more based around natural mercenaries I believe.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    guys its offical, jab is getting nerfed, there reducing its damage by 50%, to compensate footstomp's radius is now double and deals double damage and recharges in half the time. also incidentally rage has been made into a toggle to compensate for ppl who like to double stack rage the damage output has been upped by 300% higher than the last patch's rage, the toggle also does not surpress well mezzed infact it actually increases the "rage" effect making the tank/brute hit 4x as hard as normal, also rage has been given a "blood thirst" effect where if the tank/brute isn't being atacked or attacking after 120 seconds rage crashes and the tank/brute dies, but not only that the resulting effect kills anything in a 120ft radius including friendly targets and hamidon.

    so overall i can deal with the nerf to jab.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is there patch notes for this?
  17. hmm, ive never even heard of mods for CoX so I guess the stealth IO seems right, but wouldnt it be a pain to keep toggling it on and off just for that lol...
  18. I was looking on the Virtueverse pages a while ago and stumbled upon something that was quite peculiar yet really really cool!

    I need to know how she did this lol. I thought maybe stealth but doesnt stealth give of a small aura when activated? Would love if anyone knew how to do this to their costume.
  19. Sole_Savior

    Hello Virtue :)

    lol damn hippies... XD
  20. Sole_Savior

    Hello Virtue :)

    Hello Virtue Server! Until recently I have called Protector home to all of my heroes but have found a lack of villains over there that I would find fun to play with such a low Red-Side population. So I have decided to make a few villains on Virtue. The population I have heard is excellent and very active. Not to mention all the RolePlaying (which is AWESOME). I looked into Freedom (I know...) but while the population is large, it is no where near as fun and nice as you guys

    So I would like to introduce myself I'm Sole. I am looking forward to seeing you guys over In Game!

    P.S: I would love to be part of an active VG, so if anyone wouldnt mind taking me in i would greatly appreciate it.
    Send a tell to @Sole Savior if anyone has an offer

    Thanks a ton Virtue Server!
  21. Sole_Savior

    DM/Shield help

    [ QUOTE ]
    Often when I start a build I have goals in mind. Shooting for a certain attack chain, regenning (is THAT a word?) 20+ hp/sec, having my attacks at 195% Acc. But these are all just guidlines. Rarely do I get everything I want.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hehe when i was building Rendezvous, my Fire/SR my guildlines were... well... a little less complex

    Mine was pretty much softcap without losing damage. I did that. Now that he is done though i see that i can add about 140%+ global recharge if I switch a few things.

    But back to the DM/Shield. Already at the low levels it seems like a very fun character to play, I already have the Steadfast +3 def (worked the market to get a lvl 12 one for 5 mill) and have a few sets level 50 such as Blessing of the Zephyr and Obliteration Set and a numi and miracle IO. Any other *Key* IO's that I will need to take?

  22. Sole_Savior

    DM/Shield help

    Hello again all. I recently have been intrigued to try out a DM/Shield scrapper. I went on mids to try out a decent build that I could make. I put all the enhancements in and found that I had a mediocre build. 41 melee/44 ranged/39 aoe defense. I was a little uspet that I couldnt get it soft-capped. So does anyone have a decent build (no price limitations) that is softcapped to at least melee and ranged? If you wouldnt mind posting your build that would be awesome

    One last question. Does Phalanx Fighting give a defense increase when alone? Or is the 2.25 base defense only applied when another hero is near?

    Thanks a ton guys!

    PS.: I know you don't usually do this but Powerforge, would love to see your build
  23. Sweet, thanks for the response, I am definatly gonna go for the chain you suggested
  24. Hey all, just wanted to ask a quick question. How much recharge would be needed for a Fire Scrapper to run a constant attack chain of GFC-Inc-Cremate? If SR i know youll need quickness and hasten, but hasten is guaranteed for anyone that wants to run an attack chain like that. How much global recharge on top of hasten and quickness would I need? Thanks