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  1. Fly is faster than ninja run unless you have run speed setbonuses or swift and sprint.
  2. Purples are more of a thing for people that either:

    A have self heals or buffs
    B Already have strong defense or resistance
    C Have lots of hitpoints
    D Play support or team defense

    I think thats really about it though. Unless you need +recharge for something you wont find yourself using purples very much. So far the only character i've wanted them on is my spines/fire.
  3. Still waiting on tanks to get the brute Energy aura before I roll a energy melee tank myself. Not sure why tanks still haven't got it.
  4. It cannot be intended for entire mobs or AVS to spend more time running from me than fighting me. It never was this bad.... I hardly noticed it until heroes got traps. Suddenly powers that didn't do this started doing it.
  5. Dual pistols is probably really good for your storyline if you were a past thief and Id say either traps or devices. Probably roll a blaster and use devices.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BubblegumBomb View Post
    Speaking of the about pool powers..

    They should take a look at some of the tier 4 powers. Team Teleport and Group Fly in particular. Is there any real use for these?

    This is just my opinion but I would like to see Team Teleport become something like Team Recall and Group Fly made into Grant Flight or something.

    Also, the Presence Pool, does anyone even use these?
    Groupfly is helpful for taking on rikti dropships for those that dont have a jetpack or flight.
  7. Willpower - too much is wrong with the set

    Fire control - imps piss me the hell off. They do great damage but often get in the way of melee players. I can think of all the times I wanted to launch my keyboard across the room because of imps lagging me away from a target. (Devs please make pets non solid objects)

    Dominators - I can never level one very far without wanting to scream at seeing the words "Too tired" on my screen all the time. Villains suffer without any form of recovery buff before level 20 and dominators seem to use more endurance than anything on the planet.

    Warshades - damage is too low to justify the extreme knockback. They scatter stuff everywhere. I've also kinda lost my love for khelds as I've leveled other character. I absolutely refuse to take the ugly forms as I'd rather see my costume or display my costume to others anyway. A game that prides itself on customization really needs an option to hide the forms appearance.
  8. Due to the long animations the blaster is going to be able to do his job much easier than the defender or corruptor. You'd be too busy to do both blasting and support; it would just be inefficient.

    If you were playing on a team with a squishy tank as a emp/pistols, the tank may end up dying while using one of the longer cast time pistol attacks. Pistols seem too situation to roll with most of the support sets... although they should be fine with sonic shields, force fields and traps. But even then on traps, you might get distracted by all the shotty shotty action and forget to use that trusty poison trap or acid mortar during AV fights when they are needed hehe.

    That is ofcourse unless you play a defender or a corruptor like a blaster and don't use any of your support. Which would likely get you kicked from a team faster than widow or spider that skips TTmaneuvers lol But you'd don't sound like that type of person based off your post.
  9. Noyjitat

    S/L vs. Ranged

    Ranged defense allows you dodge all ranged attacks. (just like Melee allows you to dodge all melee attacks and AOE allows *you get the picture) whether its smashing, lethal, fire cold, psi, toxic whatever. You can dodge anything but special damage such as hamidon damage. While smashing, lethal etc defense is blocking and allows you to only block that type of damage. I find it often times to be easier to slot for ranged defense on blasters and smarter.

    Just get hover and swift and slot them with fly speed increases and hover at range until you need to fly in and use a blapper ability.

    I can get pretty funny building a blaster tank and getting tells from the face planted tanker wondering how you're still alive.
  10. Noticing this happening even more now. Just use cold or toxic rounds and watch them run away. AVs, bosses, elite bosses, minions, it does not matter. They all run away.

    It seems to be any power with -speed, -recharge, or a power that does toxic damage. It does not matter if the mob is 1 or 4 levels ahead of you or 1 or 4 levels below you, most of them run the second you shoot them or hit them with a power like this.

    Play a rad defender or a blaster and use irradiate and watch them scatter. Play a traps defender? Watch them run from acid mortar or from poison trap. Play a spines scrapper? Watch them run from your quills (not very fun having to chase things is it?) But if you check the power details, you will not find the word Fear in any of these powers.

    Unlike caltrops, burn and ignite which are supposed to cause fear. None of the teams I've been on have been using powers that are supposed to fear at the time that this happens.

    This is just a plea to fix this. I really enjoy dual pistols but its not fun having to chase everything. Especially things like AVs that take forever to kill as it is.
  11. I got a friend to loan me some cash so I can prepurchase going rogue. Because as of now my debit card cannot be used as I'm having work troubles (who isn't now days?) So my bank account is locked until I get it positive again which normally isn't an issue. In order for me to prepurchase going rogue this was all I could come up with.

    And if ncsoft does not accept prepaid credit cards, could I possibly attach one to my paypal account and use it as a paypal method to make the purchase? Or are there other forms of payment that I can use to pay for going rogue and or use to buy another month of coh.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    - Free server transfers are a prelude to the servers being merged.
    I think the people saying that are mainly SWG players. Its something SWG did right before they shutdown and merged a bunch of servers into a few super crowded servers. They started out with 1 free month of server transfers and kept extending it the deadline until the already many ghost town servers were completely empty.
  13. Seems a little odd that you can't pre-order a collectors edition.
  14. Are you talking about framerate or network lag when you say performance. Because the only time I ever experience a performance problem is during rikti ship raids or invasions and that is network / server lag. Which is I think more on our side, because I know a few people with super connections that don't get the latency issues such as: Powers not firing when recharged.

    I don't really see a performance issues other than that and I don't think thats anything they can truly fix. I guess I'm very much pleased with this game and its developers. No real complaints here.

    edit: reading everything again Im guessing this is another itf complaint. Not really sure what to say here. It happens to me sometimes but not everytime.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    The only way I'd be comfortable increasing the drop rates is if we could make then Bind on Pickup, tech which we don't currently have.
    And heres to hoping that you never do or never attempt to add such a terrible feature to our current able to trade for anything game.

    I like not having to muster up 10 - 40 people just to get gear (enhancements) And I'm glad that you've made things in our current raids tradeable. Well the hami-os atleast. Its great that in coh I can use my earned inf to buy anything ingame that I want or trade for it and it needs to stay that way. As "no trade", "bind on pickup", "soul bound" crap would just ruin this game for alot of people.
  16. Positron,

    I sent you a pm but I do not know of you auto block those or read them so I'll post here too.

    Could you get with your fellow staff and double check on what operating systems are also being testing with your main post here? Will using windows xp instead of vista or 7 hurt performance any in going rogue? I've noted so far that xp is still better for gaming in all of my experiences. Just wanting to know.

  17. Mate, it would be a waste of money and effort to upgrade a card on a machine that old. Better off saving the cash until you can build a new machine.

    My secondary computer is a dell 4600 like yours and thats simply too old to spend cash on. It was a good computer in its time but its not going to give much better performance by sticking yet another agp card in it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
    when are they going to make another Temp Power a Vet Reward?
    Never hopefully. Its bad enough that new players have to wait years just to get access to special powers and costume pieces.

    Fluff vetrewards such as respecs, character slots, and bonuses to inspirations and storage seem much more reasonably fair to everyone, since they can either already be purchased or earned through ingame grinding. (minus the inspiration bonus)

    Although I wouldn't mind if they made another perm temp vetpower as long as it could now be re-obtainable through ouroboros flashbacks for non vets.
  19. You want to keep each stick of ram at the same capacity and the same speed or It will cause conflicts... unless something was changed in vista and 7. 4 1 gb ddr3 pc10666 for example are fine but you wouldnt want to mix anything. Some will even say not to mix different manufacturers of ram which is more than likely a bad thing too.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'm not so sure that'd be so good - the costume creator is a big feature of the game, and having options that mean your creations mightn't have all the parts shown to other players would take away from it a bit, I think.
    eh... I'm not wanting something to hide my costume details, I'm saying it would be a nice to be able to disable displaying of other players costume auras etc. I don't need this myself but it would help the people with really old computers and possibly solve the problem with not being allowed to have multiple auras.

    So if you dont want to see capes, etc because they make your machine lag then you can disable them.
  21. I always tell people to stay away from the 2.66 ghz processors due to a bad history that I've had with that particular frequency.

    But that should more than easily play ultra.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    I actually tested this before the break. Using similar NPC models with different number of cape FX systems. Here are the results:
    • 100 NPCs - 0 capes = 48% loss in frame rate
    • 100 NPCs - 1 cape = 75% loss in frame rate
    • 100 NPCs - 3 capes = 92% loss in frame rate
    So yes, there is a reason that we don't want players loading themselves down with multiple cape systems.
    So I guess it would be a bad idea to offer you cookies in hopes that you one day implement performance options such as

    Hide other players: Capes, auras, wings.
    Hide other teams:Capes, auras, and wings.
    Hide other players: Buff effects
    Hide other teams: Buff effects
    Hide player pet: buff effects
    Hide player pet: aura effects
    Hide NPC: Capes, auras, and wings.
    Hide NPC: Buff effects

    Maybe you could someday do this, then you could remove costume restrictions. So if someone wants a trenchcoat, cape and wings... (hmm that would look very silly.) They could do it.
  23. I always thought they should add a story arc mission check list. As you do missions with people in different story arcs it will check off each mission of the arc that you have completed, and once all of the missions for that arc are completed you get the reward merits for that arc. No matter what order you do the missions, once you complete all of the missions you get the reward even if you do the first mission last.

    Once you complete the arc it resets your completed missions so you can do it again in the future.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    It's nice to see that yet another person doesn't understand the NCSoft security problem. What's been happening is that you log in to the NCSoft Master Account site with your own username and password, and the server gives you access to somebody else's account. Having one of these keyfobs wouldn't change a thing.
    I'm not even aware of or referring to whatever problem you're talking about. I just added my own little thoughts about increased account security to this thread.
  25. Wow has some sort of account security service where they mail you something for your computer. I believe it plugs into the usb and generates a number or something to use whenever you login.

    I really wish ncsoft offered this service because you'd never have to worry about being hacked ever again. Once you setup your account it is REQUIRED to have that device just to login.

    Maybe I understood it incorrectly but I was told wow had that. Any wow players want to shed some light?