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  1. OmniNogard

    News from PAX

    Thanks for posting info from pax. Power is out where I am still(4days).
    so I'm using my phone to keep updated about this stuff
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    Many of us are lonely, lonely men.
    Plus +1!
  3. OmniNogard

    Copy Tool Down?

    It stopped working sometime when the servers went down yesterday or so.
  4. Hey Tunnel is it possible to get the "stars" from the Loyalty emotes as auras?
  5. Think he's talking about the time, they said 12Pm est, its 11:30am est
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    It's not alive .

    The dish is called Odori-Don (Japanese cuisine ftw!). When you pour Soy Sauce on the squid, the sodium activates the neurons, causing it to "dance".
    Thats just creepy lol!
  7. " for the VIP Beta for City of Heroes Freedom and Issue 21 is starting at 4:00 p.m. PDT ( 7:00 p.m. EDT / 12:00 a.m. BST / 1:00 CEST) on August 9 (August 10 in Europe)! "

    9ish hours to go!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sideline View Post
    But...but...I don't want to wait till 7pm tonight....

    *sigh* oh well, good things come to those who wait.

    i know the feeling, i woke up about 4 hours ago, 11 Hours(ish) to go.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinOfEnvy View Post
    If I'm correct, exactly 15 hours, 28 minutes, and 46 seconds from this post. >.>
    Thanks, just saw the time in the post, happens when you wake up and find this. >.>
  10. Do we have a TIME for when the beta sever 'opens'? i would like to know.
  11. Ahh so that was Jack, can't recognize someone i never saw before.
  12. I was looking on youtube for City of heroes AMVs and found what looks to be a old video by the look of it.

    Host makes NrgBlast/SuperStrength Blaster.

    If this is real, the game came a long way since the old days.
  13. Numina: 19 +1 20 Long Live NumiTron
    Synapse: 35
    Citadel: 18 -1 17
    Statesman: DEAD
    Back Alley Brawler: 52
    Manticore: 37
    Positron: 38
    Sister Psyche: 41
  14. OmniNogard


    Check to see if it works in a mission 1st. If i recall Base's are like Mission cant use stuff in there like AE Tablet.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    New one that occurred to me while driving.

    Synapse died when Coyote, left with nothing to do since losing the Outbreak gig, painted a picture of a tunnel on a wall at the end of a dead end street.

    On a related note, I would LOVE to see a video taking the soundtrack from an original Warner Bros Road Runner cartoon and following the same action only with Synapse and Coyote as the visual.
    Do believe that's a job for Samuraiko?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

    * Beaten to death with a video camera by a very angry woman, identity unknown, who screamed "How (whack) could (whack) you?! (whack) Do you (crunch) know (crunch) how long (thunk) it took (schluck) to write (squelch) all that?!" Any help identifying this women would be greatly appreciated.

    * Unknown, but clearly agitated woman puts in a call to Ghostbusters.


    * Steelclaw ties his shoe laces together then screams "Synapse! The Skyway Bank is being robbed and the bad guys are getting away!"

    * Is dared to drink 60 cans of Red Bull in under 30 seconds. Wins the bet. Spontaneously explodes.

    Hmmm... you know... this is probably why the Dev team doesn't invite me to write any story arcs.
    Steel those where great, too bad they don't hire you to do story arcs.

    I got a bet of 5 Influ on Samuraiko/Dark_Respite is the one that Beat Posi with the Cam and Called Ghostbusters!
  17. Numina: 30
    Synapse: 30
    Citadel: 27
    Statesman: 17 -1 =16
    Back Alley Brawler: 37+1=38
    Manticore: 32
    Positron: 33
    Sister Psyche: 33
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That is totally not going to happen you know.

    At least not for a while. Cheat them out of their exclusive, and next time they won't cover you. If it was me at PCGamer, I'd be plenty pissed if NCSoft promised an exclusive and then reneged on that promise. Those pictures probably come with an embargo period where they can't be released to other channels. When that has expired, we'll all get to see it. Until then, you'll have to wait.
    Well putting it like that, i can wait a month or so for the Pics. By then its past news right? or am i still in the wrong
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Erudin View Post
    That is totally not going to happen you know..
    Pretty sure i said Pics as in Pictures they gave to PC Gamer, not the words in the PC Gamer but the Screen Caps they used, i want to see the new titan weapon models.
  20. OmniNogard


    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    So you can team up with that blond DP blaster in the red trenchcoat?
    Only time Vash ever carried the Cross was near the end of the series. but if its a black/blue jacket aka wolfwood would be more like it.
  21. OmniNogard


    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I want to carry around a huge cross!
    This! I got a toon that's kinda a "Priest".
    He's Pistols/Kin using mostly "holy" ice rounds and Blessings to heal, boost then reco, buff there dmg.
    One of my favorite concepts i have.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_of_Ysgard View Post
    I hate rumors as well, and I likely heard it thirdhand or even more distant than that.

    You know how these things work. Person A gets Confidential Data P and turns it into Rumor Q, and by the time Person K hears about it it's now Rumor Z and barely even resembles Confidential Data P.

    I wouldn't be the least bit shocked to learn that this is part of issue 21, and likely not even a big part considering the whole 'Becoming Free to Play' aspect.

    Considering all the other changes that have already been revealed, even in small pieces, proliferation's a Small Thing. I mean, haven't we all heard about a Brand New Powerset known as Time Manipulation that's coming? For all we know, the next buff that everyone wants to have is in that set somewhere, or it could be an even better debuffer than Rad or Traps.
    Very good points. btw sorry if the "Me no like rumors" sounded odd but i was half asleep writing that reply.

    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    To put that rumour to rest, I believe the UStream Highlights from the day this was announced included some discussion on it being included in i21.

    New features being announced (Titan Weapons) or hinted at (Dominator Sets) which are not part of i21 itself have been expressedely stated they are not part of i21.

    So no doubt in my mind this is happening i21
    So it was said in the Ustream then? O well then i got a bit of a wait before i can have my poison controller.

    I have a small case off A.D.D. so i tend to stop watching after a while if i don't get a chance to see it live.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_of_Ysgard View Post
    I heard a rumor about a leaked set of patch notes from Beta, saying that there was still going to be no proliferation again when Proliferation was promised to be an ongoing effort.

    I bet we'll see this set either with i21, or in a patch shortly after.
    1. Me no like rumors.

    2. I'm hoping a red name will ether break or shine some light on this "rumor".