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Drugfree Boy



I know this message appears if you crash and attempt to relog in before the server kicks your character off for idleness, but has anyone had it happen to them randomly on a first login attempt?

I got this message when logging in this morning. I changed my password just in case, but I'm wondering how worried I should be.

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I've only had it happen back when my brother and I used to have a shared account (I know, against the rules and all that...) but he left the game a couple of years back so haven't had it happen recently.

I guess you should be a bit worried and check your PC for keyloggers and stuff like that. You sure you don't have a RL friend who plays CoH and knows some of your regular usernames/passwords? I'm not implying they're trying to steal your stuff, but just checking what kind of chars you have or something.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
You sure you don't have a RL friend

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This happens to me quite often, maybe 2-3 times per week in 5-20 hours of play



Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
This happens to me quite often, maybe 2-3 times per week in 5-20 hours of play
There was a bug a while ago where this was happening frequently to a lot of people. There were several posts on the forums about it when it was happening.

I thought the bug was squashed; I haven't seen it in a while. Guess it's back.




I've had this happen twice. On one occasion, I'd logged out while inside a mission, and apparently the server didn't quite finish removing the character. (A friend mentioned that I'd been online and ignoring tells for two days.) The second time it happened, I hadn't played in a week or so, and all the characters' "last logged in" times reflected that. I simply assumed it was a glitch with how the server was adding/reading the timestamp on my last login attempt.