Liberty Hami Raid




I will take the time to create a offical Hami Raid guide. I will help Liberty get Hamidon Raids back onto Liberty! In the future I hope to see future Hami Raid Leaders. Liberty was the "First" server to successfully complete a Hami Raid.
**Some information is taken off paragonwiki.**


  1. When:
  2. Where:
  3. Faction:
  4. Raid Leader(s)
  5. Date
Hamidon is the ultimate monster in the game. A giant amoeba that spawns withinThe Hive (Hero Side) andThe Abyss (Villain Side). Between the Hamidon core and its many surrounding Mitochondria, Hamidon is difficult to defeat. Over time specific strategies have evolved that take 30-50 heroes to defeat Hamidon. Defeating Hamidon results in the award choice of a single random Hamidon Enhancement or 53 merits.

Hamidon consists of:
1. Spawn Hamidon
2. Clear initial mitos (1st mito phase)
3. Fight Hamidon to 75% health
4. 1st mito bloom
5. Clear mitos (2nd mito phase)
6. Fight Hamidon to 50% health
7. 2nd mito bloom
8. Clear mitos (3rd mito phase)
9. Fight Hamidon to 25%
10. 3rd mito bloom
11. Clear mitos (4th and last mito phase)
12. Defeat Hamidon

Mitochondria Antibodies:
Mitochondria Antibodies' (also known as "yellows") special defense is Resistance, which buffs defense to ranged and AoE well past the hard cap of 175%. They are therefore nearly untouchable except by attacks which lack the ranged and AoE defense types, namely, single target melee attacks, certain melee cones and PBAoEs, certain control and debuff powers, and autohit attacks.
Mitochondria Antibodies' attack, Cytoplasmic Blast, deals high special DoT to targets within a large 45' AoE radius, additionally inflicting high magnitude knockback and disorient.
Mitochondria Antibodies are also protected by a 45' radius PBAoE damage aura, Cytoplasmic Burst, which deals low special DoT, but the same amount of knockback and disorient as Cytoplasmic Blast. The disorient from the two powers easily stacks and can overwhelm status protection toggles without outside status protection buffs.

Mitochondria Electrolytes:
Mitochondria Electrolytes' (also known as "blues") special defense is Resistance, which buffs defense to melee and AoE well past the hard cap of 175%. They are therefore nearly untouchable except by attacks which lack the melee and AoE defense types, namely, single target ranged attacks, certain control and debuff powers, and autohit attacks.
Mitochondria Electrolytes' attack, Paralytic Blast, deals special damage to a single target (at first), additionally draining endurance, possibly inflicting fear, and debuffing recharge, speed, and recovery for a long time. A target hit by Paralytic Blast or Contagion will fire a Contagion with similar effects at a nearby target, thus Paralytic Blast can affect several targets, or, often, two nearby targets multiple times.
Mitochondria Electrolytes are also protected by a 15' radius PBAoE damage aura, Paralytic Aura, with effects similar to Paralytic Blast, but far higher damage, a 100% chance to inflict fear, higher endurance drain and higher recovery and recharge debuffs. This makes Electrolytes dangerous to approach without protection.

Mending Mitochondria:
Mending Mitochondria's (also known as "greens") special defense is Regenerative Aura, which greatly increases resistance to all damage types (for a total of 90% resistance) and buffs regeneration well past the hard cap of 8.33% per second. Regenerative Aura is visible as a green translucent force field surrounding the mitochondrion. If the mitochondrion is held, Regenerative Aura will deactivate at its next tick, leaving the mitochondrion relatively easy to destroy.
Mending Mitochondria's attack is Endocronic Blast, which deals only minor damage to a single target, but severely debuffs the target's regeneration and makes them resistant to heals for a long time.
Mending Mitochondria lack any PBAoE damage aura, and so are safe to approach.


  1. Agro Team 1: 2-3 Tankers with 2emps and a storm and kin. These 2 Tanks WILL need 16EoEs (4 each Bloom) 2-3 Tanks on this team because 1 tank will probably suffice and 1 to get in there ASAP
  2. Agro Team 2: 6 Tankers, 2emps with taunt slotted with some range IO/SO/ enhancements. This is for the safety of the Assault/scrap teams. Agro Team 2 will stand afar from the Yellow Mitos from their 45ft ranged PBAoE attack.
  3. Assault Team 1 - 4 Blasters WITH single target attacks, and 4 support toons. Kin/storm/emp
  4. Assault Team 2 - Samething as Team 1
  5. Scrap Team 1 - 4 Scrappers, 4 support toons.
  6. Scrap Team 2 - 4 Scrappers, 4support toons.(same as Team 1)
  7. Remaining people unteamed will be called as Assault Team 3.

That's my basic team setup.

Hamidon Blooms:
When the Hamidon reaches 75% (35340 from 47120) HP, a full set of Mitochondria will spawn. This is known as a "bloom." Six more each of yellows, blues and greens will appear just as they did when Hamidon spawned. Another bloom occurs when the Hamidon reaches 50% (23560), and the final bloom occurs at 25% (11780). The bloom at each level can occur only once per raid; for example, even if the Hamidon heals from 75% back to 100%, it will not get another bloom until 50%.
The Hold Phase of the old Hamidon raid is no longer feasible, as blooms occur even if the Hamidon is held. Additionally, it takes 30 or more players to Hold Hamidon, and even so only for a second or two.
When a bloom occurs, the sudden onset of powerful AoE attacks will effectively wipe any player in the cytoplasm. Since it is not possible to evacuate the cell while keeping up sufficient damage-per-second, the cytoplasm is quickly evacuated at every bloom under the standard strategy to avoid a raid wipe and hospital trips, which could lock participants out of a full instance.
Each team usually designates one person with the Assemble the Team veteran reward power to evacuate the team each bloom. Two or three teammates with Assemble the Team are needed. This way, all players can be evacuated from the Hamidon and revived if necessary in order to take out the Mitochondria once more.

** The Mending Mitos(green) Must be held to be damaged. Mag hold of 50.**
** Assault Teams, and Scrap Teams need Atleast 2 EoEs for Protection.**
**Atleast 1 person Should have Recall friend on EACH TEAM.**

Commands used during the Raid.
Please LISTEN and Go in When called.
(Clear Mind, Clarity, Fortitude and Speed Boost buffs at this stage)


(Regeneration and Recovery Auras, Oil Slick for Fulcrum Shift buffs at this stage)




Please unhide, and go Hamikini(No Auruas, capes, tails). When you reach, The Hive, go to the safety rock and place the Marker(right Click on the map) will be easier to get back after each bloom.

Leaders/co-leaders Should make a targeting bind for their team.

Good luck, have fun with future HRs!
Now, lets get out there and pop some bubbles!

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The next raid I lead is going to be of the evacless variety:

Hami Taunt -1 tank, 3 emps, 1 kin. If I am leading the raid, I'll be tanking Hami, emps keep AB on me, kin keeps SB and ID on emps.

Yellow Taunt - 6 Tankers and 2 support. Tanks stand out of the goo and taunt the yellows.

Scrapper Team - 6 Scrappers and 2 support. Their job is to take out the yellows asap.

Ranged Assault - Team made up of blasters and controllers, atleast one being able to provide status protection.

Everyone else form into teams and follow the Ranged assault team leader.

Hami taunter taunts hami, yellow taunters taunt the yellows, scrapper team knocks out the yellows, ranged assault knocks out the greens then the blues. After the mitos are down, everyone attacks hami. While attacking him, everyone goes thru single target buff cycle. Prior to his bloom, all aoe buffs are launched and after the bloom everyone goes back to their duty. Yellow tanks should have their mito thumbtacked so they can get back to position quickly. Ideally, everyone will know what they are to be doing and this process will mean a faster raid which could mean more than one raid in a night.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
The next raid I lead is going to be of the evacless variety:

Hami Taunt -1 tank, 3 emps, 1 kin. If I am leading the raid, I'll be tanking Hami, emps keep AB on me, kin keeps SB and ID on emps.

Yellow Taunt - 6 Tankers and 2 support. Tanks stand out of the goo and taunt the yellows.

Scrapper Team - 6 Scrappers and 2 support. Their job is to take out the yellows asap.

Ranged Assault - Team made up of blasters and controllers, atleast one being able to provide status protection.

Everyone else form into teams and follow the Ranged assault team leader.

Hami taunter taunts hami, yellow taunters taunt the yellows, scrapper team knocks out the yellows, ranged assault knocks out the greens then the blues. After the mitos are down, everyone attacks hami. While attacking him, everyone goes thru single target buff cycle. Prior to his bloom, all aoe buffs are launched and after the bloom everyone goes back to their duty. Yellow tanks should have their mito thumbtacked so they can get back to position quickly. Ideally, everyone will know what they are to be doing and this process will mean a faster raid which could mean more than one raid in a night.
Please remind raiders that everyone in the zone will need at least 3 EoE for an evacless raid. they are to be taken during the AoE buff phase. This will allow time for the raiders to take their position without a massive wipe.



Found this strat from some friends on another server:

1. Hami Taunt
- Usually use 1 Tank, all Emps in zone add said Tank to Friends list, keep them AB'd throughout the raid. Add Emps on this team to taste.

2. Yellow Taunt
- Ideally 6 Tanks, 1 per yellow mito. Add Emps to taste.

3. Yellow Assault
- Scrappers +/- Emps

4. Blue Assault
- Blasters

5. Green Assault
- Can be several teams (2-3 depending on how many show up). One team should focus on Controllers for holds, the other teams can be any damage (Blasters, Defenders, Tanks, Scrappers, etc.)

General Raid Procedure

1. Form up teams
2. Defeat monsters for EoEs and spawn Hami
3. Gather at safe rock, allow time for team leaders to go over each team's role/questions/assign yellow taunt targets
4. Call for buffs: Single Target Buffs, ABs on Hami Tank, RAs
5. Call in teams: Hami Taunter, Yellow Taunt, Assault Teams (once aggro is controlled)
6. Clear mitos: Yellow Assault attacks yellow mitos, Blue Assault attacks blue mitos, Green Assault teams attack green mitos in a clockwise fashion until they are defeated. Start with the closest of each respective mito to safe rock for convenience.
7. Defeat Hami to 75% (35340 of 47120 total HP). If evac-less, call for EoE and RA buffs at around 37000 HP to give a little time. (At 50% he will be at 23560 HP and at 25% will be at 11780.) If evac-less, yellow taunt can stay in position around the bowl and wait for their yellow to respawn to catch aggro quickly.
8. Rinse, repeat, etc.
9. Defeat Hami
10. Merits/HOs
I like this idea and dislike it at the same time. I like it because it would really cut down on raid time because all mitos are being sweeped at the same time. I dislike it because Liberty is not so hot at following directions just yet. I think this is really something to shoot for.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Getting 50 like-minded people together is not difficult. The coordination to get them in the Hive is a bit tricky but doable.



A few more successful runs and players will have a good idea of what they need to do so that level of play is really not that far away here. Last Sunday the Hami taunt team did a great job as did the yellow and blue mitos teams. One tank on the yellow taunt wasn't taunting from far enough away which got the scrapper team killed at least once, but really wasn't too bad. The hard part is to have the emps remember just a couple of things and this type of raid should be no trouble.

1. Whenever AB is up they need to fire it on the Hami tank.
2. At bloom hit their RA's (and try to hit that EoE before the bloom so they can RA as many heroes as possible before they are off taunting and clearing.)

pre posting edit: A lot depends on the yellow taunt team. If they aren't in their place before the bloom to taunt the yellows, then it almost doesn't matter about the other teams. The yellows can cause so much havoc is such a short time that it is critical for the yellow taunt team to be on their toes.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Yes, before we do evacless and other strategies, I think we should do the basic raids to get people familiar with the HR. Took a hour and a half to take down Hamidon last sunday (2hours if you want to count 30mins for killing monsters to spawn Hami) That isn't to bad for the first time Hami Raid 'most' or some people have done. Once people gets used to doing Hami, and finish tweeking out their builds for Hami Raid, maybe we can later on in the future do evacless and Nuke based strategies. Give it another run or 2 before doing evacless.

Last sunday when I lead the hami raid, I've seen multiple level 45-47s. I was pretty much bummed out that this might fail. Some people had 2 accounts up at the sametime as well. Multiple people were "new" to the game as well. I was very amazed that we pulled this raid off with the team setups.
I do have to thank Aimee Balanchine (@amygdala?) for the help of setting up the yellow taunt teams. This would've taken me additional time to explain where each tank should go.

IMO, I think we, as a whole server, should do a "Liberty Summer Slam" run 2 Hami Raids at the same time or 1 after another, and after the hami raid(s) we should do some MSR runs. I know we can pull this off. We had about 50-100people for last sundays MSR which is beeping awesome.

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Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
I do have to thank Aimee Balanchine (@amygdala?) for the help of setting up the yellow taunt teams.

Yes Matt, Aimee is Amygdala and she did great with the yellow taunt. As we were finishing up Hami she said in our team chat that she thought we could have pulled off an evacless raid with the yellow taunters. As I said before only one on our team didn't pull to maximum range but I only noticed it hurting the scrappers once.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post
As we were finishing up Hami she said in our team chat that she thought we could have pulled off an evacless raid with the yellow taunters.
I'd agree. The basic idea doesn't change, we are still killing mitos then attacking Hami. Yellow taunt team needs know when to get back to their spots sure, but the only thing slowing down our current raids has been people not following the lead. People attacking different mitos isnt gonna help, but driving home the point of who they are to follow would.

The problems with the past raids that I noticed was emps using RAs whenever instead of when called; and people attacking what they wanted instead of following the assault leader. People that have shown up to the past raids should have a understanding on what we are doing. If we make it clear what we are doing and how we are doing it, evacless or not, we will have a successful raid. Realisticly, unless you are a team lead, hami raiding is boiled down to follow the leader.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



I'm certainly no expert, but I'd suggest more than 2 support toons on the scrapper
team(s). When there are two, that still leaves a good deal of room for bad timing. Casting animations take a little time. Even though an emp might see a need for heal other, if clear mind is being cast, there may be a 2 to 3 second delay. These seconds can be critical. If one scrapper goes down, that creates an ugly gap in heal/buff casting, as the resurrection animation is a timely one. I'd advise going with Matt's suggestion of 4 IF the defenders/controllers are available.
Many players have the support toons in their accounts, but choose not to bring them as the scrapper or blaster role is seen as easier to execute.

Those are just my thoughts; nobody asked me, but I wanted to throw it in anyway.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I thought you did a very good job leading the raid, Matt. I was more than happy to help out with yellow taunt.

As Peterbilt mentioned, we did have a very strong yellow taunt team. The Tanks I had with me were very attentive and on the ball. Despite this, it did take until after the first wave was complete to acquire our 6th Tank. (Ideally, you'd want 6 Tanks for evac-less raiding, one per yellow mito.) We were sitting at 4 for quite a while until just before we started. So I would agree that another run or 2 would be helpful to familiarize players with the raid itself and the different teams. Hopefully as more raids start happening, the teams will fill up faster and it will be easier to tell what you have to work with for an evac-less raid. It also helps when people arriving at the raid don't start forming up their own teams. I realize it can be tempting to want to get things going, but it makes it more difficult to track certain ATs down to join the more critical teams.

On the plus side, evac-less raids can be done with the exact same team set up you would normally use, so it does not require any reorganization in that regard. So as a raid leader, you can always wait and see what you have available before deciding whether or not to try it. Worst case scenario if you try it and it doesn't work on the first wave, you can always go back to TPing out without making any major changes.

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  1. When: Friday @8:30pm eastern. Sept 3rd. 9/3/2010
  2. Where: The Hive
  3. Faction: Hero
  4. Raid Leader(s): Me(Assault Team 1/raid), Da Crusha(Assault team 2) Big Bud(Yellow Taunt Team), Maybe Valor or Steele for Lead Tanks. Junior'/PeP for Scrap teams 1 and 2.
Obsidian Operations is sponsering this raid.
Going with my basic team and raid setups.

Please be prepared with EoEs. Nice to have extras for others.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



So are you actually going to feel up to this one or you just going to cancel it? Don't think I'll be rushing home for this one.



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
  1. When: Friday @8:30pm eastern. Sept 3rd. 9/3/2010
  2. Where: The Hive
  3. Faction: Hero
  4. Raid Leader(s): Me(Assault Team 1/raid), Da Crusha(Assault team 2) Big Bud(Yellow Taunt Team), Maybe Valor or Steele for Lead Tanks. Junior'/PeP for Scrap teams 1 and 2.
Obsidian Operations is sponsering this raid.
Going with my basic team and raid setups.

Please be prepared with EoEs. Nice to have extras for others.
I think it's important to welcome the villains that have "gone rogue" as well. Not just heroes in Paragon anymore. Or were you just being clear on which side we were going to scramble the eggs?

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Just show up if you can. Bring what you like, the Hive is Heroside.
Currently Valor and Steele plan on being there. But we both reserve the right to bail for RL issues so with that in mind set travel plans accordingly, nuff said.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Good luck. I hope you're done by the time I get on since it won't be until 8:30 PST.
(But I know you'll knock it out in under 1 hour 30. Go get 'em heroes.)

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity