Recharge for a Fire Scrapper
I wouldn't do that attack chain, while it is the best it is only the best by 4%. To run that attack chain you need 236% recharge in GFS, that taks a lot and like I said only 4% better. I would run Inc-GFC-Cremate-Firesword, it is only 4% lower DPS and it only takes 133% recharge in GFS. If you can put 95% in GFS then in only takes 38% global. If you add quickness into it, it in only take 18% global recharge to run that attack chain.
Also I have a GuideHere for Fire/SR I would love to get more feed back into it so I can make it better
Sweet, thanks for the response, I am definatly gonna go for the chain you suggested
Rendezvous Fire/SR Scrapper 50 (Main), Sole Savior Kat/WP scrapper 50, Papillon Noir DM/SR Stalker 50
Cascavela NW 50

Good advice Prey! I am presently working on my Fire/SR brute and I didn't even know you had a guide. While I think I have his build pretty much finalized I'm defimitely looking forward to reading your guide. Looks like you put a lot of time and thought into it.
Another chain to consider is Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch (+145% recharge in Scorch). It takes another step down in DPS, but only requires three attacks and has better DPE, both of which can significantly relieve slotting pressure in a high-end build. I suspect that's the one I would build towards, but I don't have a Fire scrapper yet.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
What would be a great DPS chain for this build?
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA594C973124114C69BCD0909ABD9C8BE60209084848B4 6ADD22A4D48A244316|
|8BCA811A103A3A981020EE666954B95CBC9839EBCB9FE0996 7F9A0BBEF7BE0E65CE|
|4E15DF6FA6FB7BF35ECFEB66FBF15A40A92717952B74F9A0D 46AED15CBCD52A3A19|
|B56B16C6BA7AC7DB7ED5CF3D0524A8D1E4DED6DEB03AD3339 5B370F713FD19D5AD3|
|FBDA69E9CC8EAE6A47374B6DBBEE44B79C9A6E6AA79D39BAE 92DD4EB07996243EB4|
|A406E7376DBD1AD56D03C546B6DDBA986E529AF4B15DD6CD5 EC4674BD61973397EA|
|15CA5A6AB5297B8CCA4AD1EF29D72757C7ABEE13B2CA5D02C A026F05D08235B6BBC|
|4EE53375C3C74E216B02B889F264CA8C4AA60E982E0996582 28CAB52F2FEAA90235|
|41AF0D3C14041E099E5394C74479101540540851214445101 541548EA27CA8D0ED7|
|BEBE6A193EF80F78275325866C5565E8A1ED806AE0986AE03 05C10BF2FA4D15FE8F|
|F286D827C1E867E08B60FC2BF04D304B517D8872F72D48619 3C71027431065AAA05|
|F623669288C216FF8AA249F447DD3A86F1AF54DA3BE0DB247 8D3D0ADF0C7C33F0CD|
|C017C73A5E92BDDFACA3FFA7248CFF129CFA0DFC013A82047 FFAACF251D4A029737|
|0492AB76868D87CE0616C81585190C04EE821C388318CA003 497460091D78458631|
|53CA181A9B446393686C0A8D4DA1B12934F68AC55B49A23C1 33B92298DBCE933D86|
|CD873AFC93765FA3B959084E9A460711E480169818BECB3B0 BB663715BF61794B90|
|A79939333317954CCBFC2D62CA4333F3E6ABCC2FE27CD0D08 259F44204E60141163|
|15132648C210343F698618B0C2BE6A52BC3B294716FF770D2 9F88E4C9FF3B848614|
|BCDDD3A55CD85D53DEEE31FDAFEB7BE0289B7FA797F4264B8 16597E50ECB5D967B2|
|C2596072C6596CE8F6E7478950B3ACB728EE53CCB1B36597C 4AFA58022C4196104B|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
What would be a great DPS chain for this build?
[/ QUOTE ]
Let's see, looks like +147% in GFS, +99% in Scorch, and +123% in Fire Sword, Cremate and Incinerate.
Probably Incinerate -> Greater Fire Sword -> Cremate -> Fire Sword. Also, swap the Hecatomb damage for the Hecatomb proc. When slowed, just toss in a Scorch at the end. You won't even notice the trivial dent in your DPS.
You could also consider swapping the Hecatombs into Scorch, dropping Greater Fire Sword completely, and running the Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch chain. It's probably lower DPS, but with a shorter chain and two purple procs, it's going to be close. You probably don't need the saved endurance on a Regen, but you might be able to do something nice with a power pick and four free slots. For instance, pick up tactics, move the Gaussian set over there, three recharges in Build Up to get it up more often. Then you still have another two slots to play with.
Oh, wait. You need the recharge in Incinerate, not in Scorch. So you're not getting as much out of the purple proc, plus you end up 3% short of the required recharge. Well, you could swap for a Doctored Wounds set in Instant Healing, suffer with a tiny gap, who knows.
OK, I'll shut up now, because this is what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing for SpiderTeo_OC, and I haven't gotten to it yet.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
What would be a great DPS chain for this build?
[/ QUOTE ]
With that build you can Run Inc>GFS>Cremate>Fire Sword with hasten down. Now when Hasten is up GFS recharges in 3.78 but to run Inc>GFS>Cremate you need GFS to recharge in 3.564, so it is just short. I guess you could run it but it will have a small gap.
Well I did the numbers with the gap, you do less DPS with Inc>GFS>Cremate>.216 gap.
Ok so here are the numbers
Inc>GFS>Cremate>Fire sword= 187.42 DPS Hasten up and Hasten down
Inc>GFS>Cremate>.216 gap.= 187.24 DPS Hasten up
Inc>Scorch>Cremate>Scorch= 173.67 DPS Hasten up.
Ok I think these number are right but if they are wrong pls tell me.
Another chain to consider is Incinerate -> Scorch -> Cremate -> Scorch (+145% recharge in Scorch). It takes another step down in DPS, but only requires three attacks and has better DPE, both of which can significantly relieve slotting pressure in a high-end build. I suspect that's the one I would build towards, but I don't have a Fire scrapper yet.
[/ QUOTE ]
And a big plus for me at least, I wouldn't have to whip out those silly fire sword things. I mean seriously, If I can control fire to that extent, I'd make something way more bad [censored] than a sword. nunchuks hehe.
38 FF/Sonic Def
35 Ill/Storm
35 DM/Regen
1 pan of fresh brownies/gallon of milk
on my fire/sr scrapper i ran gfs>incin>cremate>fs no hasten no purple sets
but when i went to my claws/sr i havent looked back...claws spoils me to much
What would be a great DPS chain for this build?
[/ QUOTE ]
With that build you can Run Inc>GFS>Cremate>Fire Sword with hasten down. Now when Hasten is up GFS recharges in 3.78 but to run Inc>GFS>Cremate you need GFS to recharge in 3.564, so it is just short. I guess you could run it but it will have a small gap.
Well I did the numbers with the gap, you do less DPS with Inc>GFS>Cremate>.216 gap.
Ok so here are the numbers
Inc>GFS>Cremate>Fire sword= 187.42 DPS Hasten up and Hasten down
Inc>GFS>Cremate>.216 gap.= 187.24 DPS Hasten up
Inc>Scorch>Cremate>Scorch= 173.67 DPS Hasten up.
Ok I think these number are right but if they are wrong pls tell me.
[/ QUOTE ]
So then this would be the optimal choice then? I can use that chain with hasten up or down?
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Hey all, just wanted to ask a quick question. How much recharge would be needed for a Fire Scrapper to run a constant attack chain of GFC-Inc-Cremate? If SR i know youll need quickness and hasten, but hasten is guaranteed for anyone that wants to run an attack chain like that. How much global recharge on top of hasten and quickness would I need? Thanks
Rendezvous Fire/SR Scrapper 50 (Main), Sole Savior Kat/WP scrapper 50, Papillon Noir DM/SR Stalker 50
Cascavela NW 50