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  1. New travel power: Pegasus

    Summon kickback: Ram, Rhino, Bull or Elephant
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Yes. Get out, you freak.

    And what I mean by that is, of course, "One of us! One of us!"

    At this point I'm just showing off and over-sharing, but here are my non-story characters. The one for Space-Monkey is a theme song that (in my head) sounds similar to the theme of Teen Titans.

    I do not have a problem. Shut up.
    impressive sure
  3. I have two toons that have some lore to them....more than my other toons.

    Black Spyder- During the initial Rikti invasion, Jared Owens, while searching for a place to hide discovered an abandoned Arachnos lair under Kings Row. The automated lair came alive and enacted Protocol 8 which encased Owens in a skin tight combat suit.

    Mr Mystik- was once a Soul Mage of the Circle of Thorns. He had a change of heart when asked to kill a young woman and tried to escape the Circle. He escaped but the Circle took his eyes. He was taken in by the Midnighters and taught to not only deal with being blind but able to combat the Circle where ever they may be.
  4. SilverPharaoh


    Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
    What I would _really_ like to see is to have all costume pieces get texture, separated into primary/secondary when there is a division. By 'texture' I mean a surface treatment that affects the way the base costume part displays, like 'flat', 'shiny', 'dull metal', 'shiny metal', 'shiny leather', and various textures like the hexagon pattern on the 'Stealth' costume pieces and the 'mesh' effect on the 'Defense' and 'Tech Sleek' pieces.

    Unfortunately, this would require completely redoing all of the costume pieces, as the database structure would have to add two additional fields for the surface parameters, and change the rendering code for costumes, in order to have it check for the additional data and render appropriately. This makes doing this only slightly more likely to happen than for the art department to go through Paragon and the Rogue Isles and make all of the buoys compliant with the IALA Maritime Buoyage System (according to Positron, I'm apparently the only one who's been bothered enough by it to complain about it since the game released), so I'm not holding my breath.
    You must be in the Navy
  5. complaining that someone used the character limit on their character bio is as useless as complaining that someone used all the slots on their costume
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
    Of course, NONE of this has anything to do with how our characters actually Incarnate so...yeah.
    unless the Well of Furies is a ruse created by your future self to allow you the god powers but gradually and under the pretense of some well so you won't know its your future self mucking with you
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    This is such a horrible argument I have a hard time accepting you're making it seriously. It's a bad argument because you can apply it to absolutely everything. "Hey, I have the secret of eternal life!" "Boo! Do you know how many undertakers will lose their jobs?" Human society will adapt. In fact, the ultimate utopia is a word where NO-ONE has to work for a living.

    I suggest you read Squadron Supreme...the supers did this sort of thing. The more they helped the more the populace grew to rely on them...until one day they woke up and found themselves in a world run by super powered beings
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Dunno, lemme get back to you when Positron gets off his butt and puts his brains into providing cheap, nigh limitless power for the planet.
    just because you can do something doesn't mean you should....sure Positron could provide limitless power for the planet but then what?
    How many people would be out of work because we no longer need to 'make' energy?
    How many businesses would fail because of this miracle power source?
    Who decides who gets this power source? Do enemy countries and states get this power?
    Who regulates its use?
  9. for those asking why the heroes aren't doing more get an awesome graphic novel called: Squadron Supreme.
    It was a group of heroes with similar powers and abilities as the Justice League deciding to make the world a better place. The problem being where do you draw the line?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    And is, so far, pretty much the only player to express support for the strategy.

    Just, you know... by the way.
    I'm pretty sure the two pages of this thread doesn't constitute the whole player base.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
    So, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but the Rogue Isles are on the UN crap list for developing nuclear weapons (hijacked by Blitz). That was like the big thing, and we're made to get really threatened by some loaded silos in Warburg.

    Except Arachnos has a ghost that can steal your flipping soul, a predatory mutant that can tear open ships with a smile, a bug-modeled super armored soldier who is essentially immune to conventional assaults, a desert-spirit-like entity who can summon sandstorms... and Recluse himself, who has power only slightly below Statesman, who we know can survive nuclear blasts.

    Interdimensional capabilities, time travel, GIANT ROBOT SPIDERS POWERED BY PSYCHICS, constant assaults against the US, seers that can predict the future.....

    It just seems they need to give us something better. At this point, nuclear is easy. Where are my Singularity Bombs, HyperEbola Rockets, or Nova Missiles.... something that we know a hero can't shoot down if they have to.

    It's equatable to someone threatening to fire a nuke at us in the real world; it simply isn't feasible.
    not sure where you are getting your intel from but a rogue state firing nukes at the US is still feasible and something the military worries about.
    Just because a hero has the ability to shoot down a nuke doesn't mean thats the best option. Any damage to the missile would cause it to detonate prematurely. A High altitude detonation can be as deadly as a ground zero blast.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    The problem is the writers doing the story, are trying to capture popular super hero tropes, such as Jerk *** Batman. But they aren't as talented as the writers of the comics.

    So instead of Manticore coming across as jerk *** Batman, aka a magnificent ******* , he comes across as whiny child.
    Actually I see the opposite happening.
    Statesman might be the superman of this game and so the writers have him behave in non-superman-ish ways.
    Manticore isn't trying to be Batman as the writers are making him the rogue/jerk of the group...every group has one.

    Every superhero universe has to be able to make their characters different than Marvel/DC. Its not easy as each as decades of a head start.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Well, that explains why there's feet. They're still Liefeld character designs, so Silvestri still loses points for associating himself with such rubbish.
    actually they aren't Liefeld designs...those are Silvestri designs
    Liefeld did Youngblood
  14. at one of the recent fan gatherings the Devs were asked what they'd want to bring to the game and one of them mentioned they would love for the villains to be able to destroy the world.
    That to me means they have it in mind and we may see it actually happen..maybe not sooner than later
  15. are we forgetting that this could be a Nemesis plot to get us to question ourselves and our source of powers?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    That's actually a pretty good point. In a world that has become heavily entrenched in time travel, that actually works pretty well. Thanks!
    take what the devs give you and spin it towards your character.

    or another thing is that maybe your character is reality's version of an antibody...something it creates to keep the balance. So he lives and dies and is reborn through out the time stream with no knowledge of his other selves.

    for the tech/science guys...its often said that science beyond the understanding of peoples can be confused with magic. So maybe on one of his Oro trips thru time he couldn't resist grabbing an iPad 30....and this is what give him access to the Well...thru and incarnate app
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    "Past versions of me" actually concerns me. I hope it's just a quip and not a storyline where we meet the past version of my space alien from another dimension who was never on Earth until a few years ago. And before we start raising giving out red cards, here's a simple example: What if my character is Praetorian? Can we actually argue that a character whose entire history is based in Praetoria - the way the Praetorian storyline is being sold - could have a "past self" on Earth? How would that work?

    Now I'm interested to know... Are we talking just basic similarity, like there were people who were "like" me in the past, but in a symbolic sense? Similar overall power structure? "Chosen" like me?
    or maybe the past you is just the future you stuck in the past for a few years...again don't let it limit you...use it to grow
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I liked the analogy of the lore as a springboard and not a wall, given above.

    You want an example of lore in this game that's not like that, and that I do dislike actively? The way Villains are beholden to Arachnos for their rise to power. Like Sam says, that Lore I swallow but do not like. The Well of the Furies? Not like that to me.
    Yay I was somewhat quoted...made my day

    I think this might be a reason why people don't play create a hero and you are your own being.
    On villain side its is very restricted.
    If I was gonna do it i think for the first 20 levels you have to join a villain group...Hellion, Arachnos, Sky Raiders, The Family, Nemesis...whats ever...then at level 20 you break off and create your own villain group...independant of gain minions as you level... what these minions do is while you are logged off they commit robberies and crimes...the more successful they are the more loot the steal for you....think of it like day jobs...have your minions target banks and you gain the xp towards the banker badge. The more you level the more minions you get the more money they can steal.
    You are now building your very own criminal empire.
    You are no longer minion you are the big boss
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sylph_Knight View Post
    I know this probably won't change anyone's mind, but I felt it was worth saying anyway.

    Any time City of Heroes has thrown lore at me that my character's written history was not prepared for, I retconned it to better match the setting. Comic Books have been doing it for years.

    For example:
    • My original incarnation of Sylph Knight presented her as a middle-aged heroine pitted against the psychic villain Slayzarius. Slayzarius draws power from a psychic entity called Varalys that he worships as a God, and it was born from Humanity's collective creative consciousness as it grew and evolved over the centuries.
    • As the lore for the Well of the Furies evolved, I started integrating the origin of Varalys with the Well of the Furies as a fractured personality.
    • When I picked up Ghost Widow's patron power pool, I rewrote part of Sylph Knight's past so that when she arrived in the current continuity after the original was destroyed in an scenario similar to Crisis on Infinite Earths, she had actually become an anomaly whose physical body had torn through the dimensional wall between a realm of nothingness called the Abyss and the regenerated multiverse. As her presence in this new space-time is an anomaly, her body behaves like a crack in the dimensional barrier and "bleeds" Netherforce (or whatever that energy is in the Villain Morality Mission) from the Abyss.
    • When I found out that the Well is literally the manifestation of all human potential, I saw that my character - having existed outside of this reality, should not actually draw power from it. I have since rewritten her Incarnate powers as something she also received upon her transition from the Abyss - she is already the equivalent of a "well", or a Force of Potential, unto herself. Her power, however, remains dramatically limited by her perspective. As someone whose senses are still limited to those of the average human, she cannot truly manifest the cosmic power at her fingertips. Furthermore, at this point she is not even aware that this is the source of her new power yet.

    Look, all I'm saying is that you can either be a slave to the dialogue or roll with the punches. The developers can write an engrossing story with either detailed or generic components, but it's up to you to interpret the pieces as you see fit.
    the difference being you see the incarnate storyline as a springboard while others see walls.
  20. I look at it like this...Not every character needs to be incarnate.
    The incarnate story doesn't lend itself to every character.
    We are not gonna have Captain America wake up one day to find out his powers were the result of some cosmic entity. I have 5 level 50s and all but 1 lends itself to enhancement from mystical means.
    Amun-Re, my blaster is based on the Egyptian works with him
    Captain Champion, my tank is loosely based on Captain Marvel(shazam) and it world with him.
    Mr Quantum, my Peace bringer is a cosmic powered entity and it works for him.

    Black Spider, my scrapper, is loosely based on Spider-man and doesn't lend itself to a cosmic up with him I pull a Marvel.

    Marvel a few years ago introduced a character with the same powers as Spider-man and he got his powers from a freaked because they thought Marvel was changing Spidey origin and its all been swept under the rug.
    I have incarnated him but in my mind i explain it away as a new abilities the suit had that he just discovered (his origin is during the rikti invasion he fell into a arachnos secret lair and was enveloped in an arachnos war suit and thats where his powers come from)
  21. I've noticed that we've gotten an influx of newbies to the server...they usually call out for a free AE farm or try to sell runs on a fire farm
  22. I would support this as several of my 50's need the TFC badge
  23. was it really necessary to bring the drama here?
  24. There are always itrials going on...more so during peak hours. This weekend alone I could have sworn that that there were maybe 3 going at the same time an hour. That doesn't count MSRs, WSTs, and regular TFs.
    As with anything there are people really good at leading and some not so much.
    There are several channels for teaming and raids
    Help is used for LFG but it's also used for help
    Overall I think exalted does teaming really well