1800 -
In pure damage output terms, I'm gonna say Fire/Shield Scrapper for single target sustained damage
The only question this thread has answered so far is that there are alot of uninformed people
1-man MoITFs have been done before, too.
Quote:8 Tentacles plus the headNo, it would take two hours. I can only kill GMs when my Lore pets are up. If it doesn't happen in 5 minutes it won't happen at all. And they have to recharge which takes 15 minutes. In order to take down all 8 tentacles, it would take 2 hours.
Quote:2 hours may seem like you're exagerating, but apparently you didn't shoot high enough.I might try to solo Lusca! But seeing as I need to use Lore pets, it would take 2 hours.
It took my Defender about 90mins (but that was a long time ago before any of the incarnate stuff became available and turned everything to easy-mode, I may have to try again some time) -
Answer: no, we can't
I really can't, but there's one thing I can tell you:
If you want to feel "special" (what a dumb word, let's change it to "good" shall we?), then invest your best efforts into being good. If you're not "feeling special anymore" because of the availability of incarnate content, then maybe you never were in the first place *shrug* -
Quote:Hahaha, I just gotta say that your post did make me say "wow" (though probably not in the way you intended, haha)I have been playing CoX for several years now. I love the game and this is not a rant.
I have lots of friends in the game both pve and pvp. And I love to hang out with them in game doing various teaming and pvp.
But by far the most fun I have is when I join Pugs (pick up groups). I love meeting the awesome and sometimes truly weird people of CoX. I do not roleplay but roleplayers crack me up I could eavesdrop on them all day.
But the absolutely best thing about pugs for me is that i can show off with my uber build. I love being able to make people say wow. I am not conceited but I guess I like to use the game to stroke my ego. This for me, is the escapism I derive from the game.
Now however with incarnate powers everyone can be impressive and bad-***. I am happy everyone is getting stronger.
But I guess I am just mourning the loss of feeling special amidst the throng of incarnate AoE's and Dot's.
Thanks for letting me vent I love you guys. -
I'd just like to point out that being "capped" and "softcapped" on defense are (as obvious as it is) two completely very different things
I wouldn't skip amplify for the very same reason most people do: because Defenders have low damage mods.
Their reasoning? since Defenders have such low damage mods, Amplify doesn't function as effectively as it would on say, a Blaster.
My reasoning? since Defenders have such low damage mods, every little bit of help I can get to increase damage output is very much welcome. -
I'd focus on the VEATs
GMs regenerate at (the equivalent of) 353 hp/sec. Their debuff resistances vary from 70% (for lower level GMs: Kraken, Paladin) to 86% (for high tier GMs: Yukon Grai, Kronos Titan)
Dark/Shield Brute is the answer if you are specifically looking for a melee toon that can take down AVs. It is however much inferior to the aforementioned Bots/Traps MM and Sonic/Rad Corruptor
The NW will get debuffed into the deep red when fighting obnoxious mobs like Cimerorans and Kheld PPD.
Like I said, RV is moderately active at least on Freedom and Virtue.
WB and Siren's are dead not because PvP is dead, but because most people have their IOs slotted at level 50 (for max enhancement bonus %) which don't work on the lower level zones. Ditto on incarnate abilities. -
It is true that PvP is but a shadow of the awesomeness it used to be pre-i13, but if you take a sec to uncloud your jaded mind out of all the cynicism and bitterness (in which you are sorta justified considering what the Posi/Castle did to it), and try to take a look at it with fresh eyes (the fresh eyes of a newcomer to PvP, such as the OP) you'll see that it's actually fun to slap whatever influence you have to spare on whatever toon and go mess around in a PvP zone.
Moving on...
A PvP toon doesn't have to be excessively pricey. Many newcomers nowadays prefer to roll either Kin or Fire Scrappers, with Regen as a secondary (unkillable toon with limited offenssive capabilities, aka you won't kill anyone who doesn't wanna die). If you consider yourself to be a little more bold, you can always try a Psi/EM Blaster (ranged damage dealer who can be more than a threat on his own, and you always have Phase Shift to facilitate retreat)
There is only one thing to keep in mind in all this: despite what others may say, PvP is not serious business -
Quote:The only correct part in this post is the " devs' numerous attempts to kill it off" bit. Everything else is pretty much completely wrong.PvP in this game pretty much doesn't exist anymore, due to the devs' numerous attempts to kill it off. They finally succeeded. It's broken beyond belief, nothing works with any logic whatsoever, and there is absolutely no hope for the future. Which is why there's a total of like 100 people still doing it in the whole game.
That said, if you still want to waste your time on it, prepare to spend like 15 billion inf to even be able to compete. Doesn't really matter how good you are anymore. All that matters is how much you spend.
Other than stalkers, blasters do really well in PvP because they can spam more damage than others. They're also really easy to play, just like stalkers. They'll die more, but they will also get more kills. But again, if you didn't spend 15 billion on your toon, be prepared to get owned by everybody else who has.
It's also worth pointing out that PvP zone activity varies from server to server. Virtue and Freedom have usually a modest but steady population in RV -
Quote:Yes, but in this context we're talking about GM capable toons. Scrappers don't count (yet).So while silver mantis or positron might be more difficult than a GM to a character that is capable of soloing a GM (like an ill/rad), to a lot of other characters, they're significantly easier than a GM.
Also answer me this: are you more likely to die to Silver Mantis' Build Up? or to Babbage's boring attack chain consisting of 3 or 4 powers?