241 -
the heal requres a to-hit check which is risky as to-hit roll is a luck game. The main -to -hit is a offinsive toggle easily over come with a bu+aim which is also true about Radiation Infection but it has a -deff on it. Sonic/dark isn't bad but not nearly as good as sonic/rad.
/Dark over all is a good set and can work like Rad can work. but Rad has more perks then dark. -
No I don't vote on behalf of dUmb _slax does. I just said it made sense to me. Thats all... How ever I do see your point as well. Only thing is who's to say what is a lol team.
Welcome guys,
I'll be spending some time duping this weekend. I'll also spend some time (given the freedom servers are up) Gettings some accolades for my stormy and my emp. Anyone who is from freedom is welcome to join me. I'll be on TS -
ice is good go with ice, build for + HP, SS is the way to go right now.
ice/ss or fire/ss hands down.
for the defender go rad/psi rad/sonic or Storm/sonic
For the currupter go sonic/rad dark/ice dark/rad -
My build with out DR on the heal is somthing around 740 Points of HP for the heal. I can't remember what it is for the +Max HP
What server are you on? or we can go to test.
Ok thank for the info guys. I'm at my work computer so I can't look it up. Can AS and DS be sloted wtih Taunt and if so is it very effective?
Ice is good, the HF gives you some +Max HP but it only lasts for so long. With it and IOing its very easy to cap your HP on a blaster. But with accolades you can get close enough with out HF. The down side to it is the recharge. You normaly can only use the heal about 3 times in a match. On a team with SB that can go up to 5 or 6 times maybe.
I'm not sure how effective PFF is anymore I havn't tested it. I havn't used it much anyway even in i13. How ever PFF isn't the only power that makes force. Force of nature when used right is quite an amazing power. How ever it has a psi hole in it and with DR its kinda pointless. With out DR your close to if not at resist cap. How ever it gives you + recover or if your being debuffed on -recovery or - defence you can use it to balance your self out. I personaly wouldn't rule out the Force -aid self build. I like the Leadership/Ice build It gives you some + to-hit and about 10% increase to damage. I use this build type on all my blasters, and I can't see my self changing it anytime soon.
the real question now is if you take TF or not. with HF its hard if imposible to fit TF in your build. My blaster builds don't have it. I normaly utilize the Power thrust from EM for the KB. How ever in duels Most people have alot of KB resist. So its not so effective anymore. It almost seems like taking TF for the added damage, and offenceive detoggle is worth it. But I havn't respeced in to it yet I still want to test. -
Well as far as the patron for your mind/elec. I'm not saying that PFF is a auto fail nor is it a auto win. Its just not as safe as it was in i13. In fact if your just getting back in to PVP taking a pff aid self build is a simple way to have a safe and easy defense method.
As for hibernate that works as well, how ever in arena you will have to learn how to correctly utilize Insp to keep your self alive. It takes much more practice and more of a learning curve. Doms take a lot of skill in a arena duel setting. But once you get the hang of it. There fun and very effective. In Team settings they really shine. How ever again with the nerf to PFF its harder for them to evade.
Wit the elec/thermal there great duelers, and a few of them on a team is a funny thing to see. How ever for zone, they don't have enough spike damage. You will most likely get KSed (kill steal) bye a Stalker or something.
Some of the other guys here can elaborate on why dark/colds are so good. But its mainly because of the - to-hit and -recharge. In a duel setting its very hard to deal with. With a dark/rad your dealing with ALOT of -to-hit and some -def as well. Sonic is good because it offers some good damage + -def.
The last thing you want to look at is accolades. If your fighting a skilled player with them your going to be at a moderate disadvantage. Theres some good shields you can get on the vill side on accolades. You also have a +Max HP and +Max Stamina one that are pretty much a must. So if you have the time try and pick up some accolades. -
Quils slow do not do anything in i13-14. The only thing it would be good for is seeing stalkers in melee. But if there that close your alaready going to take a AS to the Face so those powers are pointless. They don't stop anything.
for travel pools you want ss, sj, and Leadership for Tactics. to bost your to-hit. Stealth and invis are going to nothing but more enddrain for you. Don't take them. If you want to keep the LOTG recharge take manuver. I'd take assult but thats up to you. As your going to get wrecked regardless.
For spines take lunge/barb swipe/flurry (there all about the same lunge does less damage but has a faster animation time ), empale, ripper, and throw spines. For epic take Body for the conserve power and Lazor Beam eyes.
Or do the right thing and re-roll spines/wp or spines/regen -
I will definitely take full advantage of this. CJ is a throwaway power for me, since I can't afford IO's. It will let me take one extra power by sirens level, which will be very nice.
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lol -
not really the /narg is still good but narg/ isn't as energy is highly resisted and offers little in burst damage.
Since the release of i13, I have since stopped PvPing regularly and have not been sure to stay up to date with the PvP builds, numbers, FotM's etc.
That being said, I have been wondering if I can still build my Fire/EM Blaster for i14 PvP. Even if I can, what would be a better blaster build for i14 PvP?
I am also currently working a Mind/Elec Dominator for PvP; it was really a toss up between a Mind/Elec and a Mind/Psi for Drain Psyche. So, is the snipe worth it? Is going with Phase Shift and PFF a good idea, or is Aid Self and PFF a better alternative?
I'll just post my current build for my Mind/Elec; any advice or critique would be greatly appreciated.
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As for the fire/em I wouldnt, you can get kills in zone but its far from what is the best. Arena is much harder for a fire/em. It takes a tremendous amount of skill to do well with one as there damage has been gimped. If you want to do well with blaster I cant see any reason of taking anything other then sonic/em in i14, with psi/em coming in second.
The mind/elec dom can do well How ever I wouldnt take pff anymore. Which again makes it hard to play a Dom. But as far as them getting killz there very much a good pick for arena duels. You can still do ok in zone but expect to die more often then in i13. I think Corrupters doing well in i14, dark/cold or dark/rad would be top picks. Sonic and elec blast are safe choices matched with /cold /rad or /thermal hell every choice but traps is a safe and workable choice.
Once you figure out what you want to do then we can look at making you a build.
War. -
Ok so with out reading threw this hole thead. I got some things but I still have a few questions. I've never used Pet IOs. Now if they have taken out the recharge function of the IO set do they plan on replacing it with another? If not whats the point of having it on. Also with out doing so it makes the IO sets no more usefull then say HOs or SOs. So why even offer the IO sets in the first place.
I Say this because I'm conserned about my Earth Pet and my Dark servent Pet. I'm close to dinging 50 on them. Which is when I start IOing. But I'm wondering if its even worth getting the IOs. I think adding a + movment or a + HP to the Pet IOs sets would be nice if they can't get the + recharge. -
sorry I wasn't at the re-scheduled practice. I had plans most of that day and week end so..... anyways, yeah
Hm, let's see here.
You'll want CJ/SJ instead of Fly, Super Speed if you can take it. Flight is good for a hover-snipe build but if you get grounded you're [censored], and you can't chase or run away. Drop Inferno, it's not good now (go figure). Pick up Tactics. Drop Fire Ball (see Inferno). Web Cocoon could use more slots.
That's it off the top of my head.
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---^this^---- -
---^pretty much this ^-----
melee PVP is very hard to pull off. When range damage always has and still is king. You have to have a way to keep your foe in melee range. Which pretty much can't be done with out, outside help. How ever if your in to fightKlubing which is toe to toe melee stuff. SS/WP can be good if you build for + HP as been stated. Also use the Mids tool as well. If you want a better shot at melee pvp try a stalker. Or try SC for the zone not warburg. -
Hurricane is def back to normal in this issue except a few things, hurricane can still be droped every 10 sec. Slows are still useless for storm since you wont be able to keep anyone under lighting storm long enough to do anything. Storm is still end heavy like a mother.
So its definetly alot better now then in i13 but still a long shot from bieng as good as in pre i13 days
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this is true with the toggles being offensive they can be dropped. How ever that does not take away from the -to-hit. But with out the mez system going back to pri i13 stormys and many other chars will never be as effective. -
Forfeits: If a team moves up because of a forfeit win, they shouldn't be able to move up again if they win by forfeit against the same team. (I don't think a team that wins by forfeit should move up, but rather a team that loses by forfeit should move down. That should help to reduce forfeits and prevent situations where a team might think it's in their best interest to forfeit a match (e.g., let's forfeit to the #3 team, so they jump over the #2 team)).
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This makes sense -
macskull has it about right for i14
Storm and Rad are good picks, Sonic and psi are still good,
Currupters are going to be tough in i14 dark/colds and rads,
melee is still a joke but SS/Fire or fire/ss is ok if your going with tanks/brutes Scrappers/stalkers are still good with spines. -
Me thinks you completely missed the point of what you quoted.
Let's take this "New Guy" who plays a controller.
He's leveled this character up in PvE, holding enemies for 10 or more seconds at a time. He uses his AT's inherent "Containment" to boost his damage while his enemy is held so he can defeat things in a fairly efficient manner.
He steps into a PvP zone and spots an enemy player. He recognizes it as a Corruptor, an AT vulnerable to his control powers.
He targets the Corruptor and lets fly with his single target hold. It hits. He closes in ready to launch a couple attacks counting on containment to help boost his damage.
Suddenly the Corruptor is free and runs off after only a few seconds.
Playing for hours, days, weeks, months or even years with one ruleset then stepping into a zone and have the most basic elements about your character be completely different just doesn't seem like a good idea to me, especially after 4 years.
Now to answer your situation your described.
How would you change the game to control a human being's behavior? Because that's what the problem you describe is.
Blame it on the "PvPers" all you want. They make easy scapegoats.
Still doesn't change the fact that it's not one "type" of player causing problems. It's PEOPLE in general.
The Issue 13 changes did NOTHING to address the real problems PvP in this game has. Why? Because You can't see them on a spreadsheet.
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As for the first comment. The effectiveness of a controllers powers always have been different in PVP. As its much different to hold a PVPer then a NPC. This has never changed. What has changed is how the mechanics of Mez/hold system works all together
You see what happened is they had a lot of Bad PVPers and PVErs complain that there powers dont work in PVP. Not understanding that It wasnt the power but the way it has to be utilized in a PVP scenario. There is a difference and Bad pvpers and PVErs dont get that. So the devs say hmmm ok well the PVErs make up most of this game so we better do something So they went and Broke/dumb down the system. So now that same player who entered a pvp zone and watch his Mez powers fail, now he gets to see it work. How ever it still works completely different then in the PVE environment. Not only that , now it ineffectiveness can not be overcome through skill or experience. But its just broke for good. This is how the devs went about fixing things. How ever they claim its Working as intended which to me sounds like BS considering it didnt work that way for the better part of 4 years. It took them that long to get the powers to work as intended? Please .. -
The -to-hit from Stormy armor has been amped up. I don't know about the elec part I havn't check it. But I think storm/sonic will be very good. slows still don't seem to work but -recharge if stacked can. Over all Damage dealing is much harder in i14. I just wish they would take a way Heal decay.
IMO there both going to be = bad. As irresistible debuffs from say stormys and Rads have been amped up in i14 to the extent that + to-hit is almost irrelevant from a offensive standpoint . I haven't tested the -deff debuff effect to say how much it will impact resist based ATs but I'm assuming it will be just as bad.
I also havent tested these effects with DR so I guess I can't fully comment how ever. I know eluctivity got nerfed, mixed with a defense debuff Forts and others that utilize eluctivity will be easy to take down. So in conclusion Melee ATs brutes/Tankers have yet again been taken out of the PVP game. Corrupters/Doms/Trollers/Defenders are going to be the ATs to be in i14, Sonic/ems will be the only Blasters to be in PVP. This is in accordance to the little testing Ive been able to do on test. More needs to be done. IMO if there going to amp up debuffs then I think Buffs should get an amp as well, so they can be utilized effectively in a Team setting. With DR the way it is now, the little buffs and heal ability they have would be made obsolete bye debuff stacking.