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  1. In the art/animation panel, the fire/ice armor is really cool, and the ornamental soldier crystal costume set (with backpack item) is awesome.

    Titan weapons look pretty cool (but still may not be big enough for some people), staff fighting animations are really good, and darkness control is designed to be more corrupty oily set rather than the "Cthulhu" version in game now.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Second Measure just said that fingers are too time-consuming to do, and have various animation problems.
    Golden Girl is in the room? WHERE?

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    Was there any actual information about the solo incarnate path, or did they just flub us off with 'next year'?
    There's an incarnate panel later this afternoon that will provide all the details.

  4. When will you merge Ouroboros? "Ouroboros is a dirty, dirty hack." it's actually not trivial, but they want to, just haven't been able to do it yet.

    Ability to transfer characters between accounts? "When we were working on server transfers, we accidentally transferred one to another account, so we know it's possible."

    Invite my new characters to my supergroup? "It's a constant request, but it goes against the idea of supergroups, and supergroups are hard on server resources. But we're looking into it."

    Why do we lose long hair when we put on a hat? "Behind the scenes, a hat is just hair."

  5. When are you going to implement gifting between players? "We desperately want to."

    Can we transfer our supergroup to another server? "That's something we're looking into."

    If you run across a mission that doesn't tell you it's a kill all, and it is, PLEASE bug it.

  6. Arbiter Fabulous walked up to the mic and said, "Hello, 'Golden Girl' from the forums..."

  7. Btw this is being streamed on Ustream somewhere.

    Buff pet / vanity pet toggle change is due to server issues. "Pets take the same server load as players."

    PvP revisited to make it more interesting and engaging? Suggestion was to have PvP duel in Atlas where others can watch but not interfere, or villain invades Steel to rob a bank but then has to escape all heroes in zone. Answer was basically PvP is hard to change.

    How about more Herocons? "We've been =really= busy." But this FPS is sorta a proof of concept, so let them know.

    What are the chances of getting MMs with wolves? "Your chances are better now than they've ever been."

    What are the chances of 3D printing figures of your character? They would love to do that, but lots of significant technical issues.

  8. Q&A time. Bases? No love.

    Epic power pool customization? "It's inevitable."

    Weather? "Um, there's some =stuff= coming with weather, but it's probably not what you're thinking. It's basically a mood-setting kind of thing."

    Positron: I still want a moon base.

  9. The winner of he costume contest is giving Positron a Flowbee haircut live to the FPS.

  10. New loyalty program. Maintain sub from 12/31 to 3/31 and get. New helms, aura, CCE, summonable pet. More info to come.
  11. New "Fire" and "Ice" tier 9 VIP reward armor.

    New element order costume set in Paragon Market.

  12. New iTrial Dilemma Diabolique

    New power sets Darkness Control and Staff Fighting

  13. Issue 22eath Incarnate.

    Revamped Dark Astoria

    Solo incarnate path

    "Next year"

    (hard to type on my iPhone)

  14. Titan Weapons December 6th.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
    the prat invasion storyline
    Unintentional abbreviation FTW.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    is to make all TF's and "special" arcs be in LFG somehow
    I'd be happy if I could use the LFG queue and actually join something without being in a team/league first.

    But yeah, that's a great idea.

  17. So 7am at the OPH for Saturday breakfast? We could probably do that, rather than hotel food...

    Shroud and I will have a car with room for 2.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    The other method of obtaining this costume piece is to complete the TPN Campus trial with an Incarnate character who uses either dual pistols or thugs, and then visit Empyrean Michael. You should then find that he will allow you to unlock both pistols on that character for a moderate Empyrean Merit cost.
    I love my DP defender, but he's not incarnate and will not be, so there goes that idea.

    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    There's absolutely no reason this needs to be a one-hand only piece that requires you to unlock it twice. The recipe or the emp purchase needs to give it for both hands.

    Originally Posted by concreteshift View Post
    You know, I really don't have a problem with this. It's because you can get it later with empyrean merits.
    Yes, you can, but =only= if you complete the trial on a DP character.

    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    Hm. 1/100 isnt as bad as you all seem to think it is. On a given trial, from 16-24, you actually have anywhere from a 16-24% chance of having it drop. On someone.
    Math is hard. It's a 7.84% chance.

    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    I'm OK with the recipe drop but not for needing it twice. That's just silly.

  19. I didn't read the whole thread, but agree that teaming should be inherent.


    [edit: typo]
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    I don't know where to find that information.
    I think I saw the window names listed on ParagonWiki. It's down right now (teh powtz), but check there once it's back up.

  21. NuclearToast

    Pieces of Win

    Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
    The Rune of Warding as a permanent Temp Power like the Blackwand or Nem Staff. I'd gladly pay to unlock that as a permanent power for each of my accounts, as it's a far more suitable ranged option for my magic based toons than the Blackwand.
    OMG HOW COULD I FORGET MY FAVORITE TEMP POWER? Thanks, DH, for reminding me. Also, /signed.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Power Armour View Post
    And anyone who thinks highly of themselves because they got the con codes and other people didn't needs to get their priorities straight on what counts as an actual personal achievement.
    I can't be bothered to explain how my superiority complex works to the likes of you. Peh!

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    /windowscale costume .6

    Costume Change Emote Popmenu SnowGlobe [I20.5]
    Brilliant! I'd previously resized my Salvage window, but never thought to do it to the Costume Change window.

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Since we have the 30 second costume change timer in place there's really no reason for the costume window to stay open as soon as you click a costume to change to. My simple suggestion to the Devs would be for the costume window to automatically close the instant you choose a costume, especially when you choose to change costumes with a CCE. That way you get to actually "see" the emote go off while getting rid of a window you can't use again for 30 seconds anyway.
    Brilliant AND simple! I hope this has been suggested to them elsewhere.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chuckers View Post
    Phase Shift was a toggle that let you still interact with things. (It's the only way I got the Heart of Hami badges.. once.)
    That's how I got mine, too.

    Originally Posted by Rocket_Bob View Post
    the healing animation took over 5 seconds, and the heal effect came after the animation. You literally couldn't do situational healing, as the team member would die before you'd finish your animation.
    And when Dark Servant was rooted to where you cast it.

  25. I didn't read the whole thread, but I agree that gimmicks should be inherent.
