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  1. I know certain powers have a higher chance to hit and higher accuracy. But something just seemed odd to me and I wanted to make sure it wasn't just a bad luck night or something. Tonight was the first night since issue 17 that I've really had the chance to play a decent session but I had been playing a good amount during 16.
  2. I'm thinking something got broken somewhere. Finding tonight on my shield tanks with 45%+ that I seem to be getting hit alot on a wide variety enemies. Council, rikti, cot, you name it. It almost feels as if I don't have very much defense at all.

    I'd just like to know if anyone else has noticed this or not. Having been playing tanks very heavy here for quite awhile and usually defense heavy tanks. Something just doesn't seem right with this patch.
  3. The thing is I did restart the game and it was still broken. It was usuable again sometime later though. I don't know exactly how long I logged out before trying again.
  4. The old anti spam timer was long enough now we have some new one. I was bidding and getting salvage when i suddenly get spammed by that annoying beep from the anti flood. And as of 10 mins ago I've been unable to claim items from the market.

    Please for the love of god reduce the timer. The old timer was way too long to begin with.

    *update* I have tried to use the market on multiple characters now. All of them are locked from bidding or taking items but they can search for items still.
  5. I'm loving this new email ability to send things to my other characters or other players but it got me thinking.... Its now even easier and quicker for those that hack accounts to quickly send your items/inf to their global ids. So I'd like to propose a new completely OPTIONAL security feature (<---I typed optional in caps to make sure the kiddies see it)

    1. Make it so that in order to send items or money via email that you must first type the answer to a secret question. Such as the forgot password or account question or maybe an entirely different question.

    2. Apply #1 with player to player trades (the more common way that they steal from you in other games, although #1 is now the quickest)
    3. Apply #1 with player to container storage (they steal your account and invite it to a sg to transfer items to a base storage)
    4. Apply #1 with player to market (probably an unlikely way to steal items or money from someone, but why not cover every possible type of way for them to move items/inf from your account?)

    You could enable all 4, none of the above or just a couple of the new security filters. This would basically make it just that much harder or require more time for someone to steal from you.

    I keep my computer pretty clean, but I do get paranoid from time to time. I hope a red name sees this thread.
  6. Noyjitat

    Mids' for I17

    Thank you for continuing to make build planning as easy as it gets.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jbot View Post ARE INVENTORS OF MMO NCSOFT ONLY ONES USE MMO

    Ncsoft: Wanna get through this without humiliation?

    Geez. Blizzard might as well sue Valve for stealing "their idea" (FPS)
    Blizzard isn't the first company to come up with an idea to make an mmofps. See my homepage. SOE owns that ballpark.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    I didn't look for any other threads because this was the closest one to the top of the Suggestions forum. I'd like to see an "Accessories" Pack consisting of

    Holsters (hip and possibly thigh)
    Jetpacks (that animate like Rocket Boots)
    1950s-style "fishbowl" space helmets

    I wouldn't really care what power or emotes were included if we could get the majority of what I listed above.
    I think before we ever got hip and thigh costumes they would first have to give us that as a costume option. Otherwise you couldn't have belts with them as well. Which I'm hoping they do give us more costume piece slots in the future. Especially head and face details.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    "Gift" is exactly the right word.

    When I was playing WoW, if there was a major change to how Rogues played, my Hunter didn't get a free respec, only Rogues did.

    When Energy Aura got changed, all my brutes, and all my non-brutes got free respecs, even though none of them were EA.

    When Gaussian's Unique got fixed, all my toons got a respec, even though none of them even had one slotted, let alone multiples.

    When they give the freespec to everyone who needs one, it's what is expected to allow people to continue to play substantially changed characters. When they give everyone a respec, regardless of who was affected, it's a gift.
    All my years playing wow I don't ever recall getting a free respec unless they changed the talent trees and forced you to respec. But respecs in that game aren't much of an issue since 50 gold really isn't that much money.
  10. I wouldn't exactly call them gifts since they usually do some sort of power/enhancement nerf or buff nearly every patch whether that nerf or buff hits your character/s or not.

    I wouldn't see the harm in making them stack since veteran rewards and earned stack. Not everyone is a veteran and has 4 or 5 guaranteed respecs available per character. It would be something good for folks to save up.

    They could also simply change the earnable ingame respec to allow you to earn unlimited respecs by simply doing the trial over and over as 3 isn't always enough.

    As for the respec rewards... Good luck there. I've only ever seen 3 drop and be prepared to spend 1-200 mil if you buy one off the market now days.
  11. Travel powers, travel powers, travel powers. Id pay 50$ or more for an extreme booster pack with travel powers in it and costume pieces for the said travel powers.

    I'm talking real jet boots, jetpacks, hover boards, hover disks and the associated boots, packs or hover items added to the costume creator for travel power customization. I could go on and name a bunch of other travel powers in that other game that I'd love to have in coh someday.

    This would more than likely take alot of side time to develop as we wouldn't want them to cease development on other things just to do booster packs. But it is a dream of mine to someday see a bunch of real travel powers added. I say real because I don't mean temporary powers like ninja run but rather a power that you have to spend one of your power slots on.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I think the only reason this -won't- happen is that it's probably a little too close of a nod for intellectual property reasons. It screams Superman after all. Ever wonder why we don't have a newspaper reporter/photographer Day Job badge?
    We already have a few costume change emotes that other characters/heroes use in other properties. I think I recall in the movie "the mask" that he once changed into his costume by spinning very quickly. And I know I've seen that in many many other cartoons and movies. So I doubt anyone officially owns or could claim a copyright on changing clothes or uniforms in a phonebooth.

    That just seems a bit too extreme.
  13. I'd totally pay for this as part of the future "Backalley brawler fan club booster pack" and would make a donation to his paypal account should it ever happen.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
    Am I the only one that is angered/confused by people asking for DR in PvE?
    I don't think they were "asking for it" But were checking to see if the devs had considered it since they are suddenly doing balance/nerf passes on certain set bonuses and limiting aoe buffs.

    I know I was a bit worried and it looked like a wave of nerf bats was approaching.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
    Any chance of getting a hint of which travel powers are discussed most often?

    Hoping I'll finally get that hover board or hover disk that I've wanted for my assault rifle / traps characters for so long now.
  16. Quote:
    Will you be introducing more booster packs after the origin series is completed, and if yes, what are some of the themes we can expect to see?

    War Witch: Absolutely. In fact, Positron and I have been working on some cool ideas. Now that we're done with Origins, options are almost limitless for future themes. In fact, if you have ideas for future booster packs, put them in a dedicated thread. We'd like to see them!
    I pmed war witch after I read this as we never did get a mutation booster pack. So they really aren't finished with origins unless she basically just said its being included with issue 17 or going rogue. Or for whatever reason they just decided not to do a mutation pack. Which to me would be illogical since we have 4 out of the 5 origins completed.. Why not make one for all 5 origins?

    edit: Disregard this post. It must of been a formatting issue with that webpage. The questions are posted/answered out of order.
  17. I see no problem with this except for capes and vanguard pieces. RWZ needs to be more attractive as it is. Its a barely used zone for most servers and the cape.... It might seem tedious but that new story arc where you learn about hero one always has seemed like something important.
  18. 36 isn't enough for me either. Most of my characters are 50 or the high 30s or 40s so I'm gonna want to level more characters and i'd rather not play on more than 1 server.
  19. ooo... learn something everyday thank you I will try that.
  20. Hello, does anyone know a player named "Luckie Star"? I'm not sure who he is but apparently he joined my sg on freedom at some point and got automatically promoted to sgleader during our time on liberty. My friends and I jump from playing villains full time to heroes full time from time to time.

    If anyone knows this player please have them contact me either on the forums here, or ingame on my global handle @noyjitat. They can also email noyjitat on freedom.

    Customer service can't help or so they claim and waiting 45 days to get auto promoted back is just unacceptable. I really wish that the auto demote feature would be removed to begin with

    *edit*: I have met with the player and luckily they were more than willing to restore leadership. *pun intended*
  21. Quote:
    Mission Architect

    * Rewards in Mission Architect missions that contain more than one allied critters will give progressively lower rewards for each additional allied critter in the mission
    Does this work for all allied critters or just allied critters that are killable? Presently one of the easy farm exploits is to have hostages follow you around and heal/buff or use knockdown powers such as ice slick or debuff powers such as anguishing cry.

    I have been wanting to see lame farms like this nerfed for quite awhile as farms with things like this only make the quality and learning curve of a new player just that much more bad when they are never truly challenged ingame or ever at true risk they simply never learn how to play. Basically the kind of people you never want on your team.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
    We have this to an extent (grinding TFs for merits), although it's less evident than when you used to get recipes directly.
    I wouldn't say that anyone really has to do that because our game has a nice trading community where all of the really nice stuff isn't bind on pick up. I really hope that never happens either.... Its one of the nice things about coh and to me it would totally ruin the game if I suddenly found myself having to enhancement and recipe grinds on all of my characters just to bring them up to par in each expansion.

    Being able to spend my earned inf to improve my characters is much more enjoyable. I'd rather do the content for fun rather than make a job out of the game.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fabled_Healer View Post
    There is 1 key difference. You are doing the same thing over and over, but in wow you have a goal. You might be grinding the same few dungeons 100 times, but generally for better gear so you can move on to better things (ie the latest raid encounters). The ability to progress your character (non-rp wise) in anyway is simply appealing to many, which is what I feel CoX lacks.

    Personally I can not wait for the end game system Posi is working to arrive. I would love to dust off some of my L50's for some advancement.
    I can agree with that but in coh you also have the goal of perfecting your character and trying out different builds. Until you are able to do things the common hero can't do. You can see just how powerful IO and set bonus characters are compared to people that still use SOs.

    Atleast its been a goal of mine for awhile. As an example, I was able to make a Ice/Ice tanker that has as much defense as a shield tank. Where as every ice tank I had teamed with thus far was always dying too quickly or always having to use hibernate to survive.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post

    Because apparently "mainstream" MMO players really want to use orcs and elves to kill the same stupid dragon or lich or whatever over and over for months at a time so they can get all the uber-gear they need to kill the next dragon or lich.
    See I can't quite figure out people because of this. People say that coh has no content and everything is repetitive but wow has more repetition than any game out there right now. As an example you will probably do dungeons such as forge of souls more a couple 100 times just to grind dungeon tokens or insert other dungeons into the equation.

    Truth be told you do the same thing over and over more in wow than you will in coh and not just on one character but every character you make.