Question about using Physx cards with coh

Father Xmas



I just bought and installed a gt 240 superclock to run along side my gtx280 to hopefully improve quality and performance in coh but I'm not even sure if its working in coh or not. I selected the GT 240 in the nvidia control panel as my physx gpu but in the coh video options, the Ageia Physx support is greyed out and N/A as shown in the screenshot below.

Does this not have anything to do with my gt 240? I'm kinda new at the whole having more than 1 video card and I've never bought a dedicated physx card before. If this has nothing to do with my card then what is that option and would how would I enable it? Would it further improve the quality and appearance beyond what my card is supposed to be doing?

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Only original Ageis PhysX cards work with this game. Side effect of being one of the first games that supported PhysX. Later, before PhysX was sold the nVidia, the PhysX software interface changed and only newer games that were written to these drivers maintained compatibility when nVidia bought up PhysX and added emulation support to their graphics drivers. The few games that supported the original interface code like CoH/V were left behind.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Only original Ageis PhysX cards work with this game. Side effect of being one of the first games that supported PhysX. Later, before PhysX was sold the nVidia, the PhysX software interface changed and only newer games that were written to these drivers maintained compatibility when nVidia bought up PhysX and added emulation support to their graphics drivers. The few games that supported the original interface code like CoH/V were left behind.
To expand on this.. it's been stated by many that actually going out of your way to find an original AEGIA card, and enabling it in game wont do much for your performance or quality. Today's processor speeds and video hardware can already handle what CoH needs without it. The marginal (if any) difference is not worth* trying to find a compatible card for your system, paying too much for it, installing it, and tweaking it just to enable the option ingame.

I'm not saying the dedicated card wont help you in other games/software, but as far as CoH is concerned, you might as well ignore that the option even exists.

*Disclaimer: I never had an AEGIA card myself, so I'm speaking from my experience being on these boards and being part of several discussions about this issue, not from actually seeing it for myself.



Somebody also ran benchmarks way back when the AGEIA card was launched. The card did indeed improve CoH's performance... by about the same amount as going from a Single Socket system to a Dual Socket System.

So... in today's world of Dual-Cores and Quad-Cores, the performance advantage that the AGEIA card offered back on AMD AthlonXp and Intel Pentium4 has long been done away with.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I was in a rush earlier to look it up. Here is the official support info on the subject.
The funny part about that link is that I actually still have it saved in my favorites for the express purpose of posting it here when this question comes up... and I didn't even link it. haha

On a side note, my link to it says "coh rules of conduct" in the "Search by Keyword" field instead of "physx" like yours does. Apparently I was searching for something else when I originally came across it the first time and decided to save it. haha

My link for Comparison:

After comparing our links and looking at the address logically, it can easily be shortened to exclude all the extra nonsense:

I updated my bookmark and I'll keep it mind for future references to the support pages as well.