Invite to new fire/rad powerteam
Been thinking about a seting up a Fire/rad for a while this sounds like a blast count me in. Only nights I am not free are Sunday and Thursday.
Myself and a housemate are currently in a pact with our recently made fire/rad and a /kin. If its ok for us to both join in then ill tell him about this and we will be happy to help out.
I have been thinking about trying a Fire/rad and think it would be fun to play in a team. I can also offer an existing base for this or would be happy to help build a new one.
The only nights I can not play are Wednesday, Friday and 2 Saturdays out of 4!
Myself and a housemate are currently in a pact with our recently made fire/rad and a /kin. If its ok for us to both join in then ill tell him about this and we will be happy to help out.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, one kin works fine. Not made one myself yet.
What do you ppl say about a lvl 20 "Justice" cossie? Main Colour free, same colour on the "details"?
So that's five, plus one contacted me in-game! It doesn't hurt to have more than 8 people, since a few tend to fall off, or can't play every day. We want at least 6 running for it to be fun, at any time.
Depending when I could go for this. I have never played a Troller so with people to point me in the right direction could be a goer.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
I would be up for this, had a break from the game for a few months so this would get me back in quite nicely . Think im free most nights but will let you know in advance if I can't make any times.
One of my super group friends may be interested in this also. I will ask him about it when I hopefully see him over the weekend.
Might be an idea to set up a global channel for this so we can team manage a lot easier and help us keep tabs on the total amount of people up for this.
As for base issues, we have plenty of room in the swords base if its just for teleporting reasons and people are free to leave anytime they want.
lv 20 Cossie sounds cool, as does a Global chat.
Radiance. Has been rolled and is parked in Atlas getting his Day Job badges. Any day bar Thursday and Sundays Evenings are good for me.
This sounds interesting, and I'm available most nights, too.
Ok, we have 10 people interested, so we should be able to get this going.
Team so far:
@Second One, alias Hot Feets (that's my 2nd account)
MrWallace (Not Sun/Thurs)
Omega__MCX + buddy
Uther_dracus + buddy (not wed/fri and some sat)
Mereman (maybe?)
Done so far:
Started new SG called Hot Feets and a global channel with the same name, open, so just add it.
Coalition SG with Telepads for the first week or so!
Build instructions:
Primary Powers you MUST take ASAP:
Char - MUST TAKE first power
Hot Feets
Fire Imps
Secondary Powers you MUST take ASAP:
Radiant Aura
Accelerated metabolism
Choking Cloud
Other Powers you MUST take ASAP:
Leadership pool, everything but vengeance.
Defense thingy first
Other things some of us should take:
Primary: (Fire cages), Smoke, Cinders
Secondary: RA, EF, LR and some Mutation should be good to have
Powers NOT needed
You should not need HASTEN
You should not need the FITNESS pool (Stamina etc) as long as we run this team. It's nice to have so you can cram it in later or respec, but leadership is WAY MORE important. 8 sets of AM will take care of your end problem.
Since not everyone will have the Justice pieces, I went for a Stealth uniform with no details whatsoever and a normal face, not that stupd mask. Black main colour, dark red secondary (also SG colour). Simple yet fairly ok.
First meeting:
I'll probably be busy monday, so I suggest Tuesday 6 january 19.00 CET (That's 6 pm british time) by the atlas town hall i guess!
Game days:
Mondays and Tuesdays seem to be the days we can play, and some Saturdays?
Ok this sounds good I will start work on creating my character than will post there name. “Generation Dawn” is up for Coalition SG, we have all the TP except the RWZ (must revisit the other beacons for it).
I finish work at 6 so will not be online until 7pm GMT.
OOOOOO i say another fire/rad team was a load of fun when we did this, good luck with it sing oh and all joing make sure you take the powers needed and you will have loads of fun
Yes you will have a lot of fun doing this and level at an insane speed.
Important thing is to stick to the planned powers (although i couldnt help myself and sneaked off to get stamina) our 1-50 run of this was one of the most fun things iv ever done in this game, good luck guys
I also couldn't get on at 6 but should be ok for 6:30 Mondays and nearer 7pm Tuesdays.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
Ok maybe a little late depending on work should be on by 6.30 GMT. I take it that the stealth cossi is still our SG cossie done at lv 20? If not will have to remake Radiance. lol. Can not wait should be a blast See you all Tuesday.
I have merefire parked up in the City hall ready
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
Ok Sebastian Dracus is made and whating in city hall for Tuesday.
Tuesdays sounds good to me
Ok, Tuesday sounds good to me.
Just got my toon made called Incendio. Is this costume OK and are we doing the tutorial or just meeting outside the City Hall at level 1?
Incendio Pic
Cossie is fine and we're meeting outside city hall.
Level 1-4 is ok, even lvl 5 if you first XP pact with one of the others. I've done the tutorial, just because I like the badge in there!
Anyone arriving late, just send a global tell to @Second one and we'll get you in. doesn't really matter if we lk some people etc, it's still insane, furious fun - and noone is left behind.
I my experience from the last run, it's quite good if we have up to 16 people to start with since some fall off and some can't play all the time. Anyone with a fire/rad is welcome to the SG/Channel and any fire/kin is welcome to the sg and as team filler.
As long as people stick to the powers I don't mind Sidekicking at all. People tend to catch up very fast!
Also, it would be good if you all get skype. It adds to the fun and makes everything even easier. If you don't wanna talk, that's fine, just listen in on the "orders".
My global is @Lightningclaw. How many can you have in a leveling pact? I thought it was only two apiece.
Anyway, my Fire/Rad is ready in Atlas. See you Tuesday.
Edit: Excessive use of 'way
@Miss Freeze - just added my fire/rad "Alliyah Elle" to the group.
Should be fun. Lvl pact set up with Sebastian Dracus.
Just a heads up if i mysteriously dc and not come back during a night, that's my computer dieing on me. however that wont be for long since i have a new graphics card +hard drive on the way.
Ok, I know some people really don't like stuff like this and if you're one of them, just don't read, leave this thread.

I've been missing a lvl 50 hero on my second account for a long time, since I'm a redside only normally, but with the smurfs taking a break until the devs actually put content into the game again I've got some time over and thought:
I've done it before on Union and it's great fun, even if it's VERY easy. For the people that don't know the drill, here's the simplified lowdown:
All take fire/rad trollers and build upon the team idea, meaning we take leadership quite early to get 8 stacked defenses etc. With fire imps, hot feet and all the buffs an 8 man team kills anything on top difficulty in no time easily. (Want to know more, check american forum, easy to find guides for it)
There's two problems with these teams: People not taking the proper powers and team members dropping off. Personally I'd love to try on STF with an 8 man team, so we'll start this off with a little twist:
8 man team, everyone paired up with XP PACT. That means a couple of things:
1. You can be away at times, but if you're away too often we'll kick you out and spread the word! Also, occational deaths doesn't impact much even on the lower levels
2. We might level a bit slower, but these powerteams level soo fast we'll still level faster than you'll usually do. Still, this should weed out any XP leechers since they also don't earn inf/enhancements while offline.
3. If/When too many fail to show up, we'll of course abandon the XP pacts. For this reason it would be great if you can bring a pal you trust so we can keep up the pacts/teams for as long as possible.
The other approach is to have an open team, invite anyone at any time that's fire/rad powerbuilt and just have a regular time we're playing. I personally prefer the first method since we can set up skype conversations as well to keep us running really smooth.
It would be fun if we could use the same costumes, colours etc, maybe even build a SG for this that could eventually grow to accept all fire + rad/kins for anytime-powerteam-lvl-50-madness.
Now, I'm usually not on the blue side so I wouldn't care to build the SG/base, but would enjoy it.
So sign up if you're interested or contact me in-game @sing star. Suggest times when you can play and we'll try to sort it out.