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  1. I'll try to be there, i know i at least got a TW/Ele that's ready for battle.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    So in how many hours is this? I'm terrible with time zones... heh.
    10:20 EST/EDT now so about 4 hours and 30 minutes my guess.
  3. Guess i'll go finish stuff on my PS3 and Xbox 360, yet to find a MMO that even is worth looking into for me
  4. OmniNogard

    My First MMO

    Was my first MMO, I'm going to miss this game if we can't save it.
  5. Transformers: Beast Wars.
    S2 Ep9: Code of Hero

    Dinobot: The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.

    [last words]
    Dinobot: Tell my tale to those who ask it. Tell it truly, the good and the bad, and let me be judged accordingly. The rest... is silence.
    [goes offline]
  6. OmniNogard

    Not Goodbye

    Give a us a hint at least.
  7. OmniNogard

    SMASH NCsoft!

    Don't stop at Smashing, go FULL OUT/AUTO, Guns a blazing, blades a slashing, fire a flying, ice a falling, Vines a creeping.

    I will miss this game and all of the people who played and worked on it.
  8. I'm making just in case there's any who want to add there CoH friends to ether system.

    With our beloved game having a possible bad outcome in about 3 months, i wanted to be able to say at least that i LOVE you all like a family!

    Both my IDs are the same as my forum name here (OmniNogard).

    List of games i play online. Have a Headset for both Systems, Skype(Nogard_Airwing) for PC

    Mass Effect 3 (Often)
    Transformers Fall of Cybertron (Often)
    Battlefield 3 (Randomly) Using the Clan tag CoH
    Starhawk (Some times) Think i started a CoH Group there(just me atm if so), will check later.
    White Knight Chronicles 2 (Rarely) Willing to join a CoH Guild if any makes one.

    Minecraft (Often)
    ME3 (When i buy a online pass)
    Fable 2 and 3 (Randomly)

    If i left anything out ill try to recall what it was.

    Signed, Nogard D. Airwing aka OmniNogard (The Dragon of All). Stay Super you Heroes and Villains!
  9. I'll be here till the shut the servers down, i want to play my favorite cahrs one last time and watch the sun set on this fair City of heroes and villains, i will miss all of you when that day comes
  10. City of Heroes helped me grow up, i picked this game up after i dropped out of school. CoH has been my life for the past 5 Years, i met with many nice people a jerk or two along the way but it's thanks to all the people here at CoH the Players and Paragon that i know how to be a nice person.

    I'm going to miss this game a whole lot when the servers go down one last time but i'll be here till then.
  11. OmniNogard

    To all of you...

    I'm going to miss CoH very much, 5years here changed me for the better. I hope every one at Paragon can find a good job after this.

    Signing off for now.

    Nogard D. Airwing aka OmniNogard aka @Omni-Nogard
  12. My Duel-Blader is a Were-Dragon, Was always waiting for better dragon parts to make his dragon half outfit, then there was my 1st 50 "Sound Dragon"(Sonic/Ice) Who was also a a Were-Dragon(of ice). So maybe a tad of a "Furry".
  13. Ahh Pinnacle My 1st Home Sever that is the home of my 1st 2 50's "Sound Dragon" and "Darkgard". How i will miss all of you, even more so now that i started drinking rum.

    Over 5 Years of playing, May live on Freedom for the past few years but Pinnacle was my 1st and most true home ever.

    Hope to see you around.
    Signed @Omni-Nogard
  14. Been playing since i9, so about 5Years(3Months) im 22 now. Atm im drinking rum to lessen the blow as posable.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Leave my Tripmines alone.
    This. I have a AR/Traps Corr, Nerco/Traps MM and still working out what i want for a blaster /Dev but Tripmines are going to stay.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Honey Badger View Post
    OmniNogard – I believe there is a breath fx included in the Beastly Rage aura, could that work for you?
    Well it's fine for most ideas i have and will work for a while but was kinda hoping for more, like adding a breath aura version in all current/future auras. Dark Matter Breath, Bubble Breath* and the like?

    *Do we have a bubble (non-path)aura yet?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    No..and even so, whoopie. Being help does not kill an AV, or anything. Again, the pet dies sooo fast with NG on them, that in my experience, it does not really matter. And compare that to a corr..who can have the debuff the entire time. Yeah..hard choice. Enjoy your super exciting moment when you hold an AV.
    I feel that you want to derail this thread even further. (Can always pick up Provoke and Tank for your pets.) That's the last thing i will say on this matter in this thread.

    Back on Topic, I have a Nerco/Traps that that just used the T9 Power of Traps to make Stronger "Soul" of the 3 Tiers but i feel that Soul Extraction could be updated to work like the Warsade's pet power for thous who have a more survivable build.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    lol, 1%? Seriously? Big whoopie. Too bad about 99% of the time, the av or whatever just looks at said pet, and one shots it. Then the power is doing nothing at all, and you have that nice looonog wait before you can use it again.
    Did you know it checks every .5s?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tidbit Jr. View Post
    Does noxious gas do anything negative to the henchman? I set-it-and-forget-it on my bruiser all the time and watch as he runs into combat.
    None. Tell you Bruiser to let it fly. My Demon Prince(Named Buttercup) let's it fly often.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    I can think of another thing that is worse for MMs..Noxious Gases. Can they just get the corr version?
    Don't touch my Gases, Unlike the Corr Version, it has a 1% chance to hold ANY Human AV, I've seen the Lambdas Big Dog PUKING(Before Poison trap was made into a Puking Animation).
  21. OmniNogard

    Free respec bug?

    Not really a bug, must have used your only Free'Spec, those would be your Vet'Spec's.
  22. Smart move Goat, this dragon should have never have clicked, i HATE spiders.
  23. On the fence on this one. It might make a great Oh Pancake Button, but will it be over powered for /devs blaster to have a AoE Placate at range hmmm. So depending how its handled it might work. Maybe make it a short Placate about 5s or 10s.

    You on a devices kick atm? 2nd thread in a hour about /Devs.
  24. I do not believe it will. If i recall /Dev was made to give AR/ a boost since it had no aim or something like that.