6298 -
General discussion can be found here:
And official forum post here:
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/forumdisplay.php?f=569 -
It means this:
Quote:<pancake>Originally Posted by twitterMatt Miller @Positron_CoH
Farewell, Paragon Studios and CoH. -
Quote:Official post on the subject:My question is, "Is the system completely broken or do we just not know how and if the code works in the new system?" In other words - is the code still there and being executed, or has it been bypassed/removed?
Quote:The same issue that's preventing us from rewarding the other annual badges introduced with Issue 21 is what would be preventing us from awarding an 8 year badge of similar nature.
At this point, I do not consider the issue as dead and will continue to advocate for the issue to be addressed in some manner in the future, however right now there are other issues which are much higher on the priority list for us to address.
FYI: This issue, while seemingly simple, is actually very complicated. It involves not only development time from Paragon but also development time from PlayNC in Austin and potentially support from Seattle. This is not a task that would be easily accomplished and would involve a significant investment of time. This, along with the complexity of how to actually award the badges under the new system (annual badges just *don't work* under the new business model as years subscribed are not tracked in the same manner), are the major roadblocks preventing this from being resolved anytime in the near term.
As an additional FYI, additional CS tickets should not be filed regarding this issue. While I do understand that this may be disappointing to some of you, unfortunately no amount of appeals will fast track this project.
Thanks and my apologies to have to be the bearer of bad news. -
Thank you for your offer, but the realist in me tells me that you would likely be the only corrupter that would be attending. At most, I might convince 2-3 more to show up, and that is iffy at best. Having said that, I would welcome anyone willing to help. Triumph's next run will be on Sept 2nd. If I'm convinced that people are at least trying, I'll likely be starting them on a weekly basis again.
Even beyond that, I suspect that I -will- have to wait for new incarnate slots to show up for the remaining magi badges. What I'm really hoping (stubbornly) for is that I can somehow get the people on my server to act like a team and not as a collection of people running amok.
What I really hope for is cross-server incarnate trials so that nobody would have to be dependent on just one server's population to run this content. -
Quote:Folks, I just wanted to stress this point. Far too often people start a panic at 10-15 minutes that "it isn't going to work". This includes being armchair quarterbacks distracting the leaders. If you are sending them a tell at a critical moment, they might NOT see the point they need to change strategy. Trust me, the trial leaders ARE paying attention. You don't need arguing with them at a critical moment. If you have advice, save it for after the trial finishes.Edit: Expect the Tyrant fight to take the whole 20 minutes. Do not get nervous and jump the gun.
The way the trial leaders want to run the badge runs will work if people let it work.
The people doing these badge runs want the badge, the people leading these badge runs want to help YOU get the badges, and at this point as a trial leader myself I am so frustrated with the lack of cooperation that I don't want to run them very much.
So for everyone's sanity, please let us help you get the badges. If not, you might see even less Incarnate Trials than we've seen recently. -
You know I'll be there, of course. I just hope for better corrupter archetype turnout.
Here are some tips from the Champion Server.
Quote:Another piece of advice I found to be extremely useful:Back at it this Sunday, going for The Really Hard Way. We should also get Shadow Master and The Hard Way (even if The Really Hard Way doesn't work out); Ready to Rumble is certainly possible, but I won't be actively trying for it on either of the first two runs. The first run won't use Ultimates, so we can practice dodging lightning and see where we start hitting the regen wall, then we'll go for the badge on the second try. Time and interest permitting, I could do a third run to try to get either Triple Threat or Ready to Rumble.
If you'd like me to save you a spot, post below or let me know in-game.
Requirements- +3 level shift.
- Hybrid unlocked and slotted.
- Completed the Magisterium trial.
- At least 6 Ultimates. There may be some available at the event, but please try to bring your own. You can get them from:
- Astral Christy in Ouroboros for 2 Astral Merits each.
- Wentworth's. I haven't checked prices lately but last time I did they were running between 7 and 10 million.
Other considerations- If your badge character needs it, by all means, bring them.
- General Incarnate suggestions:
- Judgement: Try to avoid Vorpal (he resists smashing).
- Interface: One with a damage proc. Reactive and Degenerative have nice other effects, but don't overdo them as they can only stack a few times.
- Lore: High single-target DPS (List at ParagonWiki for comparison) and/or exotic damage. Note that Cimerorans are getting brought into line (i.e., nerfed) in i24, so be careful if you choose to make them.
- Destiny: Barrier or Rebirth.
- Hybrid: Assault (Radial) or Support.
- If you can't change to one of these, anything's better than nothing. Also, don't change from an ability with a level shift to one without.
- Overall, the main concern is being able to do steady damage to Tyrant. Stacking Barrier and Rebirth destinies should be enough to keep the league alive.
- The best things to bring are damage, AoE damage and tohit buffs, and defense and resistance debuffs for Tyrant.
- Corruptors are good, between the buff/debuffs and Scourge.
- Leadership powers, particularly Assault and Tactics, are useful.
- For filling the non-Ultimate slots in your tray: reds (although we'll hopefully be pushing the damage cap without them), greens, or team yellows (or red/yellows).
Incarnate trials that I led/participated in over the last 3 nights:
Friday: BAF & TPN, then a Yin TF.
Saturday: 2 Magisterium, BAF, Keyes, and a TPN.
Sunday: TPN, Magisterium, 2 BAFs, and a Lambda.
And I heard about a few more Trials/TFs besides those. For most of the above trials I had either a full league or close to it. While those were going on there were other TFs forming too, in addition to the DFBs you normally see.
Triumph isn't dead, it is just more relaxed than other servers. -
Quote:I think it has less to do with Paragon Studios than it does with NCsoft Austin.I certainly wouldn't mind this as a feature, but I wonder if it's possible. It would be nice if the devs would explain one way or another.
What I'm saying is that when Issue 21: Freedom launched Zwillinger was under the impression that by going from a VIP to Premium status freed up slot allocation choices (reverted server assigned slots to global slots) and he stated as much. However discussions with support staff and looking at how assigning slots work has shown that any slot assigned is firmly committed to a specific (possibly virtual) server. This is why your character can transfer over, but the the slot doesn't.
I don't think they have the tech to do the suggestion, even if they wanted to. Worse, in order to get the ability to unassign the character slot (the minimum needed to change a slot's server), any solution would likely need to involve NCsoft Austin. Given NCsoft's priorities (and how far down City of Heroes stands on that list), it seems highly doubtful that the suggestion will come to pass. -
Quote:No such thing as recipe storage. The information regarding the others is still accurate on Paragonwiki.In need of increased storage, and trying to figure out from Wiki and these boards if I can get a personal base and add
Invention Worktable
Enhancement Storage
Inspiration Storage
Salvage Storage
Recipe Storage
Base raiding has been disabled since Issue 13, and before that it was strictly a voluntary thing. -
Quote:Two to Four weeks before you say anything?We'll have some more information about this very topic Soon™.
Yes, it tracks the -lifetime- total purchases, not just one session.
Minor point: The command doesn't say -when- you bought an item, only that you did.
Glad to help out! -
little_sarbonn, also see my reply ( http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showpost.php?p=4349528 ) to your cross-post to the player questions section.
It might have been better to post in the "ALL ACCESS: Gameplay / Technical Issues & Bugs" section, but here goes.
You could play the game in Windowed mode.
The problems you are experiencing are NOT related to the game itself, but your graphics settings in WINDOWS, especially your display settings. What you are describing (moving your cursor to the edge of the monitor and it starting the second display) is a function of your Windows graphic drivers.
Finally, I'd suggest looking at this page from maximumpc:
About the middle of the page is a mini-review of a program that might solve your problem:
Quote:I highlighted the point you need to consider.Actual Multiple Monitors
Actual Multiple Monitors version 2.0 now supports Windows 7, and provides intelligent wallpaper creation, customized screen saver settings for each display, automatic window positioning, various ways to switch windows between displays, customizable rules for specific programs, window snapping options, command prompt window support, and customizable mouse actions. You can try it for 30 days, and a license costs $29.95. -
Quote:Yes, they are able to be stacked.I couldn't find the answer to this question anywhere with internet searches or in-game so I'm bringing it here. Since Invention license is on sale this week I figured I would buy it early, but I am wondering does it stack with the time I have left from my last license? Say I have 10 days left on my previous license and buy a new one will I have 40 days or will it just start a new time of 30 days??
Thanks for any responses I get.
Using the /mypurchases command in game (guide here: A guide to finding out what you have unlocked from the market), you should see a line like this (Keep in mind that I have the "permanent" version thanks to vet rewards.):
Invention License (30 day) 800 0 5/29/77 12:21 PM COLIINVN
Which translates to:
Name : Invention License (30 day)
Purchased : 800
Used : (however many used already)
Expires : 5/29/2077 12:21 PM
Product : COLIINVN
In other words, getting the Paragon Rewards gave me 800 sets of 30 days.
I've also previously bought 4x Invention System Licence (at one time) on my premium account and it was good for 4 months. -
Unless they can fix the authbit situation, I think they can make a grand total of 2 badges global.
As described, every global item requires an authbit (and they can't change existing authbits due to legacy unlocks like the Super Boosters 1-5, the Steampunk Pack, the Collector's Editions, etc.). They can't begin to address your suggestion without finding away around the situation. In other words, they can't make 9-10 new global unlocks and you are pretty much asking for double that. Not to mention adding 9 new arcs for the badges will take away time from other content they have planned.
There is also the problem that you are set to completely mess up the badge tracking sites if they put 18 new badges with the exact names of 9 existing badges. Both Badge hunter and the Titan Network (among others like myself) would be fairly annoyed with Event and History badges having the exact same name.
Now admittedly I do have a solution to get around the authbit problem (re: A suggested solution for the anniversary badges).
While it would be nice for new history badges, I don't think having them with the same names is a solution. -
Thanks for bringing up a couple excellent points, Triplash. Original post updated.
Quote:Brief reply: No.Your idea is interesting, however there may be a simpler solution, although this may be more of a quick-fix or stop gap:
1. During the Winter Event: log in anytime during the event and as a holiday gift your character receives ALL current anniversary badges, be they the early blueside or redside anniversary badges as well as the anniversary badges after they unified them.
Example: a villain alt that was created when Cov first launched wouldn't have Celebrant, log in during the event and receive Celebrant and any other missing anniversary badges.
Detailed reply: Your version pretty much does the exact thing that Positron and Zwillinger rolled their eyes at -- gives players the anniversary badges they were not around for. My suggestion only turns the badges that a player has earned account-wide, not just give a player all of them.
Again, no. -
Several replies in one post:
Reply to Necrotech_Master
Quote:While I can try, no promises. Those badges are a far greater problem than the anniversary badges.also while your at it any way you think they could fix/deal with the yearly badges like "1 year vet" ect? since they are essentially broken indefinitely in their current form
Reply to Risko_Vinsheen
Quote:/Signed! I only have one character left with the Pursuer/Elusive badge and would love to be able to copy it over to the character I actually collect badges on.
Reply to _Klaw_
Quote:I am happy to go to Null the Gull even though he creeps me out but can't they set up the market system itself to keep track and hand out badges?
Reply to AquaJAWS
Quote:I get that it takes time to run the script, which is why I said maybe only do it when they are already taking down the servers, like for patch updates, maintenance, or issue updates. If they get the script written correctly (which I know will also take time) they could just run it each time that happens with little extra work.
What you are asking for is at least the equivalent of the Global Server Access downtime which took 8 hours, and you want to run it on a regular basis for 9 badges? I don't think you could convince anyone of need for that.
Quote:Standard code rant applies, since I'm not completely familiar with how their system works of course. Just saying if they have the tech it one player at a time when a player does something in game, then they likely can just do it during the maintenance sessions without additional player interaction, which would be preferable to me.
Quote:Not so much complaining to take 5-10 minutes once a year. That honestly wouldn't bother me if I really cared about the badges. The point I was trying to make is that I question why Null still exists with the same options at this point.
Quote:Maybe I misunderstood when it was first announced and discussed, but I thought Null was a stop-gap/quick and dirty fix for them to get the options in the game quickly, without the menu UI work, and within the next issue or two they were going to get actual options in the player's option menu UI for them, or something else was going to be done.
Maybe I was wrong, but at this point, I would rather have some of the player power effect options be moved to a more consistent place, like the options menu, and maybe move anything they can't to someplace like maybe the hero corp/fateweavers interface rather than only having one contact in a kinda out of the way location.
As Zwillinger has said:
Quote:I'm sure that Black Scorpion can confirm this, but to answer the question as to why Null's wonderful reality bending capabilities are not put into a UI/Options window: UI work takes a significant amount of time. Creating an NPC that offers these toggles takes significantly less time.
It is possible that at a later date these toggles could be turned into options menu item, however it's not within scope at this time. Why not wait until later to add it when we do have time on the schedule to make pretty UI options? Remember, Null is being added as a response to players concerns regarding the AoE buffs QOL improvement.
Quote:Hey, remember back in the i20½ beta, when I said "if the Null to Gull options go live without being part of the Options UI, they never will", and you said that it was just a stopgap? And then you proposed we make a bet on who was right?
As my note dictates, this was your post for the terms of how the bet would be decided:
Quote:Originally Posted by ArcanavilleBy I23 would be more fair. I21 is toast. I22 is iffy, but the interstitial time between I21 and I22, or more likely between I22 and I23, would be reasonable. If they are going to do it at all, I22 maybe, I23 definitely. Past that point, and I would have to concede they are not interested.
I don't really need anything in-game. So we'll make the bet something more intangible. Whoever loses must post a picture of themselves bowing before Null the Gull while extolling the foresight of the other.
Which actually levels the playing field tremendously, because there are devs that would deliberately delay the change to I23.5 just to see me have to do that.
Given that Null is a permanent fixture at this point, why not add an extra benefit to talking to him? -
Quote:Of course they can make a script, but that would require them to take down the servers for any length of time (as evidenced by the last time the name purge script was used, that took 2 days), and require more out of NCsoft Austin than can be expected for 9 badges. In other words, a script to scan every character on CoH for 9 badges is less likely than the base editor in CoH getting new stuff with each Issue. It simply isn't cost effective (which is likely why the name purge doesn't happen on a regular basis).If they have a way of implementing this, they also (probably?) already have the ability to just make a script of some kind to parse the list and just add the badge onto all existing characters in an account that one character already has the badge.
Going forward with a new anniversary badge? The process that grants the badge could also give the store code to the account, but that would be messy. Much better to have a single (limited) point of access. The seagull fits that bill (not sorry for the pun).
Quote:Personally I like the options that were put under Null The Gull, but would have rather them taken the time to just have them on the options menu rather than have to travel to Pocket D. I understand it was probably a quick-and-dirty solution to appease players but at this point, they should be moved.
Quote:My point, if the tech exists with minimal programming to integrate some running of the scripts to add the badges to players through the game interface, then there should be a way for them to just do it in the background without the necessity of players to hit up a contact to do it. If they can do that, they should be able to just run a script every so often (like on patches or issue updates) that applies the badge to characters on an account missing the badges that other characters on the same account have.