Red Valkyrja

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unimportant View Post
    Maybe you could, I don't know, specify? Give me a name? Or are you just going to keep acting like a troll?
    Welcome to the forums?!?

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    And you may want to look up a little saying about honey vs vinegar.
    Bill speaks the truth of the matter.

    Or in other words, what you put into the forums is what you will get out of the forums. Post belligerent, condescending remarks, then you will get that back in spades.

    Every single one of the people that have posted here so far are a very helpful and useful bunch, typically it's a race around here as to who can answer someone's question(s) first (sometimes even correctly.) :รพ

    Had your questions not been filled with rancor and venom directed towards everyone playing on Freedom, then they would have given you countless helpful suggestions without the pointed sarcasm and barbs.

    I'm not sure how long you have been playing, because forums date and game veteran status are two separate things, but the CoX forums and the people that inhabit them are a far different breed than you will come across in other forums.

    Might I recommend that you lose the vitriol, come back in here, and restate your question. Excluding any comments like "Sorry, didn't mean to get people's panties in a bunch." would also be helpful. You'll find that the people around here are pretty forgiving too and that despite a rough start, will still be more than happy to help.

    Personally, I do not play on Freedom much myself but I know there are decent players there. I think that the jacktards just tend to be a more visible group of people. You have access to 14 other servers, I'd suggest playing on all of them. ^.^

    Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
    ... To find out it's rather false depending on the type of fly in question?
    also; XKCD
    I'm pretty sure the quote refers to bees, not flies.
  2. Belated Happy Hatching Day, Bubbawheat!
  3. Well, the game on my last computer looked like this, just before the video card died.

  4. Red Valkyrja

    Free the names!

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Okay, one, what does this have to do with anything? We're not talking about active players being banned, we're talking about people who aren't even playing the game possibly losing character names. Yeesh.

    Two, what do you mean, "level-pacted"? Are you referring to the people who exploited known issues in the AE system a while back? The ones who exploited AE after Positron said, "If you exploit AE, we're going to smack you down"? That wasn't nerdrage, that was stupidrage. And honestly, if someone is going to quit because the developers don't want people using exploits, then good riddance; these people do not have the long-term health of the game at heart, and they will ultimately do more damage than their $15 per month helps. I thought we had hashed all this out already like two years ago.
    Nothing to do with AE or the exploiters. No, I was referring to people that had a character in a leveling-pact with another character. Where one person was able to play their character more than their counterpart, then they logged in and were able to claim multiple levels sometimes all the way to 50. Some of these people were caught in the same smack-down.

    But again, that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. It's not like we're saying that if you play for seven years and let your subscription accidentally lapse for a day, your characters should be immediately deleted and your forum name changed to "Idiotface."
    When people comment 'Pfth, any possible downside will be minimal.' as if nothing can go wrong, then my prior statement is relevant. I was not stating that they were the same issue just that things can and often do, go wrong, or that there may be unintended consequences.

    You only have to head up to the Mission Architect forums and read the "Copyright/Profanity filter" thread to see another example.
  5. Red Valkyrja

    Free the names!

    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    If the "risks" are CSR time to shoot out an email, accusations of potential nerd rage and some nebulous "There's always a risk" statements, consider me unimpressed at the supposed "harm".
    Yeah, what could possible go wrong...

    Lets go find some of the people that were banned because their characters had leveled too quickly while level-pacted.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mjolnir875 View Post
    Im sure I would be excited about what the article says...if I could read it *squint* : P
    If you click on the image, it'll open up another window with the image. Just hit CTRL+ '+' That will actually increase the size of the image.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Ace View Post
    Would be Golden Girl now. I've not been 'a presence' on the forums for years.

    wouldn't want a new title now anyway. Happy with what I have.
    I miss Postmaster General.
  8. Happy Hatching Day, Positron!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Straenge View Post
    Unfortunately, I don't have pictures and couldn't locate them but just discovered this. While playing with some parts, I noticed that the liquid metal styled tops with skin for females is gone in place of the new Metal steampunk parts. I didn't see anything else written about this and hoping its only temporary. I use the metal parts often and I do love the new steampunk ones as well but I don't know why we couldn't have both. I am just wondering if this is really a bug or they are "retiring" the old style which I really loved.

    Do you mean these parts?

    Granted, I don't recall there being a Steampunk option in Tops with Skin.
  10. Happy Hatching Day, StormVyxen!
  11. Happy Hatching Day, Archiviste!
  12. I was so hoping to make it to the Comic Con this year, but the tickets were sold out and I was in the midst of a job change when they were being offered.

    I wish the bestest time evah to those that did score tickets!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Navy Spider View Post
    No we aren't.

    I have no attachment to either team, but I'll cheer for the Canucks if only because they have a nicer logo.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dinamo View Post
    I do not know if I can deal with such issues openly. Also because I ordered tickets for the game and answered the email I sent (I had not understood that it could respond by e-mail!)
    Just remember that when you reply to a Support email, type all of your remarks

    **** Please enter your reply *below* this line ****

    Between these two lines.

    **** Please enter your reply *above* this line ****
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnnVee View Post
    hey red, you were supposed to edit my pic, so that both my addition and yours are in the newest pic, then post it along with a copy of the original sweetie
    Sorry about that, I didn't even notice that I drug the wrong one to my desktop. Guess I shouldn't attempt things like this after working 6 10's.

    And thanks for the fix, Bill.

    Edit: And where did Lt. Dan go?
  16. Enjoyed these immensely, but never joined so here goes.

  17. You can check Paragon Wiki's Booster Pack page to compare against what you have access to in-game, or you can dig through your Purchase Confirmation emails that you got from NCsoft when you purchased the packs.

    From your Details in your Master Account on the NCsoft site, there is no way to tell them apart. Quite annoying, actually.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Part Time Hero View Post
    Thanks again for the added info from all.

    I think it must have been EU trial version, as I bought a DVD in England, with a NA full code.

    As a foot note to the above, I spent a substantial amount of time over the course a week getting a largely identical new hero character to the same level as the old hero character when I decided to create a new AT.

    I have not bought GR. Yet at some time in that week I had suddenly gained access to GR content. I can create Praetorians and I can select GR power sets like kinetic melee. Noticing this I looked at my locked out characters--one Praetorian at low level and one hero with a GR power set--and I can play with them. I don't want to since, as noted, the new and old hero are almost identical.

    No one has been in touch with me. If they had I wouldn't have spent that week working on a largely identical character.

    If it is a trial period and this available to everyone at the moment, fie on those who have not made it clear since others may end up being stung like I was. If it is a trial period, it's lasted now a week or more.

    If someone has granted me access to GR, who and why? I'd like to say it's very nice of them but I received no message. Maybe this is like the shoemaker's elves and I'm not supposed to thank them or they go away.
    Going Rogue and Praetoria may have opened up for you because of the 7th Year Anniversary, so you may very well loose access to those character's again. So it was probably a good precaution on your part to stick to your Primal Earth characters.

    I do hope that you have been enjoying the time you've spent playing, regardless of the glitches. At least now with the server list merge, you have access to all of the servers not just the NA or EU ones.

    Happy hunting.
  19. It's being worked on, please see the current thread of the Copyright/Profanity issue.
  20. Got mine this morning around 6:30 before leaving for work. Another 9 hours and I might get to play with it.
  21. Happy Hatching Day, Major T!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
    No problem Sam, but I cant seem to get any better closeup shots. How do you get the shots from the Costume creator? Everytime I hit prnt Scrn when at the Tailor nothing happens.


    Here's a fairly decent one. Still be cool to know how to Screenshot in the Costume creator though.
    If you are using Vista or Win7, look under Accessories for 'Snipping Tool'. That's what I use.
  23. Quote:
    In most cases, names that make it past the filter yet are found to not be acceptable within the service will be changed. If you are found with an invalid character name, a Game Master (GM) will change your name immediately. A request will be sent by e-mail for three alternative names for each character found in violation. As soon as you reply, the requested names will be reviewed. If the names are not in violation of the rules, the character will be given the first name that is not already in use.
    Granted I thought that they had changed it to just passing out a rename token, but the policy was updated on April 15, 2011. You can always select the character in the server list and click on the 'rename' button. If it pops up the rename dialog box without requesting payment, then you have a rename token. If it asks for payment, you can always cancel out of it.

    Otherwise, what Bill said.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tleigh View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I used to play this game a few years ago, just returning, created a toon, and on my very first (real) mission, the darn thing won't complete. I saved the hostages, but....the game doesn't recognise that I did.

    Now what do I do so that I can continue?

    (It's hard to start as a newbie again, have pity!)


    There a couple of missions where you have to defeat the mobs in the same area as the rescuees, or boss and a couple where you have to clear the map, even though it doesn't mention it.

    What contact and which mission is it?

    Oh, and welcome back to the game! ^.^

    Hopefully, you've resolved the issue by now, or gotten some help. If you're still stuck in it, what server are you on? Someone would likely be more than happy to come and lend a hand.