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  1. Yes, and Cape/Aura missions. But there are a lot of other things that Praetoria still needs as well. SG's for example!
  2. On the plus side, for the downtime to find that vidiotmaps pack update is available and took the opportunity to get it installed.

    Champion: Map Unknown
    Exalted: Map Unknown
    Triumph: Map Unknown
    Justice: Map Unknown
  3. Or at least have the ones you use most often stay near the top of the menu.
  4. Champs not on his list but it is down too.
  5. I think the OP has a great idea, well thought out and presented. It really feels to me as if most of the objections may just knee jerk reactions to the word "Free" without really seeing what he has to say.

    I approve of the intention of this idea! I think it would generate follow on sales that might not otherwise occur at all when F2P'ers get see what VIP is really about.
  6. Dropping "Foot Stomp" from the list and adding "Sucker Punch" in for the Assassin Strike should make it work just fine.

    I am all for it!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
    If they're both ready to release then release them both. Can we at least get some kind of idea when staff will come out? I'm already getting sick of it just from waiting for it to release.

    I concur!
  8. Remaugen

    New GM event

    Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
    Would be pretty funny - costume event going on under Atlas, suddenly the statue slams his globe into the platform below wiping out everyone. XD
    That's an awesome visual! I soooooo wanna see a Youtube video clip of that!
  9. Remaugen

    incarnate XP

    I have been thinking exactly the same thing! Great minds and all that. . .
  10. Remaugen

    New GM event

    Cool idea, one I have also considered before. Perhaps a new Arch Villain is responsible for animating them, whenever someone beats his feature mission arc it would trigger a random zone animation event.
  11. Cool ideas, but the scope and scale seem overwhelmingly resource intensive. I cannot envision this being practical or even possible. Still though, cool ideas!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    They could make 24 hour VIP tokens for 50 cents each, and sell them in bundles of 30.

    Took me a minute till I did a double take on the math, you cracked me up GG!
  13. I have no objection to granting F2Ps a three day VIP trial for the completion of a character specific one time trial mission arc or a one shot character locked VIP Trial for reaching level 50, in fact, it seems like a very good idea. To me it makes good common sense to use a trial VIP as a "Come on" to let folks test the VIP waters and see what they might be missing by not buying VIP. It would be a great business move in my opinion. Perhaps they should go a step further and grant a blanket game wide Three Day VIP concurrent with every 2XP event.
  14. Uninstall/re-install is the only advice I can offer, I had the same problem with I21 and that's what I ended up doing.
  15. There seems to be a costume glitch. My Toon, Capt Remaugen

    Entered the mission to experience the Praetor Duncan story. But her image came into the mission like so:

    The Bunny tail is also on the P-Duncan image.

    I have exited and re-entered with the exact same results.

  16. Do you mean "Reply"? If so then I agree, if you actually mean "Replay" then I am not sure what you are trying to say.
  17. We require moon zones, this is the sacred holy gaming ground that we need to be treading and bleeding on!

    I think we really need both new maps and zones. New or updated maps are a must, (I hate entering an office door and emerging in a cave mission, very annoying!) but new zones are much needed too, I refuse to accept this as an either/or proposition.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    With the new catalyzed ATOs being account bound, the technology obviously exists to detect whether you're sending an email to yourself since they're account bound and they can only be emailed to your own global. Since that's the case, could we remove the restrictions on emails when they're being sent to ourselves? Specifically, the need to have something in the subject and message fields, and the 15 second delay. It's really annoying when I need to mail myself a stack of enhancements, and I keep getting the "you must wait 15 seconds between sending emails" message.
    Yes please.

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I wonder if it would be easier for then to code it so we could send ourselves more than one item at a time.
    Yes please with Sugar on Top x 10!
  19. It would also be great to see Paragon Protectors running around blueside zones (Not just Crey's Folly) beating up gangers, actually playing the heroes they are pretending to be! They should be seen patrolling as singles or teams much like Longbow can be seen patrolling in some zones.
  20. Add it to the long list of things that need to be fixed. . .
  21. Maybe it is time for the Rikti to discover Praetoria and begin invading!

    Ok maybe that was silly, but why not have Devouring Earth raids/invasions? And for that matter why not a Praetorian Epic ArcheType?

    PEAT's might be derived from things like DE infected humans, self willed Clockworks, Olympians, Ghouls, PPD or PDF. Or maybe even an entirely new type of alien.

    Add a Praetorian fortress and zone to the Shadow Shards. Maybe Black Swan's "Shadow Earth" really is just the Praetorian corner of the Shadow Shards.

    All of these things might help contribute to zone repraetoriapulation.
  22. Remaugen

    Crab Legs

    I soooo much want this as my Crab Spider is a vigilante on blueside and has been for some time.

    Even better would be if (When?) we ever get group symbols for backs and capes, being able to ad an SG symbol to the Crab backpack.

    I can see some logic in keeping the spider symbol, perhaps reflecting that it is likely "Stolen" from Arachnos, but we can already change most of the colors, a symbol seems like it would be just as easy to change or at least remove.