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  1. I just bought and installed a gt 240 superclock to run along side my gtx280 to hopefully improve quality and performance in coh but I'm not even sure if its working in coh or not. I selected the GT 240 in the nvidia control panel as my physx gpu but in the coh video options, the Ageia Physx support is greyed out and N/A as shown in the screenshot below.

    Does this not have anything to do with my gt 240? I'm kinda new at the whole having more than 1 video card and I've never bought a dedicated physx card before. If this has nothing to do with my card then what is that option and would how would I enable it? Would it further improve the quality and appearance beyond what my card is supposed to be doing?

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
    The Animation Department has heard you. *wink*
    Does this mean I will finally get my official backalleybrawler fan club facepalm emote?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

    The first one features Sakura's aerial Hadouken from Marvel vs Capcom 2, Iron Man's basic strong punch from Marvel Super Heroes (don't think it's named), Thanos' basic strong punch from Marvel Super Heroes and Captain Commando's Captain Corridor from Marvel vs. Capcom - it's the big full-screen energy bolt

    The second one features four super moves: Iron Man's Proton Cannon from Marvel Super Heroes, Ryu's Shinkuu Hadouken from Marvel vs. Capcom, Cyclops' Mega (or was it Hyper?) Optic Blast from X-Men: Children of the Atom and Dr. Doom's "I don't know what it's called" super from Marvel Super Heroes (or possibly Marvel vs. Capcom 2) that I caught mid-way - that energy ball explodes into a much larger blue fireball that wasn't as photogenic.
    hmm I play marvel vs capcom alot on my playstation but geez why does marvel vs capcom 2 look so horrible compared to the first one? That proton cannon looks terrible.
  4. alternate stances would be nice. I know we are going to get stance emotes but I'm assuming you have to type those everytime you login or everytime you stop moving. I'd rather have something more permanent like how you can choose from 4 during character creation in champions.
  5. Now obviously these are more longterm than short term but i think some folks wouldn't mind paying extra for all the things I'm gonna list. I realize most of it either won't happen or will not happen for along time but I'm going to ask anyway since it doesn't hurt to. I hope backalleybrawler is reading this

    Quickly I'm just gonna get this out of the way. I want my official backalleybrawler fanclub facepalm emote.

    Travel power customization
    Something I'd like to see someday as another way of extending upon issue 16s power customization.

    In addition to changing the colors of many different travel powers I'd like to see new variations or animations.

    Hoverdisk / Hoverboard or cloud: Can the animation for sliding on ice be re-used to an extend for standing on the added hoverboard or disk?
    Anti grav boots, jetboots and jetpacks
    Elemental flight such as the electric / magnetic flight that freakshow currently havve

    Skates/ rocket boots or a skate board
    anime style run that you see in champs
    Elemental animations, or things such as rock or ice appearing near your feet

    Here I'd really like the rikti style teleporting (along with the cool sound) and maybe even use wormholes animation when teleporting.

    Super Jump/combat jumping
    Elemental animations again and maybe create a cool fiery explosion or electrical discharge upon landing (depending on what element)

    I think travel power customization is something many of us would be willing to pay extra for.

    More alternate animations for all power sets and or changes

    shield defense
    A personal request that I've always wanted is a change to one with the shield. I've always loved how the council ascendants use that power similar to hibernate where they are untouchable and heal over time. They just hold the shield with both arms out stretched.

    Why wasn't this given to shield defense in the first place? I guess castle would need to comment on that, I'm assuming it was tech problem? Don't get me wrong, the current buff can be quite nice at times but it recharges so slowly and this power change would add some extra fluff to the set and make it look cool if you ask me.

    martial arts, super strength, stone melee and the elemental melee
    I'd like to see the remaining martial arts and super strength powers get new alternate animations and to see more use of the stone mallet for stone melee, more use of the fire and ice swords and a new electric sword, maybe something like a tesla coil or a hammer? (without looking too much like thors hammer ofcouse)

    I now await an offical backalleybrawler facepalm.
  6. Wow, that looks great! July can't get here any faster I hope the next round of closed beta is coming soon, didn't family and friends start already?
  7. I hope the no trade items are not a sign of more upcoming no trade items in coh. They already said that in the "end game system" that we would be able to earn stuff to make our characters and our alts more powerful. Hinting that its some sort of item/s.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
    Won't it be interesting doing Maria Jenkins arc when you started out as a Praetorian? o.O "Their embrace of Tyranny is truly staggering."
    I'm guessing that arc will be moved to the ouroboros flashback system like the old positron tf.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost Vision View Post
    Will never happen. Remember, it's mostly (not always!) NPCs that get the cool stuff
    I've wanted that style of a bottom piece and different variations for thigh highs for quite awhile. I also think that is a new hair style.
  10. All I've got to say is I hope some of her costume pieces will be made available to players. I can see that looking quite sexy on some characters.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Television View Post
    It's not unusual for CoH to try to allocate up to about 1.2-1.3 GB of memory when I play for a long time. This happens because of loading up all the textures for the various maps, villain groups, etc., that I see in a single session of game-play. It wouldn't surprise me if you were also getting that. However, if the game is steadily getting bigger and bigger without you doing anything, or going way beyond the 1.2-1.3 GB I'd expect, that's probably a sign of another leak.

    Can you verify what you're seeing for the second, slower leak?
    What I'd really like to know is why the client doesn't automatically dump those files and clear up that used memory after you're finished and have exited the map. Files that aren't currently being used shouldn't be loaded in the first place.
  12. Yeah I've always used netgraph and it doesn't matter how much activity is in the zone I still see rubberbanding citizens usually only in skyway city though. Network quality is low cut green grass as I like to describe it. The rubberbanding citizens in skyway has been an issue for well over a year.

    I'll look into posting the reports that were requested above.
  13. Coh to me is a great game but you can't please everybody. I play champions as well and 2 other mmos along with coh and I'll probably never unsub coh unless they do some massive nerf.

    I can't for the life of me get any of my other gamer friends to play coh for long... They call coh too repetitive, but don't see games such as wow to be repetitive. If anything wow is one of the most repetitive games on the market right now. You waste your time leveling up characters to only have to do the same chain of dungeons at max level over and over and then the same raids over and over just to get gear good enough to move onto the next dungeon, its the same thing for all of your characters.

    Then another expansions comes out, the level cap is increased and its the same thing over and over. You can't just login a alt and join the new hardest dungeon right from the get go, you have to do that work for that character to bring it up to par just to enjoy the content. I don't have a problem doing that on a single character in a game but if you ask me, that's way more repetitive and boring than coh would ever be. Atleast here we can use our money to craft or buy recipes since this is the only game where crafting is actually powerful.
  14. I think I meant to type the word "sluggish" Can't seem to edit the main title of the first post though.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Television View Post
    We saw a crash in the contact images that was due to old video hardware not drawing the portraits correctly, but we fixed that on Wednesday. That one wasn't associated with a memory leak, though. Are you definitely getting a memory leak with the portraits? If so, that explains why it's still not fixed for you...

    If that's the case, please post your setup info (like the posters above). If it's not a memory leak, lets create a new thread to track down anyone still experiencing that issue so we can find what video cards/other circumstances are involved.
    The contacts tab as far as I know is laggy for everyone when you have many active contacts. It was on both of my computers and my friends new core i7 gtx 280. Been that way for quite awhile though.
  16. Would this be caused by graphics card, my cpu or both? My frames are usually great infact that are always great when I notice the slutterish movement of animations. Its similar to the way citizens in certain zones appear to be experiencing rubber band lag as they walk around. (which I always assumed was server lag as my connection quality is nearly always perfect)

    I have all of my other settings on max other than the view distance and FSAA.

    I'm running a system with:
    GTX 280
    2gb ddr3
    intel wolfdale core 2 duo dual core at 3.0 ghz.

    I don't always notice this issue infact I usually won't notice it at all unless I'm at a mission door waiting on the rest of the team and were just standing around.

    This is a Coh only related issue and only pops up when I have ambient occlusions enabled. All other ultra mode settings do not cause the issue. I was planning on buying a gtx 480 or waiting until the 485 and 490 no doubt come out suddenly.

    But if its cpu related I guess my only real option would be to buy a quad core or overclock my cpu to 4.0 ghz. And I doubt either of those would really help the issue.

    Could it also possibly be improved upon by buying a nice ssd drive? I'm thinking I won't get much more than a year out of my current hard drive as I've been using it atleast 3 years now and they usually don't last me much longer before they start to degrade.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Television View Post
    I did not mean to imply that the game is leak free, but if you are experiencing a memory leak that prevents you from playing for more than 20-45 minutes and it is not related to your graphics drivers, I would really like to hear about it.

    Also, we've had a couple threads going in the last few months to try to identify leaks but we believe that we have resolved what we were able to identify. If you are experiencing another memory leak, especially if it's this bad, please PM me the details. We may need to start another thread to get some more information.

    Edit: if this is happening all the time, no matter what you do, let me know. I don't personally get that behavior and it doesn't look like we're seeing it in QA, so I'll need specific information about your setup. If there are specific things you do to get it, that's extremely useful information to us
    Simply open up the base editor in a medium or larger base and stay zoomed out and go afk. Or just let it sit there for awhile exit the editor and go about playing like you normally would and sooner or later you will crash or freeze. The game keeps using more and more memory and never releases it after using the base editor. I've seen cityofheroes.exe get to 1.7 gb in the task manager before. Usually crashes at 1.4 - 1.5 though.
  18. As many times as I've completed the RWZ arcs I noticed something different last night. We had faultline and fusionette with us in the first mission where you beat up that giant rikti boss (hrotdar or something) but we were moving too fast for faultline to keep up and suddenly he says something along the lines of: "/t fusionette, you pick the movie tonight sweetie" "oh darn mistell, lets get back to the action"

    It got a chuckle out of me since it was so darn random but I don't recall ever seeing this message before. From what I remember it's usually something like: "<insert player name here> where are you?"
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sabertalon View Post
    Since the patch yesterday, my wife and I are having sever "rubberbanding" when we move. Checked all of our characters on all of the servers, same situation. I went through the networking troubleshooting tut on the tech pages, still no joy. I tried running some missions in both standard maps and ae maps with the netgraph on. Each time i moved I'd get a resend and duplicate ount. I'd also see a spike of yellow on the graph. At one point, each time I tried to attack, there would be a lag spike of yellow on the graph. I've checked everything on my end that I possibly can. My settings haven't change in over two weeks (since i17) so nothing should be any different than before. Any help here would be great.
    May I ask who your ISP is? I live in West Virginia and right now something is up with the comcast/Time Warner network and seeing how it says you live in Ohio your connection hops might be the same or close to mine.

    The rubber banding was quite bad and has been the last couple of days. But its not only in coh, because my connection was bad in other games and my connection would sometimes drop randomly and my modem would reset (meaning all the green lights were flashing i.e not connected)
  20. Shield/Sr is about all I bother with nowdays myself because most of the other sets other than electric are too squishy to use for anything but purple farming -1 mobs. Scrapper resistances are too low. I think fire aura is an exception though because of its added damage, and quick recharging heal but only in certain circumstances.

    Now ofcourse I'm speaking on terms of being able to survive against hordes of +2 and +4 mobs on my own without help from the team. I like my scrappers to be able to handle things like a tank and kill in the process.
  21. Everyone wants backpacks, myself included. So I think its safe to say that we will get them eventually.
  22. on my shield electric tank I feel safe enough to go afk and type this. Nearly everything has a 6% - 7% chance to hit. level 52 rikti although the chief mentalist mesmerize seems to have a 54% chance and hits me quite often. Not sure what the case is there unless that power is supposed to have that high of an accuracy bonus? Other mindcontrol / psi powers bounce off my shield tank hehe.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Keep in mind Shield Defense's Defense doesn't have much Defense Debuff Resistance backing it up, so a few machine gun hits (or any number of the myriad of -Def Debuffs critters get) and your Defense will be much lower, or even completely gone.
    Yeah I keep my ranged, melee and aoe defense in the little box at the bottom of my screen always showing so I know when I need to run or take special actions to deal with debuffs. But it wasn't debuffs as my defense was unchanged.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vermain View Post
    You wouldn't happen to have a lot of Blessing of the Zephyrs slotted, would you?
    haha no. I was one of the very unhappy vocal people about that change but this was not from a loss of defense and that was on another character.

    I would like to mention that I noticed this issue on my shield/energy melee tank but I'll need to run tests on my other characters. I thought if anything maybe some odd bit of code just got messed up. I know that certain power combinations have been known to cause other odd bugs to occur.

    Anyone with a 45%+ defense shield/energy tank out there? I'm going to check my other tanks tonight but maybe someone willing would like to take that power combo and just stand in a few mobs and see if all is normal.