Silver Gale

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    IActually, some arcs have a sort of "either/or" option where two missions are given and you can pick between them.
    They really don't. Contacts can offer a choice of two missions if they have enough non-completed ones. If you have an arc open and also non-completed one-offs, the contact will offer you one arc mission and one random one-off. If you pick the one-off mission and complete it, the contact will offer you the same arc mission as before and another one-off.
  2. Casual friend of mine putting together a PuG redside. I bring my Fire/Pain Corr who needs levels. We get two more Corrs (both DP, of course), a Widow, and friend's Dom. We start off with a paper in Nerva at +0.

    There is a moment of confusion as I explain that no, the Widow doesn't have to "Tank", although we could use a "pointman" to keep the team in one group, and if we just all attack at once then the Alpha damage is spread around more so I can easily negate it.

    Mission goes swimmingly, team leader switches up to +2, invites a MM and another Dom. We run the "Casino full of Longbow" mission. A few deaths because of splitting, but gobs and gobs of XP, funtimes, everyone's happy. Things are looking up!

    And then Widow's player goes "You know, I could swap to my 50 Brute and farm TV at +4". And of course everyone is enthusiastic because yay farming! Farming is more XP than just running papers!

    ...except me, because to me, swapping from mission running to a farm is like swapping from being paid $5.75 an hour to lounge around on the beach with cool drinks and a laptop to being paid $6 an hour to wade through horse manure.

    So I excuse myself politely and leave, all the time thinking "man, farmers ruin *everything*".
  3. You're on a trial account. They are restricted to level 14.
  4. SPTrashcan put together the following brief:

    Sometime in the 1960's, Rularuu, who eats dimensions, enters the CoX prime dimension with intent to eat it. Before he can get a proper start, he is banished by the Midnight Squad. The place they banish him to is the Shadow Shard, a "prison dimension". At this time, the Shadow Shard is not yet blown to pieces. Along with Rularuu, the Midnighters also send a number of hapless civilians to the Shadow Shard. These become the first Shard Natives. Everyone is surprisingly cool with this, possibly because the Midnighters kept it on the down-low.

    (Incidentally, Sara Moore claims to be the granddaughter of two such people. She appeared to be in her late teens or early 20s in 2004, when the zone opened. The chronology for this is a little weird when you think about it.)

    Rularuu divided into several aspects to administer his prison, because this is always a great plan. Most notable of these were Ruladak, the Natives' taskmaster; Faathim, who tended to their needs; and Lanaru, who was Rularuu's executioner. Both Faathim and Lanaru strayed away from Rularuu's control: Faathim created the impervious Chantry within which he was able to hide from Rularuu's will, while Lanaru created the Storm Palace and was driven insane by his servitude to Rularuu.

    What happened next is somewhat ambiguous - either Faathim tried to convince Lanaru to be reasonable, or tricked him into shattering the Shadow Shard. Either way, Lanaru broke the Shadow Shard into the cloud of floating rocks it is now, and then retreated into the Storm Palace. After this, Faathim informed the Shard natives they were now free from Rularuu's control. Ruladak accused Faathim of engineering the catastrophe and attacked him. Faathim trapped Ruladak behind four magic seals, and was then in turn imprisoned within his own Chantry by a horde of Rularuu soldiers. This kind of sucked for the natives.

    (Incidentally, Old Fred, encountered in the Sara Moore TF, says that these events happened "when he was just old enough to remember", but also perhaps 15 or 20 years ago. Since Old Fred appears to be in his late 60s or early 70s, something weird is going on here, too.)

    Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Shard, Nemesis had discovered a way to gain entrance to the prison dimension. He used the Shard as a location for a secret base, where he prepared the deception that led to the Rikti War - which means that he has been in the Shard since well before the first Rikti invasion. Let me reemphasize: Nemesis discovered a way to enter the prison dimension of a godlike marauder who eats entire realities, and his first thought was "This will be the perfect place for me to hide a base from which I can start an interdimensional war." Let it never be forgotten: the man has giant brass balls. Possibly literally.

    Fast forward to 2004:

    - Portal Corporation discovers the Shadow Shard. Oddly, the Midnight Squad does not immediately send them a polite letter suggesting that they not touch that. Instead, Portal Corp consults with the UN, which puts together a scientific and military expedition into the Shadow Shard.
    - Said expedition is quickly beset by weird and horrible creatures and withdraws to a shielded zone by the entrance portal and a few embattled forward bases, then asks heroes for help. Heroes respond with appropriate enthusiasm.
    - Many Shard natives are evacuated to their long-lost homeland Paragon City, which they last saw lo these 40 or so years ago. Sara Moore stays behind to make sure the remaining natives get out safely and certainly not because Lt. Col. Flynn sets her heart aflutter.
    - Nemesis sells Shadow Shard portal tech to Crey Corporation, because Crey wants to go to the Shard for... some... reason.
    - Uuralur says "oo, new toys" and creates shadow duplicates of all of them.
    - Lanaru sulks in the Storm Palace and is occasionally kicked around by heroes.
    - Faathim hides in the Chantry and is occasionally harassed by CoT.
    - Ruladak sulks behind his magic seals and is occasionally almost released by Nemesis generals in an astounding error of judgment, unless of course it's all a Nemesis you-know-what.
    - Chularn, Kuularth, and Aloore are conspicuous in their absence.
    - Darrin Wade plots to release Rularuu from his prison using knickknacks that villains steal from the Midnight Club by disguising themselves as hordes of Alistair McKnights.
    - A mysterious man with a silly hairstyle warns heroes of a "Coming Storm". Many people expect Rularuu to be involved. Many more expect a Nemesis you-know-what. Very few expect the Roman Space Nazis.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
    And furry-supporting tools.
    I have to know. Are furry-supporters a greater or lesser threat than developer fanbois? Can we get Stephen Colbert to investigate on this?
  6. Friend mine said he talked to a level 50 DP Blaster, asking him about the tier 9 power. The Blaster told him he didn't take it because "he likes his endurance".

    Good thing PLing is only done by people who know the game well and aren't going to miss things if they rush through.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    That doesn't work for those of us who play both sides, though.
    You're just confused, or lying for the attention.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    I don't want to be a part of any SG as I think they're a waste of time and most feel the need to apply draconian rules like saving a costume slot for the SG costume or always running in prestige mode and so on.
    Originally Posted by Silver_Lobo View Post
    Make your own sg... and make your own base, and just store stuff in it. Look at it like your super hideout, or your personal apartment.
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Emphasis mine. I don't want to wast my time on creating a base... already did that once a long time ago.
    So... you don't want to be part of a SG because most of them have "draconian rules"... thus you refuse to create your own SG... head hurts now.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OmnipotentMerlin View Post
    you know the sad part about that. as soon as we create cute/pretty characters. We will be labled worse then being furry. stuff like "Pedo".
    Eh, stupid accusations can be attached to anything. Roll an anthropomorphic animal and you'll be called "furry", roll a young child and be called "pedo", roll a well-dressed sarcastic blond Englishman and you'll be accused of having a weakness for well-dressed sarcastic blond Englishmen. Er, nevermind that last one, bad example.

    The point is, don't worry what people will accuse you of, just play the characters you want to play.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
    I admit this is one of the reasons I keep wanting them to add lots and lots of frills and lace to the costume creator. (The other, primary reason is for magical girl outfits.)
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    Word. I gots to get my magical girl on.

  11. My two main badge hunters have the lot now. I'd have had them sooner and on more alts, but I went through a burnout period when I couldn't be bothered logging in to CoH even to move characters around.

    Well, ready for whatever new Day Jobs the expansion throws at me, now.
  12. The best thing about this is, it's self-perpetuating. If those players decide to stick around for longer, they will be more inclined to help out newbies when they get to the point of being veterans.
  13. The character in the I17 banner is wearing Valkyrie costume pieces. The Valkyrie costume was a bonus that came with the Mac edition.

    The Dark Mirror enemy is Steve Jobs. If you try to fight him, he will launch a sleeker, shiner version of your hero that sells better to the 18-24 crowd, taking away a large chunk of your market and eventually rendering you obsolete.
  14. You know, for all I like that competition is pushing the Devs to add small features that people have been asking for forever, I can't feel but feel sorry for CO. The tiniest advantages they have get yoinked right out from under them like a yoinky thing. What are they going to do now, add five years' worth of well-written missions?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    "Invention Origin" is a ******* term, since it doesn't make sense.

    Really, this bugs me. It's like SG vs. VG. There IS NO SUCH THING as a Villain Group! Both heroes and villains for Super Groups. The game even calls them that, so why people insist on perpetuating this completely fictional term I will never understand.
    What you are seeing here is the natural evolution of language, and language doesn't always evolve along perfectly logical lines.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    New info about GR makes you login to play the game even though nothing has changed yet?


    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    Sure did!!! Logged in for 5 days in a row... and promptly got bored.
    So now you're going to complain there hasn't been any new info on GR in five days and it's making you not want to log into the game?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Maybe a MMORPG isn't for you.
    If only all we had in this game were people who could easily make plots and follow conversations in a 70-person group... sure, we'd only have 70 people, but they'd be 70 people who RP with each other all the time.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
    To answer your question, my thought process was that they said you would get access to them for March and April, but does not mention May or June. Why would they say you just have access to them for March and April, and not May and June. I would think they would just say March through July, or something like that.

    This is why I really hate ambiguous statements, since a devout believer and a hard core skeptic can take the same statement and come to two vastly different conclusions.

    It just seems extremely weird to me that they would release 2 of the biggest key features of an expansion so early. That would seem to be akin to World of Warcraft releasing the Death Knight class 4 months before Wrath of the Lich King was released.
    Okay, fair enough. We'll just have to wait and see.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
    So I refer you to your own last paragraph. Use comon sense, do you really think NCSoft plans on releasing just one powerset of a whole expansion 4 months before it actually goes live, just for 2 months, and then take it away for 2 months, and then give it back again when the expansion is finally live in July? Really?
    Here's something nobody has adressed and it bugs me. Where do you get the impression that if Dual Pistols was released Live four months before Going Rogue, it would be taken away again after two months?

    And since Dual Pistols testing is being done right now, before any other part of GR, doesn't it make sense they might release it before any other part of GR? That way we can roll our Dual Pistols Heroes and Villains and level them up while we wait for the actual expansion to hit.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by F_M_J View Post
    If it hasn't been asked... does pre-ordering allow you to get your hands on Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning early on the Live servers

    No, it does not. Many people assume, but it has not been clarified by a red name yet, and the wording is quite ambiguous.
    Okay, dude, I can tell you've been burned by assuming too much, but the Dual Pistols Beta Test is going on *right now*. If by "Pre-order and get early access to DP" they meant "access to DP on the Test Server", why would they say "get early access to DP in March" and not "get early access to DP *right now*"?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
    For the effort invested, using the market is more profitable. Therefore, I would suspect that RMT'ers also actively use the market.
    I have no more experience with how RMT operations make their influence than you, but I'll note that using the market is not as easily automated as farming.

    Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
    PLing does not necessarily imply they are clueless. While this may be the case of some, this game is easy to learn, and once you understand how your powers work, in a few hours of gameplay, I think you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference if you didn't peek at the badges.
    Which is why I said "too much PLing" and not "any amount of PLing at all". The lower the barrier to entry to PLing, the more people will find themselves using it instead of playing the game (where they perhaps really should have played the game instead).

    As the AE farms showed, if the PLing is profitable enough and easy to access enough, it creates a vicious cycle where everyone is PLing because nobody else is doing anything but PLing.
  22. Farming and PLing are more of a concern for the Devs than the players. They do not impact your gameplay *directly*, like the spawn camping you mention, but they do impact the game, and letting them go unchecked is bad for the overall health of the game.

    1) Farming: Too much farming means too much game currency in rotation, which means higher prices. Also, farming is used by RMTers, and curtailing farming is one way of cutting down their profits. (Not all farmers are RMTers, but RMTers get their currency from either farming or scamming.)

    2) PLing: Too much PLing means more clueless high-level players and more people going "I got to level 50 in two days and found there were no WoW-style raids, this game sucks and I'm leaving". Also, again, PLing is a service the RMTers can sell. (Again, this does not mean everyone who PLs is a RMTer.)

    That's just a brief overview of the subject. It's a complicated problem, which, as you noted, causes a lot of heated discussion. (Sidenote: posting topics that "you know will cause heated discussion" is frowned upon by some posters and moderators.)

    It all comes down to the fact that ever game designers' "X is a reward for Y" is some game players' "I hate that I am forced to do Y to get X, I *want* X so clearly I am entitled to some way of skipping Y so X can be mine".
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    All of mine have. You just have to hang out with the right people.
    Seconded, both points.

    Sadly, the problem is to *find* the like-minded people, unless you happen to know someone outside the game who belongs to one of these groups. People who like RP deeper than clubbing just don't hang around in Pocket D.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    It has been discussed many times and the basic answer is that although a lot of people won't care and will continue to play the characters that they know and love there will probably be a drop in the popularity of some ATs.
    Almost everyone agrees that some ATs will overshadow others, but nobody can agree on which ATs exactly will be "better".

    Soloists will generally say "why would I want to roll a Defender/Tank when I can just roll a Corruptor/Brute and have much better soloability and still be useful in a team?"

    Frequent SF runners will say "why would I invite a Corruptor/Brute to my SF when a Defender/Tank can do their job so much better?"

    People who like the gameplay of Stalkers but prefer hero content and people who like the gameplay Scrappers but prefer villain content both think nobody will play anything but Stalkers/Scrappers if given the choice.

    The one class that's pretty much always left out of these discussions are Masterminds.