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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Oh, did you ever play FFXI? Not sure about EQ but I know damned well FF was tailor made to consume your life with its time sinks, farming, camping, can-barely-solo-easy-prey-15lvls-below-you gameplay and so utterly focused on gear, you practically have a whole separate suit for each spell you cast.

    Then Ninjas came along and everything was okay...then they nerfed my Beastmaster and pissed me off
    I'm still playing it, but I'm totally nuts.
  2. Quin


    Hah! Totally called the Well.
  3. Quin


    I've posted a mirror in .doc format here.
  4. Quin

    Blade and Soul

    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    For what it's worth the FF XI MMO several years back featured a catgirl race where all the playable characters were female because the males never left their villages.

    Talk smack and I set the radioactive three-tailed squirrel on you.
  5. I've ended up going back to Vana'Diel (Final Fantasy XI). It is older than CoX, although not by much.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    In my case, I am arguing that the Asian market has a history of rejecting western art styles.
    You know how Osamu Tezuka (The 'Godfather of Anime') created his art style originally, right?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    Supplies: Post-it notes, pen

    Time: 10 min per store

    1. Write notes ahead of time.
    2. Travel to store
    3. Stick notes to the back of all NCSoft games

    Players shouldn't let players buy NCSoft games, or should at least let them know what they're getting into.

    If COH dies I'll be doing this every week at the local Wal Mart, Best Buy, and Game Stop. It'll just add some time to my weekly grocery shopping to stop at those places, you know?
    Thank You again for making us look like petulant children, it's really helpful.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Now that brings back memories. Beastmaster used to be *the* job for stuff like that. And back when I played under lvl 75 cap, a *LOT* of zones were like wilderness for several reasons: towns really are very separate from each other by many zones that are pretty bit, those zones had creatures in it, even at lvl 75 that would attack and aggro-add on you, and the best place to level is always going to be a 'safe' corner somewhere in one of these wilderness areas where no one else will travel through your camp (possibly training stuff near you) or force you to compete with other parties for mobs.

    Then there were places like the Beastman Strongholds that were pretty dangerous and no one really went inside there unless they had a quest or something to complete...then the activity inside would be isolated to a *part* of the stronghold that included a path from the entrance to the destination inside...but that leaves nearly 75% of the stronghold rarely ever traveled.

    Beastmaster was the perfect job for being in the wilderness because the wildlife was like your weapon and without the danger of all those mobs breathing down your neck (because you could tame them, kill them, release them, whatever) you could reach far-off isolated corners of the map that no one would go to because it wasn't on the 'path' through the zone.
    In a way, one of the things I regret is not exploring more of the untraveled corners of FFXI world. A lot of the quieter corners of the further zones have some sort of purpose, be it a mob spawn point or something required for a sidequest/mission, but people don't run these all the time, so they're often left alone. The increased level cap does help here, because you can go visit say, the deep corners of Mamool Ja without being mercilessly crushed.
  9. The closest I've come to this is probably Final Fantasy XI, for all it's flaws. Sure, there's still towns, but it is possible to travel to some very isolated places that few other players really bothered with, a bit like the Shadow Shard. When I used to EXP off Bombs on my Summoner, I usually went out of the way to find places where I wouldn't be disturbed by passing players, and I wasn't disrupting any nearby EXP groups. The only people I'd usually see were other summoners. The closest city to Uleguerand Range is (or was, before the introduction of Abyssea made more fast travel options available) four zones away.

    Since there was no requirement to be near some sort of crafting table, it was possible to field craft supplies. I was no cook, but I often took out ingredients for Silent Oils and Prism Potions, in case I needed stealth buffs in magic-aggro areas.

    More recent changes to the level cap have meant that most of the non-Abyssea zones are a little less...well, scary, for lack of a better word. When the level cap was 75, areas designed for level 75 characters still had a lot of stuff around that could be considered challenging, the areas themselves felt hostile. With the cap now at 99, these areas are a little more trivial, although I've noticed the devs have thrown a few curveballs by adding some really high level mobs to old areas in far off corners.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    A little bit of online research found a class action lawsuit filed against Square Enix of America Holdings, Inc for deceptive billing practices for Final Fantasy XI.



    I contacted the company via its webpage form here:
    Just an FYI, the Final Fantasy suit was dismissed in 2011. Plaintiff didn't read, apparently.

    I've had enough of law suits for one lifetime. I sued the NHS for medical malpractice, and the suit took nine years to settle.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Heh, completely forgot about that guy.

    You have to wonder what drives an old man to start acting like a particulary socially challenged teenager on a video game, and keep it up for months.

    I mean, I heard the story, university professor doing "research" and so on, and of course people do dumb things for fame and money even in small quantities, but it still remains baffling at some level, you know?
    The published paper is a fascinating read. I'd never heard of the story until I was doing research for my thesis last semester and chanced across the paper during a database search.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Y'know... It helps to post the address.

  13. 灰は灰に、塵は塵に。

    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
    Illusions to illusions, dreams to dreams.
  14. Well, I've been meaning to buy some webspace for a while in order to store my university portfolio work. I've registered unionroleplayers.co.uk as a domain for the space, but if it doesn't work out, I'll dump the name and grab another one, and re-purpose the space for personal projects.

    So yeah, no guarantee that this will go anywhere, but it's a start nonetheless.
  15. I brought this up on the Union Roleplayers Steam group that Nitro made, but I figure I should air it a little more publicly. Obviously, a lot of us are dismayed over the closure of City of Heroes, however, I'd be more than willing to try and set up a community elsewhere (For when these forums go dark), so that those who want to keep in touch and keep their plots going have a place to do so.

    I know Forum RP can't really replace City of Heroes, but it's better than nothing, surely?

    I'm willing to register something like unionroleplayers.co.uk out of my own pocket for a while, but I can't run something like this alone. Would any of the Unionverse peeps help?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    For now that's a good idea, but I'd wait until we see what becomes of Ascendants. If that plotline comes true, then the Well as a sentient malevolent being would actually be a smart plot point.
    In Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 (Bear with me here, folks), one of the more important concepts is the "Akashic Record", which is implied to be some sort of metaphysical object that outlines the fate of the entire galaxy. To start with, it is thought of that the Record is malevolent, in that it wants to end all life in the galaxy to replace it with life it considers "better", and that it has already written "Rocks fall, everyone dies" at the end.

    However, later plot points suggest that the Record is not a monolithic entity, but rather a sort of combined will, and it can't make up it's mind about what to do. The infinite power sources the Good Guys™ (and occasionally the Bad Guys™) have access to are facets of the Record created to communicate with the galaxy. The Getter Rays (from Getter Robo) want to help humanity/the galaxy survive, wheras the Power of Ide (from Ideon) wants to see everything burn, until it's convinced otherwise.

    The Record itself never speaks and it's never seen, although at least one character claims to speak for it.

    As someone who enjoyed the above, I'm not against the idea of the Well in CoX in principle, but the implementation could be cleared up a little.
  17. As much as I'd like to agree with this, "No art time necessary" is not a magical shortcut that will drastically reduce implementation time.
  18. This is why you go to D on Union. We're saner.

  19. I -might- be able to come along. Put me down for two, since my SO is likely to be along too.
  20. Oh wow, it almost fell an entire dollar.
  21. I often find that Japanese names seem to follow their own particular grammar rules that bend around the existing ones for complex things such as compound kanji and whatnot. It's one of the many things that I found impossible to understand during my short residency there.

    However, it's something I enjoy trying to understand, so glad I could (sort of) help.


    Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
    By the way, love the Okuu avatar. I just finished my 1 cc of Subterranean Animism.
    I just capped Tewi's Last Word in IN this morning.
  22. What it seems you're looking for is "Gurokaze no Rikimaru" (Written 黒風の力丸), "Rikimaru of the Black Wind", where the "guro" in "Gurokaze" has a double meaning.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    Guro is the Katakana spelling of the word Gore. letter E in Japanese is always pronounces like the a in Ray. There is no Silent E in japanese. And O is always pronounced in the long vowel manner, never the Ooo manner.

    So the word Guro is an English word translated (poorly) into Japanese to explain what genre a film is.
    Sidenote: Sam is correct here. "Guro" is derived from "Grotesque", not "Gore".
  24. The kanji for black (黒) can be pronouced "guro", like novelist Kazuo Ishiguro (石黒 一雄, Ishiguro Kazuo, the first kanji there meaning "stone").
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
    The above is pretty much why I don't want to get involved and thanks for changing it so that's no longer a problem. There's certain lines of RP I don't particular like crossing and child cruelty or death is one of them. Invincible villains (Or heroes for that matter) are also kinda a personal peeve and when nuclear weapons aren't a threat I don't really see what my characters can do.

    Which becomes a compound problem when my character is totally unable to meaningfully punish people who's actions lead to the death of children. Yes we do need villains to make the RP work, but I don't *want* these kind of Villains and I would not enjoy this kind of RP at all.
    I'm with Fans on this one.

    Lines have been crossed that I'm not willing to cross, simple as.