Hami Raid on Wednesday night
Essence of the Earth (EoE) Farming
“Essence of Earth” is a special inspiration drop from Devouring Earth giant monsters. They provide capped resistance to the untyped, special damage that come from the blasts of Yellow Mitochondria Antibodies and Hamidon. The EoE inspirations can be farmed on Monster Island in Peregrine, or in the Hive during monster clearing. It is recommended that Monster Island is used to stock up on them as it is not predictable the right people will get them during monster clearing or that those that do get EoE drops will give them up. A single team can go farming on Monster Island and fill up on EoEs in about an hour or so. You should always have at least 2 inspiration slots open for EoE drops.
Overview on Hami
The Hamidon is spawned by defeating Devouring Earth giant monsters in the Hive. The number of giant monsters to be defeated appears random and by no means consists of clearing the entire zone. The monster clearing will also result in more drops to pad the number of EoEs gained through farming. Once Hamidon spawns all monsters vanish from the zone.
Mito Stats
The Hamidon layout consists of 3 rings of 6 mitos each, from outside to in, colored: yellow, blue and green. Each color mito performs a different function, and they all overlap to make Hamidon more of a challenge and less like the snooze-fest from the past.
• Mitochondria Antibodies' ("yellows") special defense is Resistance, which buffs defense to ranged and AoE well past the hard cap of 175%. They are therefore nearly untouchable except by attacks which lack the ranged and AoE defense types, namely, single target melee attacks, certain melee cones and PBAoEs, certain control and debuff powers, and autohit attacks. Mitochondria Antibodies' attack, Cytoplasmic Blast, deals high special DoT to targets within a large 45' AoE radius, additionally inflicting high magnitude knockback and disorient. Mitochondria Antibodies are also protected by a 45' radius PBAoE damage aura, Cytoplasmic Burst, which deals low special DoT, but the same amount of knockback and disorient as Cytoplasmic Blast. The disorient from the two powers easily stacks and can overwhelm status protection toggles without outside status protection buffs.
• Mitochondria Electrolytes' ("blues") special defense is Resistance, which buffs defense to melee and AoE well past the hard cap of 175%. They are therefore nearly untouchable except by attacks which lack the melee and AoE defense types, namely, single target ranged attacks, certain control and debuff powers, and autohit attacks. Mitochondria Electrolytes' attack, Paralytic Blast, deals special damage to a single target (at first), additionally draining endurance, possibly inflicting fear, and debuffing recharge, speed, and recovery for a long time. A target hit by Paralytic Blast or Contagion will fire a Contagion with similar effects at a nearby target, thus Paralytic Blast can affect several targets, or, often, two nearby targets multiple times. Mitochondria Electrolytes are also protected by a 15' radius PBAoE damage aura, Paralytic Aura, with effects similar to Paralytic Blast, but far higher damage, a 100% chance to inflict fear, higher endurance drain and higher recovery and recharge debuffs. This makes Electrolytes dangerous to approach without protection.
• Mending Mitochondria's ("greens") special defense is Regenerative Aura, which greatly increases resistance to all damage types (for a total of 90% resistance) and buffs regeneration well past the hard cap of 8.33% per second. Regenerative Aura is visible as a green translucent force field surrounding the mitochondrion. If the mitochondrion is held, Regenerative Aura will deactivate at its next tick, leaving the mitochondrion relatively easy to destroy. Mending Mitochondria's attack is Endocronic Blast, which deals only minor damage to a single target, but severely debuffs the target's regeneration and makes them resistant to heals for a long time. Mending Mitochondria lack any PBAoE damage aura, and so are safe to approach.
Mito Blooms/Spawns occur when Hamidon reaches 75%, 50% and 25% health. Each bloom only happens once at the specific percentages, so there are a total of 4 mito phases. When a bloom occurs the entire raid must make a speedy strategic withdrawal.
Reward Schedule
When the Hamidon is defeated, a trial reward dialogue will appear offering a random Hamidon Enhancement or 53 Reward Merits. There is a 24 hour timer per character (not account) for choosing any one type of reward.
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!
Unfortunately, I will be at work and unable to attend the raid.
The strategy we will try to us on Wednesday night's raid is as follows:
Hami Taunt: This team will consist of one Hami Taunter and 1-4 support personnel (emps and a kin). The tank's job is to keep Hami damage off of everyone (holding aggro); support's job is to keep the tanker buffed and alive.
Yellow Taunt: This team will consist of 6 yellow mito taunters (tanks) and 2 support personnel (emps). Tanks to keep yellow mitos taunted and the support to keep the tanks alive.
Scrapper Assault: This team will consist of scrappers and support. Their job is to take out the Yellow mitos.
Ranged Assault: This team will consist of blasters and controllers. Their job is to distract the greens while yellows are up, then to kill greens and blues.
There will be a leader for each team. That person's job is to coordinate with the Raid leader, ensure their teams know their roles and are on task (what to attack, in what order, etc). If you are not specifically on team with a team leader, /friend them and target thru them, according to AT. If you are an emp and not on the hami taunt team, /friend the Hami Taunter so that you can give them AB when it is up. It will be very important to keep the main Hami Taunter buffed and supported.
Before we run in (wait for the call!), we will have 1 minute of buffing. At the 45 second mark use your single target buffs on your team members, with SB and CM also going to the tankers. At 25 seconds, all AoE buffs are to be used. The ones that are most helpful are AM, IR, regen aura and recov aura. At 20 seconds, the tankers will go in. At 0 seconds, everyone else will follow, assuming aggro is under control.
The Hami taunt team will go in first followed closely by the Yellow taunt team. Once aggro is under control, the other teams will follow (wait for the calls!) starting with the the closest yellow. Scrapper assault will target the yellow while the Ranged assault targets the blue closest to that yellow. This will make it easier for the scrapper team to wipe out the yellow because the green will heal the blue. Sometimes the blue will go down, sometimes it won't. Once the yellow is down, the Scrapper team, along with that mitos taunter (who has turned off taunt), moves clockwise around with the Ranged assault following. The main goal during this time is to take down the yellow ASAP.
After all the yellows are down, everyone targets a green that is preferably near the hami taunter (targetting thru the Ranged assault team leader), as that will take some of the heat off of them. When that green is down, everyone proceeds clockwise around again killing all the greens.
Once all the greens are down, sweep any remaining blues, going clockwise. When all blues are gone, everyone, aside from the hami taunter, attacks hami. Mitos will bloom at 75, 50, and 25 percent health. Each team should have a designated tp'er who leaves the goo just prior to the bloom. Once the bloom occurs everyone should hoof it out, being careful not to drag aggro back to everyone else. If people don't make it out ontime, have the team tper TP them out then rez the fallen.
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!
For me, the attempt on Hami was a win.
When I read through the broadcast chatter and saw "reduce graphics to Horus", well, we could have stopped then and I would have been happy.
I shall now borrow some tips from another poster whose name escapes me.
On uniforms/costumes - to reduce lag, go to icon and select None everywhere there is a choice to do so.
Go bald on the hair or choose a helmet.
Lose the capes.
Lose the auras.
No need for chest details or things of that sort.
As far as color goes, maybe select the color based on your ATs icon.
Defender blue, scrapper yellow, blaster red, tank grey/silver
Most importantly - pay attention.
I saw PBAoE buffs on my teammates prior to goo entry before they were called for.
My own 2 cents:
I think alot of folks didn't realize that Hami is supposed to spawn at 75% and WILL spawn at 75%, 50% and 25% regardless of held condition. There seems to be a good number of returning players who were unaware of the changes or unfamiliar with them.
Spamming these changes before commencement will be boring and tedious, but perhaps necessary. Perhaps not. Not my call to make.
I've got an empath defender, ill/rad troller, spines/regen scrapper or ice blaster available, depending on what is needed more. (assuming empath presently)
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Paying attention and reading comprehension would have gone far today. There were several times the Raid Leader called for taunters to run in and a fair amount of other people ran in. Hami awareness is also something some need to understand. Running by the yellow taunter who is being blasted with the aoe stun is never a good idea.
In regards to costume, costume with no aura/cape/wings/animated tails is a must. If you don't have one of those, go make one. There was someone I saw change from a costume with fairy wings to a costume with a cape which doesn't really help much. Lowering graphics to Horus will help with lag as well.
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!
Didn't get to make it to the last try, but I am defiantly interested in trying to make this one. Pretty sure I can get a few others in on this as well that have no idea about these events. As a lot of people I know don't use these boards.
Having never done a Hami raid, I would like to join! I have a 50 stone/stone tank!
Where are we meeting?
For those that know of people not frequenting these boards, get them to join the global channels LB and SisterhoodFriends. The MoTD in these channels will let you know what is going on for any particular event.
If you're not part of a global channel in CoH these days, you're not trying to team!
Having never done a Hami raid, I would like to join! I have a 50 stone/stone tank!
Where are we meeting? |
For EoE hunts, we will meet in PI near monster island.
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!
I was very pleased with the raid yesterday and Hazy's idea are WIN. We actually used them when we took down the first bloom. (And then, yes, I think everyone got a little too excited and forgot to listen to directions.)
Hazy, one thing I would have changed from Sunday is picking teams and team leaders. I think a two groups came on their own teams which added to the confusion. Maybe let everyone know that you are using a tested strategy and that there are set leaders for a reason, to try and insure success.
Wednesday's raid time is too early for me but I'm willing to farm EoEs for anyone on late tonight (after 9 PST.)
Good luck Hazy. I thought we were going to do it Sunday.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
For the actual raid we would meet in the Hive. To get to the hive, go thru Founders Falls to Eden to the Hive, or if your base has tper to eden take that and it drops you near the Hive entrance.
For EoE hunts, we will meet in PI near monster island. |
Will make a lesser costume too. Thanks!
Ah, seems like a stupid question, forgive my naivete...I will read up on here about the strategies though, seems like tanks just taunt, easy enough.
Will make a lesser costume too. Thanks! |
and not die. That's kinda important.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
I was very pleased with the raid yesterday and Hazy's idea are WIN. We actually used them when we took down the first bloom. (And then, yes, I think everyone got a little too excited and forgot to listen to directions.)
Hazy, one thing I would have changed from Sunday is picking teams and team leaders. I think a two groups came on their own teams which added to the confusion. Maybe let everyone know that you are using a tested strategy and that there are set leaders for a reason, to try and insure success. |
Good luck Hazy. I thought we were going to do it Sunday. |
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!
Ever try to CM 7 members of your team, 6 tanks, and several other emps in 20 seconds?
If you want to be a yellow taunter, make sure your taunt has some range in it. Standing under the yellow and taunting = bad. Standing out of the goo and taunting = good.
You need at least 1 range SO. The blast radius is 45 feet (I think) and you need to be at least 60' so the scrappers have some room to work. Extra KB defense is a very good thing also.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
My WP/Stone Tank is now on Liberty ready for some jello action.
See you there.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
I am glad to see that after everyone sat around for months and wouldn't actually give a Hami Raid a try that Sisterhood was able to spark enough interest that Sisterhood filled The Hive on Sunday and now another group is going to give it a shot during the week. Good luck with the Wednesday night raid.
Sisterhood invites everyone to join us in The Hive on Sunday, August 8, 2010 for our Sisterhood Sunday Event - Hami Raid at 3:30 PM EDT
We tried to raid hami today but only got him to the first bloom. After that, I think excitement started getting to people and chaos took over. The raid will be at 9 pm Eastern on Wednesday 8/04. I will post some hami details and the strategy we will be using in the following posts so we can spend less time going over what we are doing and more time doing it.
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.