Silver Gale

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Unless we develop a brand new system for handling deflection separate from avoidance, that really will never work.
    Guild Wars actually had this - there was a "block" mechanic and an "evade" mechanic, both of which nullified damage from an attack. The Devs eventually decided they were too close to be separate mechanics and rolled them both into "block".
  2. Like the title says: inspirations, that when popped, increase recharge speed for all your powers (the ones that can be sped up, that is - the same restrictions apply as Hasten and Speed Boost).

    Sometimes you want to throw out attacks faster. Or maybe you're in a tough mission and you've used up your big guns and you need them back *fast*. Pop a few "speeds", and viola. A nice alternative to cramming Hasten into your build or carrying a pocket Kinetic around.

    Yes, you could have perma-whatever just by carrying enough inspirations around. Currently, you *can* be perpetually at the damage cap by carrying enough reds, or have softcapped defenses by carrying enough purples, or not slot any accuracy and just carry yellows. None of those are viable tactics.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    See, what I'm saying is this - Champions has a lot of things City of Heroes doesn't have. I would have been surprised and bewildered if that weren't the case. However, it LACKS just about as many things that City of Heroes has, as well. That part I did not expect.
    This is something that's been opined on these forums very early on - I forgot exactly by whom, I remember silently agreeing with them. CO's feature list seems to have been drawn largely from the request threads on the CoH forums, and the poster predicted that for this very reason, CO would lack a great deal of things that CoH players takes for granted.

    So things like "jetpacks and quivers" which were requested in countless CoH forum posts were in from day 1. On the other hand, things like "mission sharing between teammates and rewards for helping a teammate complete a mission" which are already in CoH (and thus no requests for them) are only being added now after player feedback makes it clear they are vital.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    Heroes are thrown into panic now that they're big hitter has gone. Storylines dealing with the 'search for Statesman'.
    You know, last time Statesman went MIA, nobody *noticed*. I think there's a lesson to be learned there.
  5. Branching mission arcs - the ability to steer the story through dialogue choices or in-mission objectives. The tech to do the same thing in Misson Architect arcs.

    They supposedly introduced the tech into the game, what, three issues ago? And all they've used it for is two instances of giving a password to get in (both But Thou Must unfailable) and a few "that's interesting, tell me more" to break up tl;dr text blocks into smaller chunks.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
    Here is the article: CoH is on the second page. Here is the forum post: So many negative comments...
    Rule 1 of keeping your blood pressure down when reading any articles online, about anything: Never Read The Comments.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scientist_16 View Post
    I've tried Rad Emission before and like the powers it gives, for the most part. Metabolism and Rad Aura might look kinda funny. 'Become stronger with the power of BEE!'
    Color it gold and call it honey, or propolis.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
    About as good as the rest of the world who don't live near hero con feel whenever they get given special gifts.
    I don't see the equivalency here. Were you promised that if you *didn't* go to HeroCon, you'd get a gift that people at HeroCon wouldn't get? Did you spend time and money on *not* going to HeroCon specifically so you could get that gift, and then watched as HeroCon attendees got the special gift anyway?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    What he said. Honestly, we're just going to have to wait until and after Hero Con, because Marketing loves to use face-to-face events to spill big news. I'm sure we'll have plenty of second-hand info during the con, and plenty of first-hand info soon thereafter.
    Plus, y'know, how would the people who bought tickets to HeroCon feel when the "super special entirely new info just for you guys" gets posted to the forums two weeks before?
  10. Silver Gale

    PvP ALERT!!!

    If you want to get people into PvP zones, just go to every zone and Broadcast something like "badge hunting party and duel club organizing in 20 minutes in BB/SC/WB, please leave us alone".
  11. Silver Gale

    Round 3 P.P.

    I'm in the "got what I most wanted (Elec/Elec for Scrappers), too happy to think of new demands yet" camp.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    You sure you don't have a RL friend
  13. I know this message appears if you crash and attempt to relog in before the server kicks your character off for idleness, but has anyone had it happen to them randomly on a first login attempt?

    I got this message when logging in this morning. I changed my password just in case, but I'm wondering how worried I should be.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
    Basically what I am saying is that GR is an unknown quantity at this point and it could be the best thing since sliced bread, or it could be an Issue-sized booster pack. Maybe Hero Con will tell us more, but considering it's a 'teaser' only, I won't count on it. In the end, we'll just have to be more patient until we get some hard facts.
    But wanton speculation based on next to no data is so much more fun!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Working Class Hero
    "That's a full day's work, lad... and don't you forget it!"
  16. These are kinda big, so I'll just link to them.

    Picture 1

    Picture 2
  17. Silver Gale

    Well, hmph.

    Originally Posted by HHJustice View Post
    If you haven't levelled up both your builds , you could always just start over w/ your secondary build . Also helps with that nagging feeling of " What if I had only chosen power x over power y ?". If both your builds are l50's then double grats.
    Both your builds level at the same time. If you're level 50 and don't have your secondary build, levelling it up is just a matter of talking to a trainer 50 times in a row.
  18. Silver Gale


    Originally Posted by kebbler33 View Post
    What's the best build for a controller?
    Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
    WH/AT? There's no such powersets!
  19. My advice: don't compare yourself to other badge hunters. It isn't healthy.
  20. Silver Gale

    Well, hmph.

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

    Now you need to roll a Warshade and go around asking about how you get to Kings Row.
    And complain on the forums that you can't purple him out because of evil marketers.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
    but every bonus has to be balanced out by an equal penalty.
    Er... define "equal".

    In a P&P setting, I could get my character some bonus points by taking "Arachnophobia", and the DM would make sure I ran into spiders frequently so that the weakness actually has an effect on the game.

    In an online game setting, I can take a weakness to Cold and then just never take any missions from factions who do Cold damage, and enjoy whatever bonus comes with it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Combat View Post
    So Sam...

    Is Osmandius (from the Watchmen) a hero, villain, or grey? I always thought of him as a hero, but given what he did, he could easily count as a villain.

    But of course, villains can't ever actually suceed, so he must be either a grey or a hero...
    The whole point of Watchmen is that there's no good or evil, just various degrees of "wants to kill people".
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
    Roleplaying, in my definition(and not out of a dictionary) is playing a personality, or role, in to which gives your toon personality, and your not trully yourself. Rping does not necessarily mean you have to be intelligent or vulgar, or what-ever. You can play it out how ever you want.
    In *my* definition, roleplaying is a fish.

    And if you don't agree, well, I guess you're just not open-minded enough, or possibly don't have enough imagination. Don't force everyone into your narrow views of "language".

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a fillet of roleplaying on the grill.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Essentially, that it can be weaponised and used to further military goals sort of like the Predator UAV? Yeah, I would agree that's a valid concern, but this is actually part of my problem with the uncanny valley - a lot of the things that make certain concepts creepy aren't their being uncannily similar to humans, but rather the presence or lack of a human operator on the controls, which goes back to trust once again.
    I don't think so. When I look at the Big Dog I don't think "uh-oh, a piece of military hardware with potentially dangerous applications", I think "holy **** it's a headless deer brought to unlife and it's out for blood, get it away from me". It's not a conscious sort of "creeped out", it's just... visceral.

    I'm not saying you're wrong in your assessment of "nifty robot", I'm just saying it's one of those things that's hard to convey until we can find a way to transfer qualia directly between each others' brains.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Now, I remember this discussion we had, and I actually rather enjoyed it before it slowed down. However, I just got done with reading the article on the uncanny valley on TV Tropes, and I am... Let's say "amazed" at how much I disagree with the sentiments expressed there. Obviously, they are people's opinions, so I can't claim they are false, but it's staggering how much I disagree with what constitutes creepy.
    The Uncanny Valley effect is probably the best example of how subjective reactions can be. I'm very sensitive to it, but my fiance isn't. The video of the Big Dog robot gives me a major case of the creeps, but he just thinks it's a nifty machine.