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  1. I know very little about AMDs but seeing as you are still using DDR2 ram I'd trash the motherboard and buy a new board and then get some good ddr3 ram. Its a waste of money just to buy old technology ram again.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    These have been discussed in the thread. Cabal are set up to retreat a ways and fire at you: they don't really fun away. This is different behavior than other mobs that run. Same thing for Diabolique. For Warwolves, they tend to run all over but they do throw things at you and dash back in at top speed, so I think that's the way it's supposed to be. It's frustrating, I suppose, but very characteristic of the mob. As I said before, I don't mind that kind of behavior from some mobs... it's when they're all running that you lose the uniqueness of these types.

    Castle, I should add that there was an issue... maybe I11 or I12 (back when the massive thread in Player Questions started: "Mob AI: Run Away!" or something like that) when enemies running seemed to get really bad. It happened before that issue, obviously, but it started happening much more often: enough so that a lot of players started talking about it and the aforementioned thread was started.

    Between that, common player posts, and this thread, I think you have a strong indicator that perhaps the AI for mobs running is not working well, and even if it is WAI, it would be a good idea to revisit it. Not to get rid of it, but to make it work better and be less frustrating for players.
    I'm not seeing them run away to shoot at me from range or throw a rock. Sometimes they just keep going until they are half way across the map.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Critters run away for one of two reasons: A power or script forces them to or their "grief" flag has been set to true.

    The Grief flag gets set to true when the enemy's morale breaks. Morale can break because a team mate died too quickly, or because they cannot attack their enemy effectively. So, if a group of softcapped players AoE nuke half a spawn down, the rest are pretty likely to run away -- a bunch of their team just died AND their odds of being able to retaliate are at minimal levels.

    I'm not saying there isn't a problem; I am giving you, the players, more information regarding how it works internally. You should also know that runners are a part of the game and eliminating that aspect of the game isn't really likely to happen.
    So what about the really stupid runners like warwolves or Cabal witches? I've seen them run the minute a single debuff hits them. You can't immobilize them or slow them with slows either. And they tend to run great distances across half the map sometimes in the outdoor maps. Or some AVs like the clockwork king will do nothing but run.

    The enemies should be more aggressive and less likely to run from every little thing that hits them.
  4. Does tina macintyre still cap at level 45 (before raising difficulty) or did they make it so you can get the contact at 50 now? If not, they really need to make this contact scale up to 50. Doing a flashback isn't a great option if you find yourself needing to recruit people or wanting to do other things that tf mode won't allow.
  5. I remember Amy's ward doing this in coop zones and then the bug spreading to all zones. She wouldn't attack the owner but would attack everyone else. Although you could attack her, she would buff and heal you as normal.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    What level are they?
    level 50 which confuses me. I knew you could level 1 - 50 very quickly during AE boss farms but I didn't think it was possible now.
  7. I'm seeing scrappers and blasters on Red side already. Did they change the public fame cap or are these super quick power leveled praetorians?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Severe View Post
    change burns animation. it looks good now.but another option like footstomp.maybe like a punch to the ground and have a volcano like burst fromthe ground up to hit the npcs
    Always thought greater fire sword should be similar to that option. But I was thinking of something like shield charge. Your character dashes forward and stabs the ground with a fire sword causing a localized fiery eruption.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    A better question would be: For which powers do you want Alternate animations?

    Sorry, the whole "ending a sentence in a proposition" thing irritates my inner grammar Nazi

    That being said:
    • Travel powers would be key. Alternate animations for Hover (walking in air, yoga position), Fly (disc fly, ice fly, fire fly, flying in an upright position), Super Speed (skates, rocket skis), Teleport (Ninjitsu hand gesture, snapping fingers), and alternate FX for Hasten.
    • Whirling Axe. I remember a bug when Whirling Axe would play the Whirlwind animation. I thought that was actually kind of cool
    • Old West / gunslinger animations for Dual Pistols (to agree with other posters)
    • Aid Other. Would be nice to have alternative to the "tricorder." Perhaps have alternatives for Natural (infusing chi) and Magic (casting a spell) origins.

    Will annotate others I can think of them.
    Been saying this forever now. Please give us options like hover boards/discs and jetpack/rocketpacks for flight.
  10. Noyjitat

    CoH Deluxe

    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    you might want to read that page again, it isn't.

    CoH Deluxe was the EU release of City of Heroes unlocking the EU servers.

    If you already HAVE an account that uses the EU servers, you likely cannot apply the code to your account and it can only be used to create a completely new account.
    Actually it is. I'm holding a copy of it right now that I accidentally bought off ebay once. It includes the prestige cape, and prestige power sprint, vip/destined one badge.
  11. Just bought a evg gtx 480 superclock and had to send it back. It was the first piece of computer hardware that has ever arrived defective. I'm just hoping that I get the replacement before going rogues release.
  12. Check to see that you don't have some very odd key or a mouse button set to take screenshots. I've known of people to somehow do this in other games and get the same problem you are experiencing.

    Does your keyboard have a macro system such as the Razer Tarantula? You might check to see if you have a macro that does 'print screen' rapidly.
  13. Less than a month before we get swept away by the awesome that is Praetoria.
  14. At one time you could have single shoulder and high collar versions of the valkyrie, arachnos, and coh dvd collectors editions capes but now that is no longer possible. You can still have the high collar valkyrie but not the single shoulder version. Please restore this as I'm not sure why this feature was taken away. I do not have screenshots to prove this, only my memory and the memory of a friend that once used it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    ... you really want me to go MagMower on this don't you... ... or are you wanting me to drop your gen while I'm on the other side of the cont?

    It's not worth it. If you really think this, you aren't going to listen to anything else anybody tells you.
    I must know you some how, the magmower comment is too much of a coincidence Thanks, you just made my day and restored a funny memory in the same process.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    . From what I've seen so far, Nvidia's finally gotten back into the game.
    When did they ever leave the game? I stopped buying ATI cards years ago after seeing how much better nvidia graphics are when it comes to quality and performance in gaming.

    I can say that I will probably never buy another ATI card unless its for a non gaming machine because Nvidia cards are the only cards that rise to the challenge.
  17. Noyjitat

    Noble Savage

    Alternate black scorpion?
  18. Always great to receive more information about upcoming content I am interested in this tip system.. Hopefully more beta invites will be handed out soon.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Their EULA/Terms of Service forbid players from revealing their login information, in whole or in part.

    With the switch over to accounts for login, your login is the email address connected to the account.

    To connect to someone using RealID, you must give them the email address connected to the account.

    Therefore, using RealID is a violation of the Terms of Service.
    How often do game companies follow their own rules? Especially those with millions of players in a single game?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
    Good points in your sarcasm except, where are these things being seen? I can't find a demo poster or display anywhere. Now just so you don't think I am some country bumkin, I live in Honolulu, Hawaii. Big city, lots of stores, NO CoX advertisement anywhere. I happen to look at a lot of gaming magazines and websites . . . almost nothing on the websites and less in the magazines for CoX.

    These things Paragon Studios is doing to "advertise" now will NOT bring in any significant players.
    eh.. I'm happy enough to see them putting out a new box.
  21. I think I'd like to take the entire developer team out to dinner.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    I'm not saying all mobs and bad guys should just disappear, but I think most would agree that zone makeovers such as what happened with Faultline could and should happen to advance the game's story. I wonder if that'll be the case.
    Clean up boomtown.
  23. Just paid a visit to gamestop to preorder this and the guy says September 2nd. I hope the record is going to be set straight and permanent, because they didn't know anything about August 17th.
  24. Things should become more affordable now on villains other than low level salvage.
  25. Well I did say that I hope it wont be beyond mid August but I guess I had really hoped it would be in the first week of August. Oh well... can't wait. Guess I'll have more than enough time to purchase a gtx 480 now.