824 -
no we have...willow is still meaner!
oh and ill take the lead...statesman always did fear fire tanks...thats why he kept nerfing us :P -
quite possible however very exspensive...however my goal to cap it with the a.i.o's only gets it like 2 % more so on test atm im at like 89.70..close enough really.i could get over it..but not willing to get rid of my purple set in gfs.
btw using the enhancement catalyst will bring better bonus's..here a picture of them for you that havent looked first is without the boosters..2nd is with
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i have 3 fire tank builds...yes im over the top but hes my main since day 1!
i have a resistance build for soloing..currently at 87% resistance
my 2nd is a team build ..hes soft capped in s/l
my 3rd is a hami build..build to taunt 2 mitos .because when your taunting 2 mitos and the kb stacks. you need like 18 kb protection...so since i tend to do it alot. i went this way..lol
i cover all bases this way. -
my only real question was what power it gets thrown into.
looking at it i was hoping an auto power for my fire/fire like temp protection or even blazing aura.neither allow the set which sucks imo but whatever. so my only choices are combustion ,consume or burn. burn being the best choice since its used WAY more then the others
i have purples and pvp sets in incinerate and gfs and those are staying put.so i guess burn it is!.
btw on a side note if you use the merit vendor you can only get a a.i.o. every 4 days.theres a timer on it now -
and of course 2 hours before hami i lost power for over 5 freaking hours!...gah!
id like to see it continue as ive been busy in real life the last 2 months and havent been on.although i got on 2 weds in a row now and plan on being there for tomorrow as well..although ive noticed my global is shot right down with no one on.looks like guardian has gotten even slower if thats possible.
id say ultimately its up to you guys.by the look of this forum there aint anyone on it anymore as most hit the guardian server facebook for any real info.maybe its time wulf hits up facebook with the rest of us :P -
i didnt get my pp's in oct...so ive been premium since then.i contacted support.they told me only way i would get anything is by upping another month and i aint paying for a month and getting nothing for it.so i contacted beatstyle who said hed look into it..after many weeks he came back with sorry all i can say is..contact support. this is of course after i gave him my support emails!.sad as it is.they wont get a friggin dime from me every again till i get what i paid for and since then they havent.
being here since 2004 i expect alittle bit of loyality...and all i got was ripped off.ill log on and see if my missing pp's are there..then i log back out.
not a dime !! -
i did mine
my fire tanks resistance sits at 87.13% s/l resistance..i took out cardiac t4 and replaced it with the t4 from resilient. my numbers were now at 89.39( teir 3 it was only like 87.67 which was god awlful.)if your gonna get this alpha..you MUST tier 4 it. tier 3 gave me literally 0.54% no joke.
89.39 -
87.13 =
2.26 % more resistance in my build.hoping for over 3% totally when it hits the 33% it currently is on test.this way i might be able to respec a slot or two somewhere else for when the tanker archetype sets come out.that will have another resistance bonus in it as well. -
man and to think i was gonna reup on my vip status in 4 days...good thing i waited..now i know it can wait..thanks devs!
too many more warnings and she wont be posting anymore :P
resilient is still at 27%...SO!...is the text wrong or is the alpha not updated yet to the 33% is was said it would be?
or you could all stop aurguing over the whole thing by just getting the cardiac alpha.
as much as i like breath of fire.its simply not worth slotting it and under slotting your greater fire sword.
also i dont like the idea of stealth. you lose that defense once you attack.if you want more defense then id grab maneuvers -
yeah you can do good with either or but it has to be a brute.if you farm with fire/ss on a tank itll be alittle slower then fire/fire.see its fury which makes it worth the effort and built strongly can farm +4s/8 man spawns.my tanks can too ...just not as fast.
fire/elec also works fine ...however i use my elec/fire(brute) for my farming cause its just too much fun. -
in all honesty the only thing still keeping me here is hero merits and hami twice a week..other then that i can barely get a team to do anything unless its in the morning.
plus batman arkham city is out with a dlc already and uncharted 3 has taken all my time for the last 2 days just with the online play.im only barely begun the single player!
so when theres new content and stuff to play.ill be here as a vip...until then account is currently vip until nov 16th then its already going to prem like the 2nd account until i see some NEW content.and i dont mean silly little packs for the undead that i can get in striga any day of the year!.im talking archtype sets and more incarnate tree openings. -
Quote:just remember...i ant those tanker archtype sets.if you keep waiting to place them out...your gonna be too late...with uncharted 3 and batman arkham city out ive already cancelled my vip and partly its because the things i know you have and the things i want are taking too long.New item every week means variety. Some weeks you'll like what we're putting up and some weeks you won't. We accept this, and will watch the sales of said items and react accordingly.
There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice.
To each their own.
It's a learning process and we're going to toss some weekly specials on the market that are going resonate really strongly with the Community, and some that will not.
Great thing is, next Tuesday is only a week away.
id step it up with the "weekly" stuff right quick..your losing more money..i just gave someone else over 120 dollars i would have spent for the sets and staff.*shrugs* oh well.....now if youll excuse me..i got some lvling to do on uc3 -
i was told to just ask for a lvl bump...however thats a horrible idea since i want to test the new alphas.how exactly am i suppose to test that when theres not enough 50s on there to run a wtf!!
i sent a pm to avatea and asked whats going on and why this is a very hard beta to test in when with the copy tool properly working it doesnt have too be.
being the weekend ive gotten no response of course -
copy tool is down.so unless i ask for a lvl bump then run everything with the 2 lvl 50s( yes i was just on and theres only 2 lvl 50s on right now.) in the entire beta right now i wont be actually able to test it.
exactly who came up with this plan? i was hoping after reading how resilient might be good for my fire tank but hearing from the masses its underperforming as well. so i wanna check for myself only to find out i actually cant!
so what IS the scoop with the copy tool...i mean really. -
you might wanna hold off..i would normally tell you to hit up cardiac for the resistance.BUT!, we have new alphas coming out and this one in particular ill be looking at and since your like me..i have enough recovery so getting rid of my fire tanks cardiac alpha for this might be worth it!.im waiting for numbers!
*Resilient Boost: This alpha tree focuses on boosting Resistance, and secondarily boosts Immobilize effects and Taunt durations. The radial branch also buffs Intangibility and Stun effects, and To Hit buffs.
:edit..while researching the resilient power it comes to see that as usual its underperforming. and currently is only 2 % more resistance then cardiac however droping 45% end cost.im hoping that they step this up to at least 3% but i highly doubt they will. -
so this fixes stacking of objects...aint nothing new.
agreed on bases 100%..this is WAY too long on updates that would be easy to do.we just want some of the stuff already in the game. its a more simple process then creating new stuff. just give the correct access to some of the stuff already ingame and people will be happy!
as to pvp..well thats just a waste of time..since they clearly dont even know where to start. then add in their favorite pets and suck ups to beta test it.oh sure one time they brought a couple pvpers in to help. but by the finished product of the last redo of pvp they clearly didnt listen to those players and we lost quite a few subbed players to that "change"
id personally love for posi and a few of the real devs to come see us on freedom in r.v...love to gank them and show them just how not fun they made it.but i know itll never happen -
i think golden girl should ask fake wrestler kurt angle to see his fake olympic gold medals since hes such a fake fighter..
oh wait..cant fake winning at the olypmpics that can you or you gonna make fun of a olympic gold medalist as well?.im sure the latter of the two to save face with your comment. -