Shadow Wail

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  1. If beast run works like Ninja Run... I am for this and the other type of "Ninja Run" powers. It is clearly cosmetic but ZOMG is this in the right direction!

    What are the odds that the dev team can release a ViDoc type video for the making of this epic improvement? Seeing a dev do the beast run would make me just chuckle milk from my nose.

    I also am skeptical on the addition of fish parts and amphibian parts....but pleased I am!
  2. You know you play too much CoH when this is the first thing that comes up in Physics class.

    But let's say that there are three people on a grid. Object A is one player, object B is another player and object C is the target. If objects A and B are facing object C at the same angle and distance from eachother and both activate their repels...I want to say that object C does not repel in either direction but instead will take a new trajectory which is defines as C. Does anyone want to get together for some testing fun?!

    I have thought about how this works plenty of times but since TK isnt very popular albeit the creation of invisible walls from DE eminators and FF Gens.

    I have played with TK once and they move based on where you stand so there is a direct point of origin angle that is reflexive based on where the origin stands.
  3. I have a Mind Controller that I wouldnt mind testing this on.
  4. Ok, this is a fun question and something that has bothered me.

    If you have two Mind Controllers and they are facing a target at equal angles and at an equal distance, when they activate TK together and exert their force onto the object...will that object follow the laws of vector science and move in a straight line instead of the angle they are facing?

    Also, how will a team of 8 Mind Controllers work with TK together at the same time? Will all of their exerted forces force the object stand at its origin point and not repel?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    I'm not too crazy about the notion of the Notice of the Well being earned through low level task forces. The other rewards (double merits, the xp bonus) are fine, but why are we doing content that doesn't utilize the incarnate abilities (or even the full extent of our powers) to gain more access to incarnate abilities? The Well notices our power when we're not even using all of it?

    To top it off, folks that have been doing the WSF will be unlocking their very rare alpha tier with Sister Psyche or Silver Mantis. Just doesn't seem right...
    Wasn't the reason we didn't get the Incarnate System in GR because we didn't have enough content to play with as an incarnate? I feel that going back and doing non-incarnate level SF/TF is just the thing Posi wanted to avoid.

    I don't mind doing the few high level TF/SFs we have for notices, merits, xp and other stuff. I actually leveled my Dom from 44 to level 50 in one day of LEGIT gameplay. I do mind doing low level TF/SF for incarnate doesn't make sense?!

    I am fine with teaming, I first thought that it was going to be hard to do but it isn't hard to get on a team and roll with a few people. On Champion, I roll with pretty much a close knit group of people that run the Hami Raids and other high level SF's. It's become second nature to run a LGTF, LRSF and ITF...those are the only three I've run and since the start of the alpha slot I've run an ITF or LGTF daily for my shards and components.
  6. I would think Mind/Earth would start with a AoE Hold/Confuse/Sleep and you can go melee and pick them off. When sleep wears off, you can go in and use Tremor and Fissure with your AoE Hold/Confuse and your STs to stack for bosses.

    I have Mind/Psi at 50 with her Common and Uncommon Alpha Slots unlocked. The Hold/Confuse powers are great and while her melee damage isnt great I do supplement her AoE damage with Bile Spray and Waterspout.

    After the Dom revamp, /Psi is a gradual increase instead of the "PSW=GOD TIME" moments before the revamp. One nice thing about /Psi is Drain Psyche, It helps you regain HP/Endo when times are tough but requires you to be in melee range.
  7. I would go Earth/Thorny because the majority of the primary powers are patches that work well with melee.

    You can drop a Dominated Stalagmites, a Powerboosted Quicksand, a Powerboosted EQ and pick off the mobs and when things are wearing off, reapply a Powerboosted Quicksand, Powerboosted EQ and a Powerboosted Volcanic Gasses and maybe add your AoE Immob and step back and use your ranged powers.

    If you decide to go Earth/Thorny/ can pick up Sleet and Ice Storm to further debuff the mob and do excellent damage with Ice Storm. Sleet offers -Def and -Res.
  8. ::Tilts head in shame::

    I can't be a theme person but for most cases you have to. I dont see how a Mind/Elec can go with anything other than Psi or Elec (Mu).

    I mean, maybe the mace because its a weapon and it can fit but Mind/Elec/Fire?!
  9. I took a Plant/Thorny from 1-23 this weekend and I feel the same way. I heard that once you get the creepers and AoE Immob and get other powers such as Frenzy, Megolomaniac and Domination that the set becomes really good when added with AoE damage.

    I will be playing Madame Mandrake until the mid 30's and if its not to par I'll leave her on the back burner.
  10. I want to get three of my villains to 50:

    Icy Earth Tomb (Earth/Ice/Ice Dom)
    Viridian Death (Spines/SR/Soul Stalker)
    Spider Slash (Window/Fortunata)

    I also need to get a few of my lowbies into the 30's:
    Drop Soil (Grav/Earth Dom)
    Artic Pirahna(Ice/Psi Dom)
    Viridian Summoner (Demons/Poison MM)
    Barron Myst ( Illusion/Cold Controller)
    Madame Mandrake (Plant/Thorn Dom)

    The only bad part is that I have class on Saturday and Sunday. Tonight might be a good night to get my 50's
  11. I have an Earth/Icy/Ice and the amount of debuffing, knock down and damage is obscene. I havent added Ice Storm yet but when I do get that it will be the most fun I have had in a while.

    I am thinking of taking Hoarfrost and Ice Armor but it will clip and look clumsy with 2 of my costumes, Ill deal with that.

    I had Mace Mastry for a week on a Mind/Psi and I wasnt thrilled. Yes PFF was a nice addition but the Poison Ray was worth it on Lts and Bosses. I Rescpe'd to Mind/Psi/Leviathan and I have to tell you that Grav/Earth might benefit well from Water Spout and Immob so the Knockdown from /Earth and the Immobs from Grav/ Should keep your spawns tight and occupied. I had my Water Spout slotted for some -Def and it will help in terms of debuffing. The slight panic from the Water Spout when they are locked down is nice.

    I have a Grav/Earth on champ named Drop Soil and he seems to be doing nice.

    In short I would go with Leviathan Mastry or Ice Mastry. In Leviathan Mastry you will get a Pet for Dmg and with Singy you will get a pet that spams holds and other wonderful things

    With Ice Mastry, you will get 2 AoE debuffs/Dmg, 1 Shield, 1heal/HP increase and Hibernate.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    IF the name policy script is run during a server maintenance (we have no notice if or when such a thing will happen), a name will be unreserved on the conditions:
    1. The character is level 5 or lower, and
    2. The account owning the character has been deactivated for 90 days (either through payment expiration or account suspension).

    Characters at level 6 and above will not have their names unreserved. On the flip side, the player you're talking about isn't sufficiently protecting himself by only coming back one month out of the year.

    A character whose name becomes unreserved only loses anything if another player uses the name before that character is logged into again. If the player reactivates and logs into the character before someone else uses the name, nothing is lost.

    If someone else does use the name, the character will lose its description, battle cry, all mail, membership in their SG, and their friends list. They will also be removed from other people's friends list, and emails from them will change the sender to "unknown".

    NCSoft is obliged to tell us if these rules change, but not when the script is run. If you know for a fact that an inactive player holds a name you want and that character is lv5 or less, all you can do is try to take then name after their account goes inactive for 90 days. However, if the character is lv6 or higher, the only way to get that name is to make a plea to the player.

    The account has been inactive for about 3 years and the player hasnt even logged on...level 41.
  13. There is a name I want that belongs to an inactive player. This player has long deactivated his account and is playing another comicbook MMO...When does his name become available?

    He deactivated his account several years ago. and he decides to be an unsavory character and returns once a year to buy a month so no one takes his name (>_<)
  14. I want to create an Earth/Ice guide but I know this community is so darned picky and critical that my sensitive lil ego can't take it...
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Culex View Post
    Also this costume option: (for a month or two there was a bug where Tops-Tights-Flack Jacket-Flack Jacket produced this mostly transparent abomination) (PS I am kidding but only kind of, I have several characters missing body parts to all viewers and enjoy it)
    A couple of months ago I made a Broadsword scrapper and the only parts of the costume that were visible were the hood, robe and gloves. It looked like a ghost since all of the body parts were missing. In the power customization editor the sword moved just like it would if there wasn't the glitch...Too bad I didn't get a screenshot

    I say we add that to the game!
  16. Shadow Wail


    I am not sure bout the leadership pool since inherent fitness still takes up slots and considering the slots, I have 5 new powers with the subtraction of Salt Crystals

    I should mention that I am picking up sleet, ice storm, hoarfrost and ice armor.
  17. Shadow Wail

    Is it my secret?

    What exactly are the details on Illusion/Cold? I am working on one now. I have been a long term Dominator and I haven't been able to stay alive as an Illusion/Cold Controller...Any advice?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    Erm, no it doesn't. Power Boost will affect things that Dominate won't (for example Elec Controls chaining confuse and draining aura) because it works by affecting the AT modifiers for mezzes and some buffs/debuffs.

    Also PB & Domination will combine anyway, which is great for the AOE Holds.
    Try Volcanic Gasses, Quicksand, EarthQuake, Stalagmites while under the influence of PB/Domination/Megolomaniac/Frenzy and Hasten at the same time. When I first saw thing I just giggled.

    I might be wrong but it is just heavenly!
  19. Shadow Wail


    I am playing an Earth/Ice/Ice Dom, are there any powers that are not awesome or required? I took Salt Crystal but I might lose that for something else, any suggestions?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    I know I'm late to the party, but...

    Zoom In And Enhance!

    A wild Cheetah has been spotted!

    Her legs kinda look like pants...I cant wait to make a cat-bird hybrid Claws/SR Stalker!

    I am just mind****ed by the people that are complaining about something free. I didnt know people could complain about things that are free.
  21. I feel like the Paragon City Longbow are heroes while the Agincourt Longbow are Vigilantes in how they behave. There is an exploration badge that details the extend of their blind eye.

    In terms of *EATs, I asked about Praetorian Epic Archtypes (PEAT) at the NYCCC and I would love a Devouring Earth based PEAT that was focused on a Praetoria/Devouring Earth War and a revival of the Praetorian Hamidon War. In terms of story and further expansion of Praetoria, it would be a great piece to add.
  22. I am going to take Ice Mastery on my Earth Control/Icy Assault Dom...I cant wait to drop Quick Sand, Earthquake, Stalagmites with Sleet and Ice storm
  23. my only issue with the Alpha Slot is that the combination of boosts are just useless on some toons. I think a better attempt would have been to make them AT specific instead of broad and general boosts to everyone.

    I made 1 of each common and I have the Acc/Hold one. I am working on Endo/Range and Dmg/Stun
  24. What is the average damage after 5 slotting Terrify with Posi Blast IO Set?