More rows of slots per server




Everyone has that urge to see someone playing a certain type of toon an maby get a urge to make one. But what if you cant, your server is full. That or your just like me an like to make alot of toons. Wouldnt it be nice to have more slots to each server insted of 3 rows it would benefit Us as Players an the people of COH. It helps us so we can make more toons an it helps COH make more money so its a win win. I think this would be really cool to get more rows per server cause maby you like a certain server an yours is full you dont wanna leave your friends / SG/VG mates just cause u have a urge to make a new toon so why not get more slots an stick with that server an all your friends. Lets get some ideas goin here everyone an see were this goes



Do you want the Devs to give us more slots ? If they do that , how do they make money ? And how many more slots would be enough ?



the Devs make money because like they have it now we would have to buy them like right now an like 2 more rows or atelast 1 would be preaty awsome






Originally Posted by NovaFactor View Post
Do you want the Devs to give us more slots ? If they do that , how do they make money ? And how many more slots would be enough ?
They can add another row of slots without giving us any slots for free you know. They could add as many rows as they want. You'd just have to buy the extra slots like you do now.

And as to how many slots is enought . . . I have over 100 characters spread across 2 accounts. How many do you think would be on the same server if I hadn't run out of room.



I think the OP means he wants the limit to characters per server expanded beyond our current 36.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I think the OP means he wants the limit to characters per server expanded beyond our current 36.
^^this. and it gets a /signed from me.



36 isn't enough for me either. Most of my characters are 50 or the high 30s or 40s so I'm gonna want to level more characters and i'd rather not play on more than 1 server.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I agree, I see no reason why there should be any limit to number of characters per server, especially when we're paying for extra slots. If I ever reach the maximum number of characters per server, (I'm a ways from it thus far) I'm not going to be buying more slots because there is no way I'm going to start characters on an entirely different server.




It would be very good business sense as well. Putting a limit as to how much a certain kind of customer (people who are server-loyal in this case) can spend on a particular product (character slots) isn't very smart.

I understand it's catering to a small subset of customers (server-loyal people with an ungodly ton of alts) but by definition it's a subset that is willing and wanting to spend money on an already existing product. It's silly to not exploit those customers, IMO.

Full disclosure: I don't have nearly that many toons but I am very server-loyal to Pinnacle. Eventually I'm likely to get there as I've already hit my current cap. I'm going to wind up buying some more slots soon (even though I should just delete some of the toons I don't play) and eventually I'll run out of room to buy more.

--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



Barring technical limitations, I'm for this. It would also help the EU players who don't have more than 1-2 servers (2 English, 1 ea. French and German, IIRC) to begin with.

Having them limited is good in a way, in getting people to spread out a bit (I've got folks on every server, though it wasn't because of slots initially.) And I do think people should try others out - I don't *get* the "I don't want to play on another server," especially if you bring friends along (do a theme team, new RP = new server, or whatever floats your boat) but I won't say they're wrong to feel that way.



Ok , I'm sold . Make it so DEVS



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Barring technical limitations, I'm for this. It would also help the EU players who don't have more than 1-2 servers (2 English, 1 ea. French and German, IIRC) to begin with.

Having them limited is good in a way, in getting people to spread out a bit (I've got folks on every server, though it wasn't because of slots initially.) And I do think people should try others out - I don't *get* the "I don't want to play on another server," especially if you bring friends along (do a theme team, new RP = new server, or whatever floats your boat) but I won't say they're wrong to feel that way.
Bill, I agree that people should try other servers. I have tried them all. I stick to Pinnacle specifically because I have tried all the others and I just like Pinn the best. Each server has its own culture, to some degree, and different people fit in in different places (we on Pinn usually fit in next to the case of beer and just behind the bottle of wine). For instance, while I'm sure others haven't had this experience I absolutely refuse to build a toon on Guardian because literally every toon I've ever built there has had kill-stealers hit them at least three times by level 5.

If someone is loyal to their server because they haven't ever tried a different one I'd say they certainly should, but once you've found your home by trying them all and giving them all a reasonable chance? Loyalty in this case just makes good sense.

--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
Bill, I agree that people should try other servers. I have tried them all. I stick to Pinnacle specifically because I have tried all the others and I just like Pinn the best. Each server has its own culture, to some degree, and different people fit in in different places (we on Pinn usually fit in next to the case of beer and just behind the bottle of wine). For instance, while I'm sure others haven't had this experience I absolutely refuse to build a toon on Guardian because literally every toon I've ever built there has had kill-stealers hit them at least three times by level 5.

If someone is loyal to their server because they haven't ever tried a different one I'd say they certainly should, but once you've found your home by trying them all and giving them all a reasonable chance? Loyalty in this case just makes good sense.
<-- Started on Pinn. It and Victory are home.

And I'll point out my last sentence there, again - might not get it, but I won't say they're wrong to feel that way. Don't have to defend yourself to me, if it makes you happy to stay mostly on one server, go nuts.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
<-- Started on Pinn. It and Victory are home.

And I'll point out my last sentence there, again - might not get it, but I won't say they're wrong to feel that way. Don't have to defend yourself to me, if it makes you happy to stay mostly on one server, go nuts.
Don't think I'd ever defend myself to you, Bill. I don't recall you ever getting offensive.

I've played a bit on Vicky. She's not bad. I think I might even have a couple of alts there still. Seems like good people. Haven't been playing enough recently to get invited to any regular teams on any server, though.

--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



As somebody who's built up a tidy little personal VG, and plays hero-side with an SG that is very prestige focused, extra slots on those servers would be a very nice bonus.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
<-- Started on Pinn. It and Victory are home.

And I'll point out my last sentence there, again - might not get it, but I won't say they're wrong to feel that way. Don't have to defend yourself to me, if it makes you happy to stay mostly on one server, go nuts.

Just to clarify, I myself wouldn't remain on just one server. However regardless of whatever limit the devs choose to give us (except unlimited) I would strive to fill it.

The reason I have 2 accounts is because I can't fit more characters on my preferred servers, and the ability to do things without nvolving third parties.



yes, more slots please.

My home is Infinity, I do visit Freedom and Champion sometimes because I do have a few friends over there. But when it comes down to it, my roots are tied to Infinity.



Been here for a long durned time and if there is indeed any way for us to get more than the 3 columns of slots.. I beg of you to release it. Cursed game feeding my altitis...

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



I am also running out of slots for my home server.. I am not opposed to starting toons on other servers.. problem is.... I'm poor on other servers. I think its a great idea to add rows, why not? if people want to pay money to have them.. let them have them, take their money, make 'em happy. They really need to start realizing that veterans of this game are getting bored, if there are simple things they can do to keep them happy and paying, then do them, its easy, its money, its loyalty to the game as well as the server. If you have 36 toons, or close to it, odds are you have been playing a long time, or you were cranking out 50's during the ridiculous AE farming xp exploits era, either way, these people want to make more toons, level them with friends. I know personally, if not for the friends i have on CoX, i would have moved on a long time ago, they keep me playing and as much as i enjoy decking out a 50 with IO sets and tweaking builds to get them just right, the fun for me in this game is making new characters, coming up with a new idea, a new concept, a new theme.. making a few new costumes... All in all, there would be no harm in adding acess to more character slots and they might even keep a few extra customers in the process.



Originally Posted by Mnemnosyne View Post
I agree, I see no reason why there should be any limit to number of characters per server, especially when we're paying for extra slots. If I ever reach the maximum number of characters per server, (I'm a ways from it thus far) I'm not going to be buying more slots because there is no way I'm going to start characters on an entirely different server.
So 200 slots on one server would be okay with you?

And money rule$?
If you have all that phat loot, get a second account and you can buy and fill up 36 more character slots on that server as well.
Heck, buy another computer and team with yourself. Buy 7 more accounts and fill up all those 36 character slots - and 7 more computers and make a full team with just yourself.

Are you really that scared of the other servers?
You are scared of them, aren't you?
I bet you are scared of chatting on channels except for supergroup, team, tells, and private global channels as well.

[Getting under your skin? Wake up call!]

Seriously, I somehow think it would be cheaper just to transfer characters that you aren't going to play much to other servers, make your new characters on your "home" server, and then transfer characters around if you want to play them on your "home" server.
Will you loose your name? Maybe.
With i17 you will be able to e-mail inf and items to yourself - globally - which means that any characters that you have "parked" on another server, can still craft and send stuff back to your characters on your home server.

Somehow I see extra slots on one server to be a boon for exploiters.
They definitely would be for the xenophobic.
There is life on the other servers - and, apparently, you have plenty of free slots on all of the other ones - you're just too scared to use them ... or is it time to buck up and be a hero?
Bust outta that shell.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
So 200 slots on one server would be okay with you?

And money rule$?
If you have all that phat loot, get a second account and you can buy and fill up 36 more character slots on that server as well.
Heck, buy another computer and team with yourself. Buy 7 more accounts and fill up all those 36 character slots - and 7 more computers and make a full team with just yourself.

Are you really that scared of the other servers?
You are scared of them, aren't you?
I bet you are scared of chatting on channels except for supergroup, team, tells, and private global channels as well.

[Getting under your skin? Wake up call!]

Seriously, I somehow think it would be cheaper just to transfer characters that you aren't going to play much to other servers, make your new characters on your "home" server, and then transfer characters around if you want to play them on your "home" server.
Will you loose your name? Maybe.
With i17 you will be able to e-mail inf and items to yourself - globally - which means that any characters that you have "parked" on another server, can still craft and send stuff back to your characters on your home server.

Somehow I see extra slots on one server to be a boon for exploiters.
They definitely would be for the xenophobic.
There is life on the other servers - and, apparently, you have plenty of free slots on all of the other ones - you're just too scared to use them ... or is it time to buck up and be a hero?
Bust outta that shell.
Explain some manner in which more slots on the same server can be exploited in any way more than the number of slots we currently have before starting to throw nonsensical accusations around. I don't see it.

Furthermore, yes, I think it would be ok to have 200, 2,000, or whatever number of characters a person feels like making on the same server.

Wherever I am playing is also where I have made friends. I have no interest in switching servers and having to look for new friends while I'm there, then winding up with two groups of friends that can't interact, if I even manage to split my time between the servers. I'd rather put my time into where I am, and remain close with the friends I already have, than have to spend less time with either group.



Originally Posted by Mnemnosyne View Post
Wherever I am playing is also where I have made friends. I have no interest in switching servers and having to look for new friends while I'm there, then winding up with two groups of friends that can't interact, if I even manage to split my time between the servers. I'd rather put my time into where I am, and remain close with the friends I already have, than have to spend less time with either group.
While I think alt_oholic's post was out of line, I have to address this.

Why would you think you'd have to "look for new friends?" What would keep you from starting a new SG, or theme team, or RP group or whatnot with those same people at the core on another server?

And who says those groups, if they WERE separate, wouldn't be able to interact? Bring stragglers along. With SSKing, you don't have to worry about trying to make sure everyone can group or whatnot.

Make one server your villain server. Make another your hero server. Make one on some theme. And just rotate through.

I am, by the way, saying this as someone who has *done* this (and currently still is.) It's not that difficult.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
So 200 slots on one server would be okay with you?

And money rule$?
If you have all that phat loot, get a second account and you can buy and fill up 36 more character slots on that server as well.
Heck, buy another computer and team with yourself. Buy 7 more accounts and fill up all those 36 character slots - and 7 more computers and make a full team with just yourself.

Are you really that scared of the other servers?
You are scared of them, aren't you?
I bet you are scared of chatting on channels except for supergroup, team, tells, and private global channels as well.

[Getting under your skin? Wake up call!]
I see someone is off his medication again.

Seriously, I somehow think it would be cheaper just to transfer characters that you aren't going to play much to other servers, make your new characters on your "home" server, and then transfer characters around if you want to play them on your "home" server.
2 character slots $9.99
1 server transfer $9.99

5 character slots $19.99
5 server transfers $49.95

Sorry Alt but your math is way off.

Will you loose your name? Maybe.
So here you even admit a simple server transfer could easily cost more than buying additional slots.

With i17 you will be able to e-mail inf and items to yourself - globally - which means that any characters that you have "parked" on another server, can still craft and send stuff back to your characters on your home server.
This has absolutely nothing to do with adding more slots per server.

Somehow I see extra slots on one server to be a boon for exploiters.

They definitely would be for the xenophobic.
There is life on the other servers - and, apparently, you have plenty of free slots on all of the other ones - you're just too scared to use them ... or is it time to buck up and be a hero?
Bust outta that shell.
Yeah Alt definitely needs to up the dosage on his thorazine.