That lazy jerk who made that Mind/Energy guide back in I6 needs to update it




Like, for srs. Seems like everyone's making a Mind/Energy this week. Would make everyone's job around here a lot easier.




Okay So without going into Search-Fu to find the guide and see exactly who we may be talking about.. Has it occurred to you that Issue 6 was some time ago and the person that put together that guide may not even still play City of Heroes? And of course if they aren't and have stopped paying the monthly fees they now have no access to the forums.

That aside, since it is quite possible that person is still around, lets look at your statement...

Like, for srs. Seems like everyone's making a Mind/Energy this week. Would make everyone's job around here a lot easier.
Just exactly where did you come up with the notion that even creating, let alone updating, a guide is ANYONE'S job? The people on these formers, Moderators and Red Names aside, are players just like you. They pay their monthly fees and gain access to the game and the forums. No one is required to do any of the stuff many do here. Same goes for the information you find on Paragon Wiki.. all done by volunteers that take time out of their schedule and instead of playing the game create something to assist you. Issue 6 went live on October 27, 2005 or more than 5 years ago {information provided by an unpaid volunteer that submitted an article on ISSUES to Paragon WIki}. Maybe, just maybe, the person that created the guide figures anyone that wanted to create a Mind/Eneregy already has and he or she is busy putting together guides on the Incarnate System or something else NEW that people may actually still have questions about.

No one here is required to do any of the thousands of things they do to help other players so calling a person that put together a guide to a powerset a jerk because it hasn't been updated to your liking is a little uncalled for.

Here's an idea why don't YOU create a Mind/Energy, which I imagine you already have, play it to level 50, testing each power and discovering all the things you feel the original author left out and YOU update the guide or create your own.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



*hands Wicked_Wendy new batteries for sarcasm meter*

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



the op is the writer of the guide.

He was using a little known figure of speech called "sarcasm"

Leader/Founder of Order Sixty-Six Guardian Server



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
*hands Wicked_Wendy new batteries for sarcasm meter*
get out of my head

Leader/Founder of Order Sixty-Six Guardian Server



Ahhh well I did say I didnt do any search fu. HEY Let's face it there are plenty of people out there that would post that .. aside from the author LOL WAYYYY to many folks that think everyone is supposed to hand them everything. I was only trying to defend the honor of a guide builder

Hehehe .. Check the sarcasm meter and shakes it

Hmm batteries must be dead.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Ahhh well I did say I didnt do any search fu. HEY Let's face it there are plenty of people out there that would post that .. aside from the author LOL WAYYYY to many folks that think everyone is supposed to hand them everything. I was only trying to defend the honor of a guide builder

Hehehe .. Check the sarcasm meter and shakes it

Hmm batteries must be dead.
Hehe, I appreciate being defended, but it's true. I need to update the thing. Every time I come back, I always say I'll update it, that I'm updating it, but never once have I actually done it. It's so out of date I don't even want people to read it anymore. A lot of my opinions have changed drastically, so I don't even agree with the things I once wrote half the time.

On that note, though, I have been working on it quite a lot. I'm including sections about Permadom, IOs, Alpha Slots, APPs, Set Bonuses, and Control Mechanics, so it'll easily be as big as the last one. PvP is obviously gone now, though, since it's changed so much that I have no experience to talk with, but on the other hand, that does simplify my focus.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I want to create an Earth/Ice guide but I know this community is so darned picky and critical that my sensitive lil ego can't take it...
What do you expect? We're into domination... it's an ebil AT after all.
Write it or else! *whip-crack*

So what if you get feedback on the guide? Hey, it proves someone's reading it! I say nobody's perfect and if there's something that's not clear, then I'm sure that folks in the community will try to resolve it/test it out. You can update your guide with their feedback or you can ignore suggestions.
So bust out your writing chops and dominate.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I want to create an Earth/Ice guide but I know this community is so darned picky and critical that my sensitive lil ego can't take it...
Well, making a good guide is a huge undertaking. Things you think are obvious aren't obvious to people who are new and are looking for help. Little details are important. However, you can't be too verbose, or you'll lose people. Striking the balance is important. Just posting a build and saying "here's how I do it, works gud" isn't really enough, since you want to help people build things their way, and find their own finesse, not just copy you. New guys will want detailed step-by-step help, but veterans want guidelines and informed opinions, not checklists. Posting an encyclopedia can work, but it has to be organized, highlighted, and easy to read. It must not look like an encyclopedia. The more bite-size chunks it's broken into, the better.

Still, though, I wouldn't shy away from making a guide just because people might point out things that need improvement. More guides to choose from is always better, and you want your guide to help people, so if the community can help you reach that goal, it's always good to take in feedback and add their opinions to your guide, even if you disagree with them. I did that in my first guide and everyone loved it. I hated old Power Push, for example, but someone pointed out a lot of good uses for it, so I included their second opinion next to my own, and left it up to the reader to decide whose opinion swayed them more. I got tells in-game telling me how great that was.

Don't be afraid of feedback. None of us are as smart as all of us.



Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
What do you expect? We're into domination... it's an ebil AT after all.
Write it or else! *whip-crack*

So what if you get feedback on the guide? Hey, it proves someone's reading it! I say nobody's perfect and if there's something that's not clear, then I'm sure that folks in the community will try to resolve it/test it out. You can update your guide with their feedback or you can ignore suggestions.
So bust out your writing chops and dominate.
^ This. Feedback is good.

I'd say the one thing you have to try and do with a guide is steer a line between how you play and giving impartial advice about powers. Don't get too blinkered into your own style of play and read up on any powers you avoided (you can include hints and tips from other posters here, people love being cited/quoted in my experience but it may be worth PMing them first)

IE : What Vids said.



I love using your guide for my twin Mind/Energy Doms (1 runs on Pinnacle with a group, 1 runs solo on Virtue), but I get confused sometimes from the guide's old numbers conflicting with current issue 19.5 play styles and the Dom revamp. So yeah, whenever you pop that updated guide out, I'll be one of the first to eagerly read it and give feedback.

Bound Kitty: Cl/Regen Scrap lvl 50! Unified Kitty: PB lvl 50! Jenoma: Eng/Pain Corr lvl 50! Operative Jenoma: Fort lvl 50! Alicia Steele: KM/WP Scrap lvl 50! and others on Pinnacle/Virtue! @Bound Kitty on Live/Beta