A suggested solution for the anniversary badges
So what you're saying is, you would take a character that already has all the badges to Null, and then Null would throw a dart that will stick them to the rest of your characters?
Pretty much, yes.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Works for me, assuming it works for the devs. I'm tired of having only one character left with those badges.
Yes please!
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would work for me, only toon i worry about badges on is my main but he already has all of the anniversary badges that i am able to get, but i know this will be handy
also while your at it any way you think they could fix/deal with the yearly badges like "1 year vet" ect? since they are essentially broken indefinitely in their current form

If they have a way of implementing this, they also (probably?) already have the ability to just make a script of some kind to parse the list and just add the badge onto all existing characters in an account that one character already has the badge. Personally I like the options that were put under Null The Gull, but would have rather them taken the time to just have them on the options menu rather than have to travel to Pocket D. I understand it was probably a quick-and-dirty solution to appease players but at this point, they should be moved.
My point, if the tech exists with minimal programming to integrate some running of the scripts to add the badges to players through the game interface, then there should be a way for them to just do it in the background without the necessity of players to hit up a contact to do it. If they can do that, they should be able to just run a script every so often (like on patches or issue updates) that applies the badge to characters on an account missing the badges that other characters on the same account have.
If they have a way of implementing this, they also (probably?) already have the ability to just make a script of some kind to parse the list and just add the badge onto all existing characters in an account that one character already has the badge.
Going forward with a new anniversary badge? The process that grants the badge could also give the store code to the account, but that would be messy. Much better to have a single (limited) point of access. The seagull fits that bill (not sorry for the pun).
Personally I like the options that were put under Null The Gull, but would have rather them taken the time to just have them on the options menu rather than have to travel to Pocket D. I understand it was probably a quick-and-dirty solution to appease players but at this point, they should be moved.
My point, if the tech exists with minimal programming to integrate some running of the scripts to add the badges to players through the game interface, then there should be a way for them to just do it in the background without the necessity of players to hit up a contact to do it. If they can do that, they should be able to just run a script every so often (like on patches or issue updates) that applies the badge to characters on an account missing the badges that other characters on the same account have.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
I am happy to go to Null the Gull even though he creeps me out but can't they set up the market system itself to keep track and hand out badges?
Of course they can make a script, but that would require them to take down the servers for any length of time (as evidenced by the last time the name purge script was used, that took 2 days), and require more out of NCsoft Austin than can be expected for 9 badges. In other words, a script to scan every character on CoH for 9 badges is less likely than the base editor in CoH getting new stuff with each Issue. It simply isn't cost effective (which is likely why the name purge doesn't happen on a regular basis).
Going forward with a new anniversary badge? The process that grants the badge could also give the store code to the account, but that would be messy. Much better to have a single (limited) point of access. The seagull fits that bill (not sorry for the pun). I accounted that, the problem is that doing it as you suggest will cause the game to be unplayable and likely miss players. It would also be incredibly messy to program. |
Standard code rant applies, since I'm not completely familiar with how their system works of course. Just saying if they have the tech it one player at a time when a player does something in game, then they likely can just do it during the maintenance sessions without additional player interaction, which would be preferable to me.
Except that this would require a single trip to the seagull (or at the most once a year). Are you seriously complaining that this will take about 5-10 minutes out of an entire year? If so, you don't have to use it. Do it every other year (or longer), or as you are passing through Pocket D.
Maybe I misunderstood when it was first announced and discussed, but I thought Null was a stop-gap/quick and dirty fix for them to get the options in the game quickly, without the menu UI work, and within the next issue or two they were going to get actual options in the player's option menu UI for them, or something else was going to be done.
Maybe I was wrong, but at this point, I would rather have some of the player power effect options be moved to a more consistent place, like the options menu, and maybe move anything they can't to someplace like maybe the hero corp/fateweavers interface rather than only having one contact in a kinda out of the way location.
/Signed! I only have one character left with the Pursuer/Elusive badge and would love to be able to copy it over to the character I actually collect badges on.
Light of the Phoenix - lvl 50 Fire/Emp Controller; Snow Panther - lvl 50 Cold/Ice Defender; Dragonfly. - lvl 50 Willpower/Fire Tanker; Magic Minx - lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller; Dust Walker - lvl 50 Storm/Dark (Sand) Defender; And more...
Several replies in one post:
Reply to Necrotech_Master
also while your at it any way you think they could fix/deal with the yearly badges like "1 year vet" ect? since they are essentially broken indefinitely in their current form
Reply to Risko_Vinsheen
/Signed! I only have one character left with the Pursuer/Elusive badge and would love to be able to copy it over to the character I actually collect badges on.
Reply to _Klaw_
I am happy to go to Null the Gull even though he creeps me out but can't they set up the market system itself to keep track and hand out badges?
Reply to AquaJAWS
I get that it takes time to run the script, which is why I said maybe only do it when they are already taking down the servers, like for patch updates, maintenance, or issue updates. If they get the script written correctly (which I know will also take time) they could just run it each time that happens with little extra work.
What you are asking for is at least the equivalent of the Global Server Access downtime which took 8 hours, and you want to run it on a regular basis for 9 badges? I don't think you could convince anyone of need for that.
Standard code rant applies, since I'm not completely familiar with how their system works of course. Just saying if they have the tech it one player at a time when a player does something in game, then they likely can just do it during the maintenance sessions without additional player interaction, which would be preferable to me.
Not so much complaining to take 5-10 minutes once a year. That honestly wouldn't bother me if I really cared about the badges. The point I was trying to make is that I question why Null still exists with the same options at this point.
Maybe I misunderstood when it was first announced and discussed, but I thought Null was a stop-gap/quick and dirty fix for them to get the options in the game quickly, without the menu UI work, and within the next issue or two they were going to get actual options in the player's option menu UI for them, or something else was going to be done.
Maybe I was wrong, but at this point, I would rather have some of the player power effect options be moved to a more consistent place, like the options menu, and maybe move anything they can't to someplace like maybe the hero corp/fateweavers interface rather than only having one contact in a kinda out of the way location. |
As Zwillinger has said:
I'm sure that Black Scorpion can confirm this, but to answer the question as to why Null's wonderful reality bending capabilities are not put into a UI/Options window: UI work takes a significant amount of time. Creating an NPC that offers these toggles takes significantly less time.
It is possible that at a later date these toggles could be turned into options menu item, however it's not within scope at this time. Why not wait until later to add it when we do have time on the schedule to make pretty UI options? Remember, Null is being added as a response to players concerns regarding the AoE buffs QOL improvement. |
Hey, remember back in the i20½ beta, when I said "if the Null to Gull options go live without being part of the Options UI, they never will", and you said that it was just a stopgap? And then you proposed we make a bet on who was right?
As my note dictates, this was your post for the terms of how the bet would be decided: Quote:
Given that Null is a permanent fixture at this point, why not add an extra benefit to talking to him?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Your idea is interesting, however there may be a simpler solution, although this may be more of a quick-fix or stop gap:
1. During the Winter Event: log in anytime during the event and as a holiday gift your character receives ALL current anniversary badges, be they the early blueside or redside anniversary badges as well as the anniversary badges after they unified them.
Example: a villain alt that was created when Cov first launched wouldn't have Celebrant, log in during the event and receive Celebrant and any other missing anniversary badges.
Alternatively such a plan to award all anniversary badges could wait until the next game anniversary.
Of course this would mean logging in all your alts, but if it is quicker then reprogramming the badges to be account based then so be it.
Your idea is interesting, however there may be a simpler solution, although this may be more of a quick-fix or stop gap:
1. During the Winter Event: log in anytime during the event and as a holiday gift your character receives ALL current anniversary badges, be they the early blueside or redside anniversary badges as well as the anniversary badges after they unified them. Example: a villain alt that was created when Cov first launched wouldn't have Celebrant, log in during the event and receive Celebrant and any other missing anniversary badges. |
Detailed reply: Your version pretty much does the exact thing that Positron and Zwillinger rolled their eyes at -- gives players the anniversary badges they were not around for. My suggestion only turns the badges that a player has earned account-wide, not just give a player all of them.
Again, no.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
During the Winter Event: log in anytime during the event and as a holiday gift your character receives...
I like the idea of going to Null for out-of-the-way things in general, really. It's like the devs' way of saying, "Okay, we know you want this but to do it properly would take a heckuva lot of work. So here's a compromise for the people that consider it important. It's a little more work for you guys, but it's a LOT LESS for us. Maybe one day we'll clean it up, but no promises." And I for one can live with that attitude.
If we can get even more QOL features or pleasant little bonuses added this way, potentially years before they otherwise would, then I'm all for it. Now if only we could get his phone number...

Thanks for bringing up a couple excellent points, Triplash. Original post updated.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
While watching today's twitchtv broadcast, Positron said the reason for not making the badges global was because of lack of authbits. However there is another mechanism already in place that could handle global tracking of the anniversary badges: the market system.
What can be done:
Now I'm not talking about making the badges available on the market. What I mean is that each item on the market has an unique identifier that can be assigned by the game. You can check this yourself by using the /mypurchases command in game.
For instance, take the ascension set bought by Incarnate Vendors:
A player can take a character which the anniversary badges to Null the Gull, and ask him about the anniversary badges. At that point Null tells the market system that the player has the anniversary badges with the appropriate store codes. Seeing the market system applies codes to every character on the account the badges will award globally. Any future anniversary or other global badges could just need the player to talk to the gull after they get the badge.
At no point badges are in danger of being lost as the characters that qualified for the specific badge would have already earned it and this would just be another means to earn the badge for the characters that haven't earned it. It wouldn't tie up cycles in the game (the game doesn't need to constantly check for the badges), it uses existing tech (store ids), and I'm pretty sure the market has plenty of room for growth of new codes.
The programming hurdles would be limited to giving the badges a new "earn" condition and giving Null the ability to let the market know which badges have been earned. We're talking less than 10 badges and the code for one badge can pretty much be copy/pasted (changing the store ids) to the others. So the badge conditions programming (and yes, I've seen how the game checks for "earn" conditions) isn't terribly time consuming.
The largest programming cost will be to Null the Gull.
In the future existing authbits (Collector's editions) could also be transferred to the market system, though most of the boosters have already have this done to them.
This is a time and resource -light request that gets around the need to use authbits to grant anniversary badges globally. So any comments, suggestions, or details that need to be explained?
PS. I'm still looking for bug hunter.
Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters