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  1. Shockwave_EU

    Some advice

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    It's possible to have fun without being unpleasant

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    Well yeh but not half as much fun, i use to love a good flame war back in the old days gave me something to do at work.

    Forums are to happy now seems to have turned into new labour.

    "Its wrong and we know it but just smile for god sake "
  2. We are still number 1 on defiant and most of us dont even play that much any more
  3. Shockwave_EU

    Some advice

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    OK guys. Now, as we all know, this forum is far, FAR different from the old days when it first was here.

    It's a shame that every thread seems to turn into a flamefest and everybody wants to troll everybody; and I won't deny it, I've done it myself.

    So here's some advice I made up...

    1. Don't meddle in threads you think are pointless

    JW is right. If you think the thread is pointless, don't get involved. This will only make the thread a place for flaming and trolling, and when it's closed - you might get the blame.

    2. If you see a flame war coming up or it has already started, it is wise to not post and inform a moderator

    We have all seen flame wars before, and we have seen how destructive they can be (pun not intended). Similar to my last piece of advice, if a flame war's the next order at the burger bar or it's already started, don't post and modify a moderator. Other people will, but notifying the moderator yourself puts you in a good light with the moderator, and the (sensible) forum community.

    3. Leave people to their opnions

    You have a freedom of opnion. Don't all that to be breached. If you think the servers are low, that's OK. If you think the servers are high, that's OK. Don't start a flame war over it.

    Now, that ends my post. I don't want the forum to shine a bad light on the community. After all, we do have a good one. Make sure you don't leave that sensibility and kindness in CoX and bring it to the forum, too.

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    Yeh but if you took all that away the forums would be no fun
  4. OOOOOO i say another fire/rad team was a load of fun when we did this, good luck with it sing oh and all joing make sure you take the powers needed and you will have loads of fun
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    In particular, I feel issue 13 is a step in the right direction.

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    You must be the only one.

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    Phase Shift. (and other escape powers). Nerf them to the point of complete uselessness please.

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    Already at that stage now almost

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    PVP community attitude replacement.

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    Well when you go that will help no ends,

    ON the whole shocker some good ideas
  6. Shockwave_EU


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    I'm just [censored] off by now. It's been around six months since I first attempted the Lord Recluse Strike Force. Six months. This was -after- I had discovered my fondness for Badge collecting. And in six months' time, still not a successful run.

    And it's not because the teams suck, either. Not in the general sense, at least. I've never been on any of the fabled 'dream teams' for the LRSF, with a Granite Brute and Mind/Ice Dominator and who knows what else. They probably wouldn't take an Elec/Elec Brute anyway since you apparently need some god knows how specifically planned out team to defeat [censored] Statesman. Arrrrrrrrgh.

    8 people, a Sonic/Sonic Corruptor, and a MM with Tar Patch, stacking ridiculous amounts of -res on top of a Chem Nuke, with 8 Shivans out... And Statesman just won't freaking drop. His HP just merrily shoots up when his zero-recharge Unstoppable is active. I don't even see orange numbers when he uses it, I don't see anything but grey 1s from whoever is actually able to damage him for the grand total of 1 damage per hit. What the hell. He regens back up to 75% despite the huge amount of -res on him, everyone has 4-8 or more red insps stacked on, and when it wears off and he drops to 10% again, BAM, Un-freaking-stoppable.

    How the hell is this meant to be done without 8 of each freaking warburg nuke anyway? How do people actually manage to complete Master Of runs of this when he freaking Hand Claps the non-melee ATs to death if they happen stray too close to whatever the AoE size is? I can't wrap my brain around this.

    I'm just going to make the logical assumption that my badging toon is cursed, and those are two (lol, three) badges I'll never ever have. Because six months of trying is just retarded. I realize it's the hardest task force in the game. But it doesn't even seem -mathematically- possible without 8x3 nukes, so how do people get Master Of badges for it? I don't know. I guess I never will know. The devs say the game is balanced around SOs. I'm on generic IOs, so I'm already stronger than SOs despite not having set bonuses.

    Funnies thing? I actually completed the LRSF once. On the wrong toon. I just wanted the Apocalyptic badge for the accolade. I stuck around just for morbid mental laughs, and... We killed them all. How the hell we did that, I'll never know. Statesman managed to die somehow. I was on my Thugs/Dark Mastermind, who is not my badge toon. We had a Thugs/Dark in today's team as well, and States refused to drop. So it can't have been -my- toon that tipped the scales.

    So what the hell am I missing?

    *goes to sleep it off*

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    Meh its to easy if you ask me, ive done it so many times i lost count.

    Dont know what your problem is
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Rooks is right about the arena being the best place to show each other how good you are as everything can be 100% fair.

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    Rooks is right but you are still a nab cause you havent set foot in arena except when ALL the good EU pvp population left.

    Oh wait you set foot in X4 even proclaimed you were gonna win then got sandblasted hard.

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    Wow. 3 posts directly for me. I feel special. Fancy letting me know who you are?

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    My source tells me its TG
  8. Lvl 50 only content

    End game content

    PVP fixed
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    This may be somewhat controversial, but I suspect I'm not alone in this. I could be in a minority, I accept but I truly believe it's a significant one.

    Let me start by saying where I'm coming from. When I started in 2006, the game was significantly harder than it is now. It was a slower drive to 50, with many more challenges in than now.

    Partly that was because end-game content was far less but also because of a different mind-set between Cryptic and NCSoft.

    With NCSoft taking over the IP I've noticed a dramatic dumbing down of the game. The route to lvl 50 to me seems way too easy, and in fact the lack of a challenge now means that once I get a level 50 I rarely play that toon because... well, no effort means no meaning.

    The XP curve was "smoothed" out around Issue 11... which actually translates as "make it a lot lot easier."

    Defeat Debt has been so reduced as to be totally meaningless. It's pointless now, whereas when I first came to the game it was something to be avoided. I'm convinced that the fear of debt improved my game play. Now the biggest hassle isn't the debt, it's finding a way to avoid the trek back from the hospital and even that's made easy by fabrication of wakeys.

    Time was, any enemy conning red would make even a good team pause and take stock. Now only the most dysfunctional teams fail to munch through purple mobs.

    Squishies can now solo on invincible (and believe me, I have)

    It's hardly "heroic" (or indeed "villainous") to right wrongs or do evil when there's nothing difficult about it. The whole philosophy of the game now seems to be "make it easy so they'll play more." I don't believe that is the case. I think make it challenging and it keeps people keener for longer.

    I do agree that it's a fine line. With Jack Emmert at the helm, things were arguably too tough. Positron, IMO has swung the pendulum too far in the other direction.

    Sure, I'm happy to admit that almost 3 years down the line I'm a better player than I was when I started... but that's partly because I had to be. If I didn't, I'd be face planting with (at least) a bar of debt and a long trek back from the hospital.

    I'm aware that by posting this I could be seen as one of the old men from the Python sketch: "When I were a lad..." but that's to misunderstand my point - the game is great. It doesn't need to be dumbed down to make it fun. In fact the opposite is true. Make it consistently challenging and rewarding and it's an improvement.

    So please Devs... give us back something to get our teeth into!

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    I have been saying this for ages
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Union is definitely more popular. I start my new characters there.

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    I hear this all the time, does anyone actually have firm figures on this?

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    Nope but do a search for online players on cov or coh on defiant the numbers talk for themselfs
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    It wont, it would probably do the opposite, what it would do though is consolidate the players that are in the EU, and produce 1 well populated server.

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    At the cost of an expensive transfer job, a large brouhaha amongst the players, the apperance of a game in decline and making it a lot harder to expand the European playerbase beyond what will comfortably fit on a single server anytime in the future.

    The costs exceeds the benefits.

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    Making it only one EU server will not look like the game is in decline its already doing that on its own having to many under populated servers.

    Besides imo all of this is just hot air as imo what will make the game die and already is lack of content and silly mistakes made by the devs.

    To many MMos are about to hit the market and they will make cox look like its standing still, people will vote with there feet and are already doing so.
  12. I dont see anything wrong with posting this here after all it is a system that is in the game.
  13. Sorry we missed this we all logged on abit late and it was all over time we got there
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been playing for Halloween and Winter Events 2008, and it seems that more and more things are being added each year for players to do during these times.

    Shouldn't the event durations be lengthened to reflect the fact that there's more to do?

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    Oh god please no, the events are dull after a few days i think a week is plenty of time tbh
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Global Name:@Shockwave
    Server: Defiant
    City of Heroes/City of Villains
    PvP Characters:
    Shock Smurf/ Stalker (smurf battle squad)
    Shock fire troller/ troller
    Lord Nova/Tank
    Type of PvP: RV,Sirens

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    I to remove myself from this list

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    Update on this

    I remove myself from this list until the issue 13 mess is sorted,
  16. Thats not good at all , i would do what rent said contact a red name on here to see if they can sort it out faster for you.

    And not even told why you were banned is well out of order
  17. Another 50 !!! gratz max
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I went back to the University the other day to change from the valiant Firebrande back into plain old student Brande Richards, before logging out . . . And it occurred to me how nifty it would be if we could *really* turn into an ordinary citizen! That is, if you could make a change that would cause you to just show up as an NPC in the world (just "Brande" over your head, in white text), so you'd look no different from the other citizens wandering around. Right now, you can slot yourself a civilian "costume", but it's still obvious who is a player and who isn't, so you're never really in disguise.

    Perhaps there could even be "secret identity" missions or badges you could get while in that mode ("Take the train to Steel Canyon and pick up X", "Visit the bank in Skyway City", ...)

    And then you duck behind a bush or into a phone booth, and: TA-DA! This looks like a job for . . .

    I'm just thinking that it would be neat to be able to move around Paragon in disguise, and it would add a lot of depth to the whole Day Jobs concept, especially if the secret identity missions (if any) were Day Job-specific. It would also be neat for fellow players not to be sure if a citizen on the street might secretly be a hero.

    So, what do people think?

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    No ta if you want "normal" people go play sims
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Global Name:@Shockwave
    Server: Defiant
    City of Heroes/City of Villains
    PvP Characters:
    Shock Smurf/ Stalker (smurf battle squad)
    Shock fire troller/ troller
    Lord Nova/Tank
    Type of PvP: RV,Sirens

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    I to remove myself from this list
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Manticore doesn't have any powers, he uses the hospital's teleporting grid thing to let his arrows and him teleport

    pesky hackers these days...

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    Only because he messed up his respec and states wont let him have another one
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Dunno how many people are reading this thread but how many PvP'ers are still around on all servers? I'm in the process of sorting out preliminary test ladder stuff.

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    Good question maybe all the pvpers who are still here but are not pvping should post there name up so....

    Shockwave, still here and waiting for pvp to get good again, will be looking at any arena pvp events once the changes are made and im sure i can drag a few others with me
  22. Shockwave_EU


    Oh yes shark attack ftw!!!!!! i love mine although it is strange that a melee AT now needs to use a ranged attack to do any damage.

    But i guess those who feel there is nothing wrong with the changes would say that was ok