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Not enough purple prose to be a bad bio. Check the Warcraft Sues LJ community for the worst examples from our fellow WoW players.
My current top three (+3);
Macross Frontier
Martian Successor Nadesico
Former top choices (+2);
Gun x Sword
Last Exile
Since I'm a big fan of the Super Robot Wars series, many of the featured anime I would also recommend for mecha fans, including Full Metal Panic, Mazinger Z/Mazinkaizer, various Gundam series (Original, Zeta, SEED), Overman King Gainer, The Big O, Rahzephon, consider a +1 for each mentioned. -
Quote:The rest of the silliness is here. The Super Robot Wars series pretty much built itself on over-the-top showmanship.Coooool! Want!
Seriously, though, even if it's not quite on the same power level, this kind of showmanship is exactly what I'm talking about. It's power obvious from looking at the attack, not just from looking at its damage stat. We have a precious few powers that actually look and feel BIG! -
Quote:You might as well add this as a replacement for Archery's nuke, considering the power levels involved.OK, I found a few cool ones.
For a big Fire Blast power but probablynot Inferno, how's about Final Fantasy 7's Bahamut Zero attack?
For a big Energy Blast attack, probably Nova, why not every Kamehameha ever done?
I for what I had in mind as a snipe attack, I wanted to go with Ryu's Shinkuu Hadouken, but I couldn't find decent footage, so enjoy Iron Man's Proton Cannon.
And for an overall cool and badass attack, here's Barret's Satellite Beam, the final attack I'd like to see when and if we get a Pulse Rifle set.
That's about all I can think of at the moment.
Oh, and for Super Strength, please, please, PLEASE try to institute something akin to Tifa Lockheart's Final Heaven. -
While I can understand not running a marketing campaign like this where it's unlikely to meet the costs involved in setup, I strongly suggest that Zortel's concerns are addressed as swiftly as possible by whoever is responsible.
I spent most of today with my '42' towel on me. Very useful for clearing up sweat, but not so useful for passing programming exams.
I've usually made my mind up somewhere in the 14-20 range.
Final Fantasy XI players just before WoW came out were better doomsayers than you guys.
£32,000 = $46,200, give or take a few hundred. Recent economic climate hasn't been kind on the USD/GBP exchange rate.
This Arcanaville post has said it better than I could.
Folks interested in this sort of area might want to take a look at the Develop 100, a look at the top 100 developers of 2009-2010 ranked by total income.
1-10 of the list is as follows;
1. Nintendo (£203.63m)
2. Infinity Ward (£125.58m)
3. EA Canada (£100.99m - EA branch responsible for sport titles)
4. Ubisoft Montreal (£59.71m)
5. Foundation 9 (£36.83m)
6. Sega Studios Japan (£35.93m)
7. Capcom (£31.87m)
8. Treyarch (£30.99m)
9. Yuke's (£30.06m)
10. Level 5 (£29.14m)
It should be noted that the company in 100th on this list (5TH Cell), earned only £2.78m. -
RE: So called EU "ghost towns"
I'm sorry, are these people I play with figments of my imagination or something? I feel like I've missed a memo that said "ignore everyone else on the server aside from yourself". -
Using a conservative estimate for costs incurred during development, which assumes an average salary of £32,000/year with costs per person of a further £32,000 a year, if Paragon Studios has 50 full time development staff, their costs already exceed £3.2m a year, without factoring in costs for CS staff, investement in new server tech, or maintenence of existing servers.
As long as CoX remains an actively developed game, these costs will hang over Paragon Studios/NCSoft, and all profit figures will be effected by them. There are also unknown variable costs at work here (What with the economy still turbulent in areas), which could cause dips on figures shwoing the bottom line.
It's a lot harder than assumed to be successful in the gaming industry. -
Quote:Your cluelessness about how the games and MMO industries work is duly noted, you may wish to stop digging now before you end up in China.says you..
keeping quiet doesnt solve nor help. something im sure your aware of or at least i hope you can understand
and i unlike you would have rathered waited then to rush anything.so as your opinion is to rush it out to make a deadline that clearly it wasnt ready for mine isnt.this is a clear result on not trying hard enough to fix the things by a certain date.which they clearly have said is why they dont like to do in the first place then did anyways.
if you are a closed beta tester i see why this game is the way it is.thanks it does explain alot.so unless you can actually be helpful in getting my 45 dollars back your wasting your time and mine and i really could care aless about your opinions. stop harrassing me for the sake of listening to yourself.
oh and tow im not trying to be a dick either...but dont tell me i dont have a right to complain nor ***** when i just paid 45 dollars this week for a non working game. so if you and gg wanna harrass me then maybe you do need to step back and heed your own advice.
and gg it was nice when you wenrnt here tellnig everyone how wrong they were and you so right..i see by your posts it wont be much longer till you go back on it..happy banning to ya! -
I swear releasing Ultra Mode at the same time as a TF that makes use of unique sewer maps is some sort of stealth reminder that we're wading boot-deep in crap/assorted blood products.
Ellie's Kheldian is a portable shrine? Well, that makes sense, I guess.
I still say the classification of SCP-4445 is all wrong.
Probably making my first Blueside 50 MA/Regen instead of MA/SR, oh, and missing out on getting a copy of the original boxed CoH.
A DP/Dev Blaster from 1-32 without going anywhere near any of the AE buildings. That made me a happy player.
My bank's to blame on this one, I'd sort it out with them right now, but it's 3am. False alarm.
I should probably note that the NCSoft store is currently erroring out on PayPal payments, and refusing my debit card.
I just finished Mirror's Edge, must now resist the urge to combine this and that for a DP character concept.