PS3 and Xbox360 IDs
ay! my Xbox LIVE Gamertag is "iiTz GRiiMaCE"
I play all the CODs, halos, maddens, and soo many more. If it's on xbox, i own it, or did. with madden just releasing, ive been pretty focused on that lately but that has even taken a backseat since the current situation with CoH. but ill have Black Ops 2 and Halo 4 the day they release as well. feel free to hmu
PS3: Obsidian_Light
Don't play much, but I'm always online with Netflix
[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
I'm OperativeEmeral on XboxLive. I'm mainly on War for Cybertron (till I can buy Fall of Cybertron), Halo 3, Soul Calibur 4 (love the Star Wars characters), Rock Band 2 from time to time and when it comes out and I can afford it, Halo 4.
Dunno if it counts for much, but I also play GoldenEye and Monster Hunter Tri on my Wii alot. Both are fun, and both are free online, Monster Hunter plays just like Phantasy Star Online but without the sci-fi setting.
I was on heroes for so long that I haven't worried too much with home systems. Since I can't be a hero anymore, I guess I will just be good at being a badass. Hit me up on either of the following.
Vengeful Arrow - XBOX live - Borderlands 2
Dougt_00 - Steam PC - Borderlands 2
I'm making just in case there's any who want to add there CoH friends to ether system.
With our beloved game having a possible bad outcome in about 3 months, i wanted to be able to say at least that i LOVE you all like a family!
Both my IDs are the same as my forum name here (OmniNogard).
List of games i play online. Have a Headset for both Systems, Skype(Nogard_Airwing) for PC
Mass Effect 3 (Often)
Transformers Fall of Cybertron (Often)
Battlefield 3 (Randomly) Using the Clan tag CoH
Starhawk (Some times) Think i started a CoH Group there(just me atm if so), will check later.
White Knight Chronicles 2 (Rarely) Willing to join a CoH Guild if any makes one.
Minecraft (Often)
ME3 (When i buy a online pass)
Fable 2 and 3 (Randomly)
If i left anything out ill try to recall what it was.
Signed, Nogard D. Airwing aka OmniNogard (The Dragon of All). Stay Super you Heroes and Villains!
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).