Silver Gale

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  1. Silver Gale

    Post a Character

    Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
    I like this one.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
    The original wording of the arc and the badge made it emplicit that the double was your Praetorian counterpart. It was changed to be more ambiguous at the request of players who had plans to play the Praetorian versions of their characters when Going Rogue goes live, and were disappointed to find a story arc where that character is killed.
    I think it was mostly changed because people pointed out that once GR goes live it will be possible to play this arc with characters that are from Praetoria in a real in-game sense (not just in the player's imagination). But the new ambiguous wording works out well for everyone, since if you want to play both Paragon and Praetoria variants of a single character, the good alternate in the arc can just be from some third, unrelated dimension.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It can't hurt for the game to support it. It's one thing to go "Yeah, that's what THE GAME says happened, but it actually isn't." and quite another for this to be what the game says actually happened.
    I'll have to take your word for it. Between the utter generic-ness of a lot of blueside arcs, and the "your motivation is smashing stuff and getting paid, hop to it" of a lot of redside arcs, I've grown used to my own twists on what "really" happened (or how my character "really" reacted) being the thing that keeps rerunning things on new alts interesting.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Hey, if it's a choice you're allowed to take or refuse, I see no reason for people to complain. Might actually be really cool to have in the game. Instead of an inescapable timer, let me get down to the clone and decide, Mass Effect style, if the alternate dies or if I die.
    For people who actually build up their own stories on top of what the game offers, this is already an option. Two identical characters enter the lab, the lab explodes, one of the characters survives and you go on playing the survivor - but that survivor can be either one.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    Hmm...I thought I read somewhere that they'd stolen their aspect of the Pillar from Ouroboros. Can't find it in the wiki anywhere, though, so it's distinctly possible that I'm wrong.
    From Montague's Fedex mission sending you to Cimerora at 35:

    To get to Cimerora, we're going to, er, 'bypass' Ouroboros. I'd prefer them not to be involved in this particular mission. I've procured an Aspect of the Pillar myself.

    Ashley's equivalent for villains has exactly the same language:

    To get to Cimerora, we're going to 'bypass' Ouroboros. We'd prefer them not to be involved in this particular mission.

    We've procured an Aspect of the Pillar.

    Definite hint they're keeping this a secret from Mender Silos, but it doesn't specify how exactly they got their magic crystal. Note that it is an Aspect of the Pillar, the Pillar itself being the giant one in the middle of the Ouroboros citadel, so they are at the very least doing the mystical time-travel equivalent of borrowing your neighbour's Wi-Fi access.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
    I'm in the "from the minute I create it" crowd. ALL of my toons have to have a reason to exist, and consequently, ALL of them get a backstory from minute one.
    Of, yeah? Well, *I* create my characters based on the lines of an ancient prophesy inscribed on a slab of basalt and discovered by archaeologists in 1952. My characters have been fated to exist for *millennia* before this game, the internet, computers, or superheroes even existed. So there.
  7. Playing up to level 6 is usually enough. When I started getting low on slots on Virtue, I got into the habit of rolling characters on other servers to see how they'd work out. It seems most characters rolled on Liberty are immediate keepers (rerolled to Virtue, my main server) while Justice seems to become the Graveyard of Bad Ideas.
  8. Hm... Silver Gale would be RcSoMyStLF. Fairly standard except for the Origins.
  9. Silver Gale

    Demons Shield

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The 666 number of the beast is a pretty heavily Christian concept,
    I wouldn't say it's heavily Christian, it's more one of those concepts that started out in Christian beliefs and then took off on its own. Most people would know it through the various movies and TV shows that make reference to it (like the Bruce Willis movie "End of Days", the poster showed the year of release 1999 in big fiery numbers, except all the 9s also had strokes going upward that made them read 666. or, well, 1666.)

    And there's that old series of jokes:

    666, the NUMBER OF THE BEAST.
  10. Silver Gale

    GR Site Update!

    Alternate ending:

    Unit 309: "This is 309. Suspects are in black, high-powered automatic weapons, and . . . swords? They're moving in on my position!"

    Dispatcher: "All units bulletin. Lethal force has been authorized for all current engagements. Visual confirmation has been acquired. They're Matrix cosplayers."
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
    yes, but in the villain side one you...
    That's exactly why I felt I should correct the poster, since they each contain a very similar situation, but in the villain one you get a choice and in the hero one you don't.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    OK, I have a question regarding what this thread is all about. I ran this mission
    No, you ran the last mission of the Jenny Aldair arc, which is hero side. This is about the last mission of the Leonardo arc, which is villain side.
  13. I use them all the time, either to tweak costume designs, or rotate costumes around on my main.

    Some of my little-played alts on other servers have gotten as many as 56.
  14. Silver Gale


    Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
    I hope they go this route, my tech hero would be mightily dissappointed if all of a sudden he had to start believing in a "superior being" just to keep pace.
    As always, anything that a NPC tells you as "fact" about your new source of power can be handwaved away as the NPC's own beliefs.
  15. Silver Gale


    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    How about None since i don't believe in a God or Gods
    I don't believe in Zeus either, I'd still enjoy if my character were to become an Incarnate of him.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Bah, I wrote a whole long spiel that I spent a couple hours thinking up and no one even comments on it? Blah!
    Human nature and the underlying fallacies on which our modern world runs are all well and good, but don't lose sight of the important point in this: Will our pretendy funtime superhero game still be here for us this time next year?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
    What's worse on Villain-side is that in most missions, you don't get to be a real villain at all! You're either kidnapping some guy for some other guy, or you're defeating some guy for some other guy, or you're stealing something for some guy! That doesn't deserve a villainous music! That's with the exception of the latest arc, that is.
    Wait, wait, so... kidnapping and stealing aren't villainous if you're doing it for someone else?
  18. Silver Gale


    If Haruhi Suzumiya isn't an option, I'm quitting forever.
  19. Since I17, I've noticed I no longer get the little "fanfare" sound with every "Mission complete!" message. I've got my music turned off (volume set to 0). Is this a bug, or has the fanfare been reclassified as "music"?
  20. This is not the sort of bug that's likely to affect only you.

    When I saw "might take a while because of high volume of support tickets" in my answer, I nodded sadly and said "yeah, I can imagine".

    Once the support staff comes back after the weekend, I imagine restoring everyone's stuff will be the second order of business, right after "finding the person responsible for this behaviour of global e-mail and beating them with sticks".
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fusion_7 View Post
    I can also hope there are not any glitches with this like Wentworths being shut down for their issues?
    The mail is run by the same system that allows Global chat. So if Global is down (you can't see your Global Friends list, you can't see any of the Global Chat channels you've joined), sending an e-mail with an attachment is equivalent to throwing that attachment into a large hole in the ground with a sign that reads "BOTTOMLESS PIT".
  22. 732. With the Anniversary badge, the new Accomplishments and a few other low-hanging ones, it'll be up to 737. I'm not getting to 750 without a *lot* of effort, or just waiting on more Veteran rewards.
  23. Welcome to CoH!

    First of all, let me note that you've chosen one of the two most populated servers. The other one is Freedom, which is more PvP and PL focused. There was just a new free expansion two days ago, which added a lot of new collectible achievements, and most people have dug out their high-levels to run around and get them.

    Don't worry about the relative levels of other players. We have the Sidekick System, which makes all players in a party the same level. So if you're invited to a team of level 50s, you become level 49 for the duration - or you can invite them to your team, and they temporarily become your level, and gain the same rewards from your missions as they would from their own.

    You may have a bit of trouble creating teams while you're still on a Trial account, because of the chat restrictions. Once you've upgraded to a full subscription, there are easy-to-follow guides to starting your own teams. For now, I recommend using Help Chat (type lines starting with /hc) to ask questions and find teammates, and putting something like "Trial Account, can't send tells or invites" in the window that comes up if you select "Team" while not teamed.

    I'm sure there's at least three other posts with other helpful tips by the time I'm done writing this, so I hope this helps!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
    You people are absolute morons.

    It's been repeatedly proven that threatening and inflicting bodily harm on an individual to coerce information will, above all else, result in the victim simply telling you what you want to hear in order to get the torture to stop. I respect and admire The Spy on a professional level, but you're putting far too much stock in the words of a man that was terrified down to his very toes. You wouldn't trust the word of a jury which had been threatened, so I see no reason to take the employee in this article so seriously.

    The man needs counselling and support. He doesn't need his moment of weakness exploited like this.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Weren't those quotes already posted here when the CoH2 registration was first mentioned?
    Yes. But a journalist working for a games magazine has also seen them, and wrote about them in his column. And now someone has posted that column on the official forums, with a title that implies CoH2 is all but confirmed to replace CoH. Tomorrow, someone on Kotaku will write an article about CoH being slated for retirement, using this thread as the source. And so it goes.