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Quote:Someone just did: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=297062Can someone Eventually transcribe what tony has said. Too much jibber jabber going on.
Thanks for those words comments Luna. Its really hard to say goodbye to everyone. I first got into this game in May, 2004 right after my father passed away. Three weeks later my son was born. Needless to say it was a pretty stressful time and I needed something to get my mind off of all of it. So shutting down CoH is bringing back all sorts of stuff. One of which is how much all of you have meant to me.
I played off and on for about four years but never really found a steady group. About 5 years ago I got back into the game for what would turn out to be nonstop. I was really liking my PB and I had never done an MO run, so naturally I wanted to do the MoSTF on my PB. Well, I can tell you how many groups were looking for a PB for an MoSTF run, especially back then.
But people kept telling me that some guy named E-Man would take anyone. Eventually, I was able to get on one of his runs, although I think I ended up switching to my rad or something. We didnt get the badge, but we sure had a lot of fun. No one got upset or started calling anyone out unlike any other Mo group I had ever been on. No one was trying to set any sort of record, etc. It was always about having fun. (Although we sure got our share of badges).
That was when I first met Roxy, Luna, King Sac, Scruffy, MB, Turg, and Morna among others. As Luna detailed, that eventually evolved into a steady weekly TF group, which eventually evolved into the Horde. That was always the cool thing about it; no one said Hey lets start the Freedom Horde.
And what a group: Meg, Myr, Play time, Goldberg, Scataloni, Salt, Pepper, Marvel, Miss Heavenly, Paragon, Sevenpenny, SiverX, Angel . . . . .
There have been so many times you guys have gotten me through the rough times in life. About 2 years ago I went to work on Monday and lost my job out of the blue. I didnt see it coming it all. That night running with the Horde meant everything to me I can tell you. I think it was just some random flashback arc we did, nothing special. But its things like that that get me through life.
Thanks for all the great times and I will never forget any of you.
And let me apologize for that one stupid pull that wiped the group on Lanaruu that one time, Sac I'm sorry for all the times I nuked right b4 you did, sorry for being that one guy on a particular MoSTF run who said he could stealth to the tree when he couldn't, for going back inside the Reichman's mish and getting killed on that MoKhan run and many, many other screwups -
I do find it kind of amusing that the CEO of a company that has nothing to do with CoX is capable of giving an upfront and honest answer, unlike anyone at NCSoft.
I'm definitely tempering my expectations, but that is a huge step up from where I was on Friday. If something does come out of this, my only question is where do I send the check?
The bottom line is that the buff is not necessary. It can be helpful if used at the right time, but never necessary. Used improperly, it can make things worse.
Let's say I am on my blaster -- I like to be in the rear with the gear attacking from range. If the taunters/cc people are doing their job I shouldn't be taking any damge at all, so the healing buff from incandescence is irrelevant. Even if I'm taking some splash dmg or there's a stray mob or two, if that means I'm taking 20 dps, but I'm receiving 25 hps, I don't need the buff.
If, on the other hand, I get tp'd into the bosses face/middle of the mob so that I am now taking 250 dps, the fact that incandescence is buffing me to 200 hps isn't helping matters.
(I'm pulling these numbers out of you know where, but it illustrates the point).
On top of that, when there are three people in the group spamming it everytime it's up, that means that about every 100 seconds or so, everyone in the group stops healing, dpsing, taunting, etc. for roughly 15-20 seconds to deal with the prompt, reposition, etc. Again, that doesn't help matters.
A lot of the people complaining know exactly what it does and quite rationally conclude that the benefits aren't worth these costs.
Also, when half the league keeps saying "plz stop tp'ing" numerous times and the response from the same three people, (who only have the 1-year vet badges and few to no MO badges), keep spamming it nonstop and say "noob," just who is being rude? -
I have had the misforutne lately on being on several itrials where the leader and others in the group hit incandescence every time it is up. Many people in the group, including myself, ask them to stop. Not only do they not stop, but they call us idiots for not realizing the genius of spamming incandescence. So I am asking the community, what am I missing here?
I see several things wrong with constanly spamming this power. All of these points are compounded by the fact that more often than not, the incan spammers seem to tp people right into the middle of the mob or the boss's face, killing the squishies. But even when that doesn't happen:
1) The power doesn't actually increase regen, it just gives a buff to incoming healing. So if the healers have to stop healing to hit yes/no on the teleport promp, during that time there is no healing at all and the buff is meaningless.
2) When people are tp'd they lose their positional awareness. Most decent players like to find a sweet spot where they are close enough to attack, heals etc. but not right in the middle of the mob. Probably not as big a deal for melees, but it defintely is for ranged dmg and support toons. So even assuming that it's not a completely mindless tp into the middle of the mob, there is still time wasted by people trying to get their bearings and get back in position.
3) Aside from the healers, during this time,the tanks aren't taunting, the CC'ers aren't CCing, DPS drops, etc.
4) I have every MO badge on my badger and on none of the runs did anyone spam incandescence. With the exception of some Keyes runs, in fact no one used it at all. It is simply not necessary for anything in the game. If a player or group is so lacking in something that it can't control mobs, put out dps, etc., I would suggest there are numerous issues to look at before incandescence is considered the solution.
The point is that whatever marginal benefit is given by incandescence, it is more than outweighed by the loss in wasted time caused by breaking peoples' attack chain, situational awareness, etc.
I'm not saying the power is worthless, Sometimes a strategic TP to get people out of the green on Keyes can make sense. Using it to buff before a boss fight can make sense. But IMHO, mindlessly spamming it on trash mobs is pure stupidity. In fact mindlessly spamming any incarnate power doesn't make a lot of sense, but incandescence is especially annoying.
So I ask, am I missing something? -
I'm having some comp problems. I hope to make this, but I'm iffy.
I just wanted to say that I had a blast tonight. No one ever seems to run sewers anymore, and I think it is one of my favorite trials. Great job all and thanks for the fun. Luna you rock! But you already knew that.
I would like to bring Motorpsycho Nitemare - Psi/MM blaster.
He is all T4 for all incarnate powers. He has Seers and some others Lore pets, and had both barrier and rebirth for destiny. Interface, I can bring whatever you want.
However, I don't have the leadership pool on my blaster. I do have surveillance from munitions mastery which provides a dmg debuff. To be honest, I don't see the leadership pool as being the same type of mandatory requirement as the inspirations and incarnate powers. So if you can't find 24 that meet your requirements I will be around. -
I probably won't be on much this week. I hope you guys keep plugging away at it and get the badge!
The lightning doesn't seem to be the real issue, its the guards and the fist pound thing he does. Heres what Im thinking:
On the fist pound Does anyone know if a tank/brute can get Tyrant facing in one direction and planted as opposed to having him turning around and moving all over the place? I think one designated tank should try taunting him and try to keep him faced in one direction after the lightning drops so that the squishies can be behind him. It seems like the tanks are competing with each other for aggro which causes him to move and face all over the place which makes it harder for everyone else to know where to position.
The guards -- That would leave the rest of the tanks to keep the guards off the squishies. We might want to kill at least some of the guards before really focusing on the boss as we lost a lot of DPS when everyone kept getting killed by them. -
I am iffy for Friday, but will try to make it. On Saturday, I can defintely bring Motorpsycho Nitemare -Psi/MM blaster who is my best toon. I also have a rad and kin who are respectably built.
I am pretty iffy for tomorrow. I probably won't get home until late so please don't wait around. Have fun all.
If you have room I would like to bring Motorpsycho Nitemare - Psy/MM Blaster.
Quote:I think they are making the forums available to everyone but I could be wrong about that.I figure you guys know I'm taking a little bit of a break. My VIP goes away on the 23rd. But, since things are free these days, I'll still get with the Hoarde occasionally, certain TFs, etc.
Not sure what I'll be locked out of as far as expansion stuff, though I bought everything in the past before it went free, so I can't see much being taken away.
I'll watch the Facebook invites, but I think they'll chop the forum away from me. Though with the login problems I've been having, who knows if I'll even be able to post this when I hit submit.
If you have room, I would like to bring Motorpsycho Nitemare - Psi/MM
I won't be able to make this tonight. Family aggro. Hopefully will see you all next week.
I would like to bring Motorpsycho Nitemare - Psy/MM blaster.
I would like to bring Motorpsycho Nitemare - Psy/MM. All T4 with Clarion.
I am having the same problem. I relogged, etc. It seems to be a bug. I sent a petition but have not heard back yet.
I am stuck at work so I won't be able to make it tonight. Good luck everyone and hope to see you next week.
I may have to work late so I am tenative for this. I did reinstall the game client last week so hopefully it will run smoother if I can make it.
I'm sorry everyone. The game keeps crashing halfway through the loading screen. It says something is wrong with one of my .dll files. I don't think I can continue on tonight.
Quote:I tend to be conservative with incarnate powers on a MO run. Judgement is a 40 target AoE. I don't want to aggro something I shouldn't. Plus I want to make sure it's up when it's really needed - a boss fight or when things start to go wrong for some reason.And, hey, why weren't people spammin' the Judgment last night? I was throwing at least half of all that were thrown.
Pets are on a 15 min cooldown, so for LGTF I find its best to save them for the final Rider Room in Mish #2 and then again when when the Mitos are down and we attack Hami. -
The bottom line is that 9 times out of 10, if you do what the leader says, you will get it done. Nothing is more frustrating than, say, the leader call for chokes and half the team does doors or vice versa. That is a guaranteed recipe for disaster. Even if the leader has a bad strat, (not saying you do Gemini), having everyone on the same page is better then half the team going off half-cocked doing their own thing.