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  1. Yeah, that I can understand - usually they just don't have traces of it bleed into the show, though, which is why I think this one got pulled. *shrug*

    The video's worth a watch. It's not ALL pastry body parts, mind you; just a few scenes where they sort of get down into why they're playing "candy land," if you know what I mean. I liked it, but fair warning: it's got a "Rainbow Brite's all grown up" kind of vibe.
  2. Since someone listed Jason Biggs, I'd add him to the list of people that was linked who I'd think twice about letting on Sesame Street. He meets the criteria of "pastries and private parts" which was my issue with Ms. Perry in the first place - someone who's new video has her wearing cupcake bras with cherries for nipples, and whose public persona is about sex isn't someone I'd expect on Sesame Street.

    There's no hate for Ms. Perry here, or mockery of those who think she's fine on Sesame Street. Just an acknowledgement of the means with which she's made herself famous, and pointing out that those means and what Sesame Street is probably shouldn't be compatable. It was a mistake to have a sexy star dress even mildly sexy on a kid's show.

    I'm still not seeing what's upsetting about that opinion, besides that a differing opinion's been expressed. Baffling.

    Ook. Ugh. Fire bad.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    List of guests on Sesame Street. There are a lot of people that you're about to slice off the list.
    The only two I could see who'd be sliced off would be Sarah Jessica Parker and Eva Longoria.

    Possibly Max Headroom. He's a sexy beast.
  4. Thanks for the thread, Marcian! I wish I could get as into Glee as you and the others are, but Community's as far as I can go. The show's brilliant, and I'm amazed it's made it into another season - I'm now curious if they're going to spin the last episode of the first season as a parody of finales in that clever way they usually parody things..

    Favorite tweek so far?

    “Why would anyone take Cosmetology? I can teach them how to be a prostitute for free.”

    You can hear Chevy Chase's voice behind it.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    To be fair, after that appearance, Stewart looked at some of the female PAs and their clothes fell off.
    They tried to pull their tops back on, but it was too late: he'd seen everything.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
    Interesting comparison. I bet that made my folks nervous as hell.

    However, I *am* a massive perv with no girlfriend, so I'm sure you don't want my answer to that question. lol.
    I'd bet good money that Tinkerbell's up there as a first crush for many boys.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Well I'll be first to say she might have made a better choice going with a slightly more conservative outfit given the venue. But beyond her relative lack of fashion sense I think Sesame Street would have been far better served letting it go on the air, considering it a "lesson learned" for future guest appearances and let everyone quickly forget about it. By making a "big deal" out of it they gave this far more significance than it truly deserved. *shrugs*
    I agree completely. This doesn't deserve as much attention as it's received, IMO, and sadly draws attention away from much more deserving appearances. I still maintain that the star of California Gurls doesn't belong on Sesame Street - and not just because of the atrocious spelling in the title. Nipples made out to be cupcakes, you say? I'd think the same about a gentlemen who had his own body parts dressed as cherries and hot dogs - it's fine if it's what your into, but the guy wouldn't belong on Sesame Street.

    Edit: After watching the clip at home, it really is a shame she wore that outfit; the scene's adorable, and Ms. Perry looks and plays the part. But come on - the periods where she's running towards the camera give an obvious angle on what boys would be focusing on when they're channel surfing. I still don't like to think of woman who's cultivated sexualization as her public face hanging out with the kids at Sesame street.

    Caveman go ugh. Ugh.
  8. What was the context of the outfit?

    If it was someone else without Ms. Perry's lyric choices, dress style, and music video attire I'd be willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, but I wouldn't expect something like this on Sesame Street. That "my kids" could see cleavage elsewhere doesn't mean Sesame Street is an appropriate place for it. It's not so much jumping to conclusions as it is being influenced by the factors Ms. Perry has cultivated.

    I'm judging based on the picture, not the video; streaming media is disabled at my work.
  9. So when's Community coming back on the air?

  10. The most important part I see is activity. If there's no one on the supergroup roster who has logged on within 7 days it becomes hard to justify staying in the group. In the same vein, it's even more difficult to play to a group who are active, but on other characters who are in other SGs; if the SG doesn't consist of the main characters of the players then activity's going to be minimal and drive off the people with their main characters in the SG.
  11. I can only speak from experience playing a team friendly BS/Regen, but don't neglect power pools. With fitness becoming an inherent in I19, dip into the Leadership pool and be sure to grab Vengeance for "Hold on, I want to try something.." moments on your team. Maneuvers will compliment your Grant Cover shield abilities. Stimulant from the Medicine Pool is great for helping mezzable ATs in the first half of fights, and if you have a self revive you should consider grabbing a Resuscitator temporary power from the auction house - Tier 9s mean even if we wipe, chances are good that we'll be back on our feet and able to regroup the team.
  12. Which would be silly considering you can get PvP IOs from Hero/Villain merits, and you can buy enough Hero Merits to net you one for around 200 million influence.

    You CAN still buy PvP IO Recipies, can't you?
  13. Generally the most active times seem to be in the afternoon EST during the week, and any time during the day/afternoon EST on the weekend. However, there are plenty of PST centered players like myself or folks from other time zones on a server that's as popular as this one.

    If you're looking to broadcast for a respec trial team outside of the (exceptional) channels already listed, try to hit up Peregrine Island, Talos, Independence Port, Founder's Falls, and Steel Canyon. Between Ouroboros and Midnighter Club access you've got people of all levels hopping through these hubs.

    Chances are good that if you broadcast in the VirtueTF channel during the afternoon EST or PST, you'll get your team filled. I might even be one of the teammates who answers the call.
  14. I'd say my strength is that I lucked into an iconic name early on, and can fudge a few thees and thous every now and again. Lengthy, inspiring speeches also come natural to me when I'm playing Pal or some other straight up hero.

    The downside is that, for as much as I love to roleplay I'm absolutely horrible at smalltalk. It may be my personal interest factoring in, but it's hard to have my characters sit around, chatting it up when there's crime out there needing to be stopped. Building IC relationships and participating outside of set storylines get to be very difficult.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Don't some criticals have an unressistable component?
    The second half of the critical is unresistable in PvP, but it's yet to be added to PvE. That continues to be a shame in otherwise shining endgame content.
  16. I try to attend all of these events, but I'll be busy at work when the Virtue one rolls around. However, it's great to see GM led events like this popping up so often. Good luck to all participants!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Finally, I really, deeply and truly despise the few godmodes that combine with other powers give 100% DR to any given damage type. The Honoree in the LGTF still gets 100% lethal/smash resistance when he pops Unstoppable. I hate knowing that if I bring a character who deals L/S damage that I will stop contributing DPS at all once he pops that.

    I cannot stress how deeply disturbed I was to see complete and total damage mitigation on the Honoree, not to mention the Reichsman. A full team of 8 weren't able to put down the Honoree because of the mitigation from Unstoppable - with the exception of one Storm Defender we were all on primarily lethal damage dealing characters, and all very competent. The schmuck couldn't even dent my BS/Regen, but the ******* just ignored 7 of 8 of our teammates in damage.

    I could see bringing the damage resistance to powerful levels, but to completely IGNORE it? Critical hits should bypass this kind of nonsense. That'd be a bone, at least.
  18. It's hard for me to get into Defenders; I go for controllers every time. The combination of buffs and controls make combat feel more active than straight buffs and alright damage.

    Same thing for my Corrupter who's sitting at level 20. Poor fella's great at putting down a debuff or two and then spamming his heal, but I only made it as far as I did because I was eager to unlock the VEATs.

    If you asked me this last year I'd have said blasters, but duoing on twin AR/Dev soldiers with Leadership and the Medicine pool (and Provoke..) have taught me the error of my ways. It's hard to get more tactical than that.
  19. I usually don't use titles on Paladin, but when I do it's a toss up between the obvious "Knight Errant" and anything I can make a sentence out of. "The Paladin Saved the World" and "The Paladin Heard the Call" immediately come to mind.
  20. The catacombs in Dark Astoria is one of the most peaceful spots in the game for me; it's tucked away from any sort of enemies beneath a hall of rock with angel statues guarding either entrance. The already eerie quiet coupled with the inactivity of the zone make it perfect for solemn meditation.

    There are a few courtyards in Steel Canyon that are beautiful and sparsely populated as well. Most of them are overlooked by characters who have travel powers.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
    Even better, read Bob and George, the webcomic that practically kicked off the Sprite Comic craze along with 8-Bit Theater.
    I really got wrapped up in the story for Captain SNES. Is Bob and George as engaging?
  22. Paladin

    The Expendables

    I just returned from the 10:30pm showing, and this was one of the most fun movies I've seen. The audience really got into it (myself included) and it become of a communal, interactive experience. I'd encourage you to see if while there's a fair crowd if you've got an inkling to see the movie at some point.

    It's an 80s action film crafted by someone who knows and enjoys the genre. The cast's large, but the action scenes give each character enough time to shine and the audience an idea of the action "style" of the various characters. I was pleased to see some brute-force tossed in there alongside eastern martial arts.

    The story's exactly what it needs to be to draw the action along and deliver a fun experience. Thankfully they kept things light and didn't toss in any unnecessary lessons beyond not letting killing people for a living kill your soul. I can dig that.

    See it. It's worth the money, especially if you have a receptive, participating audience.
  23. Captain SNES is one of my favorites. If you grew up with Captain N like I did, it's something very excellent.
  24. This was a lot of fun, Avatea! Thanks for bringing out that GM spawn tech and putting it to work. My favorite part is definately zoning into Atlas park and seeing about thirty Zeus titans surrounding the dome on city hall. I took a suicidal stab at them for some screenshots.

    I hope we'll have another event like this soon. Maybe Rularuu next, like in I2..
  25. Paladin


    Way to go, Exx!