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  1. Shockwave_EU

    Defiant Legends

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    Mighty Saguaro

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    Ah good call yes mighty was a class act.
  2. Shockwave_EU

    Defiant Legends

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    Myself, self-proclaimed legend and know-it-all

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    Well if thats how its going to be i will add.

    Myself, London, Rhi, INfact all the smurfs
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    Think most of mine ended up in the bin, as for the cape and logo you could gladly have mine as I don't think I ever used them Much prefer the other capes especially things added since, and not being particularly evil the Arachnos logo is not much good to me.

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    You threw them in the bin?!

    People buy those things on eBay.

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    People buy all sorts of tat on eBay, thats their look out.

    Mine sat on top of my computer for six months and got dusty, then cleared out, I ight have one or two or some stands but most will be in the great landfill in the sky by now. Which TBH is where they belong.

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    In your opinion. You 'could' have used them, maybe started a new hobby, or sold them. There are, or at least were, plenty of people who really wanted the Ghost Widow figure in particular as she's very useful in a game of Heroclix.

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    So you play with them do you............... mmmm is there some kind of card game for them or is it just a made up game you play

    Tbh i never had one very tacky
  4. Shockwave_EU

    The Dark Path

    Cya KS thanks for all your work in trying to bring pvp out of the shadows.
  5. Shockwave_EU

    Level 52 HamiOs?

    If the devs want them gone they would have done it already, but tbh i had loads of them but sold most as IOS were better, some HO are still handy but with new IOs coming all the time hamis will die of in the end.
  6. Very good idea, this one gets my vote
  7. Never seen anyone say blasty myself its always been blapper
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    since the new issue allows you to have a second life when your away from the game, they should allow you to stay in your second life when in the game, have a house or flat, pay bills and such and...have a car or bike, so you can either be a hero and gain xp and such or be a normal citizen who goes about there own business and has a house a car and a loving wife, and if they want to be a hero on the part time even better. this would attract alot more roleplayers in, so instead of fighting crime all day they can relax and be normal and talk to others and even heros! chances are it will never happen coz they prob dont have the capabilities but meh i can dream!

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    Dear god on a stick, no thankyou with a big fat NO!!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Thanks for the bump for our SG website fair few had a look at it now, its bumped the numbers up a bit

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    *lifts hand* i was one of the lookers

    (btw nice website and list of 50s. Seems like a very well organised group you lot got there)

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    Thanks, Rhi sorts all the web site stuff out, also once issue 13 goes live we will be taking on new members if you want to join us.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you!

    I understand that they were needed, but because I don't pvp, the changes im experianceing on the pve side seem pointless.

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    If by that you mean your pve powers changing due to the pvp change then dont worry, the changes being made to powers only effect you while in a pvp zone.

    Your pve game will not change
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I hate PVP in any game, im just not the pvp type, so all this power changing is unneeded in my opinion.

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    If you dont pvp then you dont know, changes were needed but not the way its been done.

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    The day jobs reward people for NOT playing the game

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    Not true it rewards you when your logged out of the game so not playing anyway so infact you are gaining.

    Also welcome to the forums
  12. I would guess

    1. Lvl cap going up to 60 with added lvl 50 content
    2. Paid for update, maybe this would include (1)
    3. New reward based pvp.
    4. Reworking of hami
    5. New GMs like hami
    6. If they dont do a new lvl cap of 60 then i would guess new extra powers/slots for lvl 50s this would also give new lvl 50 only content maybe even leading to incarnates.

    All guess work and if om honest i wouldnt hold out for a cap rise to 60 but i think the time is right to expand on high end content and lvl 50s
  13. Not that im into MA, but i would say building a whole tf/sf would take some doing not you would be talking about alot of missions to build but tf/sf are based around signature heroes/villains and events i would doubt the system would let you play with the back storys for these things
  14. Cant say about hazards as not left rv on test but there is a day job for pvp zones, gives extra recharge
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    If you want the game to be hard why do you take the easy way out and powerlvl every char to 50 on farm teams then.oh I get it "the look at my list of 50's" badge.

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    Perhaps because he got the 1st 10 level 50s to 50 the "hard way" and now just wants to get chars up to 50 to pvp?

    As for 50s lists, iv certainly not got one anywhere, in fact i cant think of anyone in our sg who has.

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    You might need to look a bit harder next time.....

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    And you think that makes your claims right?

    All that shows is MU is the biggest and most active sg on the defiant server

    Got to ask did we kick you from the sg or something as you seem to have a huge bee in your hat about us.

    Dont bother know who you are now, and funny thing is you use to be part of the sg , on that note carry on with your own flame war wont be dragging up the past.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    and more to the point 13,000 active players

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    Got a linky for where that figure comes from?
    Or are you misunderstanding the peak concurrency figures?

    If the latter then please try to understand that maximum active accounts at any one instant in time is not the same as number of active accounts.

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    I didnt understand what you just said but in any event I said active players not accounts. Perhaps I should have said average.

    Either way the game doesnt have much more than 13,000 players on at any given time.

    That figure means that while things are just about sustainable now, as soon as the game takes a major hit it will enter the land of diminishing returns.

    Too few players to interest any new players. Too little money to justify expansion, or major advertising etc etc.

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    Any kind of mass sub loss now would deal a huge blow to the game
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Unfortunately, I agree. I wasn't aware that this was to be a Rikti Raid Week, and when the sky went dark while I was sat there roleplaying last night, the only thought that went through my head was "oh, good grief, not again." So we left Galaxy City and roleplayed in a base, where we were safe from all forms of irritating disturbance.

    Really, they shouldn't have scheduled this so soon after Halloween.

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    OMG i find myself in an odd place i agree with you here, the raids should not have started so close to the last event they should have left them unti the new year now
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    How bout putting some of that 4yrs knowledge to use and posting some suggestions about how to improve the game

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    How is 4 years knowledge in farming going to give you enough knowledge about the game for sensible suggestions, other than ones that benefit farming, that is?

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    You dont want any of this today ffm, think you know me to well by now, i have no wish to start a flame war but i DO not lilke people making claims about me that are not true

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    Oh hush, Shocky. Didn't you see that tongue in cheek smiley at the end? Why so serious, hmm?

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    Yeh sorry ffm just that guy has rattled my cage
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    How bout putting some of that 4yrs knowledge to use and posting some suggestions about how to improve the game

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    How is 4 years knowledge in farming going to give you enough knowledge about the game for sensible suggestions, other than ones that benefit farming, that is?

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    You dont want any of this today ffm, think you know me to well by now, i have no wish to start a flame war but i DO not lilke people making claims about me that are not true
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Everyone plays this game how they want and my commetns about making the game to easy are valid from my point of view, i have been playing this game now for 4 years so after that much time anythign well get to easy and tbh making what is abit on the hard side like getting purples to easy for im guessing the likes of you is just dumb.

    Still based on your comments here i guess you need things to be easy as you cant play the game and just like to cry that things are to hard.

    Before you comment on posts i would think about who you are making comments about.

    Oh yes and this

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    Guess you will be happy when you have the server all to yourselves with no issues on the horizon..........

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    No i wont but i could do with out cry babys like you!! that would be no loss to anyone

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    If you want the game to be hard why do you take the easy way out and powerlvl every char to 50 on farm teams then.oh I get it "the look at my list of 50's" badge.
    Not everyone has the time to put in endless hours to rack up 50's and inf to buy IO's Junior.
    If you have been playing for 4yrs then please act like a veteran and stop whining bout people spoiling your precious "HARD" game when you clearly take the easy way every time.
    How bout putting some of that 4yrs knowledge to use and posting some suggestions about how to improve the game,instead of crying for the waaaahbulance cos the nasty men are changing YOUR game.
    Farmers are gonna be the death of this me !!!!

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    Hnag on one second, what gives you the right to make comments like that about me?

    I have not PL everytoon i have, yes i have PL the grand total of 2 toons both for pvp the rest have been done the old normal way.

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    How bout putting some of that 4yrs knowledge to use and posting some suggestions about how to improve the game,instead of crying for the waaaahbulance cos the nasty men are changing YOUR game.

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    I do thankyou but from your point of view im crying about them changing the game when infact making the game way to easy well jsut take away any kind of fun, but i take it you find it hard or you would agree.

    Also again you call me a "farmer" im sorry but i dont even know you so im sure you dont know me so how do you know what i do and to be frank even if i did farm whats it got to do with you?

    Guess you could say its people like me who spoil the game for you but seeing as how i dont farm i dont see how, i get my inf for my IOs by doing tons of missions and tfs etc with my sg, it sounds to me you have a case of the green eye monster.

    Making attacks like this against me and my sg are not called for as i have asked the other leaders and im sorry we dont know you so how can you make such claims about any of us.

    NOw to stop this turning into a flame war or getting nasty i would ask you to stop make such comments or if you wish to carry on please do but if you do know me then you must know i never back away from a forum war.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Funny how any mention of making the game more accessible to casual gamers brings out the farmers isnt it.
    The old "leave OUR game alone" chant rings out.
    Yes good idea lets drive away any potential subscribers by making it extremely difficult to get purple IO's because of the cost,time involved in doing TF's,etc.
    While you clog up the forums with endless posts of smurfs hitting 50 on your superfarms.
    How powerlvling a char to 50 this way can be classed as quality I dont know.
    Guess you will be happy when you have the server all to yourselves with no issues on the horizon..........
    Think of the future and be less selfish.

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    Sorry but just who the hell are you to make comments like that about myself and my SG?

    Everyone plays this game how they want and my commetns about making the game to easy are valid from my point of view, i have been playing this game now for 4 years so after that much time anythign well get to easy and tbh making what is abit on the hard side like getting purples to easy for im guessing the likes of you is just dumb.

    Still based on your comments here i guess you need things to be easy as you cant play the game and just like to cry that things are to hard.

    Before you comment on posts i would think about who you are making comments about.

    Oh yes and this

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    Guess you will be happy when you have the server all to yourselves with no issues on the horizon..........

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    No i wont but i could do with out cry babys like you!! that would be no loss to anyone
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    It doesnt have to be that way. Instead of making us pay millions for a single set IO, they could rebalance the way IOs are distributed in game.

    This would minimise the need for farming (another reason this game will fall behind) and give more casual players a chance of catching up by going through the normal mission route.

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    Good god if the gme got any more basic they could start to sell it in mother care, im sick of the game being dumded down already, we got to have something that is hard to do or whats the point in playing.

    Saving and aiming for that One IO you have been after is the only hard thing left in the game.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    hey, i think we should see alot more game masters in game like the statesman or other lore heros, ive never seen any of them come to atlas at talk to some players answer some private messages and do an event with us all, on other mmo's ive been on game masters regularly pop by and chat with players and start off an event, yet in the 15 months ive played its been left to the local sg's which i think is poor. i defently want to see more game master's around city of heros

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    Well they do i guess you must have just missed the events they have been to, they dont do this kind of thing on the live servers only on test.