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  1. Don't the Cimerorans have a resistance buff to mezzes?

    Just checked paragonwiki, the Lieuts & Bosses do have the ally buff...

    Shout of Command Ally +Res(Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Terrorize, Confusion), +Perception
    By bouncing a carefully pitched sound wave off an ally's ear drum, you can free him from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Confusion, Fear, or Immobilize effects, and leave him resistant to such effects for a good while. Protection will improve with multiple applications and as you advance in level. Clarity also provides your ally enhanced perception. Recharge: Fast

    Edit: Beaten to the punch!
  2. If it's fun, then I don't see why not. I just don't want more UG-like trials. Probably the most boring trial in the game - and that includes the hero-side respec.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    Yeah it was a good Ustream. I am soo glad I got them running on the MoM jokes, heehee I also got them to tangent about the tv stuff cuz I asked if they were gonna watch the season finale of American Horror Story and that got the ball rolling on what they watch. In case you didn't know already Short2Care in the Ustream is me, for whatever reason it won't let me put a number first in my handle on there.
    I remember you! If I recall correctly, I sat upon you.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    "Up" was awesome and for some reason there was a lot of dust flying around the room in the first 10 mins which led to my eyes getting a bit inflamed and thus watery.
    I bawled my heart out.
    Oh, I'll agree that beginning of Up was very, very well done. It's the rest of the movie I think is terrible. And no, I'm not going to get into it here. I mentioned it during the UStream though.
  5. Change Sonic Repulsion into a +HP buff to the target that ignores the base hitpoint cap. The base would be 250 HP, so an extra 500 HP or so once slotted. It would be renamed to Aural Mitigation or something along those lines. In addition to the HP buff it would also act as a -tohit debuff on enemies surrounding the targeted ally. Minor, of course, but even 5% is nifty.

    Alternatively, I wouldn't mind having a 'Defiant Scream' that hits enemies around the caster, is a click debuff instead of a toggle, and both knocks back and has a chance to stun and/or confuse enemies (mag 2) as well as debuff their speed briefly. It would be on a moderate recharge and deal no damage.

    Or, Sonic Pony, where you summon a pony that sings and you fly away on its back to have magical adventures in the wonderful world of Who Gives a F......lying pony.
  6. To your first question you can purchase a 30-day license for IOs to slot them. When your license runs out your slotted IOs will 'grey out' and give you no bonuses or enhancement efficiency. They are *not* deleted when the license expires.

    However- if you try to respec while you have no invention license active then you will not be able to reslot any of those IOs and you will lose all but however many you can stick in your enhancement tray(s).
  7. I don't like the set. I think it looks and sounds poor. That's why I didn't buy it. For those that like it, I'm glad you got a powerset that appeals to you. Something for everybody in this game, that's one of the many things that makes it great.
  8. Psychoti

    Holiday Time!

    I figured it out! I think.

    They both deal with troublemaker "kids" that play in an imaginary world much of the time and... well, the short hair and glasses. Also, I'm positive that Calvin's Father has a grandpa hat like Zwill's.
  9. Psychoti

    Holiday Time!

    Happy Holidays to everyone, and Zwill, for some reason you now remind me of the father from Calvin & Hobbes. I have yet to figure out why.
  10. I do know that if you don't chase the Primal Duray very far, he will not go too far himself and returns MUCH faster. In my experience, anyway.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Actually, Super Reflexes/Anything Tanker.

    SR doesn't need the defense boost from Storm Kick to soft-cap on SOs. Combat Jumping and Weave will do it.
    Yeah, I included MA more for the tolerable end costs. SR is pretty darned good for tanks, especially if you take the medicine pool.
  12. Rad/Fire Blaster. The sauce was awesome. I don't solo doors if the leader specifically states "chokepoints only", I always ask first since there are some people who will try to 'help' (and I end up killing whilst confused) and.... damn, I haven't played the toon for about a month. Time to dust them off and kick some more butt.
  13. Super Reflexes/Martial Arts Tanker. With Weave you will easily softcap all of your defenses very early in the game, I think mine is at level 28 or so and has 45%+ defense to all positionals.
  14. Psychoti

    Flying East!

    Sorry to lose you, Avatea, may good fortune follow you wherever you go.
  15. It's like this - there is no 'cooldown'. It can proc many times, but it does not STACK, and it does not REFRESH. That means that if the buff is currently active, any procs during that time period are nullified completely. They will not refresh/extend the duration of the buff. They will not stack with the current buff to make it +200% or anything like that - you get NOTHING from additional procs until the original duration has run its course.
  16. I'd love to go, but money just won't permit it right now. It's a bit of a drive - and that's not including crazy DC traffic.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheGodOfGods View Post
    Speaking of PvP... I still want the old, face-paced PvP back....... >;'c
    "Face-paced" or "Face-paste"? :P
  18. Fantastic news, thank you for sharing it Posi.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    I haven't seen anybody mention Troll disappoint!
    I didn't know Avatea played Villains.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
    Don't know much about forum moderation, but can they not come up with something for account identifiers to only show up on a moderator's screen instead of the customer facing interface?
    That would take devoting more resources to the forums. They have limited resources, and at the moment they still haven't been able to do the maintenance that they've been scheduling and rescheduling.

    I am a moderator on a couple other boards, and an admin on two others (though both of those are pretty durned small).

    To cover a couple of your other concerns: Will people discriminate against people with lower post counts, closer join dates, different colored names? Yes, they will. Those people are rarely worth listening to, however. The discriminators, I mean. People do that now. People did that with the old Karma system. You're not going to change human behavior overnight.

    Putting in that screen that tells people that only VIPs can post there? They have a lock on forums that you can not post in. Literally, an icon of a lock. Also there is a 'Posting Rules' box at the bottom of every page... I think.

    These changes are to help bring the community together more. If the reverse happens, they will take action to minimize frustrations and damage.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    I disagree ... FEW things truly separate a VIP and freemium... Incarnates is a HUGE bonus and as such should be for those willing to fork over the $15 a month.
    Oh, I agree that the Incarnate System is the major draw for VIP, if you're high up on the Rewards tree anyway. I just think that giving people a small taste of it - maybe even making it so they can only have 3 salvage pieces at a time (just enough to craft a t1) - would end up with more VIP subscriptions. In other words, people really don't know what they are missing. Sure, they can see people flinging Lightning and stuff around, but until they actually experience the system first-hand they may not really see the differences it can make. And really, the T1 is just a taste.
  22. I think the main reason for 'standardizing' (I guess) the early levels was so that players could get together at low-levels and do the same missions without having to see who had what contact, etc, so that everyone could get the mission arc completion bonus.

    Edit to say that my opinion on this isn't particularly valid because I have an intense dislike for the game pre-22. I simply don't feel 'super' enough until I have more powers, more slots, and the enhancements to make them... well, enhanced. This isn't so much a statement on the low level content as much as it is the experience.
  23. That's what I do for seeing what my brutes will be doing at the damage cap, or to add "base buffs" from the empowerment stations into the equation. Although I change accolades, I think, because I don't ever use them.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Now for the new stuff:

    ATOs (Archetype Enhancements) will be purchasable from the Reward Merit Vendor, for a combination of Reward Merits and Inf, and from Astral Christy, for a combination of Astral Merits and Inf. There will be a cooldown timer on the purchase of these items. The amount of Inf and duration of the cooldown are still being discussed and will be evaluated once all of this hits beta. This is in addition to their availability in Super Packs.
    Awesome. I eagerly await seeing how many RMs/AMs they will cost in addition to influence costs. Please keep in mind that these will affect market (Wentworths/Black Market) costs as well. I reiterate : Awesome.

    Enhancement Catalysts will be added to the game as rare drops from enemies defeated during Incarnate Trials and in the upcoming newly Incarnated Dark Astoria. Like ATOs, this is in addition to their availability through Super Packs.
    Very interesting. I'm going to enjoy testing this.

    I'll keep everyone updated as more decisions are made. Please be sure to check these out when they hit beta.


    No sir, thank you.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    That's a great question.

    We plan on allowing Free/Premium a bit more access to the forums than they currently have, and it's extremely helpful (for many reasons) to be able to distinguish a VIP player from a Free/Premium player at a glance.
    I was really hoping that was going to be the answer. Sweet.