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  1. Peterbilt


    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    Oh I'm a giant ball of fire when I'm not tethered to an MO run. I'm also a drunk angry racist feminist midget on Tuesdays.

    Yay, today's Tuesday!

    EDIT: I mean little person.

    Really? Can we run it tonight maybe?

    Oh snap. Won't get home until 8 PST, then have to eat, making it 9 PST which means Fritz will most likely be ... sober by then.
  2. Peterbilt

    PW's war journal

    Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
    San Min (50 MA/will scrapper) joined a team doing AE story arcs. I specifically asked whether they were doing stories or farms, and was told they were doing stories, but of course it turns out they wanted to do a farm. We did The Mission to End All Missions, which seemed to just be an outdoor map full of Egyptian-themed lieutenant mobs using the claws powerset. I did one run through the farm map just to be polite, then excused myself from the team.

    I feel guilty about this. Everyone on the team except for one player wanted to do a story arc. PW joined the team just for that reason. Then the player who invited me turned the leadership over to the one player who had a farm he wanted to run. *AHHHHH!*
    So we ran the farm, thank you for staying, and then everyone left the team and reformed to play something else without the one offending player.
    (Which might be a good stupid question. When everyone says they want to run a story arc, why would you then pick a farm? *head slap*)
  3. Just to chime in also. I've never had any trouble with logging out until they installed the new user name and password. Now it never remembers me if I close IE.
    But the one funny thing, I log in from the main page. When I hit the boards link it remembers me. Only when I move into the threads do I get logged out.
  4. Congratulations on the runs, errr, successful TFs.

    And Fritz, did you eat another of those garlic and sardine sandwiches before meeting Recluse? You know how much he hates that.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    I buy more slots. I use the free transfers to rename the toons for free. But then again I get free renames when they generic my toons. Those *******.

    That is funny!

    I guess you have to have some 50's to transfer to really answer that question properly. I'll be moving 2 characters, a blaster to Liberty because she gets no play where she is now and my PB, probably to Champion because I already have a tank here.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NuclearMedicine View Post
    I'll admit it's been years since I've used Hover while tanking, at that time you still got Knockedback. I take it it's changed since then? Before it was KB + twirl, now it's just twirl? Just looking for clarification.

    Just spin
  7. Peterbilt


    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    Wait a minute! Only one of us can have bells on and I called them first.

    Stay away from my bells!

    He wanted to come with whistles but he couldn't find anyone to blo ... err ... nevermind.
  8. Peterbilt

    Hami Survey

    Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
    I will as long as you REPEAT spelling class

    Now you know why I have the sig I do. (You crazy.)
  9. I only read half of that and my head started to hurt. It was like only 1 or 2 people were speaking English and the other were, idk.

    I don't feel so good anymore.
  10. Hami raid!

    uh ...

    Saturday? Really?

    Well, good luck everyone. Saturdays remain problematic for me.

    But don't forget to Doe-See-Doe your partner.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
    I'll be working...

    Me 2.

    good luck all.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    That's a good point, just look at a server like Infinity, judging by it's post count the server is empty......>>>>> oh, just been handed a note, .....>> ah, well actually, Infinity is in fact completely empty, ok bad example.

    Ace made me laugh.

    And what's with you guys. 20 posts before Pingus are mentioned?
    That "something, something" is beware, but don't take our word for it.

    Welcome to the game and the boards. Hope to see you in game and don't be afraid to ask questions in the global channel. People here are always willing to help.

    (Oh, and don't hurry to 50. In this game the journey IS the game. Enjoy it.)
  13. I picked Champion because I played Champions the pencil and paper game. Thought it was a natural fit.

    I figure I can be ignored on any server, but you can only be ignored in that very special way by your first server that makes you feel all warm and gooshy inside.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
    I do have to thank Aimee Balanchine (@amygdala?) for the help of setting up the yellow taunt teams.

    Yes Matt, Aimee is Amygdala and she did great with the yellow taunt. As we were finishing up Hami she said in our team chat that she thought we could have pulled off an evacless raid with the yellow taunters. As I said before only one on our team didn't pull to maximum range but I only noticed it hurting the scrappers once.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Meowtch View Post
    Sweeeet, can't wait to see some of you on Freedom!!

    And no problem here. I've already moved anyone important off Freedom in the last transfer. Now I have no reason to visit there at all.
  16. Nice. But it will only make it worse for me here. I'll probably move my beloved Ice tank from Virtue over here.

    (or should I move
    <--- her here instead? PB, Ice tank. Ice tank, PB. Decisions, decisions.)
  17. A few more successful runs and players will have a good idea of what they need to do so that level of play is really not that far away here. Last Sunday the Hami taunt team did a great job as did the yellow and blue mitos teams. One tank on the yellow taunt wasn't taunting from far enough away which got the scrapper team killed at least once, but really wasn't too bad. The hard part is to have the emps remember just a couple of things and this type of raid should be no trouble.

    1. Whenever AB is up they need to fire it on the Hami tank.
    2. At bloom hit their RA's (and try to hit that EoE before the bloom so they can RA as many heroes as possible before they are off taunting and clearing.)

    pre posting edit: A lot depends on the yellow taunt team. If they aren't in their place before the bloom to taunt the yellows, then it almost doesn't matter about the other teams. The yellows can cause so much havoc is such a short time that it is critical for the yellow taunt team to be on their toes.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flagrant_Fowl View Post
    Am I correct that it's not possible (or practical) to slot Team Teleport with enough range to be useful for pulling a team out of the goo?


    If you set up a bind key it might be possible to TT out of the goo, but it would be real tricky and you would have to be real fast to get out of range. It would take a few activations and mostly likely you would get blasted before you got far enough away. But anything is possible, but practical, maybe not. (Using the assumption that you stayed as a team in the goo and jumped on TT as soon as the first sign of the bloom showed. Otherwise you couldn't have enough range to grab characters since it only works for those around the user, if I remember correctly.)

    There would also be the problem if, say on a tank team, you had a stone tank that would fall out of the TT radius as soon as you tried to leave the ground.
  19. Peterbilt


    I would be happy to join, if it were late enough. (Sorry, Pacific time and all.) I could only contribute a .... stone tank, but would defer to Fitz as lead if he wanted.

    Just so you have one other thing to worry about, emping is the hardest job for the MSTF.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post know you've logged into CoH too early in the morning when you fly through Grandville and think, for a moment, that you just heard Lord Recluse command you to cuddle kittens in darkness.

    He can be like that before he's had his morning coffee. Then after that its "Pull the wings off those butterflys" back to his normal self.
  21. Peterbilt

    Hami Survey

    Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
    Took the survey... I feel that I should have studied first.

    I just finished grading your paper. I think you're going to have to repete that class.
  22. Peterbilt

    Hami Raid Ideas

    Laseracid, I keep looking at your name and reading it as "lacticacid". And this is from someone who avoids exercise.
  23. Peterbilt

    Hami Raid Ideas

    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    Greens first or blues first doesn't seem to matter much,

    Probably should stay with the Blues first because they can drain end which, if pushed on the Hami tank, would make things very difficult. Blues also can do a fair amount of damage which the Greens do very little of.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    I think overall we did pretty good, 2 sucessfull raids only 4 days apart. I have a feeling I'll only be bringing my emp to the raids since that's what we're in short supply of. But that's ok ^_^ October 22nd I'll get my Assemble the Team Teleport Power so hopefully that'll help out when leaving out of hami.

    And make sure you hit the right power. I got 3 of my team killed because I hit Base Teleport instead and couldn't get it to stop. Oh well, got it right for the third bloom. Everyone out, unharmed.

    And thanks Matt for stepping in the lead and thanks to the other leaders and Amygdala for doing a great job with the yellow taunt tanks.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
    I think RWZ is 50 too, but other zones are higher.

    I think only the hive has a 50 limit. RWZ may have a limit but it is something high, I'm certain.

    And the good thing about players arriving early and filling the zone, you get to start everything earlier too and end it earlier. (And those raids seem to go faster also.)