Free respec bug?




I've accumulated several free respecs via Veteran Rewards, but only used one a couple weeks ago. A few days ago I noticed that the respec recipe we got in the mail a while back was suddenly "available" to use, which puzzled me. The recipe says it can't be used if I still have unused free respecs available, and knowing that I have several of them "stocked up", I thought the recipe shouldn't have been activated.

So I logged in my main character (the one I recently respecced), and typed "/respec" in the chat box, and got this:

As you can see, upon logging in it says I have 5 unclaimed respecs available and instructs me to type "/respec" in the chat box ... but doing so returns the message that I don't have any free respecs remaining.

So do I or don't I have 5 free respecs remaining? I've only used one, and all of my other characters still get the "6 remaining" message when they log in. Is there some glitch here, or am I misunderstanding how these free respecs work?



Atlas, City Hall, Jack Wolfe.



Not really a bug, must have used your only Free'Spec, those would be your Vet'Spec's.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



The free-specs that are given out by the devs at issue releases, etc, don't stack. It's pretty much a use or it will get replaced, anytime another free-spec is given out. You'll still have to see the Respec contact to use your vet/earned ones.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Ah, okay, I see where my confusion came from. I was interpreting "free respec" to mean "you can respec without running a respec trial", and "earned respec" to mean "respec earned by running a respec trial". So by that interpretation, I assumed that any respec token that arrived in my mailbox was "free".

Though it's odd that it still tells me to type /respec to use the ones I have left.




See they give you all the relevant information you need. The system detects at least 1 available respec and instructs you to type in /respec, then the system looks for free respecs but seeing none directs you to go to the earned respec contacts. It's not confusing at all.

Seriously remove the earned respec contacts please.



I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.



/respec only immediatly starts a respec with freespecs (the ones given out with major power changes, which also do not stack)

all other respecs (bought, earned in game, ect) you must talk to the respec contact to perform the respec

the message that you got was informing you that you have no freespecs on the character but still have respec tokens that you have earned from in game or from the paragon reward system