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  1. I like the idea of having to get to 10-20 or so before going in AE, but it should be unlocked like the epic archetypes. You only need one character to hit the level to unlock it, then it's unlocked on your account forever.

    This way anyone who wants an "alternative" path can take it whenever they want but actual new players can learn about contacts, the tram, and how to train before they get sucked into AE farms looking for pads.
  2. Odlus

    Energy Melee

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    Unfortunately the only bonuses of electricity are Thunderstrike and Lightning Rod. Both are great but most of the damage is comming from the Brute's Fury and the Stalker's Assassination inherents.

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    Assassination doens't help Lighting Rod at all, because it can't Crit.

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    True, but they can put down a Lightning Rod without breaking stealth and still get a guaranteed crit on their next attack.

    As for the OP, I don't really think it's a big deal. If BS is really so great in PvP then why does it matter if Energy Melee gets ported over if BS will still be better? If Energy Melee IS better than BS, then doesn't that mean Stalkers aren't getting any huge pvp buff by getting BS?

    And I agree that I'd LOVE to see Stone Melee get transferred over before Energy Melee.
  3. That shows a problem with farmers inviting new players to pad their missions, not necessarily a problem with AE. We'll see how things work out once i16 comes out.
  4. I think i16 is going to go a long way in fixing the problem with new people getting sucked into PL groups. Once the farmers can adjust difficulty however they want we should be seeing less level 30+ players that don't even know what half their skills do.

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    I think AE can be useful, a learning tool

    AE is a plague imo.

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    Oh, ok. That makes sense.
  5. Splitting someone's head doesn't sound very heroic, either. Much less getting a critical on it. Or how about infecting someone with radiation or making them spontaneously combust?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    And where did you find the list of powers being ported over??? Can you provide a link please.

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  7. Odlus

    So, what's next?

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    <ul type="square">[*]Pistol Defense[*]Dual Archery[*]Cheese Melee/Cheese Armor[*]Elephant Juggling (Back Alley Brawler already promised this one!)[*]Penguins for Masterminds[*]Mad Science for Masterminds (there was an EXCELLENT proposal write up for this in Suggestions)[*]Clowns for Masterminds[*]Masterminds for Masterminds[*]Severed Limb Melee/Torso Armor[*]Bazooka Melee[*]New Giant Monster: TROGDOR![/list]
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    You forgot Broad Sword Blasts.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    The one... absolutely... horrifying... and painful consequence of crossing over (need more ellipses...) is that there will be no safe refuge from MMs.

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    They'll be too busy soloing everything to care.
  9. Also, while it's not as big a deal as some tend to make it out to be, shouldn't the damage type differences be considered? I vaguely remember there being a thread that showed, overall, fire has about a 5% resist rate while lethal was somewhere around 30-50%.
  10. I'll second Dark Miasma, it's easily my favorite support set. However, if you're one of those people who doesn't like repeating sets then personally I'd save Dark for your next Corrupter so you can make the beast that is Fire/Dark. Otherwise, Dark is always a great choice, as is Rad although the only experience I have with it is as a Controller.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    We wrote it up as a full proposal for the next round of proliferation, since all the work had already been done...and, here we are.

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    Dark Manipulation for Blasters. Someone should write up a full proposal. All the other work is already done.

    Put it in for I16; Dark Blast can come later once its issues have been resolved.

    1) Gravimetric Snare (it needs a name change)
    2) Shadow Punch
    3) Smite
    4) Soul Drain
    5) Dark Consumption
    6) Shadow Maul
    7) Midnight Grasp
    8) Cloak of Darkness
    9) Fearsome Stare

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    An awful lot of melee-ranged powers for a blast set.

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    The original post said Dark Manipulation. Not sure why it was changed.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    My First thought was why weren't they giving this to Brutes.

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    Probably because of Parry. Same with Tankers, to a larger degree.
  13. Odlus

    What demon/?

    I hope we get Tharizdun as our tier 3 demon. [/nerd]
  14. Odlus

    What demon/?

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    Thermal &gt;_&gt;

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    This would definitely be preferred. If we don't get Thermal then I guess either Storm or Pain, depending on what the pets look like and do.
  15. I never see anyone with Energy Aura and I don't think I've seen it mentioned much here (although I could have missed it). Is that for some reason other than its performance or is it just so bad everyone forgets it exists?

    edit: Oops, typed melee and meant aura.
  16. Odlus

    Claws 4 Brutes


    Oh, and claws4brutes
  17. The "no one will play Defenders when they can play Corrupter instead" argument is not only extremely flawed (people have said pretty much the same about Controllers for awhile now) but shouldn't really have anything to do with a discussion about if Defenders should have some type of buff.

    People played Stalkers and Dominators yet they were still given a complete revamp/buff. People still played defensive sets like Invulnerability and Super Reflexes yet they had Defense Debuff resistance added to make them more attractive. There could be a AT/powerset that is proven to be the absolute worse in the game and there will still be people who play it either because they enjoy the challenge of succeeding with an under performing setup or they enjoy the play style enough that they don't care if they don't put out as many numbers as everyone else.

    People will play different characters for all sorts of reasons. Even if people "prove" that Controllers or Corrupters are better, there's still going to be lots of Defenders out there who either don't care or who play it BECAUSE they're not as good. Just because lots of people play something doesn't mean it's over performing and just because something is extremely rare doesn't necessarily mean it needs a buff.

    I guess the point I'm making is that there's always going to be Defenders running around, even if they ARE "worse" than Controllers or Corrupters. Just because people choose to play Defenders over other ATs doesn't mean they should be kept from getting changes/buffs if the devs feel they're not where they should be (I don't know if they do need one or not. I don't have a Defender or Corrupter over 26). Corrupters are never going to "obsolete" Defenders but that doesn't necessarily mean Defenders couldn't use a few buffs.
  18. WoW's success was in bringing non MMO players into the genre. It was touted as being an extremely casual game where anyone could be successful with minimal time invested. Low system requirements meant that anyone could run it fine. It also had an extremely stable launch (outside of a few hiccups like the looting animation bug) that kept people from blowing the game off before they ever gave it a real chance.

    EQ2's "problem" was that it was named EQ2. Anyone who didn't like EQ was likely to pass up EQ2 without even trying it. It also doesn't help that SoE is/was fairly notorious as far as MMO developers go. Also I remember the system requirements being pretty steep at release. No matter what the game turned into, these preconceptions at release pretty much kept it from beating out WoW before it even got a chance. Even if an MMO eventually becomes the greatest game ever through updates, it's very hard to convince people to come play if the general consensus at release was that it's not very good.

    As for my personal opinion, I loved the graphics and the scope of the world. There were a seemingly endless amounts of texts and random stuff to find in the world along with a lot of factions you could either anger or befriend. It's just the endgame seemed very raid heavy, which I'm not into. Raids are fun every now and then but not as the primary endgame activity.

    If a MMO wants to have the success WoW did then it needs to 1) change the genre like how WoW changed the genre when it came out and 2) have a very stable, relatively bug free launch. Most fantasy MMOs recently have either been rushed, causing a very poor launch that the game never recovers from or tries to beat WoW at its own game, which isn't going to happen.
  19. I want a Blaster that uses the Pulse Rifle that Robotics MMs get.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I've never understood the melee sets people propose, for it sounds like they should just be ranged powers.

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    Same here. I think that the issue we see Sonic or Psi Melee is the issue we see Katana Blast.

    Which would be ridiculously awesome, but you get my point.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    While it's nice to hear from Horatio, his letter leaves me with a question. He admits that rather than wait until it was ready, they instead rushed out a flawed product to meet a timeline without informing the playerbase that what they were experiencing was still under development and repair, and he doesn't apologize for it.

    How is this an appropriate customer service model?

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    You must be new to the video game industry.

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    Typical forumite snark. I think he has a point. The SF/TF *was* rushed. The MM power is bugged as admitted by Castle himself.

    When did the video game industry get a pass for sloppy work? I like this game, but don't excuse sloppiness by implying such standards are acceptable fare.

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    Actually, no, his reply was true. As an MMO, EVERYTHING in the game is under a constant state of development and repair. Content is usually rushed and comes out buggy because the player base throws a fit when it doesn't come out fast enough for them. Or in this case they wanted to do something neat for the anniversary. I know, who do they think they are?

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    There's a difference between the game being under constant developement and needing tweaks and the devs deliberately putting out something they knew was broken.

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    Also, they apparently already had a fix in place. There was just a problem and an old build had to get uploaded to the server,s which likely couldn't have been prevented even if they did keep it on test longer.

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    Your analogy doesn't apply. They didn't "know" it was broken, they already had it fixed internally.

    It has nothing to do with my standards, I just happen to actually understand what that quote means and I realize that some things can't be avoided. There are much better things to complain about than a few bugs that don't even keep the fight from being beatable, like the story issues.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    While it's nice to hear from Horatio, his letter leaves me with a question. He admits that rather than wait until it was ready, they instead rushed out a flawed product to meet a timeline without informing the playerbase that what they were experiencing was still under development and repair, and he doesn't apologize for it.

    How is this an appropriate customer service model?

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    You must be new to the video game industry.

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    Typical forumite snark. I think he has a point. The SF/TF *was* rushed. The MM power is bugged as admitted by Castle himself.

    When did the video game industry get a pass for sloppy work? I like this game, but don't excuse sloppiness by implying such standards are acceptable fare.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, no, his reply was true. As an MMO, EVERYTHING in the game is under a constant state of development and repair. Content is usually rushed and comes out buggy because the player base throws a fit when it doesn't come out fast enough for them. Or in this case they wanted to do something neat for the anniversary. I know, who do they think they are?

    Also, they apparently already had a fix in place. There was just a problem and an old build had to get uploaded to the server,s which likely couldn't have been prevented even if they did keep it on test longer.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    You do also know that on larger teams, you have enough members that can take out bosses or bring them down to very few HP in less than 3.3 seconds right?

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    So now we're talking about uber teams? I like how you keep moving the goal posts.

    Keep it up!

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    "Goal posts?" He said that on teams you'll end up saving your attacks for bosses because everything else will die so fast to your team, and all you did was point out that bosses spawn when in teams. After he already mentioned bosses.

    And, no, it doesn't take an "uber team" to kill a boss fast considering most of the team will be focusing on it first.
  24. Odlus

    The best DPS?

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    Well i guess I'm not the only ignorant one...

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    Those sites aren't ignorant. You're just the only one reading in that it has to be in a single second period. When they're refering to axes dealing 56.3 DPS, they're not talking about the axe attacking and dealing 56.3 damage every second. They're talking about an axe that deals 129.5 damage in one attack every 2.3 seconds. It's damage per second in the same way that we measure population density in people per square mile. You don't have exactly 2,000 people every square mile. You have 20,000 living in 10 square miles, which averages out to 2,000 people every square mile. You're reading all of that wrong.

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    Exactly. The term "DPS" has been around forever and most games it's used in don't actually have attacks going off every second. Just because an attack takes 2.34 seconds to go off doesn't mean it can't be converted to DPS.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
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    sounds awesome! Unfortunately it does appear more and more that Going Rogue isn't coming until next year, bummer that.


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    It's just the end of June now. Six months left in the year, they've been working on this for how long now? Long enough to get some preliminary screenshots, mention that I16 is not the same as Going Rogue and some of the plans involved...

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    It really doesn't take long at all to be able to get early screenshots going. Plenty of games have screenshots released 2 or more years before the game itself ever comes out.

    I would be shocked if this expansion is released in the same year it was announced, considering how late in the year the announcement was.