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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    I already mentioned in the discussion about the announcement that I felt it broke a cardinal rule in writing, and I hold to that. You can't create any suspense or even hold it if you announce what most people think the story is actually about, true or not. It destroys anticipation for the story because you've already given away the biggest part of it. It's like giving away the key plot points from the last Harry Potter novels or the last five minutes of Inception. If people told you the outcome, however percieved, your interest in the story and its outcome decreases accordingly. I only speak for myself when I say the story will have to do a lot to recapture my interest.
    I'd just like to point out the presumption you're making, that they're telling you the end of the story, in which case it would be a spoiler. However, that isn't necessarily the case, it could be the jumping off point for the next part of the story and the meat of that story is dealing with the aftermath of his death.

    That said, it would mean that his death happened off-screen which to some would trivialize his death & thus be entirely unsatisfying.

    I'm also going to point out that announcing Statesman's death doesn't necessarily spoiler the over-arcing theme of the SSA. The question "Who will die?" does not limit itself to which one person will die, but could also be interpreted as which of these people in this group will die?

    So... it's been announced that Statesman will die, and many people seem to be assuming the answer to "Who will die?" has been answered & are raging about the stupidity of doing so. And yet, there's that other way the question could be interpreted...

    I'm not a writer, but it seems like there's still room for surprises & storytelling to me... YMMV
  2. Red_Gren

    Remember when

    Originally Posted by Super Flu View Post
    Some of the old ways or "hardships" let us learn invaluable skills. After so many instances of running around in The Hollows with such stiff penalties......many of us are now very skilled at not getting unwanted aggro. I am happy for those times.
    Heh. I used to play with a particular group of regulars & a couple would always gripe about catching aggro from a mob when they were running by. My response was usually "You forgot your Hollows Training again didn't you?" or some variation.
  3. I guess going through the list with the intention of suggesting movies not already mentioned isn't really going to help, but here are my suggestions for movies from the 80's & early 90's that I didn't notice being suggested:

    The Right Stuff - 1983
    Silverado - 1985
    Glory - 1989
    The Shawshank Redemption - 1994
    Desperado - 1995

    Outside the period:
    The Wild Bunch - 1969
    Ronin - 1998
    Shawn of the Dead - 2004

    I'll paw through my collection to see if I can jog my memory for more movies that I think ought to be seen!
  4. ...


    I was feeling pretty confident I'd be able to pass on Titan Weapons until such time as the urge came upon me to create such a character...

    Lessee if I need to top off my Paragon Points pool...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
    Sadly, this isn't the first pack that has missing female pieces for no reason. Take a look at the magic pack. Males and huge can use the occult collar but females can't. There's no reason for it either.

    Sure, one can argue that the sensible person would select a hairstyle that wouldn't clip, but I can imagine a significant proportion of forum-goers who would rage at the idiocy of releasing a costume part that clips so badly with so many of their favorite hairstyles, or that they have to look at other people's horribly clipping costumes. And that, I believe is a pretty good reason for not including it. Disappointing, but understandable.

    That said, I too am disappointed that I can't kit out a lady cow-poke with the gunslinger costume set. On the other hand, I'm not too disappointed that I don't get that silly gunslinger jacket. UNDERARM ROPES!?! What the heck!?!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    And, I've uploaded my photos from the weekend to Flickr. I didn't take nearly enough pictures. I'm not used to having a camera with me. There is even a slideshow of the photos.

    Hopefully others will share their pictures as well.
    Nice pics TJ!

    Well... the planning's easier now! Holder's & Schaub's permanent additions to the list! I may have to try the meatball sandwich now though, it sure smelled good! My aunties have introduced me to another "Japanese" restaurant that I think folks might like (FYI they're the one's that introduced me to Kubota in J-Town) but I think it was a bit too far from the Pummit to go this year. So it's something to think about for next year (assuming there is a next year.) Price-wise & what's available on the menu-wise I think lunch is a better time to go... (I love their bento boxes! & they have a pretty extensive sushi & sashimi menu for those that are into that. Sigh... there may just not be enough enough lunch times... )
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
    I really have no idea why they felt the need to eliminate the fog in DA but they are turning a vastly underused zone into something that may actually attract players.
    Allegedly it's because they created/will create new awesome art for the revamp & wanted/want people to be able to see it. There might be story reasons too, but I haven't heard about them.
  8. Red_Gren

    Powers Panel

    Originally Posted by Amanita View Post
    Nice to see staff fighting formally announced, did they say it would be part of I-22?
    I wonder what custom weapon variations we'll see- will they have a vanguard or other glowing option? I hope so
    I think I remember hearing after i22. IIRC it's going to be one of the for-sale power sets. You should probably await confirmation from someone with a more reliable memory before elating or getting depressed though.
  9. I see DR/Samuraiko has already gotten the ball rolling, so instead of starting a new thread, I'll just add to hers.

    I talked to Zwill to find out about next year & the answer I got was that he couldn't promise that there would be a Pummit in 2012. He did say Paragon Studios very much likes doing an event like this & they would very much like to do one in 2012, but Zwill couldn't PROMISE that there would be one. I don't know why Sam & I have discrepancies in our information.

    I also found out from Zwill that 3 months notice was the longest notice he thought he'd be able to give.

    As TJ mentioned above, Zwill also said that a different time was being considered, possibly summer.

    I'm not sure if this is something Zwill said or if I heard it from Brian Clayton during the opening session, but an event like this, with the presence of such a large number of the developers in attendance ,was pretty much only going to happen here in the Bay Area. That makes sense to me when I consider how many of the development team showed up. (Maybe as many as 40?) Can you imagine the expense & especially the hit to productivity if Paragon Studios sent so many people anywhere else? I think Paragon Studios events outside the Bay Area will be limited to Meet & Greet style events.

    It's not that they hate you, or don't care about your loyalty, or think you're any less deserving a fan, it's just that it's not feasible for the kind of event that happend this last weekend to take place anywhere else.

    So... like the awesome videographer said, start saving up if you think you'd like to come on out. If this thing happens you'll probably get no more than 3 month's notice. It might happen sometime during the summer. (So pack your shorts & your windbreaker, microclimates don't ya know?)

    Actually, that might be something we'd want to discuss to help with planning. When would it be best for you for the potential 2012 Pummit to be held? Summer? Keep it in the Fall, but earlier? Obviously it's not going tobe the same for everyone, but maybe we can help out by providing trend info?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
    Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
    Stuff with Super Packs
    Wasn't mentioned here because that info came out during the Marketing panel, and thus is located in that thread.
    Gotcha! Posted that last night and it was all rumbling through my head. It wasn't meant as a criticism of your summary so much as a point I thought worth bringing up for some of the discussion going on in this thread. I think I also mentioned it in a thread dealing specifically with the Super Packs. Like I said, I think it's information folks might want to know about & I think of this thread as an informational one so... it seemed as good a place as any to mention it.

    By the way due to the late night posting, I forgot to thank you for the UStream summary. I appreciate seeing what information is getting out to those who were unable to attend the event. Your note about other appropriate threads will have me seeking them out now...
  11. So I went through the thread & it appears it got missed being reported.
    With the power packs, costume pieces shouldn't be repeated (if they do that would be a bug based on the description), so once you get a particular costume piece, it's not supposed to show up ever again & if I'm remembering right your chance of getting another costume piece goes up as there are now fewer things to randomly select from.

    Now I understand people still aren't thrilled with this random system being the only way to access 2 costume sets or the Archetype enhancements, & I don't expect the new information to change that opinion, but I thought the additional information might be appreciated.

    And while the idea of these random packs initially made me queasy, I did note that in both the sample spreads, you got no less than 125 reward merits. I don't know how representative these spreads are of what you will get, but if those rewards are typical, then at least in my head, you're buying ~100-125 reward merits with the chance of getting additional cool stuff. Since you have more control over what you can get with those reward merits, it feels less like gambling to me as I don't think any reward spread would be a complete waste of money. (Which would be my concern,though not necessarily yours)

    Anyhoo, thought the extra information deserved mention.

    N.B. Saw the photo in the Super Pack thread & realized my memory is faulty. So much for my sunny-little worldview... :P
    I guess I'm going to need to see the price point & if they offer the Superpacks in discounted bundles.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Transcendent_One View Post
    OMG On my way to Player Summit stuck in NYC airport with delayed flight till 4:00 tomorrow. What a waste, my return flight is on Sunday A.M. HAVE FUN
    Aw geeze...

    So sorry to hear this...

    All I can think to do at the moment is to savor a bacon waffle in your honor tomorrow morning. Wish I could do more...

    Disappointed I won't get the chance to meet you. (Assuming I'm understanding what you're saying.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
    I'll come with a car for Friday dinner. I can take 4 comfortably, 5 with a squeeze, 6 if someone doesn't mind the trunk...
    Want to make sure I'm understanding so we can get the logistics right. You'll be going to the dinner & so can offer rides, not planning on either of the breakfasts or lunch so your car won't be available. Do I have that right?

    I'm sure we'll need to figure this stuff out on the fly as the situation will have changed, but I'm hopeful that working this out ahead of time will reduce the chance that someone who wants to attend will get left out.
  14. Put me on the alternates list as I'm not 100% sure I can make it, but would like to join if I can. Some of my eligible chars have the MoTM badge, some don't & that's not a big worry for me. I'll be joining for the company (if I can get there in time.)

    For support:
    SiberianTigress - Ice/Kin controller (I think she has the badge, but *shrug*)

    The others that are eligible(more or less in order of enjoyment of play):
    Tediore - DualP/Dev blaster
    Red Grenadier - Inv/EM tanker
    Kumamoto Red - Night Widow
    Fure - Elec/Elec blaster
    Simian Joe - Inv/SS tanker (if I ever get around to fixing his build, I'd prolly enjoy playing him more, ProTip: don't respec when tired...)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    Friday Dinner: Viva Sol is very tasty, I'd love to go there again.
    Yeppers! Me too! I'm suggesting it because I want to order the Guajillo Chicken!

    If it were summertime, I'd suggest going to Palo Alto Sol instead, for TJ's benefit. I think he'd appreciate the foot-traffic outside the window.

    Saturday breakfast: I've yet to avail myself of the Bacon Waffles.
    OPH isn't where we usually get the bacon waffley goodness. The usual place is Holder's. But due to the 8:30am registration start, I'm suggesting OPH because it's close AND because we MIGHT be able to get bacon waffles. (For comparison to the known good Holder's waffles)

    Saturday Lunch: I can give or take In 'n Out, never found it to be worth the reputation it's earned.
    To be honest, I'm not especially fond of them either, but many seem to love it, it's fairly close, & we can get there via a route which takes us past Paragon Studios for anyone who's interested in seeing the outside of the building where the diabolic machin... erm... creative process of our favorite development team takes place. That's why I also said, "Or whatever." IIRC you suggested The Creamery? Not sure how far that is from the FPS.

    Sunday Breakfast: 6:30am? <.< After possible late night shenanigans Saturday? Is that even possible? ^.^ Put me down for a maybe. Yes, if they do reservations and we can get in at a slightly more reasonable hour.
    Heh. Cut & paste & forgetting all of what I originally wanted to say... Think of 6:30am as a start-no-sooner-than-time!
  16. Howdy all!

    Posting here for visibility. It's become something of a tradition for the folks of the Justice server to get together & go someplace for dinner & also to go to Holder's Country Inn for bacon waffles/breakfast. We're a pretty friendly & accepting lot, so even if you don't play on the Justice server, you're welcome to join us. We'll be happy to "adopt" you!

    I've started a thread to try to get the details nailed down, so if you're interested in joining us, head on over, say hi, & let me know which gatherings you'd like to join & as I indicate in the thread what times would work best for you. Oh & if you'll have a car & be willing to cart people around, maybe we can even work out some car-pools!
  17. Ok let's try & get some of these things nailed down!

    Friday Dinner
    My suggestion: Vive Sol. However, according to their website, due to the size of their restaurant,they'd like to keep groups down to 8-10 on the weekends. So... who wants in on a Friday dinner? If there are more than 10 interested, I'll need to figure out another venue, so suggest a cuisine for the alternate. Also, your preferred dining time!

    For discussion purposes I'm going to suggest a 5:30-6:00pm start time, with the assumption that the Community team will be hosting some sort of event which kicks off at ~7:30pm (I think that's what they've done in the past.) Folks desiring a different start time, speak up!

    Just tried to make reservations & found they don't take reservations, it's first-come-first-serve.

    Saturday Breakfast
    Do we want to bother what with the 8:30am registration & 10:30 start? If so, anyone want to try The Original Pancake House & their bacon waffles? (or maybe their OPH specialties?) To get back by 8:30am, I'd suggest a 7:00am meet for a "relaxing" breakfast, but we REALLY want to get up that early? (+2)

    Mob rule, show up if interested, occupy OPH?

    Saturday Lunch
    In-N-Out w drive-by lookie-lou'ing @ Paragon Studios? Or whatever. (+2)

    Per Breakfast

    Sunday Breakfast
    Holder's Country Inn - I'm going to recommend the Saratoga location even though the Cupertino location is closer. This mostly because I've had better experiences at the Saratoga location. That said, the Cupertino location does put you close to Apple's HQ for those that are interested. I'm told the HQ has a store with exclusive items, but don't expect they'd be open on a Sunday. (+2)

    Anywho... Holder's opens @ 6:30am & tends to get busy. I can see if they'll take reservations, but to do so I'll need to know for how many & at what time so pipe in!

    Much as I'd like to accomodate Turg, I also think 6:30am is too durn early post-FPS. I think meeting up at the Holder's in Saratoga around 8am might be more reasonable. I've still not made an effort to see if reservations can be made, so I'll check & if they do, will look at setting it up for around 8am unless I hear clamoring for later.

    Oh yeah... the list below is to help me keep track of people's preferences. I went through the various FPS threads & glommed onto whoever said they were coming to the FPS.

    Replied in Justice forums: 9
    Texas Justice (will have car) - Schaub's, Vive Sol, OPH, whatever, Holder's
    Callie Sunshine
    Mekkanos (will have car) - Vive Sol
    Pollyanna Matronic
    Dark_Respite aka Samuraiko - No on Friday, yeppers on the rest, no prefs indicated, needs ride
    Lady Shroud
    Red Valkyrja -Vive Sol, Si! OPH, Si! In-N-Out, sigh... if we must... Holder's, Maaaaybee... if not at o-dark-thirty! (no other time prefs indicated)
    Red_Gren - yeah... I pretty much HAVE to go! (driving)

    From the other FPS threads: 20-21?
    Liquid & fiancee
    crayhal (will have car) Vive Sol
    artphobia - needs ride
    Turgenev - Schaub's?, not dinner Friday, OPH, Paragon Drive-by (could be done Friday too), Holder's (if early)

    Almost forgot! TJ's doing a Fred's run for lunch on Friday! I think he'll be providing rides for some of the people coming in on Friday & I'm planning to meet up with him @ Schaub's too. I think that was going to be around 1:30pm-ish? TJ?
  18. Howdy!

    I think I remember seeing you mention this weekend that you had just subscribed.

    Welcome to Justice!

    Just in case you haven't already been pointed there, here's a couple of handy player created resources:

    Paragon Wiki

    There are more out there, but these are the two I make the most use of.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Schaub's Meat Fish & Poultry
    395 Stanford Shoppng Ctr
    Palo Alto, CA 94304

    I'm still trying to figure out a way to purchase some of the steaks and ship them to myself economically. I guess I need to locate a FedEx and someplace to purchase dry ice to ship with it.

    In the meantime, the Fred's Steak sandwich from their Deli counter will suffice.
    I dunno if it fits in with economically, but if you ask the guy who's helping you, chances are he'll be able to provide you with the business card for a local private mail outfit that's shipped Schaub's before (so they'll have the dry ice for perishible shipments.) Also, while they won't be directly involved with the shipping, they will sell insulated boxes for packing your purchase in. If I remember correctly, the boxes will hold about 4 Fred's. My vague recollection is that it cost somewhere near $3-400 to ship that much Fred's over & above the purchase cost of the meat & boxes.

    Oh yeah... it's pretty darn expensive, but the Kobe Fred's was sooo very tasty. I figure if you're going to spend that much to ship it, you might consider purchasing one Kobe. Use the "regular" Fred's to figure out the cooking technique & time that works best for you & then grill up the Kobe Fred's!

    Oh & I almost forgot, they have a nice little flyer that explains the history behind Fred's & which also provides their recommended cooking times for the usual tri-tip cooking techniques. Personally, I think Fred's is best when you can get the marinade to crisp up during the cooking process. YMMV.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    And now I can begin to finalize my plans.

    Those timeslots are going to make it difficult to fit in Bacon Waffles at Holder's Country Inn, but I'm sure we'll be able to work something out.
    Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
    Maybe Sunday morning?

    I'm all signed up now. Lady Shroud and I will see you there.

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    As far as Holder's Country Inn and Bacon Waffles ...

    Possibly. Be sure to PM Red Gren with this idea as well. If anyone else (including you Zwiffleball) wants to join us for the Bacon Waffles, let Red Gren know.

    Also, watch for posts by Red Gren about the Friday Night plans as well as possible plans for Saturday breakfast and lunch. The previous Justice Server (and friends) dinners have been a blast and we welcome players from all servers.
    Holder's on Sunday sounds good to me.

    Also of note, "The Original Pancake House" is close to the event location. I point this out for two reasons.
    1) I seem to remember Zwill mentioning having breakfast there with the family. This location may be the one referenced. We can mock him mercilessly if breakfast is not to our liking.
    2) They may have bacon waffles. The menu I saw mentioned menu items may vary by location so they also might not have them.

    I haven't given lunch much thought, though two places have been suggested. In-N-Out & The Creamery. In-N-Out is pretty close. Going a particular route to get there, one might also pass by a certain game development studio with which one might have a passing acquaintance.

    That said, the FPS/Pummit is off El Camino Real which is chock full of places to eat. Some are even good! I'll poke around & see if I can find something interesting nearby. In the past folks grumbled about the distance they had to travel to get to the dinner places I'd chosen. Maybe this year I'll find a place they can walk to!

    Without doing research, I was sort of leaning to Vive Sol because I'm really fond of their Pollo Guajillo! However, that decision will depend on how many folks plan on joining us & what they have to say about that. It happens that it's less than 3 miles away from Dinah's.
  21. Awww!

    Congratulations Liquid & Fatare!

    Best wishes to the two of you!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Update to be posted tomorrow complete with venue, schedule, menu and ticket sales.

    Do you think it will be possible for you to be even more awesome & fill us in on what will be happening on Friday (if anything?)
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    That... sounds pretty criminal, actually. Six months to request -> more <- than a single day off?
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    If you live anyplace other than the San Jose area, it isn't a single day off. It's three, including transit times. One of which is a regular weekday.
    You might want to take a break. It seems your rage caused you to overlook a key piece of information in Chad's comment. Unless of course you were just using Chad's comment as a pretext to rage some more.

    If that's the case, carry on with the wild ravings. I hope they help.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    Actually, I'm thinking maybe The Creamery, though on a Saturday it might be a little crowded.
    I'm thinking we find out where the FPS is before we make lunch plans on Saturday. I don't go into Palo Alto much, but my recollection is parking can be a pain in certain areas.

    That said, the Creamery sounds good! Which one do you like? I see two locations. Once in the Stanford Shopping Center, and the other in the downtown area.

    And two HeroCons and the M&G, and I still haven't done bacon waffles. <.<
    Something needs to be done about that...