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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    I see you didn't "Understand"my post at all.

    And this "Yes yes, the minorities are out to oppress you and take away your "creatism" , whatever that is.

    Better run up to your bunker and wait for the apocalypse. "

    Was being plain silly.

    I never once said a thing about minorities, but you took it upon yourself to throw me in that boat.
    People are way to sensitive, and you just proved my point.
    The filters in this game does no good, and furthermore it stifles creators, and they need to be looked at.
    While I agree alot of words should not be allowed, killing the flowers to stop the grass makes no sense as well.
    And I'll leave with one more thing (Not directed at you BTW)
    PC people love to step all over people, all the while chanting, don't step on me.......

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    Yeah sorry, im just used to the people who object to words being banned filling a certain archetype, my apologies if i caused offense. Its just something that gets under my skin a bit. (mainly because i have friends who get daily doses of verbal abuse because of who they are and I see how it effects them)

    I still stand by the "just because it doesn't offend you, doesn't mean it isn't offensive" thing.

    I agree, and have always agreed that the banned word list is way to strict, words like "Hazzard, Facial etc" these words shouldn't be on there, but there are definately some that should.

    Just a question, how have PC people stepped on you? Just curious as to why you feel that why about this.

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    Honestly thats a great question, and I'll be glad to answer it.

    I donated to help a civil war flag, get restored. Part of that donation bought me a shirt saying I helped to save it.
    I cannot wear it however because PCers have a tendency to call me a racist when in fact the flag has nothing to do with it.
    I understand their point, but they fail to understand the rest of the story, and are willing to ignore key facts, just so they can feel better about themselves.
    Not to mention the fact that I smoke cigars, have tattoos, and love guns.
    That alone draws fire from the PC crowd without knowing me at all.
    I have friends of all colors and creeds, and Racism and "Reverse Racism" is alive and well in this world, and I hate both cases with a passion.
    I also wanna add, that I do not think your PC in anyway, and you like I, see both sides, and have seen both sides in our lives.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Hazard is probably a little-known marvel ip. I don't know of any obscene uses for it, and I pride myself on an extensive voxabulRu of dirty words lop


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  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    IMO the whole world has gone stark raving PC, and the last thing I want is it in my game.
    People will find a way to say something offensive, and get around filters all the time.
    The easiest way, is to report these same people, instead of stepping all over my creatism when I'm not being offensive.
    To me this is as bad as having to put "Don't spray in eyes" on the back of hairspray.
    I don't want to have to pay to have that put on there because I know better, and the ones that don't, will learn not to, quickly.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes yes, the minorities are out to oppress you and take away your "creatism" , whatever that is.

    Better run up to your bunker and wait for the apocalypse.


    You could consider that not all "PC" stuff is bad, and sometimes your actions and words can hurt..... i'm sure Sesame Street and Elmo taught you that at least.

    Remember, game is rated T for Teen after all, that probably why the filter is so harsh. And as a T for Teen game it is required to be a "safe space" as much as possible.

    It can be annoying, especially some of these words that are banned. All I can say is, get more creative with your use of language. English is awesome for synonyms.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I see you didn't "Understand"my post at all.

    And this "Yes yes, the minorities are out to oppress you and take away your "creatism" , whatever that is.

    Better run up to your bunker and wait for the apocalypse. "

    Was being plain silly.

    I never once said a thing about minorities, but you took it upon yourself to throw me in that boat.
    People are way to sensitive, and you just proved my point.
    The filters in this game does no good, and furthermore it stifles creators, and they need to be looked at.
    While I agree alot of words should not be allowed, killing the flowers to stop the grass makes no sense as well.
    And I'll leave with one more thing (Not directed at you BTW)
    PC people love to step all over people, all the while chanting, don't step on me.......
  4. IMO the whole world has gone stark raving PC, and the last thing I want is it in my game.
    People will find a way to say something offensive, and get around filters all the time.
    The easiest way, is to report these same people, instead of stepping all over my creatism when I'm not being offensive.
    To me this is as bad as having to put "Don't spray in eyes" on the back of hairspray.
    I don't want to have to pay to have that put on there because I know better, and the ones that don't, will learn not to, quickly.....
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Farming, in one form or another, has been going on since Issue 1 from what I understand.. I wasn't around at that point but there have certainly been enough "Farming" thread to confirm that before they nerfed taunt Tanks used to round up hundreds of enemies and pack them into a nice tight spot so the team could blast away at them for easy XP. .

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    I was, and my PB was a god at wasting things rounded up into dumpsters by a stone tank.
    I also remember when smoke grenades stacked
  6. PC to the extreme.....
  7. [Broadcast] <player name 3>: Chuck Norris makes 80m per run

  8. Or the famous race car driver "Dick Trickle".....
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    I still click the powers too! Nothing wrong with that.

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    Same here.

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    Me also

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    I do as well, and I keep 3 trays open.
  10. Push-ups and walks are your friends. Not to mention the Wii has some great cardio stuff now and you can still play a game =).
    And there is this thing called work.......
    and you can even grow a garden, work and good safe food =)
  11. Smoke_Ring

    Exploding Mobs

    You know I never thought about that.
    I'm guessing its a random thing, but it very well could be linked to damage above and beyond.

  12. [/ QUOTE ] Yeah they really need to do something about the way missions are listed. I think it's a pet peeve of mine, but it annoys me that the Dev's Choice stuff is thrown in my face when I open the MA interface. I mean, what if I don't care about DC? (hint: I don't)

    I really wished they had something customizable with categories. Say for example I'm playing lowbies, and I'm interested in arcs for level range 1-20. I wish I could set my personal front page to display lowbie arcs. Or if I wanted humor themed arcs, or horror themed arcs, or high level challenge arcs, or arcs by people on a particular server... You get the idea. Or you know, if I really want to see Dev's Choice, then I could set that, but right now it just strikes me as annoyingly presumptuous that the Devs think I want to see the arcs that they like first and foremost.

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  13. Smoke_Ring


    I think you have to get under the bubble to get the badge, and I think that is during a TF maybe?
    I have never done it.

  14. [/ QUOTE ] And we come back to what the intent of the badges should be. Should they be a marker that shows that the character has been around for a given period of time, or should they show how long the account (player) has been around? If it's the latter, then why do we need both an anniversary badge and veteran badges? Don't they say the same thing?

    If it's the former, then we need to decide whether they should be like the vet badges, which award the first time you log in after the proper time rolls over (or even during the current game session, if you happened to be logged in at the time), or if it should be as it is now, where you have to treat your characters as separate entities that have to earn the badge individually by logging each one in during the actual anniversary period. I view the anniversary badges as a keepsake for attending the big party, basically. A party-favor, or a door prize that everyone who comes gets to take home with them. If you hand out these favors to people that never attended the party, then their value cheapens. But unlike just going to a one-day event, the Devs are gracious enough hosts to allow us to claim the prize for a full month after the physical anniversary day. I'm not sure there's more than a couple of people that have sooo many alts that they'd never be able to log them all in during the course of said month, and even then, do they really need to have that badge on every single character?

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    I could not have said this better.
    And IMHO, the badges are for the "Character" and not the account or player...
  15. .

    [/ QUOTE ] So, to be perfectly honest, they don't care what a vocal minority think. Their focus is the long-term success of the game. They MAY or MAY NOT be making an error in some of their recent decisions. Time will tell.

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    (Even though I disagree with the badge removal)
  16. I got dropped a star once because the player said my boss should be spelled Jingles and not Jingle's.....
    I also have had a arc that stayed on 5 stars, every feedback I have gotten was good, and they said the mobs although tough, was fun.
    I soloed that same arc with my 50 stalker, and I doued it with to 2 level 11 shields.
    But I just got feedback that I was receiving 3 stars because one of the bosses was to hard and killed him and his friend??
    So if you die in a mission now its bad?
    How will they ever make it through game content lol.
    BTW if you wanna play this arc its Save The Kingdom #97952
    or you can try my other 2 completely comical ones
    Saving Santa #80005, or The Fight For Halloween #59692
  17. I would prefer it stayed as is.
    I have that badge on "3" of my chars. I am proud of the fact that I have kept them, and played them from launch.
    I would prefer it stay as a char badge, and not a account wide badge, simply because my other chars "Didn't Earn It", in my eyes.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I have to agree that this power is terrible. I've used it for screenshots and that's about it.

    In fact, due to the work involved in getting it, I've gotten it on my main, and once I realized it sucked, haven't made any effort to get it on others. I definitely haven't gone out of my way to get it the way I have for other accolades like the hp and end buffs.

    The recharge needs to drop significantly. Of course, I'd love to see the power buffed as well (damage and duration), otherwise even at a reasonable level like 5 minutes, I would probably rarely, if ever remember to use it.

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  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Lots of things they could do. Question is, do they really care?

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  20. [ QUOTE ]
    What is striga? <-----level 50 blaster.

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    Can you say PL.....
  21. I saw this yesterday in broadcast...
    "hey, did any hih levbels that i dint talk to bloc me?"
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm with Eva, I hope this feature never gets implemented. Cutscenes don't belong in an MMO, IMHO.

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  23. While I'll admit I put my arcs here to help with badges, I'll also admit I'm leaving my arcs up for people "Just To Play", because I put alot of time and thought into them to make people laugh.
    (Except my last one Saving The Kingdom, that is not a funny one).
    SO I'm leaving mine on the list hoping that people just enjoy them. =)
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    Although, I must admit, if I were a dev and saw an arc played 999+ times, I would check it out.

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    I am still seeing arcs that are obvious farms... with over 500 plays. The number of plays means nothing. A real gem of an arc could be sitting at 10 plays, the reason for that is the sorting order.

    I would like my arc to be looked at. It's sitting at 51 plays buried in the back beyond of the 4 star section. I don't hold out any real hope of that happening. I've learned to be happy if my arc is played at all on a given day. That's about all people who refuse to spam global channels and broadcast or have voting blocks can hope for.

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    I feel your pain.